Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice ti all members of
the University. Copy received by. the A.sistant to the F7r1$dent until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday
Volume S FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1925 Number 179
Flans for Baccalaureate and Commenement:
All who expect to take part in the exercises of Commencement week
will please takenot of the following schedule in order that there will be as
little confusion as possible in carrying out the program:-Punctuality is
especially important as the processions will start on scheduled time.
Baccalaureate-Sunday, June 14, 11:00 A. M.
Weather Fair-
Time of Assembly-10:15 A. M.
Places of Assembly-
Members of the Faculties in the dressing rooms second and third floors
of Hill Auditorium where they may robe. Enter by rear doors.
Students of the various schools and colleges as follows:-
Literary on Main Diagonal walk between Library and Engineering
Education on walk north side of Physiology and Pharmacology Build-
Engineering and Architectural on Main Diagonal walk in Engineering
Court. Engineers in front.
Medical on diagonal walk between Chemistry Building and Library (in
front of nurses).
Nurses o diagonal walk between Chemistry Building and Library (be-
hind Medics).
Law on Main Diagonal walk near Law Building.
Pharmaceutical on Main Diagonal walk, South east of Laws.
Dental on Main Diagonal walk, south east of Pharmaceutical.
Graduate on East and West walk, West of the intersecton in front of
Weather Rainy-
A sprinkle will not be considered rainy. It must actually rain with
no prospect of clearing.
Students will proceed directly to Hill Auditorium. Seats will be re-
served until 10:50 A. M.,
Commencement-Monday, June 15, 9:00 A. M
Weather Fair--
Time of Assembly-7:45 A. M.
Places of Assembly:
Members of the Faculties and invited guests, in Alumni Memorial Hall
-West Gallery second floor where they may robe.
Regents, ex-Regents, Deans and candidates for Honorary Degrees, in
Alumni Memorial Hall-Room B.
Honor Guard, at Alumni Memorial Hall.
Students at the same places as for Baccalaureate.
Line of March-State Street to Ferry Field.
Weather Rainy-
Weather Bureau storm flags will be hoisted beneath the Anerican Flag
on the campus flagstaff and on the flagstaff at Ferry Field to indicate that
the exercises have been transferred to Yost Field House.
Students will proceed directly to the field house and enter through
the North doors.
Members of the Faculties will enter through the north doors and take
their places on the platform in the field house.
Regents, ex-Regents, Deans and Candidate for honorary degrees will
assemble in the offices in the north end of the field house.
L. M. Tram. Chief Marshal.
Senate Reception and Senior Promenade:
The Annual Senate Reception to members of the graduating classes,
their relatives and friends and to alumni will take place on Saturday eve-
ning, June 13, at 8:45 o'clock.
The classes will assemble in front of the Library at the same places as
for Commencement. Caps and gowns are to be worn.
The classes will march from the Library to State Street, on the walk
between' Angell Hall and the Law Building, to Alumni Memorial Hall
where they will be received by the President, Mrs. Lloyd, the Regents, and
their wives. From there the various classes will proceed to the following
headquarters where they will be received by the Deans, members of the
faculties, and their wives.
I.iterature and Graduate School: Angell Hall
Education: Tappan Hall.f
Law, Medicine, Engineering and Architecture: Lawyers' Club.
Dentistry and Pharmacy: Alumni Memorial Hall.
There will be ft concert on the campus by the University Band. Cards
of admission for relatives and friends may be obtained at the office of the
Secretary of the University and from the Secretary of the Alumni Asocia-
In case of rain the classes and guests are requested to go first to
Alumni Memorial Hall and from there to their respective headquarters.
A. 0. Lee, Chairman. Senate Reception Committee.
Faenity, College of Liteniture Science and the Arts:
An adjourned meeting of the Faculty will be held on Monday evening,
June 1st, at 7:30 P. M. in Room 2225, Angell Hall, for a final consideration
of the report on entrance requirements presented at the meeting held May
25th. John R. Eftger..
Cohege of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Will every member of the faculty who is in charge of the announcement
of courses to be offered by his department please make sure, before pre-
paring his copy, that all room assignments are in agreement with the re-!
ord in my office. W. R. Humphreys.
Mathentaties, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
The mathematics staff will meet on Friday, May 29, at 4 P. M. in Room
3201 Angell Hall. J. L. Markley.
University Women:,
All University women are reminded that House Rules are in effect
during the remainder of the term up to Commencement,. with no excep-?
tions. Jean Hamilton.
