I 1'AGE 11011T THE MICHIGAN DAILY____ WEDYNES1DAY, FEBIRUAIY "1S, 1925 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th 2Preident until 3:30 p. i. (11:30 a. in. Saturdarh Volumie 6 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUTARY 18, 192i Number l101 thilversity Lecture: Dr. Worthington C. Ford will lecture on "A Letter of Alexander Ham- ilton, and Hamilton's Influence Upon Washington" on Wednesday, February 18th, at 4:15 P. M. in Room 1025 Angell Hall. C. H. Van Tyne. Extra Hour's Comitee: All requests for extra hours have been acted upon by the Committee, and card notices have been sent out to all petitioners, and shouldbe received within a day or two. If by any error a petitioner does not receive such notice either of denial or grant, or a summons for consultation, he should make inquiry at the Registrar's Office at his earliest convenience. It is too late to hand in new requests. J.1.W. Scholl, Cairan. Alpha Omega Alpha Lecture: Dr. Frederick A. Collr, of the department of surgery, will give the se- ond lecture in the Alpha Omega Alpha series of lectures on Medical History, in the West Amphitheatre of the Medical Building, at 7:30 o'clock, Wednes- day evening, February 18th The subject will be "Surgery of the Dark Ages." The lecture will be illustrated with lantern slides. While this lecture course was instituted primarily for medical students, pre-medical students and the general public are invited to attend. Walter M. Simpson, President. Senior Women: All Senior .women, must have their measurements taken for caps and gowns by Saturday, February 21, on the second floor of Mack's. .E. S. Mesel, Cap and Gown Committee. To All Engineett The motion picture entitled "Power" will be shown in the Natural Science Auditorium, Thursday Feb. 19, at 7:30 P. M. It is an interesting and non-technical story of the progress man has made in the development of power from all sources, including some of the large power plants built by Stone and Webster ;In. This film is shown by the U. of M. ngineering Society and is open to thk public. L. C. Ptts. Freshmen Engineering Clss: The regular weekly assembly will be held Wednesday,' February 18, at 11:00 in Room 348 Engineering building. Professor Benj. F. Bailey will speak to the class. J. C. Brier, Mentor. Chemistry 15. Qaultative Analysis: First semester students may obtain their charts Wednesday afternoon, February 18, between 1:00 and 5:00 P. M. B. A. Sonic. Freuh-1&:~.. The new section of French 153 (Advanced Composition) will meet Mon- day and Friday at 8:OQ o'clock, Roomn 304SW south corridor, not 305SW as previously announced. The class to be taught by Mr. Pargment. I A. G. Canfield. Twilight Organ Rel: The following .program willI be givan by Palmer Christian In Hill Audi- torium.Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock: Fantasia and Ftuoue in C minor (Bach); Air in D (Bach); Minuet (Boecherii); Grand'Choeur (Guilmant); Nocturne (Mendelssohn); Spring Song (Hollins) ; Ave Maria (Bach Gounod) ; Allegro (Symphony 6) (Widr). Charmles A. Snk, Secretary. Botanical Seminar: Botanical seminar, meets Wednesday, February 18, at 4:30 B173 N. S. Building. Paper by C. 'C. Glover-"Principles underlying botanical classif- cation." B. M. Davi. U'niversity of Michigan Bland:' Regular rehearsal tonighit'at 7:00 o'clock at the and hall. Arthur 31. Smith, Student Nana~er. Student. Mathematics Society: There will be ,a meeting of the Student Mathematics Society wednes- day, Feb. 18, Room 151 Chemistry Building, at 4 P. M. All students are cordially invited to attend. It. S. Steier, Secretary. Alpha Epsilon Ift: Initiation will be held Thursday, February 19, at 5:00 o'clock at the Michigan Union. There will be an important business meeting and election of officers following and all members are urged to be