DEDICATED TO JUSTICE 'it q l a u Ap :43 at MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XXXV. No. 101 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FI va E lNTs SENgATAPPROVES LEGISLATION FOR SALARY INCREASE VICE PRESIDENT, LAWMAKERS, AND CABINET MEWBERS WOULD BE AFFECTED' NO DISSENSION WILSON'S WOLVERINES WILL FURNISH MUSIC AT FROLIC Paul Wilson's Wolverines, the regular Union orchestra, has been selected to alternate withj Cean G-oldkette's Orange Blos- som orchestra of Detroit, in sup- plying continuous music for thej Frosh Frolic, the night of March 13, at the Union. harry Grinnell, '28E, is inj charge of the committee that has arranged for the music. The} decorations will consist largely of palms, with some novelty in the center of the ballroom floor. Definite action has been post- ACTION ON CHILD ABOR AMENDMENT DELAYEDBY HOuiSE WOMEN SWAJRM GALLERY AS NEGATIVE RESOLUTION IS CONSIDERE)D MANY TURNED AWAY Bill Would Boost $12,000 ray $15,000 and $7;5WN to $10,000 to poned until meeting of committee the next regular the entire Frolic Proponents of Bill Win First ish; Will Get Early Hearing Skirm.I Giant Dirigible Will Make Test Trip To Indies Washington, Feb. 17.-Weather per- mitting, the dirigible Los Angeles will leave Lakehurst, New Jersey, Friday morning for Bermuda with 200 pounds of mail and carrying assistant secre- tary of the Navy Robinson, Rear Ad- miral Moffett, chief of navy aeronau- tics, and it is expected, a representa- tive of the 1ost4aster' general as passengers. The tender Papoka is al- ready at Bermuda to provide a moor- ing mast for the airship.f The flight will be the first of the} series of long distance operations planned for the Los Angeles during the spring and early summer, to test the feasibility of employing airships j of that type for commercial passengers data on the subject, all operating costs of the ship and estimated charg- es against capital investment depreci- ation and similar items are being kept by the navy, together with income ca- pacity ingthe way of available mail or passenger freight on each trip. ATTENDS-BANQUETi 4' i I ______ Washington, Feb. 17.-(By A. P.)- Lansing, Feb. 17.-(3y A. P.)-Un- Without discussion or a record vote der the watchful eye of a huge gallery the Senate tonight gave its approval of women the house of representatives to a pay increase for the vice presi- Ltoday deferred action on the proposed dent officials and members of Con- Il cnior.ame meno epFederal - e * onstitution. The wonien, represriit gress. aing various organizations, swarmedI The proposal is embodied in a meas- IUnto the legislative chambers as th ure by Senator Ball, Republican, House was considering the Culver Delaare whih ws ofere by hai- iresolution suggesting the rejection ofj Delaware, whicl was offered by Chair- University Professor Will Lecture on the amendment aproachod. The man Warren of the appropriations "Surgery of the Dark Ages" speaker of the house finally barred committee on an amendment to the Tonight the doors of the fIloor to all but mem-l $15,000,000 legisaltive supply bill pass- -hers and newspapermen. ed tonight and sent to conference. SECOND ON COURSE I The delegations, which Represent- If approved by the House the pay -- ative Charles Culver, sponsor of the increases would become effective Prof. Frederick A. Coller, of the sur- rejection resolution, referred to as the1 biggest lobby that has visited the as-) March 4, when the 69th Congress gical department of the medical school sembly, wsa frankly hostile to the ef- comes into being. Under the terms 01 will speak on "Surgery of the Dark fort to put the house on record as op-l the amendment, which Senator War- Ages" at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the posed to the child labor amendment. ren explained had the approval of the I When the resolution came up as a finance, as well as his own committee, west amphitheatre of the medical special order of business, rs- the salary of the vice president, mem- building. His talk will be illustrated ative William B. Hartzog, of Ingham,] beirs of the cabinet and the speaker of with a large number of slides. This launched the drive to delay a roll call. the house would be increased from will be the second lecture on a series His motion was ruled out of order. $12,000 to $15,000 a year, while thosedi Representative J. E. Warner of Ypsi- of senators, representatives, and dele- inlanti came next with a proposal that gates from the several territories is being held under the auspices of action on the resolution be delayed, would be advanced from $7,500 to Alpha Omega Alpha, national honor- I two weeks. When it was announcedl $10,000. ary medical fraternity, that the senate labor committee willl With the passage of the legislative ! Professor Coller has given many lec- hold a public hearing on the amend- bill the Senate has to act on only one tures on medical history on the