PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY . a. am. w3 o'' I I - _" i .... ... .. If ff wlIw~s - - ---5 ""'. .r . ...,., P Ihd A at tr 'w Met 1 Rio tato I teve Ig e 4;7.33;DefeaOtt Given By norfl(pj('Ilakle's PLAY HERE FRII)AY [ichlip,,ais Varsity liasliet hail sq nodl ret i4iiwi to InAn iArbor 3yes;terda v T ankmen Hold F TAI ipi Speed Trials: IL x' In spitn of the fact that Mlichigan's TO S A T TODAY _ _ MICHIGAN BOWLERS! DEFEAT NAVY TEAM swimming team nosed out Wisconsin by two points in their dual meet last ~hsi'a ' ~ a S n rla v, Coach Mann has not slack- W1itltl' (G rdlron 'iTraini- (fed the pace nt which h2 has been ; lwSeI~l FR1ATIERITY BASKETBALL Coac h Farrell To Hold Trials For Illinois Relays Saturday L A iht, vracflct e hein given the ! oth t hese men are putting the shot Varsity tricksters in preparat ion forI around 42 feet anal are showing con- lhe final trioais for the Illinois relays 1si arnt improvement. t Urbana on Pliroary 28. These trial.,!s u to the cradfl~ condition of thu, wvill lhe held(I t, the field( house on Sat-' field house, aseba]l1 and basket bll itid:1y aftetnoon anid it, is at that. time taking11iagrtdelothromte i~it CachPilrrel wllmake his. final in ers are not, able to run any frill diocisin s a n to oshaita II ntte ie1lengi1Iiracens. II owever, 1thy a rie- drivin ; ficho Ian ksIers since e htook over r 1he 5, 10 ia. Yost erdiuv afternoon WEIMAN IN CHARGE mnornhig t oll( wing its '301l38defeat at f he hands1(1 of ( lti i Salat. Columbuis !Vtindiy -light. It. v1is the meeoitd do- h at or the \v('l{. eitd frthe 'VoIv('i- lims I idiuna loving woti a(close ganme in Zhu Bfeldl, house'S~tllay night. As a 1r--t_11.of I lii" I \(10(bl ssion, . lo oed by one or two time! igan Varsity WaIs iornrallIy otieod tials15ii inteir octistomerildistanceos, last nlg4bt whenisnore than 1511 ecnndi- "TIis woe-l~end was orip nilly planned iEltest 5for' the i192,5(squad(im iethll as a rest illijod hei'ore thle sonuad take~s '~oI to's Yost, Avehnn, and Mtott at rn1 Indiana in thei~r tirdIPandBWal Con- thle Unin.1Mawnsfor' INe winter sche- du;?1.(1 mea1 1(t ~h bma;' 2R , before I "0' o Triin]g were (isc115>od by hoe A g af1fa ir at Iowa MIrch 13, how-i the ceoneheus and( elg ibilily as a Inv- Out of an original entry list of 70 Wo(l verine4 leatd imtg'Iie rt; diie 11a f-ih si raterni ty ha skethal11' Vict ies and No( 10 hsnarrowed down to twelve Defeat1s "'1 0) which replPrseflt the twelve lea-1 goes-. The winners of' the leagues are 7 rt follows: Leanne 1, INKappa Al- LMI SNERI IG VA 1 tLrague 2, [Phi Sigma Delta; Lea i - 1o , Aloha Sigma Phi; League 9, ligan (ofeoated the Navyr in an [ lsitu (lhi; Lea 11e i5, Alpha Tate Om - imte(rell giat c t olegi'o 1)11 1iowl ing De1ltlla 'Tam Delta ; Lea gue 6, matceh held last Fridayv accordingp to Dc ha t Si mtia. Phi; Lea p-ne 7, Phi Sig- repotrts r,*('oi ve(Ifrom C1( . A. Moore, of ilt ';a ;,pa ; L 'a gu"le 9, Phi Kappa; Lea- tYale, ,(eory of he mntei-cehh'pIte ';u( 9 , Nti S:,,, a _Nit; League 10, Phi leaglue. In ibhe (thier Iwo w l::tI('Iie .arotl~ liva L~pr1 Ieatpue 1. Beta Theta Yale defeatted Illinois and1( Syr(tc151' Ili; 1.c ague12, ilelti Kappa Epsilon. ;defeated Itensaller Plioiv e'ni(' Int i The(,'el ye teams1 have been group- lte. (it] into hot'l leagues of three teams R111111) of M ichigan. who is the lprey- eacih, ,as fol lows : Lea.gire 1,Delta ;ent hIigh score Iran an Oil te eaim]ltts, Kapp 1<;_IC sI ilr. winneor'of' Alpha Tan had an 0 v-er'of 151301)for 1,11(0 aIl et'- 'o e ''a. vs Dolt. au anDelta, PiNKap~- noonl. Al esner hasI he 1091ie10('SI avein-E Ia alphta. League_2, lDelt a.