SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGM SEVEN . At 3?MAVRSIIE AT 3'R;. M'issing In Arctic i. FOR RENT! FOR RENT-For summer school, rooms new, close to campus, single or double for girls. 821 Univ. Dial 4018. SUMMER STUDENTS-Best rooms in city, near, campus. $2.0 and '3.I00 a week, 337 Thompson, DO YOU wish, honorable employment --not manual labor-at which thousands are successful; odd hours or all the time. Necessary instruction free. No deposit; noth- ing to buy. Liberal pay. Address John M. Stahl, Box 78, Hammond, Indiana. FOR RENT-Suitable for Fraternity Sor club. ocated within three blacks of campus. Phone 8444. I ,' ' DRIVING7 Jne 8. $10.00. Iawyer's Ford to Kansas City about Will carry passenger for Howard Wahrenbrock, s Club.j OR RENT-Rooms for summer- suite, double and single. Reason-% able. 425 S. Division. MEN. AN) WOMEN District manager and sales people for highest grade guaranteed ladies lingerie. Whole or part time. Good commissions payable when you take order. Address Salesmanager, 657 Howard St., Detroit and personal in- terview.I ..f LincolnEllsworth ,the only Amer- ioan among the missing Amundsen' aerial polar explorers, was born in Chicago in 1880. He is graduate mining engineer. His home now is in Ohio. Oratorical Board E Announces Names{ Of T Ch W44F44A d~4,4 FOR RENT-Rooms, double, single. and suite. 422 E..Washington. ;'iOR RENT-Rooms for summer Sstudents. At fraternityrhouse con- venient to campus. Box 126. OR RENT - Rooms for summer student, 1430 Washington St. Phone 6035.I All I 1 i .1E Our moderate prices make it possible for all to have FRESH HOME GROWN FLOWERS. ~ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. !22 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDY Fresh every Friday. Tice's, 119 E.I Liberty. ANN ARBOR SAES SERVICE New Location One-half Block South of Packard Street Complete Equipment Brake Lining, Wrecking Straightening Frames and Axles and Repairing O.MS AND BOARD near new law club. , Cool and comfortable, 643! Tappan and 907 Monroe. RNISHED five room house fromI june 15 to Sept. 1. Terms to suit reliable, tenant.* Dial 5688. R RENT-518 Monroe St. modern furnished 8-room home, garage. For summer session ot to Sept 15. 1 block from campus. ,Phone 21928. OR RENT-Garage, 1016 Church St. Phone 6668. OdR RENT-For summer, furnished first floor flat, desirable, suitable' for man and wife. Phone 6668. SUYMMER STUIWENTS ROOMS FOR MEN 115 Park Ter-' 'ce $20.00 for Summer Term $20.00. 'y one block from campus. Located 6 the east side of Felch Park where is shady and free from street dust; and noise. Hot water and Shower bath. Phone 6247. HOUSE for rent for next year. Just the thing for a clue or fraternity. Will accomodate- from 20 to 25. Call 8771. 644 E. University. Rheads Household Packing Co. " I V'W Moving-Packing-Storage Call us 'for 'long distance moving. Appointments to the Oratorical as-1l Loads Insured. I ship to a1 points. soiationtboard fortthe ensuingayear 526 Detroit St., Phone 3515. as announced by William C. Dixon,' '26, president, include the following SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU new members: Albert M. Stern, WAIT '27L, local contest director; Irwin A. 0. G. ANDRi+ESROlian, '27, publicity chairman; James 22 SOUT T AT'E STUEET T. Dunn, '26, inter-society committee A TAILOR-MADE FUIT chairman; G. A. Eastcott, '26ed, WllsatiLorae it chairman of the social committee; Sstisfy your taste, and flt Albert E. Sawyer, '27L, student busi- you best. TEness manager; aid Robert Miller, '27, WILD THE TAILOR head ushe. 113 South Main St' Prof. T. C. Trueblood of the public NOTICE-Summer at resort, college speaking department will continue as student or teacher. Pleasant work advisor and chairman of the speaker's Salary $294 for 80 days, plus bonus, committee with Prof. R. D. T. Hollis- Call Yaraway at City Y. ter managing finances. At the first meeting of the newly organized board Wednesday plans were discussed for a second all-cam- pus public speaking banquet similar LOST - Black leather notebook, to one held last December. stamped Albert T. - Peck. Reward. Call 4017. SUMMER DA ILY TRYOUTS LOST--In Union wash room, Gruen__ wrist watch, Saturday. Return for I1 The Summer Michigan Daily1I Attention! Tfinking of a car odrive home? Come down and look at our Fords. All models and al prices SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I Os 521 South Main St. Phone 8515 A. C. Marquardt i I I 404 E. Wa hir gton Phone "21120 WOVRN MOT'OR, OILS FOR RENT- De)irable furnished, house for summer or longer-nice yard, trees, and near Angell School: Dial 9274. FOREST Ave., 1109-Furnished mod- ern six room house, porches, ga- den. June 10-Sept. 20. Terms., Phone 6974. WANTED generous