cam- ment Thursday night, Representative1 other of the annual supply measures, pus during recent years and is well Charles Evans, of Lenawee, amendedI that of appropriating money for the known as a student in this field. Dean Representative Warner's motion andI Washington city government. All ex- Hugh Cabot of the medical school, succeeded in having final considera-' cept one amendment to this bill was gave the first lecture on the series tion of the rejection resolution over1 approved tonight and leaders plan to several weeks ago. Friday. have it passed before the end of this This course of lectures was inaugu- As matters stand the proponents of week. rated because of the increasing desire the amendments have won the first, of students in the medical school to skirmish. They will get their start 'olearn facts about medical history. At for public haring before the house the present time there is no room for commits itself for ratification or re- such a course in the curriculum. jection. Opponents of the amendment I Although the series was instituted asserted the victory was a hollow one.; Sprimarily for medical students, the Many members, they claim, who will speech tonight will also be of interest vote against ratification, were willing1 to pre-medics and the public at large. jto grant the delay for the sake ofJ Final figures compiled by the busi- _ _ _ _peace, without in any way changing ness management of the 1925 Michi- ;r(their minds as to the final disposition; ganensian show that only 2,400 sub- I iU MI t of the measure. scriptions have been paid. In order 11 RF The Culver resolution as it will 1 to assure the success of the yearbook 1come up for consideration Friday ex-; it is necessary that 2,800 books be or- pressed, as the sense of the assembly, dered, thus making a deficiency of i that the child labor amendment should 400 subscriptions. be rejected. When the public hearing Vor the purpose of receiving new Washington Feb. 17.-(By A.P.)-Con- is held indications are that members sbscriptions to the 'Ensian, the offices fidential information of the prepared- of both branches will be beseiged byI will be opened for the next two weeks. ness of the army and navy to defnd fair lobbiests exhorting them to turn 'Checks will be accepted dated ahead the nation against attack from the air down the resolution and' vte to ratify as far as March 5 for the benefit of was given the house aircraft commit- the amendment. those who desire to subscribe but tee behind closed doors today and al- _ who do not have the available cash. though members would not disclose I Elaborate plans have been practi- the plan, it was learned that they were I cally completed for the innovation of not thorroughly satisfied with the ade- a number of new features, and the quacy of the air services. Some mem- staff has endeavored to carry out the h ers were of the opinion that, in view Kl rrnai slogan set early last fall of making of the testimony of army and navy of- M "The 1925 'Ensian lifferent." ficers today, it might be advisable toI A number of pages have been added go exhaustively into the condition of Dalton .1. Pilcher, '26, member of to the feature section, some of which the air service, especially that of the the debating squad, and harry C. will be finished in colors. Other at- army, or take up the advisability of ( Clark, '26L, spoke before the Rotary tractions will be included in the ath- recommending to the House the ap- club of Kalamazoo yesterday at the letic section. Action game pictures ! pointment of a commission to study weekly luncheon of the organization. will be interspersed throughout the the situation during the summer. The students were sent from here un- I advertising section, which will con- Assistant secretary of the Navy Rob- ider the auspices of the extension de- tain a number of full page four color inson and Rear Admiral Hila-ry P. prrtment of the Student Christian advertisements. Jones, president of the naval general j association. board, testified on the airplanes of the I Clark discussed journalism on the Seattle, Feb. 17.-Seattle's municipal navy department, while Major Gener- college campus. He was a member of railway has paid off $3,332,000 of its al John L. Hines, chief of the army 'T 'he Daily staff in the capacity of $15,000,000 bonded indebtedness in the general staff and his aide, Major S. night editor last year. le pointed Fix years it has been under city own- B. Wilby, represented the war depart- out that the students of the univer- ership, 11. L. Collier, assistant city ment. They were designated by secre- sity are engaged in many activities of Presented with New Sousaphone Annual Dinner Given by C. of C. at FLINT DIRECTOR SPEAKS More than 600 were present at.the annual Ann Arbor Chamber of Com- merce banquet held last night in the new Masonic temple, at which the University band was presented with the silver Sousaphone purchased forj them