present. Arthur .l. SmiithI, Libri an. LaSceadIlpne,:The regular neetlngof the Scledad Hispanica will be held tonight in Boom 320 Michigan Unilon. The attendance of as many members as possible is desired because of important business relative to the play. An interest- inig entertainmnt is on the program. Marsal 11. Levy. Research Club: The Quarter-Centennial;- dinner of the Research Club of the University will occur at the Michigan Union this (Wednesday) evening at 6: 30 o'clock. Willia mu. I Hbbs, President. L' S. Naval Reserve Force: The University Unit will meet Wednesday, Feb. 18th, at 7 :,"0 P. M. in the R. 0. T. C. Drill Hall. -L't. I,. C. Leeion. Blaelk Qull: - -There will be, a pocial meeting of the Black Quill on Wednesday, Feb-. ruary 18, .at 7:30 at the Green Tea Inn.' Lueille Walsh, Secretary. P1- Lambda 'Thetas : - -P1 -Lambda Theta will meet at 7 :30 o'clock tonight in the Marthna Cook library. A short b~usiness meeting will b)e followed by a social hour. Iuriel FoX, President. Alpha 'No: The regular meeting of Alpha Nu will be held(1tonlight inlstead of to- morrow night ou account of some imiportant business which munt lbe con- sidered before t hat time. RJames . . Dnn. Rifle .11d Pistl 1: Those interested in t he formation of a Rifle and1 Pistol Club at the University of Michigan. afihiiated with the National Rifle Association as a Yjcivilian club,. plea-se call at the R. 0. T. C. building and see Capt. Dunn he- ttween the following hours: Wednesday, - 24 P. Al. Thursday, 10-12 P. AL Friday, 2-4 P. MN. G 11'. Dnnm Jr. Oratorical Board: 'there will b~e a. meeting of the Oratorical Board, W\ednesday at 4: 15 in Room 3211, Angell Hall. A full attendance 'is desired. Mill1ard 11. Pryor, Presidentl. The t 4Campus Credo Todai's (11estion : What new build- ings do you think the University needs the most? WVhere as'-kedi: University hall. .ilhe a1SWers : Nary Bicknell, '26, -"PIrobably because lately I've been in activities in Barbour gym, I've no- ticed the acute need for a women's buing, or if not that, at least a building where activities of various sorts can be carried on with some de- gree of facility. Then, too, we need mnore (lorinitories. The accomnodations need at present. To maintain an or-. derly and contented university, it isl necessary to keep _the studen ts;amu ns-l ed. Our movie houses are Q worefully' inadIequate to handle the crowds, a11( a new one would greatly benefit the U~niversity." Alice Elizabeth Lelitinen, '27,---'A Women's League building. Let the women have an equal chance to com- pete with the men. Thley have the Union-whey can't the women have a League buiding?7" Robert C. Teter, '28,-"The U~nivem'- sity is very much in need of a build- ing for the use of architectural sty.- dents. An up-to-date architectural building is the logical thing to have next on the building program." ]Tryouts To Talk, On Child Labotr iouf s f or the secon:semeter E;$i cl CI aP.'"l S crrt ('; i l h 1e re- quired to si):ak I'hree minutes on a2ny phlase of the Child I Lei' qus in a the preliminar y contes>t to b)e heldl at 4 :01) o'clock next Frida- in r'oJ1m 31).:Mso hail. ,e ven contestants will b1,(chosen fio nthe group of tryouts to comperte in thew final con- tes~t on1 101. 2.' For the fial contes-t thie seven speakers will be given a phase of the general topic at 5 :00 o'clock in - he afternoon and will he required to I WHAT'S GOING ONL Notice, to appear in this columnm nust j be left in the box at the Daily office provided for tnat pul-pose bcefore 4 S o'ciock precep theda of issue. 1 WEDNESD)AY 11 :00-Professor Bailey spieaks lto !freshmen Engineering class in roomn j348, Engineering building. 4 :4t-Studnt iIMatihe matics soci't y meets in room 151, Chemistry build-. 4-:00-6 :O--Opeii house at.('ongrep- . tional church. 