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VOL. XXXV. No. 179
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Urged Revision of Examination
System To Benefit Students,"
Frost Says
Because he was a friend of Presi-
dent Burton, arid because they were
both friends of the University, Robert
Frost spoke last night in Hill auditor-
iuum at the Marion Leroy Burton Me-
morial convocation. And because Mr.
Frost was a friend of President Bur-
ton, his address last night was notS
so much 9 formal commemmorationl
as it was an intimate, personal rec-
"Let it be as if we sat down to-
gether to exchange recollections of a
friend in words like 'Remember how
tall he was," said Mr. Frost, and
then made it like that.
He spoke of Mr. Burton's ability as,
an administrator, of the boyishi, laugh-
ing way in which he went at obsta-
cles and overcame them; and of the
matter-of-fact way in which he dis-
missed doubts and queries. "Ile ac-
cepted it as a task to go ahead with,
rather than as a question."
Mr. Frost told of a conversation he
had had with the President which
had changed his idea of him. "I had!
always thought of him as an admin-j
istrator," he said, "but I found out
that administration was never enough
to satisfy the idealism of his nature.
He brushed it aside in his mind for
something beyond, which, as I camel
to see, was no less than the advance-
Year's Ten Accomplishments
Are Told In Council Report
Reviewing the definite accomplish-
ments of the last two semesters, a re-
port of the Student council for the
year 1924-25 was submitted to the new
council at the weekly meeting last
week in the Union. in this report the
ten. major acts of the council since its
j inauguration in the spring of 1924,1
are explained.
Foremost among these accomplish-
ments, the report says, was the re-
alization of student authority in dis-
cipline matters. Under the new judi-
cial power a student may have pre-
liminary trial by fellow students be-
fore final decision is given in dis-
cipline cases which come under the
jurisdiction of the University Dis-
cipline committee and the Senate
Committee on Student Affairs.
miTe old sophomore vigilance com-
cite was abolishd when the coun-
cil was reorganized two years ago.
Hazing was made an offense subject
'o expulsion at that time. The solu-
lution this year has been found in
throwing the responsibility on the
freshman class itself. A freshman
discipline committee composed of
members appointed by the class presi-
dent subject to the approval of the
council, now does the work.
Class dues are now handled through
the office of the Dean of Students. An
account will be kept there by each
class treasurer so that income and
expense may be audited.
The new Student council constitu-
tion was completed and one thousand
copies printed. These are kept in
the council office and in the office of
the Dean of Students.
The council was responsible for the
new cheer-leader system, whereby the
major sport captains will serve on the
squad during other sport seasons.
The office of cheer-leader was also
placed on the all-campus election bal-
The retiring council was the body
which took the initiative in starting a
Burton Memorial movement. As soon3
as all the classes have agreed to turn
over their memorial funds each year
to a common fund which will be used
for the Burton MemorialeChimes.
The Student council petitioned the
Board of Regents to name the new
literary building after President
James Burrill Angell. The peition
was accepted.
In the past the block "M" at Ferry
field has required 2,200 students. , As
the freshmen class varies slightly in
number each year sophomores have
been seated in the section. The coun-
cil, believing that the block "M"
should should be a freshmen proposi-
(Continued on Page Three)
Education School Requirements
Raised; Make Faculty
Ira M. Smith, assistant examiner of
the University of Chicago, was ap-
pointed to succeed the late Arthur G.
Hall registrar, and the Board in Con-
trol of Athletics was granted permis-
sion to use fifty cents, or any part of
that amount, from the fee received
from the registration'for the athletic
books for the maintenance and tra-
veling expenses of the University
band at the May meeting of the Board
of Regents last night.
Entrance requirements for the
School of Education were raised, sev-
eral gifts were received, leaves of ab-
sence were granted to several mem-
bers of the faculty, a number of ap-
pointments were made, and action
was taken on several scholarshipsI
and endowment funds. The Regents
voted to reconsider their former ac-
tion on the proposed new stadium.