by the Chamber. The band were guests of the Chamber at the banquet, and furnished music during the eve-I ning, playing "The Victors," and other numbers, and closing the program with "America." Preceding the banquet the band, un- der the direction of Captain Wilfred Wilson, paraded down Williams street to Main, then to Huron, and back on Fourth street to the temple. Dr. J. Bradford Pengelly, director of the Flint Chamber of Commerce, was the principal speaker of the evening. In his talk on "The Body and Soul of a City," he stressed the importance of! emotional training and social unity in the building of a city. Rev. Herbert A. Jump acted as toastmaster in the absence of Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the University, and in his opening speech paid a tribute to President Marion L. Burton, offering a short! prayer for his recovery. The invocation was delivered byI Rev. Kenneth Bowen, pastor of the Church of Christ. Other speakers on the program were R. A. Dolph, past president of the chamber, W. Hackley Butler, retiring president, and P. P. Woodbridge, executive secretary. The Sousaphone was presented on behalf of the chamber by Louis E. Ayres, and received by Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the University. Members of the University Glee club, under the direction of Theodore Har- rison furnished selections. Officers of Chambers of Commerce from neigh- boring cities were guests of honor at thp h.ban iot EXPERTS DISCUSS NEW DEVELOPMENT IN Hg RABUILING 3IAINTENANCE OF CEMENT HIGH-. WAYS IS TOPIC AT AFTER- NOON SESSION A.H. WHITE TALKS Blanehard Speaks on Promotion of Safety by Use of Mechanical Means Discussion concerning the most re- cent developments in the construction and maintenance of cement-concrete highway pavements together with the design and tests concerning them oc- cupied the afternoon sessionof the eleventh annual conference on high way engineering being held here by the engineering college in cooperation with the Michigan State Highway de- partment and the Michigan associa- tion of Highway Commissioners and Engineers. Belknap Speaks Leon Belknap, engineer-manager of' the Oakland county road commission traced the most recent construction methods used for concrete pavements and showed the effect of new ma- chinery on the rapid development, within the past few years, of that type of highway construction. He briefly , gave a resume of the different meth- ods of construction and the most ap- proved ideas on the maintenance of the pavement. A technical paper illustrated by slides was presented by A. T. Gold- beck, chief of the division of tests of the United States Bureau of Public Roads, dealing with the different tests i which that bureau uses in the deter- mination of the value of different soils for road subgrade and the approved methods of preparing it for the con- struction of the wearing surface. He gave the results of many tests and experiments carried on. by that de- partment as the most efficient types of concrete road design with the graphical results of research concern-f ing the road designs in different states. f Stressing the point that if the State Highway department would spend at least one percent of the amount spent on road construction on research to better the concrete roads, instead of pursuing a policy of hit or miss ex- periment, Professor Alfred H. White, of the chemical engineering depart- ment briefly discussed the concrete pavement from the standpoint of lab-' oratory tests made on it. His subject was "The Causes of the Expansion and Shrinkage of Cement-Concerte" and in it' he showed how the effect of moisture and heat on the single grain of cement caused it to crask and break the concerte slab. Professor White stated that unless some new method were soon developed for concrete mix- tures there would never be any per- manent road built. Herstated that it was necessary for the engineers of the country to determine some method by which concrete roads could resist the elements and be of some permanent nature. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEES RECALLED FOR CONFERENCE Washington, Feb. 17. - The Senate and House agriculture committees were recalled into session. to consider legislation to carry out recommendations of the President's agriculture conference. The Capper-Haugen co-opera- tive measure was before both, and the House committee assem- bled with the intention of ap- proving a report and a measure, if possible before its adjourn- ment. In executive session, to- day the -committee adopted an amendment by Representative Fulmer, Democrat, South Caro- lina, to enlarge the membership of the proposed federal co-oper- ative marketing board from three to five to bring in representa-I tives of major agriculture pro- ducts. MAIL APPLICATIONSI I FOR JUNIOR PLAYi OPERATE ON LUNG Recent Strains on President Add Danger to Weak Condition of Heart BULLETIN At a late hour