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Surrounded by his family, with the medical attendants standing witht bowed heads at his side, the great man breathed his last. There was no sound of despair or noisome grief. The sorrowful calm which pervaded the little group, spent from its weeks of unceasing vigil, was a perfect tributec to the dead. There in the house which has sheltered Michigan's presidents since 1840, the man who had given the very best of his life to the cause of Michigan's greatness lay still in death. Outside the February wind mourned softly through the bare bougsj of the trees, rustling with gentle persistence about the windows, as though seeking admittance to place the tribute of Nature on the bier. Within was the sorrow of a family deprived of husband and father-of others whose personal association made poignant their grief for Dr. Burton the' man, and who also, represented the grief of the University at the loss Sr.t ann its most loyal and devoted administrator. _. ,. .-t M . IMMI, m i 11'' [IFE OF DEAD EXECUTIVE WAS EXMPL E OF DEVOTION TO HIS IDEAL sIN EDUCAIONAL FIELD BRILLIANT CAREER CUT OFF EARLY; HALF CENTURY MARK HAD JUST BEEN PASSED BY UNIVERSITY HEAD President Marion L. Burton, whose death came as a result of broncho- pneumonia followed by relapses due to his weakened condition, was born at Brooklyn, Iowa fifty years ago. The records of that city show that on August 30, 1874, a son, Marion Leroy, was born to Ira John Henry Burton and Jane Adeliza Simmons Burton, Dr. Burton's life shows throughout its entirety the great strength of character which so marked his activities here. Always progressive, always working toward greater things in the educational field, his life was one of strong willed devotion to an ideal formed early and strictly adhered/to. His parents moved to Minneapolis shortly after his birth, and his early versity in 1911, Amherst college in education was gained in the Minne- 1913, Hobart college in 1913, and the apolis public schools. The youngest University of Michigan in 1920. of oursos, inncil ondtins nHe was trustee of the Carnegie of four sons, financial conditions i Foundation for the Advancement of the family compelled him to go to Teaching in New York; a member of work at the end of his first year in the advisory committee of the Institute high school. His ability soon placed of International Education; a mem- him in a position of practical man-- ber of the administrative board of agement of the drug company by the same body; a corporate member agemnt f th drg copan byof the American Board of Commis- which he was employed. Previous to sioners for Foreign Missions, (Con this work he had raised and, sold ; gregational); a member of Acacia, n lntlAdelphic society, Delta Sigma Rho, Sits greaes pigeons an so newspap PhiDet Mrs. Burton, visibly weakened bysh the long enduring strain of her hus-I varyingly kind in disposition, he was streets of Minneapolis to help in the (Carleton band's illness, bore up well under the a man of admirable character and Ip of hisfily. ternityta poise. IHis immediate associates in' In 1893 President Burton entered ber of i shock which those in e touch with is at e iesi Carleton Academy near Minneapolis, apolls an the situation have felt inevitable since the administrationgraduating In 1896, and in the same Detroit hht ssfathrcharacterized him as a man with agydatingeing1896,Carithe smeg Detroa the relape on Feb. 12. Seeing no one large portion of common sense coupled year entering the Carlton college. club of during the last trying days, she fought with strength of character, a pleasingHm rkwi leincollepas A"onP to retain the philosophic attitude with personality and the ability to direct marked with excellence in all depart "The Pr, affairs of grave importance with a' ments. One of his professors wrote Secret o which she has faced the entire ordeal. teadand tacfulm tanhof him: "In scholarship he has made Intellect Buoyed up by the thought that for iHis death at this time has deprived an unusually strong record. He is an Criticis Dr. Burton at least the long suffering' him of seeing the results of his labors exceptionally strong, clear thinker; a Indeed," was over, she was brave to the end. on behalf of the University. He was careful, thorough and accurate stu- "On Bei Undermined in health by his never- permitted to see the great building Marion LeRoy Burton dent; a man of fine enthusiasm in all addresse ending efforts in behalf of the Univer- program which he planned, carried his thought and study." His scholas- nature. sity to which heso unqualifiedly dedi- out to some extent, and to see the tic record was of such high standing His w cated his life, Dr. Burton was in no greatest of the buildings