Ira M. Smith was born at Bloom-
ington, Ind., and attended the Uni-
versity of Indiana, receiving a degree
orf bachelor of laws from that insti-I
tution in 1909. In the same year he
was admitted to the bar for state and
federal practice. He accepted a posi-
tion as assistant registrar of the Uni-
versity of Illinois in 1909, continuing!
there until 1920. From 1915 to 1920
le acted'in the capacity of University
In 1920 he was called to the Uni-
versity of Chicago, where he became
assistant examiner in charge of ad-
The fee for dental students who are
residents of the state was raised from
$180 to $200 per annum, and the fee;
for extension undergraduate courses
was changed from $4 to $5 per credit
hour. The Regents also raised the
entrance requirements for the School
of Education, making it necessary for!
students entering the school to have
junior standing with 25 per cent moret
honor points than hours.
A part of the Henry Russell en-
downment fund, it" was decided, will
provide for an annual lecture, to be
Amundsen Safe
Is Belief Of
Aero Society
Oslo, Norway, May 28.-(By A. P.)
--The Norwegian aeronautic associa-
tion takes the view that there is no
reason for supposing the Amundsen
north pole expedition has met dis-
aster. The association points out that
Captain Amundsen's instructions to
the other members of the expedition
aboard the vessels Farm and Hobby
were that the polar flight might last
a fortnight. He is also said to have
asked the patrol of the ice edge in the
event he did not return within a fort-
To make this patrol as efficient as
possible the association has asked
the ministry of defense to place the
Farm, which is a naval transport, at
the association's disposal for a con-
siderably longer period than was
originally intended and, further, to
orderatwo naval airplanes to assist in
the patrol.
i -)
'J. S. Wilson, Formerly Berkeley Mayor
Will Be Chief Conference
Comprising the largest group from
any college, more than 40 students of
the University of Michigan will attend
the Lake Geneva conference for aten
day period from June 12-22.
The camp is located on Lake Gen-
eva 80 miles north of Chicago. The
land which is owned by the Associa-
tion college of Chicago, is fitted with
athletic equipment. Within the last
year an 18 hole golf course has been
The purpose of the conference is to
discuss major problems of the day.
In addition, editorial, faculty, and
foreign student discussion are held
throughout the camp period.
Hon. J. Stitt Wilson, former mayor
of Berkeley, California, will be one of
the principal lecturers at Geneva. Mr.
Wilson is a )vell known college speak-
er and a student of the British Labor
movement. Sometime during camp an
inspection trip will be taken through
the Yerkes observatory which is near
the conference site.tAfter adjourn-
;ment of the convention an observa-
tion tour of Chicago will be made by
the delegates.
Special railroad rates will be made
to and from Geneva by roads carry-
First Case Growing Out
Senate Investigation of
Oil Reserves
Los Angeles, May 28. (By A. P.)-
ment of learning through 'magnan- Federal Judge Paul J. McCormick to-
itnous teaching.' Buildings, discipline, I cday decided in favor of the Unite
entrance requirements, professionald
schools were but the spread and ram- States government in its suit to can-
ification of the tree. His heart was cel contracts and leases held by the
rtally in some slight branch away at Pan American Petroleum and Trans-
th'e top by which alone the tree was port company and the Pan Americar
gaining height... My first impression company in the Elk Mills naval re-
was that he was an administrator.
serve in California.
Now for my last impression-that he r.
