PAGE t THE MICHIGAN ' DAILY THE MIHIGAN AILY ED)NI5SDAY; 1?ulBlUAltY 18, 19-5 i 2 TH ANN!VRSARY Research Society Holds Banquet Tonight to Commemorate Inception1 ACHIEVES RENOWN In commemoration of its founding' 25 years ago today, the Research club of the University will hold a banquet at 6:30 o'clock tonight in the Union. 1 All of the living members of the club,1 President Emeritus Hutchins, the Re- genrts of the University, and the presi- dents of the JuniorResearch club and the Society of Sigma Xi have been, invited as the guests of the active or- ganization. Being founded with the express pur-1 pose of uniting "those members of i Tuberculosis Association Warns Patients Regarding New Disease Cure Used By Danish Professor y New .York, Feb. J7, (A. P.)-an- T gaard used it on animals that had tu- ocrysln, an all'eged cue for tubercu- berculosis and found that it was an ex- losis, used by Holger Mollgaard, pro- tremely dangerous drug, which pro- fessor: of physiology at the Royal, Vet- duced fatal results in many cases. In erinary and Agricultural College of ordinary doses, however, it is not dan- Copenhagen, Denmark, is described gerous to those who have no tuber- by the National Tuberculosis associa- culosis. tion in a statement issued today, as a "Because of tie nature of sanocry- drug, the claims for which as a cure sin and its method of use, the regu- have not been proven. Tuberculosis lations of the United States Public patients and others are warned by Ilealtl service require that a license the association not to place false be issued before rhe drug can he used hopes in the "many highly exaggegated in interstate commerce. A study of statements regarding sanocrysin that the claims of Professor Mollgaard have been made by various people." with reference to saneryohin is now be- "The drug is an old one," says Dr. ing made by the Hygienic Laboratory White, "a combination of gold and sul- of the United States Public Health phur salts, technically known as gold- Service under the direction of assist- sodium-thio-sulphate. Professor Moll- ant surgeon general, Dr. G. W. Mc- Coy, a C ., TIUCS HELP PAPER'S Chicago, Feb. 17.-Motor trucks, traveling approximately 1;000 miles daily were the direct cause of adding 6,000 subscribers to the circulation of the Port Huron Tumes Herald in. the last four years, J. L. Doolittle, cir- culation manager, told members, of The Inland Daily Press, association in annual meeting here. Starting from a circulation of 12,000 when the motor truck service-was in- augurated, the figures climbed to 15,- 000 in six months, to 17,000 in two years and to more than 18,000 at the present time. The territory served by the fleet of six trucks now employed by the Times-Herald, Mr. Doolittle explain- ed, includes a considerable section ' of the Michigan "thumb" which is in- accessible by rail, insofar as prompt mail delivery is concerned. To reach this field the same day with the latest edition of the paper, some delivery system other than the -railroads had to be found, Mr. Doo-' little said, and the motor truck plan evolved. Lgndon, Feb. 17. --Although his cold f is described as "unchanged," King George. today was ordered by his phy- sicians to remain several days in Buckingham Palace. HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED YETI il I sw tires ItAl i __ ____.___ i _C li__ ____3! _9 _ _ the academi who are act: and to orig measures as and advance city," the or able list of Many of it institution 4 high placest ties of other have retired reputation it of the' char five have r from Ann A seven aref University s The Resez been a supp keep the sts the Universi and has limi this object. vitation toi to become thoroughly ix qualification which he ha: careful inve extended. RANGE Three Fello St Fourteen s of Engineeri scholarships amounts var per year. Ev ber of thes to studentsa lege, awards astic standin Four of th of $250 with ATr. the Rn- c staff of the University Lib arHe d4 "At the request of the medical re- ively engaged in research, Y search committee of the National Tu- ginate and support such T riJtes'-,c. 10 1 berculosis association experiments sare calculated to foster Ws BOOK nI are now being conducted by three research in the Univer- F-Pol' scientists on calves. If after the ani- rgach aenthato atremark- $ 0 'l 1experiments are completed, achievements to its credit. sruigfPcientm evidence is secured to war- ts members have left this RadlhGAamcsoinfteI rant the use of sancrysin upon hu- and won for themselves Randolph . Adams, custodian of the man beings suffering from tuberculo- of distinction on the facul- William L. Clement's library, is the sis, a study of the possibility of such universities, while others author of a volume recently publish- treatment will then be made under d leaving a nation wide ed by the MacMillan company on the the supervision of one of the Danish n the field of science. Four "History of the Foreign Policy of the physicians who has had experience rter members have died, United States." The book Is an as- in the use of the drug." emoved their residences count of. America's diplomatic pro- Arbor, and the remaining blems from the earliest settling of the Governor akes still connected with the country to modern times and is main- taff, ly valuable because of its broad sur-1?it arch club has constantly vey of past diplomatic traditions. orter of the movement to One of the most interesting pro- andards for promotion on blems which the book traces through ! uit F, ty staff up to a high level, American history is the question of ted its membership t0 aid neutral rights. Dr. Adams points out Lansing, eedich., Feb. 17.