turned over that in his senior year he taught sity sinc condition to withstand the repeated for service. His plans for the improve- classes In Lat and Greek at the well kn attacks of disease. Stricken with a nient of the faculty by adding to it academy-a rare honor at that time. Legislati 'similar attack in March, 1921, he re- will never be carried through by the In June, following his graduation Michiga mained away from his duties only mind that made them, and while those from Carleton in 1900, he married and con long enough to gain sufficient strength who follow him in authority will un- he , cf G reatMiss Nina Leona Moses of Northfield, a treme to move about. Never resting, filling doubtedly exert every effort to follow. > s i1g a J £.L l all Minnesota, and in the following fall, as it ha even his summners 'with work for the his plans, they will be hampered by took up his work as principal of Win- gan on University, the great man wore down the lack of those plans which died dom Institute at Windom, Minnesota, with an his splendid physical stamina, weaken-iwith him. He is carrying to the grave With the death of President Marion L. Burton, a brilliant career is brought to an abrupt and holding this position until 1903. From At the ti ing his power of resistance and utterly his inner hopes for the University for untimely conclusion. From the time of first assumption of a place in the active conduct of the affairs of 1903 to 1907 he studied at Yale uni- ing inte disregarding his personal safety in which he had done so much. men, he has Len a signii ;ant infu nce in fostering tre fine institions of American life. His contribu- versty, receiving the degrees of the Uni' his efforts for thc best good of the As a personality, he was nationally,. bachelor of divinity in 1906 and doe- toward University. if not internationally famous. Cordial, tions have been many--far more than those of most men allotted the full span of life-his position as tor of philosophy in 1907 from that intellect The nervous breakdown which af- interested as well as interesting, a an educator one of international prominence. Yet he was ever striving to make his part a bigger one. institution. His deat fPicted him in the spring of 1924 did splendid speaker and a profound he-. Remaining at Yale during the year ly hamp niorr to wear down President Burton's liever in the good qualities of human'It is this chracterisic which mIrade for his true greatness. His ambitions have always been for following as assistant professor, he the work resistance. Fighting back, leaving his nature, he was an idealist and a prac- larger and fier thins for the future. Early in life, he was for a short time a minister, using his great accepted a cal from the Church of oer t ittend soni nivesit fne hav been few collee pesideT rsonalma etsm d o orcal ability to further the interests of an intelligent religion. He saw, ithhe Pigrims in tilBrooklyn filling theAsso orde to tten sreligioniy pulpitave ethere cluntilrei1909.i ,tion, Dr. Burton recovered, only to the history of education who have however, opporiity for greater service in helping to guide the destinies of the nation's youth. The As president-elect of Smith college, plunge at once into the detailed work, been in such perfect sympathy and story of his accompshents in this field is part of the histories of such instittions as Smith college, the Professor Burton spent the year 1909- of his annual report during the time~ accord with the student mind as was 1 ,1910 touring in Europe, returning in Amn of isanua rpot urngth tmeacor wthth sudntmid s asUniversity of MMI .eta, and the University of Michigan. Though active head of the Institution for] odgi Erprtr Ingi Amon set aside for his vacation. Returning PIresident Burton. the fall of 1910 to take up his duties to Ann Arbor in the fall, lie was in President Burton is survived by Mrs only a few years, President Burton had already earned for himself a place with Michigan's greatest as head of the college. He remained which hi Sin his ositon unil 117 eane ion of poor condition to face the ordeal which Burton. his brother, Rev. Charles E. leaders. in this osition until 1917 when he Lione proved to be before him. Burton and his children, Jane and . became president of the University Facts concerning the President's ill-' Paul and Mrs. George R. Stewart ceasi a thi work for the institution, lie made possible its magnificent equipment, a dupiate of Minnesota, which position he held remark ness were withheld during the earlier Jr. A committee of three consisting of whilh can be fund nowhere. But he was not satisfied with this, and just previous to his long ill- until his transfer to the University situatio stages, as it was expected that he of