was a teacher and an idealist." The trial of this suit in equity
Mr. Burton and Mr. Frost had spent against the Dloheny oil interests open-
an afternoon discussing the different ed in Los Angeles October 24 last and
kinds of teaching. They had noted continued for several weeks. It wa
the kind designed to keep the student the first of the cases growing out c
from cheating; the kind designed to the United States Senate investigation
keep the students from dodging work; into naval oil reserves to be brought
the kind designed to keep the student j to trial. The government asked that
from making mistakes, "or, in its de- the courts cancel two contracts an'
generate form, to make him make two leases entered into between th
mistakes so they could correct him"; government and the defending com-
.the teaching that would make every panies providing for the operation o
lesson "one of thoroughness and the , wells in the Elk Hills Reserve numbe
sharpening of wits, as if there were 1, and the building by the companie
no other qualities than thoroughness of tanks, pipe lines and pumping fa
and sharpness to be cultivated in the cilities for the storage of 1,500,00
human breast." barrels of fuel oil at the Pearl Harbo
The two men discussed other kinds naval base, Hawaii. The contract als
of teachers. Some they praised. And provided for the deepening of Pear
then Mr. Burton gave Mr. Frost his Harbor and the construction of docks
ideas on education. He said that a lClosin oberts,speca govern ce
change was coming over it, and then counsel who was associated with for
- .--- one howsascatdwt o
Name ('oodenough President; Water.c
rnan Heads Adnuinisrative t
Members of the School of Religionl
executive board for 1925 and '26 haveE
been announced as follows: Luman
W. Goodenough, president; Fredericks
W. Stevens, vice-president; Stanley1
G. Stevens, secretary; Kirby B.I
White, treasurer, Judge Alexis C.
Angell, Julian It. Harris, James In-I
glis, Judge Franz C. Kuhn Charles S.9
Mott and Willard Pope.f
On the administrative committee
are Leroy Waterman, Ph.D., acting 1
chairman; Louis A. Hopkins, Ph.D.,F
secretary; and Henry A. Sanders,
Ph.D. The advisory council includes
William Bishop, University librarian,
Prof. Campbell Bonner, of the Greekl
department, Alfred II. Lloyd, actingj
president; Prof. George E. Meyers, 'of
Northrup Slated For Javelin Throw;
Schwarze i Champion In
Shot Put
By W. H. Stoneman
Two of the greatest rivals in the
American track world will meet at
4 o'clock this afternoon on Ferry field
when Michigan and Wisconsin plan a
This afternoons meet promises to
be one of the greatest dual affairs of
the season and the search for victory
will summon the best efforts of every
man entered. Coach Steve Farrell
will put a team into the field which
can be expected to give Wisconsin
the hardest competition it has had
since the indoor Conference meet at'
Evanston March 14. The indoor
championships went to Michigan by
less than three points and ever since
that time Tom Jones and his Badg-
ers have been looking for revenge.
They will have their first opportunity
this afternoon and the final chance
will come at the outdoor Conference
meet to be held at Columbus June 6.
From all indications the score at thel
end of today's meet ought to find the
two teams less than 10 points apart.
Some of the greatest track stars of
the country will appear on the two
teams. The Cardinal will be repre-
sented by such men as Schwarze,
who heaves the shot 49 feet 10 1-8
inches and throws the discus 146I
feet 7 1-4/ inches. No one in theI
country has approached his perform-
ances in the former event this year
and he will be favored to take first
places in both of those events thist
afternoon. Kubly, the WisconsinI
two miler, has run the distance in 9
minutes, 42 seconds this season and
ranks with the best. McGinnis and
McGiveran are not World beaters in
the hurdles but they rank with the3
best. Kennedy of Wisconsin is one
of the leading quarter milers in the
section and Vallely is a'leading miler.
Les Wittman and DeHart Hubbard,
two of the greatest sprinters in theI
country, will make their final per-
formances on Ferry field this after-
noon. Both bave been consistent first
place winners in the country's big-
gest track carnivals ever since they
first came to Michigan and the rec-
ord books will bear witness to their
calibre long after their graduation
from school. Charlie Reinke, the
greatest half miler running today,
will be another to run his final race
on Ferry Field. Another man who
promises to give the Badgers a shock
this afternoon is Phil Northrup, the
greatest sophomore athlete of the
season. Northrup throws the Javelin
over 200 feet, more than 20 feet far-
ther than anyone else in the mid-
dIe-West. He pole vaults 12 feet 6
inches, high enough to win first place
in most meets. He ordinarily finishes
up an afternoon by broad jumping
around 23 feet, 6 inches.