UOilersit y Women; house Presidents:
Signing-out slips for the month of May are due in the Office of the
Dean of Women before the close of the examination period.
Jean Hamilton.
To All June Graduates:-
All students graduating in June who desire application blanks for the 1
football games for the season of 1925 should call at either the Athletic A
Office in Yost Field House or Moe's Sport Shop and leave the address to
which they desire the application cards sent.
+.Board in Control of Athletics.
Women Summer School Students:3
The regular House Rules of the Women's League will be enforced t
during the summer session, except that the closing hour will be changed
from 10:30 to 11:00 o'clock.f
Norma Bicknell, President of the Women's League.
Geology 31-Psychology '4:
Geology 31 examination will be held in the Natural Science Auditori-
um (left side of room) Friday, May 29th, at 9 o'clock. Psychology 34 ex-
amination will be held in the same room (right side).j
Wn. F. Hobbs, #
John F. Shepard.
Rhetoric 31:
Students who took this course with me last semester may call for
their themes at my office, 3232 Angell Hall, between 1 and 2 P. M. on Fri-
day and Saturday, May 29 and 30.
C. E. Whitmore.
The final examination in Rhetoric I and II will be held May 30, from
2-5 in the afternoon. The schedule of rooms for the various sections fol-
Abbot-Newberry Auditorium.
Adams--Newberry Auditorium.
Bouwsma-2003. Angell Hall.
Bower-2023 Angell Hall.
Conrad-West Lecture Room Physics Building.
Donnelly-West Gallery Memorial Hall.
Fletcher-West Gallery Memorial Hall.
Horn-1025 Angell Hall.
Johnson--2235 Angell Hall.
Osborn-2219 Angell Hall.
Powers-231 Angell Hall.
Schenk-35 Angell Hall.
Smith-25 Angell Hall.
Solve-1035 Angell Hall.
Thorpe-West Lecture Room Physics Building.
Van der Lugt-6 Angell Hall.
Wells-2225 Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter.
Examinations in Surveying:
Course 2, Tuesday, June 2nd., 2-6, Room 311.
Course 4, Tuesday, June 2nd., 2-6, Room 348.
C. T. Johnston.
Senior Edneation:
Announceients will be distributed Friday, May 29, from 11 to 12, and
1-2. Tis is the last opportunity until the invitations come.
Mynnie F. Uhlenhopp, Chr.
gymnasium lockers-Barbour Gymnasium:
All clothes must be removed from lockers by May 30th.
Ethel McCormick,
Senior Engineers:
Anyone wishing to communicate with the Alumni Secretary of the 1925
Engineers, can do so during the summer months by addressing,
201-Seventh Street, Calumet, Michigan
and during achool year 1925-26 by addressing
Physics Department University of Michigan
J. A. Barkovich, Alumni Secretary, 1925E.
Members of the Summer Session Faculties:
Blanks for the Faculty Directory and request cards for the Summer
Michigan Daily have been sent by campus mail to all members of the
Summer Session staff. Their prompt return will be greatly appreciated.
The Summer Daily will be delivered gratis only to those members of
the Summer Session faculty wh-o fill out the request cards.
Will those who have not received blanks and cards kindly call the office?
W. H. Kraus.
the flag pole to commemorate American deaths on fields of conflict. Al-
though the ,formation comes during the examination period it is hoped that
all men will feel it their duty to be present at this formation. Senior
jcharms will be given out at this formation.
Robert V. Halsey, Student Manager.
To -liembers of T e University of Michigan Band:
Arrangements have been made to receive all uniforms at the bandj
headquarters from ten to twelve and from one to five on Tuesday, June 2ndt
from men who will not be present at, the Commencement Band activities.
Reimbursements will be made at this time. These are the only two alter-
native periods for turning in band uniforms prior to the commencement
period so all band men are requested to take advantage of these periods.
Sweaters it is hoped will be distributed at this time. If not, all men are
requested to watch announcements on the bulletin board in Morris Hall
concerning distribution.
Robert V. Halsey, Student Manager.
To Members of The Commencement Band:
The band will hold its first formation for the Commencement activities
on Thursday afternoon, June 11th, when the unit will proceed to Detroit
I for participation in an alumni meeting at the Book-Cadillac hotel. Enter-
tainment will be provided in lieu of additional stipend.