Dr. Frank Robbins, President em--1_-I of Michigan in 1920. it and would recover readily. It was not eritus Hutchins and Shirley Smith ness was initiauY caimpaigni which should not halt until Michigan should be provided with the most Both branches of President Burton's Dr. B until November 3, 1924, that his con-i appointed at the last meeting of the capable facuty fody ol t'ii-abl. In addition to these two major projects, he had carried on innumerable family came of sturdy English-Amer theses dition took a really serious turn, Board of Regents, will carry on the other tasks, designed to further the welfare of the University and its students. le was a living exempl maicn stock, both having come to Amer- mented steady improvement having been noted administrative work of the University e a ot i - ica in the eighteenth century. From humor from tober 22, the beginning of his until a successor can be appointed. lication f atdeln man of the poets, always striving for someting, wich thouh might be beyond the original family home in New Though illness, to that time. Glandular as- his reach for the time was Worthy of fie effort. York, President Burton's parents were allowed C tonessroA . slightoainCoolidge Watched It is not necessary, however, to examine his accomplishments to fnd the greatest tribute to his 'teifirstto raeteir way to the hrighe oPerhn eesr.Asih anV aC~Li o middle West. In writing of his rela-; un followed this until Christmas vaca - Burton's Condition character. I his is discernable inthe deep respect and love with which he was regarded by his immediateI tives in a letter to.a friend some time' the firs tion when he was stricken with in associates and thouslds of friends. Those who knew him best, who worked with him through the try- ago, President Burton wrote, "None Dr. Bur fluenza despite all efforts to protect. .. of either family has ever been either inhisi him from the then prevailing epidemic 1'resdent Coolidge, who was a close Ing last years of is life testify to his infinite patience, his never-ceasing kindness, and his almost endless oehr fa, the Un of that disease. Two weeks ago a personal friend of President Marion L. labors for the UniVesity. The very size of student and faculty bodies precluded the possibility of From- the time of his graduation what h third relapse impeded his reovr Burton, has been kept constantly in-' ,piieefo aeU .rt ihtedgetesh aginans. hoi ersday Frua rery'Persd of sr Burton's condition everyone comning i iniate contact with the President; but those vho had this privilege found in him from Yale University with the degree the sch again, andeon Trd, eiruary mer. u 'cdr e'fied.of doctor of philosophy in 1907, Pres- new fie 12 came the news of the fourth set-' throughout the four and one-half a sympatuetle conhdant and a rea riend. ident Burton received many honorary progres back whih has provd fatal. months of his illness. his interet The University is desolated today because of the demise of a man whose place in our life it degrees from six institutions: doctor gle wit u a 4J, L 1C N ,114 il , a Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa n), and Book and Bond fra- t Yale. He was also a mem- e University clubs of Minne- ad Chicago, the Union club of nd the Barton Hills country Ann Arbor. the works from his pen are: 'oblem of Evil," 1909; "The f Achievement," 1913 "Our ual Attitude in an Age of ," 1913; "Life Which is Life 1914; "First Things," 1915; ng Divine," 1916; and various s and reports of a technical ork in building up the Univer- e his arrival here in 1920 is own. Going before the State ure with a plea for a greater a, he secured its endorsement Crete support in the shape of dous building program. which developed, has placed Michi- a par in building equipment y University in the country. me of his death, he was work- ntly toward the building up of versity staff as his next step making Michigan one of the ual centers of the country. h is a loss which will serious- 'er those who must take over in proceeding with his plans. ciates Called Burton Tactful g the most admirable traits is associates in the administra- the University attributed to nt Marion L. Burton was his able ability to handle delicate ns with the utmost tact,.grav- success. urton's capacity for meeting ituations was greatly aug- by his never failing sense of and keen understanding. out his entire illness he never himself to lose sight of the rside. ig the long weeks following t attack of pneumonia last fall, ton spent his time in planning, mind, even greater works for liversity. Not satisfied with e had already accomplished for col, he delighted in thinking of lds of growth and educational s. Affer the first bitter strug- h the disease he took a keen k e r Y r t Z w