last night a state- ment issued verbally by the doc- tors in attendance on President Burton, declared that "if there is any change in Dr. Burton's condi- tion tonight it is slightly for the better." Following the removal yesterday of fluid which had accumulated the night before in the pleural cavity of his right lung, President Marion L. Bur- ton was believed to be holding his own last night. There were indications that Dr. Firt Performance of "Castles Spain" Will Take Place In Burton would spend a more restful 100 WOMEN TAKE PART I night as the result of the aspiration I of the chest. The anxiety that per- Mail order applications for "Castles vaded the Burton home 24 hours ago in Spain," the 21st annual Junior girls' had given way to renewed hope when play were sent out early this week. relief came to the patient as a conse quence of the operation. Further The play which the women of the class more, all doubt as to the nature of the of 1926 will present is the work of latest complication had been removed Ruth Carson, chairman, Helen Ramsay with the issuance of a bulletin by the and Lucy Wilson, and is being direct-' physicians, who diagnosed the de- y velopment as a streptococcus pleur- isy. Early the doctors were unde- prominent in campus dramatics dur- cided between pleurisy and pneu- ing her courses here and has studied monia., but an examination this morn- in New York since then. Miss Loomis ing disclosed the nature of the com- is replacing Prof. John R. Brumm, who 'Soon. has directed the performances in the pa of the patin wh had perature of the patient, which had past. been wavering between 102 and 103, "Castles in Spain" will have its first began to decline and President Bur- performance Tuesday night, March 17, ton appeared tonight to have settled tthaUh na h a" Z f- ~n _1_ BURTON CONTINUES IN SERIOUS STATE REPORT INDICATES DIAGNOSE AS A NEW COMPLICATIONS STREPTOCOCCUS PLEURISY at thew nitney theatre. The first per- *d formance will be in honor of the Sen- Ih for women and will not be open to then public. The remaining presentationsv which will be given every other nights of that week, including a matineea Saturday, will be open to the public. Applications have been sent to b alumnae in Ani Arbor, Detroit, and t near-by cities. Remittances should1 accompany all requests for tickets and I should be sent to Eunice Rose, 1501c Washtenaw ave. before March 9th.N The price of seats are: Boxes, $3.00; t entire orchestra, $2.50; first four rowsE of the balcony, $2.00; next four rows,1 $1.50 ; and the remaining seats in the balcony $1.00. The gallery will notf be open during any of the perform- ances. Rehearsals have already started, un-f der Miss Loomis' direction, and morek than 100 Junior women will partici- pate. 1ENGINEERING STUDENTS S WILLHNEAR MAYOR1 LEWISIj i I i treasurer, announced. WeherMn I <_ na44Q f ... ; ff ,'.. iu 4tGi. .. ,I I II . , I tarys Wilbur and Weeks at the re- quest of the committee to represent those departments. Representative C. Perkins, Republi- can, New Jersey, the committee exam- iner announced after the meeting that confidential information had "thrown a flood of light upon the question of general defense, and especially in re- gard to aircraft," and that the request for this information had proven I "highly practical." Beyond this state- nment, lie refused to discuss the situa- tion. HINCHMAN I F'E'TALKS Toy FOIR-YAHR EGINEERS' Theodore H. Hinchman, '93E, of the Smith, Hinchman and Grylls Architec- tural company of Detroit, gave the1 principal address at the freshman en- gineering smoker last night. Mr. Hinchman discussed the qualities es- which the average citizen of the state . is unaware. Pilcher followed Clark with a short talk upon traveling in Europe. JUNIOR 'COLLOQVIUM TO HOLD INIIA M ETING] Addresses by Roy Kegerreis and B. I. Stephenson, both of the physics de-I partment, will feat ure the initial meeting of the Junior Physics Collo- quium at 7 o'clock tonight. The Col- loquium is composed of members of the physics department who are study- ing for degrees in doctor of philoso- phy and its purpose is to discuss phy- sical research and problems met in studying physics. It is planned to hold these meetings every two weeks The subject of the addresses tonight will be on X-rays . Mr. Kegerreisj will open the Colloquium with a re- view of X-ray phenomena and Mr. Me OU14M Morrison Presides Professor Roger L. Morrison; of the flfltU1AI[ONQTi highway engineering department and director of the Michigan State High-i way laboratory presided at the meet-1 ig. CHI I U GO; SCORE 29U7Ui At the morning session ,the resultst -- of tests and the contemplated plans of Chicago, Feb. 17.