('hli, Al- age with11at scoreof 01 4, I . oche ithi rds tplla Sigma Phi. Phi Kappa. ILeague with 11;8:.,Ca net on2,t172, anil Warney 's Be IIta.rlTheta.I Pi, ]Phi Sigma, Delta. ;averaige(i1 70 'Phi' At a uze (.}(1 lueI Phi Lambda Kappa<. lea gue 4. Nit Sig-'tearn rot e:l It1l18 . wht(ihwas thle highi- e'in j oeigwith CochlIann's 1 tic'. th2lb'esaten will tale on the t'o irsi v it an inform,,.] sw hlfmnmng mooct SaItt cls'd ('i"< neon at theY.VI. C. A. tpoal, san.; he .XL A. C. meet will be prlel(n the .1%"Olowing- Satuarday. *2fi' paaas T Tl(, dillIs will he~ in direct (c110rge W~ Coa ales \Veiohi'm 11a(dIllotI 011d1the earl vs''scions will lie occupied alI- inos . rlywitlh drill iin Ill alen- loias. Ra ngoo~n, liirra , iFula. 17,]Te i highier ('On lt has di sOi ssed the appeal of the rtmree I iuddhi st prie5ssoandone laynman tvho, last November, were sentenced11 1or as a11 itig and1(1s' titshyt injuring Prof. and Mrs. Pa i1 (Gleasot, Amer01icain T1152.,ionii0 S at taehded to "qt'. xit teamis I,,;III of ((ll 110 lilllt,'t' rId have te-ma' Ihei oi'events. 'I'Ite ieigl tVoo'fillh,' Vwi of tw'o *Year ! Confer'ence 'IN'li 1)1011 to t foliOa. large; 1 icitlgformi'iat.lpresent and(I wilt have li n t;o1l1 ha:; p0(11 hIopes a tttph'le ra't 'i llprepa ration for file fit (1 11 lace1gain st. ictiw' ll(O. it (is, C(1 cao 1(li (t tiers MIi('htiganiibanks largely on t he da s,- eit. Iniihviduail 51stare e s, the nole vault:, broad jumpli, and]th'o to roll 111) thle O' 't Ia"t.h i Iilliotot' her' ploinlts'ihasSteve 11w; noi 11 1' 11lls11' Wol V('1in('5 thoir'whto ('a11c(:01)with11thle' est or it exeel le01t porl'meris fil I Ceil(' inthose events. SOf c~ouirse the relays will play a large tts inllvwtich Michigan was Ipert in Winning th1v meet atld th te el f ast year 110w been I Maize and( Blue aggregation will ha. e I th1is rse'afson x with Itle 11(1- ja st roll- t we mile team11, two of the ixi, 01' last year'y 's j-c ui'i of being Ifroim last year's 'ch1:iinY- (1z11 bleat lt, 1avarsity man lIsihil) teami. The mite a-id fr1'OiVim ( i I" "ago, ho ph('edin h.t he lj'ela ys wvill also (he)0of excel lent: (cat- ('iattlliottshi ils that yea r. I fibre. c i i t I i ma Nu, Phi Signin I Ina Phi. K.t 1)11(. 1)0110 Sit;-, INTER(CLASS BASK~ETBAi LL The, fol lowing ganties in c'laiss hask- cthall are scheduled f'or Thursday niyht : 7: 45-- -Senior Lawvs vs. Senior h its, Sophi.ILits .-s. Soph i Eng. Lower l~ents vs. JTunior Lits. FroshI Lits vs. ho'osh Lawvs; 8:20-Junior Medics vs. Se~nior Medics: School of Edutcation vs. Senior Eng ; Upl;per Dents vs. Junioi' Eng; Soph Pharmics ye. Actuarial. IND)EPEND)ENT iLEAG('VE cst an t~iot1(l1o11(iflie year. SyraCuse .............~... 4 Il linois . ........ ..... I l pa11ii. ..... .... 0 LoII eI :1 The Laguei0xwishtes 1to r'indl iall1 ' wompen on the campus Iittlacobson's istore offers" five 1)e'r(cenIt(1 i5'olinl i atll goods purch'la sod there. 