PAqjC WTORT DAILY OFCA BDLEI Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by theMa iirtent to theb.-We'ent until 8:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday. Vollume £ TIURSIJ^ AY A 28, 192'Number 178 M Memorial Meeting for President Marioni LeRoy Burton: The University's memorial meeting in honor of President Marion LeRoy Burton will take place at 8:00 P. M., Thursday, May 28, 1925, in Hill Audi- torium. Mr. Robert Frost will deliver the address. The main floor and gal- leries of the Auditorium will be open for students, faculty, and citizens of Ahin Arbor. Academic costume will not be worn. I 1 i f 3 i I j II I I i a i I a ______ THE' MICHIGAN DAILY__ Earth quake Again Devastates Japan TTUR~1nAY, MrAY 2s, 1923~ Cercie Francais JaffrsonCity, Mo., fMay 27.-The Will Hear critic; Louis, to succeed the late United. States Senator Selden F. Spencer, ",asp Prof. Paul Laumonier of the Tani- announced today by Gov. Samuel Baker. versity of Parisf will. address the ________ Cercle Francais on the "poet Ron- s~i er 11ow for The ~sumcr~ sard" at 4:10 o'clock today in Na-, Ilchigan D1aily.-A.i, tural Science auditorium. The lece-____________________ ture, which will be given in French,' will lbe illustrated. Professor Laumoni er is considered one of the three leading authorities on Ronsard. He has written the only E m-ID etersie will benoamis ionhearoe.' W A N 'I l exteivew orkdingin hathepet and the public is cordially invited to atenl _____ A. ]I. Lloyd. To All Members of the Student Body: Regents' regulations provide that all current University fees must' l,. paid before credit can be granted. A number of students have charges for Health Service treatment - outstanding, against them. The names of such students (errors and omissions excepted) are being communicated to their respective Deans, and these bills must be paid without delay it credit is to be given :for the present semester's work. 3 Shirley WV. Sinitli, Secretory. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Will every member of the faculty who is in charge of the announcement of courses to be offered by his department please make sure, before pre- paring his copy, that all room assignments are in agreement with the rec- ord in my office. W. IL Humphireys. Members of the Administrative Board, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board Thursday, May 28, at 4 :10, in Dean Effinger's office. W. R. Humnphreys. Honor Guard: Seniors of the various schools and colleges who have been selected by their Class Presidents, respectively, are requested to meet with Dr. May at the gymnasium at 7:00 P. MI. Thursday, May 28. L. M. Gram, Chief Marshal. To All Studeuf ~In Engineering Drawing: All studet 4.are required to remove' the, locka from their instrument and drawing board lockers by 'the end of the examination period, June 10th. Locks foud u removed after this date will be destroyed to free the lockers for the Summer Session. H. W. Miller. , " , AKASAKI 4T a EA. 07' MOSIV'T .JAPAN q, . 0OU To oxAY M PAC tF4 C o NAOA Al C EAN, UNUT- m L.9 3 London, May 27.--Another of Eng-' land's old estates will soon go under! the hammer, the young Duke of Rut-.. land having decided to sell Longshaw lodge.. I "KEEP SMILING" gust as long as we do your Girls' Discarded Dresses Coats and Shoes Highest Cash Prices Paid cleaning and pressing will have a smile on face. you your Telephone 6616 Quick Service Good Work ' 4 ® I C. B. 'BROWN 328 South Phone Main St. 7814 120 Fourth Ave. More than 2,000 persons are believed to have perished in tha latest Japanese earthquake, the most seri- ous since the unprecedented devastation of the Tokio area in 1923. Scenes like that above are again to be found over wide areas of Nippon. The underscored cities in the map were those destroyed in 1923. The shaded area is the scene of the latest disaste!. .., nee Examinations in Surveying: Course 2, Tuesday, June 2nd., 2-6, Room 311. Course 4, .Tuesday, June 2nd., 2-6, Room 348. C. T. Johnston. Political Senhe 2, Journal Club: There wi114be a regular meeting of the Journal Club to Hi1gh School Observations: All observation slips must be taken to Room lOG Tapj day P. M., May 29. Mr. Whitehouse will be in Room No. 10 Tappan Hall, to' 4.15. 3Mathematlcs, College of Literature, Science, arid the Arts: The mathematics staff will meet on Friday, May 29, at 3201 Angell Hall. U~niversity Glee Club: The notice to meet Thursday night in Hill Auditori mandd~. The Club will not sing that night. Theodore Harr lnatertole giaute De'bate Classes:t All university men and women given places in the Ini bating classes for next year are requested to meet in R4 Hall at 5 o'clock on Thursday, May 28. 