4 :1$-Oratorlczil boarid meets in roomi 3211, Angell hail. 4:4 -D-r. Ford lectures on "1A Fetter of Alexander Hamilton and Ilamil- ton's Influence Upon Washington" in room 1025, Angell hall. 4:1531r.Williams sJpealis on "Zon. ing" in N. S. auditorium. 4:1."--Twilight Organ recital in 1111l auditorium. 4 :30 -- Botanical -Seminar meets in room B-173, N. S. bunilding. (;:30-1Research club holds hanqueid at the Union. 7 :09l-nversity of )lichiga n band re- hear-sal in band hall. 7 :15-Presbyterian chorus rehtearsal) at Lane hall. 7 :14x-Atliena mnees in its clubiroomzs Son the fourth flioor of An gell hail. 7:15-- Portia literary society holds election in its club11 rooms in Angell I hail. 7 :34---'niversi% y Unit of Blie . . Na val Reserve For,,(, meets in tlie R. 0. T. C. Drill hall.' 7 :30-Pi Laufiidam 'lwin eets ini 3-ar. tha Cook library:. 7::30-Black (mill holds scphrl at Green riee inn. 7:.311--Electrical Engineers' smoker at the U.nion. 7:30- Qu~arterdeck Society maets in room 306.,iUnion. 7:30 - Younigstown _1Mkihfgan clubl, meets in room 302, Union. 7 :30--.a Sociedad.Ihispanic: iuep s In room 320, Union. "c:;0-Dr. (1oller lectures on 81 ery of the Dark Ages" in the West amphitheater of the Medical" build- ing. 7::34-- Pennsylvania, club nteelts inl room 205, Mason hall.} 7:4-Dle liol'uv metin.,in IflITirr' hall.I THURSD81AY i :33f--11r. W1iluis speakis onl11"A.111,1 ninig for Beauty" in N. S. auditor- ium. - -:15---r. Williamis spleak;, on "Re- gional Planning x'itl hSpecial Rfe-f ence to the IL: gional Plan of Newj York'' in N. S. audit orium. 5 :04-A lphaa Epsilon 'Iu holds iiti. iation at the Union. 7 :141--Portiy Literary society hold try- ;outs in it-s club rooms in Angell hall. 7 :4 0-Cistiani Scienice society mleets for men and women are in some cases Iin Lane Ball. ( not creditab~le to a university."' 7:43(4--N.loion picture entitled "Power" . Charles Stephens, '26-"A new ishown in N. S. auditorium, movie theatre is our most pressing Charles Parket, '26,- "A building to- speak on that *particular point at the care for the departments now housed c ontest to be held at 8 o'clock in in University hall is the greatest need Univers:-ity hall. W C..TDixou, '25, is at present. This building is a vener- in c-harge 1f the contest. able fire-trap, and should be0 removed -sso spsil. AEYUSIS~.IEDYT asso s osbe"MIEVl SBCI ElmET DancingToih at Granger's and every Wednesday, k Friday and Saturday nights MUSIC BY Bill Watkins and His s.. Granger Eight GRAGES A2WthII Y !4 J# N II WI spring Topcoats Patrick - Duluth Hand Tailored Topcoats. $25 and $35 Greater beauty distinction-ex- clusiveness in weaves an d patterns. F. W. Gross 309 Soull Main I I ' r , i ' U UEE ® ® E ailE ® ® U ® !11U ®® E ®® ®3E11 ,® ®, . '® U® i® U i® SECOND SEMESTER TEXT-BC)OKS i ii ®i 10,000 -SECOND-HAND WILL SAVE YOU BOOKS THAT MONEY I is I A R'S UN1oTIVERS QTY BOOK S'TORE pmsi reIna r Mm m a® r INm k L. a a _..._.___.. _________________________ - - _ - - - . [ -. P ~a =... - - .y- - ' ..r. 'Vp~ .r-wt -- ___.__s,,-- - " ,.- -;i _ °m ( lQ'Whatever your "C~hoice of a Career," college training has increased your economic 'value, and whatever business or profession you enter, adequate life insurance is a proper self appraisal of your powers in that direction. The traditions,practices, and financial strength of the JOHN HANCOCK 'F14 AIutual Lift Insurance Company are such that a college man can take '" ''',especial pride in having a John Hancock policy on his life. It is also a distinct asset from the start. It will pay you to buy it; and later on, I should you think of joining the field corps of this company, it will also; sy pay you to sell John Hancock policies. Our representatives will tell you just how, and assist you in selecting both your career and your insurance. Q~ddress ec1gency Dlepartment' ""4