'tbhis conlr' tesy is being;(lone for the benefit. of the new Leap tie 1)1ildip . Women should ask tor 11we (1isconiawhten I makinig their pur1Ichase. I Wodnesdhay night: at , Delta Upsiloil .s. Th'letat Chi;rJTau Epsilon Phi vs. A Ipit Tan Omega ; Phi Mu Delta vs. (Continued on Page Seven) t i I GMichzt zansI tn1edc herself as one of thle .I udon ('o ?le:;c> hecre. st '(Ingerst ce(;r tendeirs foir Conference honors. \'iI Ii ('ptin Kerr and Hal- st<3 t iin t1e backstroke; Samson, ij (so . iDunnolcin.ald.Johnson in the F ~A o wcai vMel] tlleandClIO Inc. Alexander Shoes in new spring models are noiv, t ~ready for your inspection. State Street, Oker.Calkins ' ~The .Middle'Room Iviih Greenwood and Kilgore At I tiers 11ot te11(oor ,inflat, tine 5(11110 tulle theii groat W\hi-n uiii pil. Ilggertv itii( ('ber-v"wi-re lau'dly' over' givyouthe hlI lilIl and at'1ori1'm'hiatt a.1011' goal to his 1 t' Lf art;hI the ('tilo(fr ttie ap.11 01 -11de..] of' loii' oea(t the tf ~ I f 1'i; tsasonll ly to tfalt ' i r s;\Vhittiag-ham, Mielziner, anti; Mvtaer in the b~reaststr'oke; Siedman 1tnmrovinig in the plunge; Dunnakin, Sa lwon an1(d Johnlson in the 220; and wih itt Ia ilig-it h and ti ar'lret t in the fancy di[ve Michig;an pre'(sent s one of, 'the ices('t.balhan('ed team s that. has 1)('e1 se'en itn Con fel(i e C' '11 ompt itionI in, rec'ent. Fet's. 0 AHL TI.ETI' 0OD Supplies for Every Branch of Sport lie-' e'n s''j~tln' te i l e 111t tw' Perlint, Feb. 17, ---Gustav Adolf'' Pa~ ~ His:oIx It II eel 111v he pit en a Ba u0' rlei ~prl1(' it~i l-igllai 0h I'ot tii,' (i. t Lne ils A been (c xlI~ellTd from ill? SSci a]ist lty hIlA hlI' II willva e fvr e 1 ).Irt (1110to his> alleg;ed conlnection iuh~' llll\ 01 ((lO~ o~, xlm-ei'-I h itlIith4e ltarnzati inancitl s(arida}. ( 711 North University Ave. ci AreNext to Arcade Theatre I leyl ' ((lid (h.1ex aePlayedin t)Me'i0 } osi 1 hasI. )r; 'I t 0 11ir' l'ot'conten- io; ho t im h('('1 I li-'os n ht 'ie, (Grogory, 1Kn'l:1,atid IJII('. lIteI-I tas boonti atwl h: 1 li1 i i i'lii u n o r(i "r t 1 11,a' lipis f' i rly tr 1(1ill'a ndii-'' Ii t I ity i' o - l h,' P Nt,'t- i it ain PH fin 'I acal' c'Ii i ('1' of I u b i'1,1 obie i r~ lilt, Io't-i ari el aV a byI In ho 'IlI? Ah NOICE,'1 __ _ .:.y I1 : yt "J .+/ + F / 3 : .. - lacks 'on'' , IT PAYS TO B3UY GOOD uiigh ltt: ofl lhfiolid houtse. lhigi- hil itt' xwill ho c'Ii scattsset, tid it is o o'il II o l°om''x ai511 'Ol C'~oh. i SITIRTS 1 '° f l -00 "F Delecata"ble Home (iooked Foo(1 Ts ser'vd to the accomp'ani- liIctnv of orchtra~tl Blusic inl llie \'arsitx' 0111 ("Ill~i('I1St. Blow Bugle -Blow? (but when I want to smoke!?) WXhites in English twills and basket weaves.-br_ oad Cloth oxford cloth an'd flannel--- --new stripes in ox- ford cloth and madras He blew at it like a bugle: He puffed at it with might and main. He shouted unprintable words. x And then he~ changed to Blackstone., . Now be gets a fe-wn Nowhe ets' Fee-rawngcgar= "tilways. He gets even-burning, firm-n~ ash cigars--always. He gets extremely mild Havana filler--always: He get the cleanest-made 'of fine - cigars; = , always. $3-00 $3.50 $450 fHavana's best Sfiller crop in !.years -in your -. 1925 wmtT & BO" B~rnsoni There are bigger cigar iizI what you seek.. But at Blackstone{'~ prices it is impossible to make a larger~ cigar of such choice tobaccos: _Iack= , stone was a fine cigar 52 years ago4 It was every finer io years ago; It is at its ver finest in this ypf +2, The Mans Shop GREENWOOD AND ... MO. LJ / .L f' - ill II