SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1925 ° - .:MI-CHI( AN - DAILY THE LGHIAN~ AILY- -- ---- - ANrT ED!1 I Girls' Discarded Dresses ISRE URKA ~C1CN~I _Coats and Shoes, Ai R }a' ~v Batter ,tfj) lOP Th L 1 1l g caledon very ~vrtIijr~~ "e la~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~und Ievry c1ear day .and to e '',; .e '[n jt [I I (lt f R i g};1 1Jf { : _, 3 u u uW.iIhebet of shape o ake the Cas h iest Paidc 4hil la, ' a it ol bq ltr- l ing I in the geat Aneri- ~ ;rtwx~t~ip , sund .a^lvciir 1 hal awill- ' angru all you need is the bestry; a 5;. n; 111 ri{;ht1 kinld oif l'Ull oo'in o c i C~pfllet ht is what Vwve xO h~- in. We have the air rifle which il lO yUil it, tIrue to Ithe mark. That's the Base Balls} n Telephone 6616 Wc; he wants. Mats 'A' T\I f ,Goe Shoes 'ateher's 41ts iq t aehers lMsks C.: ym B.D QROWN I- io.C Fizsc er Co. Y ) 120 Fourth Abe. W MA~IN NEAR WASHINGTON WASH INGTON NEAR MAIN I + 'rllliII9~ l496[llllillilllil74l~ lliillllt~ &IIBIItF91~itllitlliollllltll~ ll7S~liililllll lilllltl11ltlltllillllllttii'lllll~ , ; I\ADOLPHEF.M ENJOU. lie LILLIAN R I C W f$# , AND 4' AILEEN PIRINGLE mry nThe duei, ix, am I 6~ he l D~ niiV e lla;[ (Ii Ivy te deesthu 1 l pi 73lrs111 3411 AL ST. O -N s IT nuftc. t 1'gitcalce in t '. _ A . n a amu K ~ V'i\' .c The Burpasesg1A aactosryefmou C ' r' > j q;