-Arguments Before extending an in- that the dispute was as unsettled in were heard in the Ingham County Cir- members of the faculties 1915 as it was in 1815 but that events cuit Court yesterday in the $10,000 members, a committee during the recent war showed that we o nvestigates the candidate's had at last practically surrendered by Mr erson of n s and the research work our traditional stand to the English against Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck. Mrs. ,s done. Only after a very point of view. stigation is an invitation There is no attempt in the book to by the Governor's car in this city in argue either for or against the League 1922, the machine being driven byw a of Nations, but the general direction in chauffeur and the Governor was n which our international policies are SI moving is shown by numerous exam- Clare Relan, deputy attorney gen-r Cpare e4depor thornor, a r HIM Si E ; ples. In the chapter entitled "A Pawn!a1, appeared for the Governor, argu of European Diplomacy" Dr. Adams that the servien was not legal becau states that "George Washington's fare- it was given the Governor while i.! well address may have been a pious >aiing on official business. T wships Not Ieid Include hope that America could steer clear Governor is not subject to legal pr- ipend of $1,000 of Europearn quarrels, but it certain- cess under such conditions, Per Annum ly was not a statement of that as a Should this motion be sustained fact. He also says that "the idea that service would have to be made upon tudents from the Colleges America can stay out of European af- the Governor as an individual while ng and Architecture hold fairs has no basis in fact, for Amer- in Wayne County. and fellowships with lca never has done so from the time__ ying from $100 to $1,200 of the Spanish Armada to the Treaty ery year there are a num- of Versailles in 1919." Company C ages e scholarships available sThe books upholds the American Phone Numbers and graduates of this col-l stand on the subject of Russian reco ,- based on a high schol- nition, and it undertakes proof of the g fact that the international court iS a Letters are being sent out by the e fellowships pay the sum necessary institution for the upholding Michigan Bell Telephone company of $50 for expenses. These of international law. Dr. Adams points Ann Arbor, notifying subscribers of D. C.ha ,in fellowshi in out that America in a sense originated the changes in numbers which willI Ifood ot Quality Once you've tried the new Lincoln Restaurant, we feel sure that you will become a steady patron. Quality in the food served comes first, it -is fully-realized -that this is of paramount importance. Lincoln Hotel and Restaurant 210-12 E. Huron St. Phone 3668 ' Have you read "BCI(FRROW By G. D. EATON '23 S LATER'S BOOK STORE Read The, Daily "Classified" Columns 0o" 1 I J44 i+I I i' I ae'leny 1. . lpl Lelwup 1 highway transport, held by Olaf Jen-.f sen; the Roy D. Chapin fellowship in highway engineering, now held by Lloyd F. Rader; the Detroit Edison company fellowships in highway en-1 gineering, of which there are two, held at the present time, by Horace J. Lake and Clarence S. Jarvis, and the United' Fuel and Supply company fellowship in highway engineering, held by War- ren E. DeYoung. These four, as their names imply, are for the study of the improvement of hard-surfaced roads or transportation. The Acme White Lead and Color Works fellowship in paints which is effered in the research department for the investigation of the settling of sus- pensions. It pays $750 to the student who this year, is Maurice Van Loon. The Detroit Edison fellowship in Metajurgy is held this year by Victor Mazigrie.. Michigan Gas Association fellowship in the research department' has been maintained continuously sinee 1900 with slight interruptions !iuring, the war, and is another $750 1 fund held by Richard E. Towsend. The Swenson Evaporator, fellowship, held this year by Carl W. Christman, varies in amount, this year it is $600. Lloyds Register scholarship of $500 per annum, tenable for three years, is awarded annually to students who are taking Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. The present holders; are E.,Blaydon, '25E, Mark L. Ireland, '26E, and W. R. Renner, '27 E. The George G. Booth travelingE fellowship in Architecture istawarded annually, the stipend 'bbing $1,200. Ralph H. Calder, '23A, and Marion Blood, '24A. At'the present time there are three scholarships which are not being held by anyone. They are the American lBureau of Shipping scholahip of $100 for Marine Engineering students which has been newly created, the! scholarshIp of the Michigan chapter of American Institute of Architects of $75 which is open to students who show marked ability, and the American Academy in Rome. For the latter, graduates are admitted to the annual competition for the fellowship in ar- chitecture of the American Academy in Rome. This fellowship entitles the holder to three years study abroad with a stipend of $1,000 per annum. $500,000 Given Near East Fund f the idea of the international court and that opposition to it is only an evi- dence of a total ignorance of the wholej American foreign, policy. Besides the Robert college, the other f institutions that will bepefit are theI American university of Beirut, Con- stantinople Woman's college, the In- ternational college of Smyrna, and the ; Satfa American schools.1 take place when the new automatic dial system is put in use, probably some time in the spring. The instal- ling of the new system will necessi- tate the changing of every number in Ann Arbor, and the numbers must be properly distributed according to the requirements of the equipment. so that it is practically impossible to give subscribers any choice in num- bers, company officials state. a Pa I ' r . A ; { S ! ' a i i ------- -- -- The Favorite! i 1 i i i I I i i ,i' i' i i j: all-s sit Ad e t, The next few months will witness an increase in interest in , theCaSsified Columns. New business opportunities will be listed. The Automobile Dealers will find there an opportunity to an- The Classified Columns sell, rent, locate, publish notices, announcements., It finds lost articles, employes, seeks employment. It is an excellent business medium. nounce used cars that hand. Real Estate mei there buys in their line. they have on i, too, will list Wants in gen- x 1 a , . , . , g.3 j " I '. f ,.1 t i r a d-h S }r i ..' e I f ' a , r, t Nt f i L r ;{ yr 'N ''.aa ' , ii',iY W The lar-ity proves ever increasing popu- of Rentschler portraits them the favorite. Everywhere, in the homes of the most particular, the most fastidious, you find Rentschler portraits dominating. You too should have one. Ar- range for a sitting today. Make an appointment by phone if you like. $7.00 to $50.110 the Dozen eral will increase as Spring rolls around. Certainly, now, is the time to watch this development, for the Classified Column is not oniy advertising but it is also news. if you desire soplace a classified, come into the Daily offices on the second floor of the Press buulding You can Rentschler showing you in u.portrait phy. ILook new displays count on displays the latest photogra- for the regularly. ,1. .1