Robert V. Halsey, Student Manager.
To Seniors-Business Opportunity:
Mr. J. F. Potts of the Beckwith Co. "Round Oak Folks" will be at Room
417, Michigan Union, from 10 to 12 A. M. and from 1 to 4 P. M., Friday,
May 29, and will interview students who seek permanent retail business
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 192
There will be no smoking
during the commencement exer-
cises on Ferry field, on June
15. Such practice detracts from
the dignity of the occasion and
C will be strictly prohibited.
Richard Laurence,
President, senior literary class.
(I, I
-\ )
__ Ku \
R. 0. T. C.
before five
I A. Bursley.
of the R. O. T. C. annual which are not called for by subscribers
o'clock Friday May 29, will be sold Saturday morning.
A. H. Lince.
When you get a GORDON Shirtyou get a collar
from the hands of the expert Arrow.Collar makers,
i + A:
NoicetoPEABeOrYinthC.colum tMONTH E
be loft in the box at the Daly office . '-
provided for tat purpose before 4
o'clock preceedine the day of issue.
1:00-4:00-,. F. Potts of Beckwith Smart, Seasonable Hats
company will interview students =
who seek permanent business con- for
nections. DressSre ndS rsW a
1:30-3:30-Open house at Universityes Street and ports Wear
high school for visitors.
3:00-Phil Delta Kappa members leave'
for Pinckney for final meeting.
4 :00--MathematIcs staff of literary
college meets in room 3201, Angell PUYEAR & HINTZ=
hall. j
4:05-Michigan vs. Wisconsin track 328 South Main
meet at Ferry field.
4:05- iMichigan vs. Iowa baseball __
game at Ferry field.fIl
,; ;,
Sununer Session Hours of Registration:
For the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, including Hygiene,
Public Health, and Physical Education, and Library Methods,-in the
,Regstrar's Office, University Iall, June 19 and 20, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to i
p. m.; 22 and 23, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 p. m Thereafter 10 to 12 a. in daily.
For the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture,-in West Engineer-
ing Building. June 19, 20, 22, 23, 8 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 5 p. m.
For the Medical School,-in the Medical Building. June 19, 20, 22, 23,
9 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 5 p. m.
For the College of Pharmacy,-in the Chemistry and Pharmacy Build-
1 Chemistry and Pharmacy Building. June 19, 20, 22, 23, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2
',to 5 b. m.
For the School of Education including Athletic Coaching and Adminis-
tration, and Public Health Nursing,-in Tappan Hall. June 19, 20, 22, 23,
9 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 4 p.m.
For the Law School (Courses begin Tuesday, June 16)-June 12, 13,
15, 9 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 5 p. in.
For the School of Business Administration,-in Tappan Iall. June 19,
0, 22, 23, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m.
For the Graduate School,-in Angell Hall, June 19, 20, 22, 23. 9 to 12
a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
F. H. Kraus.
Rooms for Exams, Romance Languages:t
Bement--French 1 at 9:00--Room 403 South Wing.
Bement-French 2 at 2:00-Room 403 South Wing.
Canfield-Observation, D115-Room 6 Angell Hall.
- DeFilippis-Italian 101 at 11:00-403 South Wing.
Delattre-French 101 at 1:00-Room 209 Angell Hall.
, Eddy-Spanish 32, both sections, Wednesday, June 3, a. m.,-Room 209
Aigell HIall.
GarcIa-Spanish 2, all sections-Room 1035AH.
f Hootkins-French 157, both sections, Monday, June 1, a. m.,-Room 225
Angehl Hall.
* Logan-Spanish 1 at 1:00-Room 18 Angell Hall.
Luzuuaris-Spanish 1 at 9:00-210 University Hall.
Pargment--French 2 at 10:00-16 Angell Hall.
Sanchez-Spanish 2, all sections-Room 16 Angell Hall.l
Storer--French 31-Room 16 Angell Hall.
Spanish 2, both sections-Room 225 Angell Hall.
Thompson-Spanish 2, all sections-Room 231 Angel Hall.
French 32
8:00-all sections-Room 1009AH.
9:00-Muyskens, Brown-Room 6AHT.
t Wadsworth, Michaud-Room 206UH.
11:00-all sections-Room 231AH.