The 100 yard dash, the first event
Ion the program, will be a race be-
tween Hubbard, Wittman, and M
Andrews of Wisconsin, the two Mich-
By Carl E. Ohlniacher
In its first extra inning game of
the season, the Varsity baseball
team won the second game of the
Aeries from the Japanese All Stars by
a score of 4-3 in 13 innings yesterday
j fternoon at Ferry field.
After the losers h-ad been retired byA
a double play and a strikeout in their
half of the last frame, the Wolverines
scored the winning run after two
men were out. Haggerty opened the
inning by flying out to Futakami and
Ryrholm popped to Kirihara. Cole-
man singled through first base and
ran to second as the fourth ball was
called on Dillman. Wilson drove a
sharp single to right and Coleman,
limping from the effects of his in-
jured leg, ran across the plate with
the winning run, Takasu's throw to
the plate being late and wide.
Michigan was held to two hits over
the first five innings, but opened up
in the sixth and tied the score.
Froemke beat out a bunt that caught
Futakami asleep. Haggerty was safe
and Froemke went to second when
Watanabe dropped K o s ha i m o to's
throw. Ryrholm then drove the ball
almost to the tennis courts in right
center, but was held to three bases
as the gardeners were playing deep.
The first two runners scored. Cole-
man's best effort was a pop to Kir-
hara, and Dillman was robbed of a
Texas leaguer when Otsumi ran into
short right field and made a one-
handed catch of his hit. Wilson came
through with a hit through thi'd base
bringing Ryrholm in with the tying
run. There was no more scoring un-
til the thirteenth, when Wilson
cinched his hero role by hitting safe-
ly to bring in Coleman with the win-
ning tally.
Tom Fisher pitched the first five
innings for the Wolverine nine and
held his opponents to three hits, all
of which were bunched in the fourth
inning to score their runs. Cherry
batted for Fisher in the fifth. Hovey
replaced him and pitched good ball
until taken out for another pinch
hitter in the twelfth inning. Ruetz,
appearing for the first time this sea-
son, finished the game and gets cred-
it for the victory. The fast play of
the Wolverine defense saved the
pitchers on several occasions. Three
double plays came in to lighten the
hurlers' burdens. In the ninth frame,
Hovey was in a bad hole when the
bases were filled by two hits and a
hit batsman, but a foul fly to Hag-
gerty, Giles' catch on Mori's fly, and
Davis' pretty play in smothering
Watanabe's high foul left the three
Single Brings in Coleman
Winning Run; Ryrholm
Drives to Courts
he described th e change in terms or
"He built the future on teachers
who knew how to get more out of a
etudent by throwing an atmosphere
of expectation around him than by
putting the screws on him," said Mr. I
Frost. "They asked without asking.1
How? Not quizzingly, to test anyone.
First, they demand that th-e student
make his own trouble and not wait
for teachers to make it for him. See-
9nd they insist on turning the teach- I
er's claim on the student into the l
student's claim on the teacher,-ab-
.solutely the reverse of what it has
And for examinations Mr. Burton
also wanted a substitute, which Mr.
Frost called 'publication.' "That's the
trouble with the honors courses that!
are being started everywhere," said,
Mr. Frost. "They turn a student loose,j
and instead of giving them examina-
tions, they give them 'comprehen-
s ves.' Mr. Burton's teachers would
aiave insisted that the students 'pub-
lish themselves' to the teachers. They,
could come and talk, or they could
publish themselves in the campus
publications or they could write
somewhere else. And for the exam-'
luation they could come and talk, or
Write anything they thought appro-
priate to the course."
Mr. Burton was not a President set
apart from his teachers by the big-
ness of the State University, said Mr.
Frost. It was his instinct to keep
near teaching and the ideals of teach-
ing for his own happiness.
"President Burton's glans were un-
ier Senator Atlee Pomerene summe
up as follows:
First, the leases and contract
should be cancelled because it ha
been shown that there was a con
spiracy between Albert B. Fall, for
mer secretary of the interior, an
Edward L. Doheny, head of the O
company which resulted in the con
tracts and leases.
Second, that the transaction where
by Fall received $100,000 I roi
Doheny, "contained every element o
a bribe."
