PAGED TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1925 1VIARKET A S r---- . ... ,_-- ,.. ... --- , i . __ . . You Will Be Rewarded With the Highest Quality Goods at Lowest Prices by Purchasing From Us. THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE FOREMOST MARKETS AND MERCHANTS OF DOMESTIC NECESSITIES IN ANN ARBOR. TO FIND THE VALUE OF SUCH ADVAN- TAGES ONE MUST PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS. YOU WILL APPRECIATE THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MARKET PAGE AFTER SUCH A TRIAL. OUR POLICY- 11 Butter, - Eggs, Staple Goods Wil always continue to be that of giving only the highest quality bakery goods- and only the most courteous and efficient service. Poultry and Vegetables WAUMM " .ir :ilt ri I Ann Arbor Produce Co. Phones 6467-7464 707 Packard SA. STAPLE anld FANCY 1My EATS We handle only the choicest cuts obtainable. Trade with us and you will see for your-= self why we have gotten the reputation for quality and service that we now have. A. R Pe8 223 North Main St. Phone 4208 1111111011111111111111111111111111111111111i'IF[TIIt 11 l lllllnl i i gl llll#11tlillili I t E_ J",I1.+ ". w . I1. '",/"./".l ".l,+II. /"./. ". /. "J'./ 1J.? ".. .'"J./.J"./.1.9""crif ".f. I"I./"dJ. 15c Per Pou A car lo sisting o be sold' 10 P. M. 'ad'of f four Frida st c :rictly fr different esh fis kinds y and Saturda will be made; ~it ind h, con- Will y until at this ofit. Phone 3712 Shaw Orocor-y i 709 Ncar St 206 E.'-Huron Phone .913 FRED HEUSEL CITY BAKERY L. .. No deliveries low price. Deal with us and save the middleman's pri We have the only exclusive fish market in An QUALITY MEATS Cut to your satIsf..tIo. 3 lb. can Sun- C4 len eofs 4 7%0 world'sbast FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES E I I This i~ your reason we cooked at I cheerfully pay, 5 S06Suth Main Street s the ideal noon lun is simple place to eat cheon. The -pure foods a price you'll 0c. Phone 5 15 Ann Arbor Fish H51~ West 11atdiingtoii St. Flarket 14 * -~ltr Plio7e 74 .I- ././~ di"fiJ. J".y1'./. Y.YY~.Ywd., '. "/" /./«Y./ . /".." +'" ,. /. .i ' J"./1.d Yl./, . /. .r'J .//. °:J '... Ja y Prescription for Healh? MORE MILK Milk, consistently used, builds health and puts vigor in the frailest body- colors pale cheeks, revitalizes wasted 9 I I I , I - . , , , , , 1 11 1 I , wim6wommou", i I I I aLf1 a f f wr,--.. 1 1 t 1 1 F' I" r f C a-' r awr- Y . v jlq~ nerves. Milk was your first food. It is Our superior ties make it baking facili- possible for of still your best food. Drink iore bottled We always everything. Oi stand for the best in ur customers will guar- antee our goods. milk at meal time and between meals, too. We deliver rich, health-giving milk to all parts of the city. You are always sure of getting what you pay for. Clean- est dairy methods-prompt and cour- teous service. West Side Dairy 11111I Us' in to give you the very best all BAKED GOODS. L' i Vt. I I I ", - 1 1, - I I i t. Give u6 our goods quality of F: b r _ . . _ . . . _ assure your steady .1 MCAM COW, ;lp. . ;|; patronage. ROBERT A. STOLL 720 Brooks St. A Bottle of Milhk Phonc 9715, 213 East Washington Phone 82 1t Se F a Is a Botile of .health Phone 22326 1028 East University I L 4i/~ii/a/ l/~idliS/fiii' - I P There is a reason for the Our FRIDAY Specials. We carry only superior quality goods and our A worthy gift to Her. lio Poo-oft -: -W-4f4-jA'Wr4OrMOw ftm Ili -1 . .. ovao., nothing. so sweet and pure as f our candy, packed There is I Ar- I Cream. f I H n any size boxes. And before you ,go, don't forget to refresh yourself with the best soft drinks in the city. I I 4101 Deliver to All Parts of the City U __ -__ U_ U - U __ Washington U U.. . I I is ;o I 1 r '