-Northwestern, sand-clay roads for the state were which with Chicago and Wisconsin, presented in two papers by J. Horace has been in or near the basement Lake, of the South Carolina Highway throughout the western conference commission and Cl'arence S. Jarvis, basketball season, delivered a sound associate bridge engineer, United trouncing to the Chicago quintet. The States Bureau of Public Roads. Pro- score was 29-7, and th'e game was fea- fessor Arthur H. Blanchard, of the tured by the ragged playing of both" highway engineering department dis- teams. Northwestern led with a 12-4 I cussed "Highway Safety Promoted score in the first half. j By Mechanical Traffic Control Meth- ods" and K. I. Sawyer, of Marquette Deed To address county spoke concerning "Suitable Types of Roadways for the Upper Army-Navy Club Peninsula of Michigan."I A full and complete program has been arranged for tomorrow when C. Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the poli- C. Dillman, of the Michigan State tical science department, will speak Highway department and William C. at the February meeting of the Army Connell, engineering executive of the and Navy club, which is to be held Pennsylvania State Highway depart-, tomorrow evening at the Union, on the ment will lead discussions on vital subject "Belgium as a Factor in topics to the 300 highway engineers World Affairs." ; assembled at the conference. The committee in charge has an- nounced that at this time a largeD number of applications for member- Power Plant Buys Mayor George Lewis, '09E, of Ann I Arbor will speak on "The Engineer's Duty as a Citizen" at a smoker at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Union, held under the auspices of the Student Branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineering. Mayor Lewis is at present an engineer for the De- troit Edison company. According to the committee in charge of entertainment, an orchestra will furnish music and a comic reci- tation will be given. Through the courtesy of Manager Hoag, of the Majestic theatre,, T. Strobel nd Wil- liam Arbuckle of the Mason-Dixon or- chestra will present a special musical feature. Refreshments will be served. The smoker is open to all engineers., PLNSCOMPLETED FOR OBSRAINCLASSES Plans for the observation of classes conducted in the Ann Arbor high school have been completed by Prof. C. 0. Davis and nearly 100 students taking special methods courses in the school of education arranged Monday afternoon with Mr. F. A. Whitehouse, for definite observation periods. Not more than five students are to be admitted to observe class instruc- tion at any one hour. This was made possible by arrangements for obser- down to a renewal of the battle which he has waged unceasingly for four months. The recuperative powers which he repeatedly displays are standing him in good stead again, and are the basis of a hope which persists in the fact of what at times appear to be overwhelming odds. Nevertheless, the fact cannot be ignored that the President's heart, which has been un der constant strain during this battle of and for his life has been subjected within the past few days to additional burdens which are dangerous in the extreme. It was learned yesterday that Presi- dent Burton had been for years suf- fering from a weak heart, and that a number of years ago he had been warned by the doctors to slacken the terrific pace which he had set for him- self. But with characteristic energy he disregarded their advice, and plunged into his work harder than ever. It was not until comparatively recently that he fully realized his condition and began to take serious measures against it. President Burton's courage, which is supported continually by his wife who is in constant attendance at his bedside, and who has given no sign of faltering in her confidence and hope, cannot be emphasized too strongly in consideration of the hopeful fac- tors of the case. That he has been abley to bear up so well under the re- peated attacks of the complications has been a source of wonder to the physicians. Deep concern for the welfare of the President is manifest by the campus and city on every hand; in class-room, businesg and orial life. The never lendig its moral strength to wlat it regards as a cause. Friends call con- stantly on the telephone to receive the latest reports, and pedestrians, pass- ing the campus White House, pause tp watch the lights as though expecting some sign of encouragement from them. The city entertains no illusions regarding Dr. Burton's condition, but it refuses to abandon the hope that its first citizen will endure his latest crisis. Records Indicate Coal Consumption During winter days, anywhere from 87 to 193 tons of coal are burned each day at the University power plant. Records show those to be the high and low figures of the past winter, the greatest amount having been used December 26, and the least on Decem- / w... w r 111H1Au. l.i i ' predicts skies. continued cold with clear The Press Building is conveniently located for the advantage of you, who use the Classifieds. Pay us a visit. I ship for the year 1925 will also be voted upon. New Railroad Car