'G. Mr. Yanaway, of Educators Association, will meet stu in summer employment at the City Y. M. C. A., 110 North 4 8:00 A. M. to 4:00 !P. M., Thursday, Friday, and Saturda May 28, 29, and 30. To Seniors-Bu siness; Opportunity: Mr. H. W. Becker, of Grand Rapids, district manager politan Life Insurance Company of New York, will be atl Michigan Union from 9 to 11 A. M. and 1 to 2 P. M. on T1 to interview seniors who are interested in the life insuranl profession. l ella Tatu Delta: At a meeting, of the Committee o n Student Affairs hi local chapter of Delta Tau Delta fra tern ity was placed one year for failure to properly con duct the dance helc house onl May, 16. H. C. Avinrson, Secretary Senate Conmnittee on S Subscriber now for Tihe Sumner Michigan Daly.-Ad IHURRY!1 HURRY day at 3 P. M.. I. S. Reeves. pan Hall by Fri- Thursday, 3:45 C. 0. Davis. 4 P. M. in Room J. L. Markley.. um is counter- IWHAT'S GOING ONj Notices to appear in this column must be left in the box at the Daly office provided for twiat purpose before 4 o'clock preceeding the day of issue. THURSDAY4 4 05-Miehigam i's. Japanese All-Stars baseball game is held at Ferry field. 4:10-Lecture in French, "Au Pays dpi Poete Ronsar d," (avec projections) by M. Paul Laumonier of the Uni- versity of Paris, is presented in the Natural Science auditorium. 1:10-Administrative board of the lit- erary college meets in Dean John R.I Effinger's office. { :00-Unilversity nmen and women i jdebating classes meet in room 3201, Angell hall. 7 :00-Honor guard 'meets with Dr. 64. A. May in Waterman gymnasium. 7:00-Weekly assembly ini English 3 , pubhlic speaking' for enineers, is in honor of President Marion L. Burton is held in Hill auditorium. Robert Frost is the speaker. FRI nAY 4:00-1fathuemalles staff of literary college me~ets in room 3201, Angell ball. 4 :0)--Michigran vs. Wisconsin track meet at Ferry field.f (( ~SESIORS There will be no smoking during the commencement exer- cises on Ferry field, on June 15. Such practice detracts from the dignity of the occasion and (will b~e strictly prohibited. Richard Laurence, i SPresident, senior' literary class. REl)D THE CLIASSIIFI D )S Zgof . alZe SUMMER DAILY TRYOUTS f The Summer Michigan Daily offers students who expect to attend Summer School all of the advantages and e xp er ie nc e which are found in The Mich- igan Daily,, and also the oppor- tunity for faster advancement. Both the editorial and business staffs willtadd a few men and women during the next few weeks. Persons interested are urged to see Thai or Mansfield, on the. editorial side, any after- noon from 2 to 5 o'clock, or Conlin, on the business side, any afternoon fronm 4 to 6:30 o'clock. These men may be found at The ,Daily -offices in the Press building on Maynard street. The Last When you get home you will wish you had bought your new suit in Ann Arbor, as you know that} the styles of clothing vary considerably in college towns. You will find Ltrcolle giate 3e- held in room 348, west Engineering oom 3209 Angell bidn.-= .m 20 g 8:00-University f emril meth udnsinterested tlttliit~liiHiiiiit111iiiiiHitiititil:- iiii~TH E PETE R PA N [th Avenue,; from t ' aof this week, ~CPPER, SILVER, = GRAMOPHONE} ,J. A. Biirsley. ..- = NICKEL PL NitG forn thinieroour shop = - Room 422 of the = Razors Ground and -- hursday, May 24, Honed.- ice business as a J1. A. Bursicy. a safety. Razor ' feld May 27, the HOSPITALx on probation for - (TTTT7CI' d1 at its chapter SUPPILY CO.j tuetAairs 216 E. Washington r Phone 5881_cF= [. -i We are presenting you with the oppor-_ tunity to secure this attractive article to . sell, as a business or to your friends, R D ER TODAY during the summer months, for which r you will receive a profitable commission. k L CAR DS AT - Write RSUNIVERSITY ~ LEE MFG, SALES CO. BOOKSTORE. ST. CLAIR, MICH. it difficult to purchase collegiate, well tailored merchandise in the "old home town." With the unusual SPECIAL SALE we have launched this Spring you may please your, taste for clothes of style and refinement. $50 suits $45 Suits $40 Suits o now $40.00 now $36.00 now $28.00 $35 Suits Neckwear, $1.50 now 95c PLACE YOUR( FOR PERSON~ Straw Hats-Fancy Bands 213 EAST LIBERTY (Opposite Varsity Laundry) IWAH, I"/C4~ T Your Al1umnuos and Alumni Button at I1I 11 \.,A V li .L' .V . ~. 4.4 A..L1 L A X.5X .1.11 A . N