2:60-all sections-Room 231AH.
A. G. Caniild.
Twilight Organ Recital:
Palmer Christian, University Organist, will offer the following program
in Hill Auditorium Sunday -afternoon at 4:15 o'clock to which the public j
with the exception of small children is cordially invited:
Concert Overture (Maitland); Carillon (Delamarter); Capriccio 1
(Faulkes); Aux Etoiles (Dupare); Toccata and Fugue in D minor (Bach);j
Prelude to "Lohengrin" (Wagner); Goblin Dance (Dvorak); Melody in F
4Rubinsteln) Rhapsody Catalene (Bonnet).
Charles A. Sink, Secretary
To Members of The University of Michigan Band:
The members of the unit are reminded that the last formation of the
year is called for Saturday noon when the Varsity band will assemble at
the headquarters without uniforms to take part in a short ceremony at the
Read The Daily "Classified" Columns1
Spring Events
.fan 29-Interscholastic tennis tour-
May 29-Wisconsin vs. Michigan
track meet.
fay 30-Iowa vs. Michigan-base-
May 30-Wisconsin vs. Michigan-
June 10, 11-Alumni meet in Detroit.
June 12-Ohio State vs. Michigan-
June 12--Alumni Reunion Day .
June 12-Senior Class Day
Chicago, May 28. - Plans calling
for a larger stadium for the Univer-
sity of Chicago have been proposed,
V. * DAY.I
The last regular issue of The
Daily for the school year 1924-
25 will appear tomorrow morn-
ing. With that issue The Daily,
will suspend publication unitl
the appearance of The Summer
Michigan Daily, which will start
regular publication Monday,
June 22.
An Important Message to
The S. S. Kresge Company now operates 270 stores located in the
East and Middle West and is continually adding nev- stores to the
chain. For these new stores and other vacancies occurring' we
require managers. The only way to obtain satisfactory managers is
to engage young men possessing the necessary qualities and give
them a practical course of training through the various positions in
our stores.
A young man is placed in the stock room to learn'merchandise;
later he is promoted to floor work, where he assists the manager in
buying of merchandise for the store. It is necessary for him to serve
in most all departments-stock, floor, window trimming and learn
through these positions the general system of organization and the
handling and directing of male help and female salespeople.
The requirements, in addition to a satisfactory education, are:
An excellent moral character, an 'aptitude for merchandising, must
check up favorably on loyalty, personality, initiative, judgment, enthu-
siasm, observation, action, health, intelligence, industry, executive
ability and memory.
Applicant nust have faith in himself and the proposition such as
to warrant being willing to meet the requirements of the training
period by expecting to study merchandise, organization and store
conduct, working hard and putting in long hours if necessary. The
beginning wage will be small, but will be increased from time to
time as applicant becomes more valuable.
Successful applicants are placed under the direction of compe-
tent .managers, and learn our merchandise and store methods in a
practical way by actually doing store work. The training time
required before appointment to store management depends largely
upon ;the ability demonstrated.
OU can pay inoreta 9
or $7 for maen's footwear,
but wh do it when you can
get the atest modis, the finest
imported and doraestic Jethers
and the best workmanship in
John Ward Men'. Shoes at
those prices?'
On Displt~ li
CARTIERS, 3#6 S. State
June 8and 9
Stores in New York, Brokyn, Newark
#adPhiladelphia '.Address forMai
Orders, tipHud'on''t, New York C4
We have to offer in the beginning: Hard work, long hours and
small living wage. This, a great many times, does not appeal to the
average college graduate; but if he shows an inclination to spend
sufficient time in training a very bright future awaits him. Managers
are paid on a commission basis and earn from $3,000 to 415,000 and
above per year. We promise no one a store manager's position in
less than three years, and it may take longer.
The possibility of holding a good position within four or five
years should be considered more seriously ,than the obtaining of one
paying a higher salary in the beginning with little or no future
If interested and confident that you can qualify, send for appli-
cation blank. We- will write you further regarding a personal inter-
view. We prefer men between the ages of 22 and 30 years.
Some students may, of necessity, be compelled to accept for
their positions after graduation those paying the highest possible
salaries. If, after trying out such positions, you do not feel satisfied7,
we shall h eglad tn have vou write nos
1.GrY..- +3;u:/oocWzzaz.m-Rmuam jm-s~m.p~m mpo