Third, that 4, fraud was worked o
the United States government b
what was done.
Freshmen Donate
First Money For
Burton Memoria
Robert A. Campbell, treasurero
the Burton Campanile fund, last nigh
announced the gift of $84.50 from th
Freshman social committee.
This money,Ithe proceeds from th
class spring party, is the first con
tribution to be made to the Burto
memorial fund, and comes as a su
p rise to the University officials who
I short tinte ago expressed the opinio
that it would be hard to arouse th
class of '28 and succeeding class
in the proiect.
d the industrial education department;
g baoing students to the conferenceIn-
e Prof. 1. Leo Sharfman, of the eco- given between Easter vacation and formation regarding Geneva may be
- :omics department Prof. John F. May 30. The lecturer will be ap- obtained from John Elliott, '26, at'
)f Shepard of the psychology depart- pointed by the executive committee Lane Hall.
, hprrftt pyhlg ear-jo h esactcu.Another parti___________
r ment; Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the of this fund, $250, ii t be used as an
s philosophy department; Prof. Horace a t some $embe tsed facul
- L. Wilgus, of the law school, amd award to some member of the faculty Chicago Pays
0 Prof. Arthur E. Wood, of the sociol- conspicuous service to the ITnive-I as'
r ogy department.- sitytLast.TP U
o The courses now offered by the Miss Shirley Titus was appointed I
' school are: the history of religions, director of nurses, beginning July 1.TO Executwe '
. elementary phenomena of religion, 1925. Miss Alice Lake was named di-
t the religions of ancient Babylonia i rector of the education department Chicago, May 28. (By A. P.)-
- and Egypt, of the Far East, and of of the Nurses home, beginning the Faculty and students of the Univer-
d the Near East, the reformation, the same date. Carlton Wells of the sity of Chicago . and the academic
philosophy of religion, the expansion rhetoric department was appointed world in general joined today in pay-
,s of Christianity, the history of religion advisor of foreign students during the ' ing tribute to Dr. Ernest Dewitt Bur-
d in America, and present problems of I absence of Prof. J. A. C. Hildner of 1ton, third president of the University
- religion. the German department. who died Tuesday.
- y Courses already available as sup- Harold Lloyd was appointed as- The funeral services, each marked
d plementary material fall under the sistant professor of mechanical en- by simplicity were held on the cam-
il headings of "folklore and ancient re- gineering, Dr. Byron E. Biggs was pus, the first a commemorative chapel
- ligious thought." Under the title re- named assistant medical director of service at noon for members of the
ligion and conduct four courses will the University hospital, and Henry university only, and th.e second a
e- be given in ethics. Three courses Thomas Moore was made professor of public ceremony in Mendel hall' at
ii will also be given under the subtitle educational psychology. The latter 2:30 o'clock. Dr. Burton's body wasI
f religion and society. will replace Prof. Guy M. Whipple, not taken to the hall first for the first
re iornsoie t nesigned. service but remained at his homeI
The business office of the School ,ind
n of Religion is in Lane hall. The following leaves of absence surrounded by a students' guard until
y were granted by the Regents: Prof. time for the public ceremony. Later
.M. L. Begeman of the mechanical en- it was removed to Oakwood cemetery
Wisconszn Players gineering department for another one where it will be cremated.
Will Give 3 P ta s year, for research work; Dr. Reuben i At the Commemorative services at
vv t ~fe1. -ty Peterson of the medical school from! noon the speakers were Prof. John
Here This Summer Sept. 22 to Nov. 1; Prof. E. G. Bur- Merle Coulter, and Dean Ernest H.
Irows of the journalism department Wilkins, while prayers were said by!