reward. Call 7043. LOST-Fitch fur between south . Thayer and south Division Friday May 22. Dial 9841. Reward, return to 206 S. Thayer. FOR SALE FOR SALE-1921 'Ford Al condition, $85. Call 8867, 1330 Wilmot St. offers students who expect to attend Summer School all of the advantages and exp e rince which are found 'in The Mich- igan Daily, and also the oppor-. tunity for faster advancement. Both the editorial and business staffs will add a few men and .women during the next few weeks. Persons interested are urged to see Thal or Mansfield, on the editorial side, any after- noon from 2 to 5 o'clock, or Conlin, on the business side, any afternoonfrom 4 to 5:30 o'clock. These men may he found at The Daily offices in the Press building on Maynard street. Proper lubrication is the use of the right grade of Wolverine Motor Oil for your engine. No one grade of oil can satisfactorily meet all conditions encountered in dif- !II WANTED-Driving to Calfiornia at- close of semester. Room for two FOR SALE-16-foot Mullen canoe Al passengers. Call George at 6674 condition, 2 new paddles and back between 12-1, 5-7. rest. Price $25. C. K. Stroh, 110 S. Ingalls, phone 3256. WANTED-Chauffer for part time driving. Must be over twenty-three TYPEWRITERS and a resident of Ann Arbor. Box 125 Daily. j Phone 8912I For Typewriter Repairing ferent types of engines in automotive service. Ther right grade of Wolverine Motor Oil for every engine. Free crankcase service at all of our stations. MICHIGAMME OIL COMPANY N. ,niv. and Twelfth St. H aad Packard Sts. First St. an'd4 A A. It.RIt.Ypsilanti Corner etroit and Catherine ham burg Superior Garage Todd's, Whitmore Lake 215 Beakes St. L. H. Steffe, Worden e is a WANTED-By young faculty couple, small apartment or suite for sum- mer session. Write E. A. Wood-i ward, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. BEAUTY SHOPPES Permanent Waving and Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOE' 5 NICKELS ARCADE-9614 (all makes) Dealer in Woodstock typewriters, Standard and Portable adding ma- chines. Ann Arbor Typewriter Exchange 9 Savings Bank Bulding. Read the Want Ads Terrace Garden Dancing Studio PANAMA HAT See us for your Panama hat; we buy them as they come from the na- tives who weave them, and then we block and trim them up, thus saving you the middlemen's profits. We give you an elegant hat for $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00; one that you will be proud of and that will give you perfect satis- faction. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. (Where D. U. R. stops at State) 6 n ftA ba1AS AAA. -. I - r You can laugh at railroad tracks-when ''your car is equipped with Dunlop Bal- loons. They swallow bumps! Dunl9p 36-year quality is the best reason wy they are fight. I -Fi YourPreetRi -Si Tir Reai C "One of the Finest Tire Dealers in Michigan" as s.MainAnn Arbor, Mich - W il 1111 1lllU lit111* lt11111111111111Ulllili II U - . Step starts of the on the starter -your motor st one immediately. advantages That's jus DIMATTIA BEAUTY SHOP offers Open Daily, 10 a. m. to 10,4 soft water shampoos, especial at- p. in. We teach all modern, - tpntion for curly hair. Hair cut- fancy, ballot, stage, tango iIgad wvin byexprt pe and flky(lances for children ng and waving by expert opera- adults. Class every Monday tors. Phone 8878.; Friday. Fifteen one-hour lessons, $5.00. NOTIC E- No. 22 WUERT11 ARCADE ......Phone 8328 MEN AND WOMEN j bghave a very attractive propo- ii ..,................... sition to offer you. We have a beau- tiful Lake property, lots of shady SPEECH DEF trees -and sandy beach. Experience not necesary, we furnish live leads. !)DR. FR Our .ystem enables you to make ,[r:erly Direc money the first week. Call or write Board of E Chiry talBeach Development Co., 511- 512 Lafayette Blvd., Detroit, Mich. SPECIAL ing school year in fraternity or Begh McKINLEY, 813-Large, quiet room, Opportunities for Correcto all conveniences, reasonable. In- Staeiu rng, Lisping, Loss structor teacher, graduate or ad- ' 1ice, )ionotonous Pitch,4 vanced student. Next year, phone For it 4033. MA: t1RTIN I7 STIIl DewittI Rh AD T HE CLASSIFIIED ADS .......... and of STAROLINE I High Test Gasoline. and n -Adv. Read the Want Ads Ya ue4 i+.+ . "* NN. 4 x+6ra v s" u "1 ECTS CORRECTED By. EDERICK MARTIN tor of Speech Improvement ducation, New York City} SUMMER CLINIC= unlng June 29th n of Special Arrangements for s of Universty Students etc. nformation, write LTE FOR SPEECH DEFECTS Park, Ithaca, N. Y. .4..............-- - -- - - It's polver---not mere gasoline ABBOTT GASOLINE C. i I 4 Djistributors A i; .y Watch for the Summer Michigan Daily F -2 _ _ , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7- - - - : 7 r F [II I