It one year, for study in Yucatan; and the Rev. P. J. Soares, the university
In connet ion with the progranm of Prof. Barbara Bartlett of the public chaplain.
entertainment planned for the Sum- health department, for the summer
of iner session, the Wisconsin players of period. The leave of Prof. Harold P
ht Milwaukee will present a group of Scott of the rhetoric department was ennsy vanta Cl b
ie three and possibly four plays here extended for one year. The resigna-
this summer, Prof. Louis I. Bredvold tion of F. E. Jagozinski of the en-Appoints Officers
he of the English department announced gineering college was accepted.
n wsTacepedeElWtinon ofinrsplayersnnyl
.yesterday. The Wisconsin players The Regents appointed Mrs. Edgar Erani cu heldcls nigt res l-
n wil come here under the auspices of Cooley of vania club held last night resulted in
theEngis dearoley.I Gan Lansing, Miss Nellie Hayes jthe appointment of Walter W. Davis,
r-the English department. of Grand Rapids, and Mrs. T. E. Ran- th, ponmn f atrW ai,
a . ofRaidanLMs.T EaRn- president; James T. Harold,
O Th'e first of the group, Congreve's kin of Ann Arbor to act as the Board 28 vicepresident; Wiifr Ship,
he "The Way of the World," an eight-; of governors of the alumnae house. '26, recording secretary; Rena Pavitt,
es eenth century play r-ecently revived It was decided to allow the use of '28, corresponding secretary; and
! in New York, will be presented July Hill auditorium for the commence- Harry C. Katzenmeyer, '27E, treas-
16. Zona Gale's "Miss Lulu Bett" will ment exercises of Ann Arbor High urer.
be given on July 17, and on Saturday I school, Friday, June 12.
;evening,July 18, will be given Soph- The President was instructed toE
!ode's "Antigone." At a matinee per- send a delegate to the Vanderbilt.Baseball.scores
formance, July 18, Anna Cora Mow- muniversity semi-centennial celebra- -
att's "Fashion," a comedy of 1849 ntion. I A rrPT'A T A e
runners stranded.
Kirihara, ss.........5
Futakami, of.......6
Sugai, rf ...........3
Koshimoto, 3b ......5
Nitta, p ...........5
Takasu; If .......5
Otsumi, 2b .........5
0 0 5
1 3 4
1 1 0
0 0 1
1 2 1
0 1 1
0 1 5
igan men being favored above the Mori, c.............5 0 0 6 1 0
Badger flash. Watanabe, lb.......4 0 0 11 0 1
In the 220 yard dash the race will be Ikwa, lb ...........1 0 1 5 0 0
between Wittman of Michigan and
McAndrews of Wisconsin. Emile Totals............ 44 3 9 38 11 3
Voelker of Michigan is expected to MICHIGAN
make a good fight for'third place. He AB R H O A E
took the final point behind Evans and Giles, 2b..........6 0 2 7 3 1
Wittman in the Illinois dual meet two Froemke, cf.........6 1 3 3 0 0
weeks- ago and he looks fast enough Haggerty, 3b.......6 1 0 4 2 0
to repeat today. Ryrholm, rf.........6 1 2 4 1, 0
The two hurdle events will proba- Coleman, if ........6 1 1 0 0 0
I bly go to Wisconsin, McGinnis being Wilson, lb ........6 0 2 10 0 -0
doped to take the highs and McGiveran Dillman, ss.........3 0 0 1 1 0
the lows. Stew Hulse will be Michi- Davis, c ...........5 0 0 9 2 0
gan's best bet in the lows and Voelk- Fisher, p..........1 0 0 0 2 0
er looks the best in the highs. Michi- Hovey, p..........2 0 0 1 0 0
gan will probably lose some of the Ruetz, p ...........0 0 0 0 )0 0
margin it will have gained in the dash *Cherry ............1 0 0 0 0 0
events; in the hurdles. The quarter **Friednaan........0 0 0 0 0 0
mile will be a toss up between Nate1
Feinsinger of Michigan and Kennedy!Totals............ 48 4 10 39 11 1
of Wisconsin. Feinsinger has run the *Batted for Fisher in fifth.
distance in 40 1-5 seconds While Ken-4**Batted for Hivey in twelfth.
nedy's best time for the season was Two out when winnig run scored.
a second slower. Feinsinger beat out1 Summaries: Three base hit: Ryr-