W, PAGE P F'T1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY fmvvo# v - 1 Y. THE MICi-TICAM ~~ATT .Y THURSDAY, , MAY 28, 1925 r . _: _ ir w4r OrWonn,001g. i Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republicatio of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building, May. uaard Street. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER; Editor..............John G. Garlughouse News Editor..........Robert G. Ramsay City Editor..........Manning Houseworth Night Editors George W. Davis Harold A. Moore homasP. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. enneth '. Keller Norman R. Thal Edwin C. Mack Sports Editor........William H. Stoneman Sunday Editor........Robert S. Mansfield Women's Editor..............Verena Moran Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour Assistants Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer Louise Barley Iielen Morrow Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher Leslie. S. B~ennetts Irwin A. Olian Smith H. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker Willard 13. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed Marguerite Dutfou L. Noble Robinson Paul A. Elliott -Simon F. Rosenbaum Geneva Ewing " " 'uth Rosenthal James W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito atherine Ftch ,. Wilton A. Simpson Joseph O. Gartner Janet Sinclair eonard hall D-, e avid C. Vokes Elizabeth S. Kennedy. Lilias K. Wagner Thonmas V. Koyka Marion W lker Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple Elizabeth Liebermann BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising...................... L. Dunne ,Advertising.................. 4R. C. Winter Advertising................... H. A. Marks Advertising......-...... .13W. Pa-ker Accounts...........,.......H. M. Rockwell Circulation..................... John Conlin tu'rn for summer work in order to re- visit here, how on earth can the boys main in school, or retain his standing hold any kind of respect for Mich- in his class. igan? M U SIC Today this is no longer true. Stu- The week before the boys assembled AND dents chose to :return for summer at Ann Arbor, the Illinois Interschol- school because that is a pleasant -and astic meet was held at Champaign. The D R A M A profitable way to spend part of the day was cloudy, it rained half the vacation. And Summer School offers morning. When the time for the meet an opportunity to take courses that came, were there only 500 people out THIS AFTERNOON: The Organ Re- the student cannot crowd into the 1to watch the boys perform? No, there cital in Hill auditorium ait 4:15 regular session. Many courses, espe- were over 6,000 persons there. And o'clock. cially advanced courses, that are of- that is not all. The Illinois band was * * * fered during the summer are not giv- there, with all its members. THE ORGAN RECITAL en during the regular session. After the meet the boys were invit Miss Helen Blahnik, graduating stu- Still other students attend Summer ed to the Illinois-Ohio State baseball in the Organ department of the School in order to shorten the time game. That night, the fraternities 'ety hog Ms uner Pal- required for graduation, substituting gave a circus in the stadium, the vil- IPal- three summers for one year. And then itors being guests there. mer Christian, will present the follow- ing program th:s afternoon in a large part of the summer enroll- This was what Illinois did to please Hill auditorium at 4:15 o'clock: f ment is made up of people who teach her visitors. She went a great deal Choral and Fugue (Sonata school or are otherwise employed out of her way to do it. But they V)...........Guilmant during the regular session. pleased them and that is what count- Summer Sketches..........Lemare There is no longer a black mark on ed. There is the reason why Illinois Twilight the man or woman who attends Sum- gets her great teams. Michigan has Evening mer School,-the world realizes that. done it in past years, why can't she Toccata .............Mereaux (1791) colleges are year-round institptions, continue with her good work? Every Choral Prelude, "0 Sacred Head. and that they function in the same year atheletes graduate from high Once Wounded". ........Bach way during the summer as they do schools ,and when the time comes PieceHeroiue..........Franck In the winter. to chose a college, they are going to Melody in E .........'Rachmaninoff think of what the college has done Benediction ................Reger WAIT A YEAR for them. Just how many of the boys Scherzo (Sonata V) ........Guilmant DurIng the early colonial days that were here Saturday are going to n theeaad y have a great deal of love for Michigan when the thirteen states had not hyet a rea del o lov f- Oihign' ! t r I a i i Sale Continues This Week TI' ___S3A M.- I.- u .. F GRAHAMI ' State Street Store -ImI " " " -----_ , MACKR ELL MAN N'S H, . 4 _ i _ f { .U Straws and PanamasI at Reasonable Prices We Also dof ligh Class Work In CLEANING AND REBLOCKING Panama Hats Regular Factory Work No Acids Used FACTORY HAT STORE 017 Packard St. Phone 7415 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) L5 become a unit, one of the greatest after the attention that they received her t vteryio may. y eeie worries of the American fathers, no hr? Not very many. Where was the Michigan band that doubt, was the question of how many had promised to play for them? Did and what laws were necessary to keepn the relationships between individuals notothemckt aethfe and organizations running along with- house to them so that they could have anout too much friction, auto show? The proceeds were to "Times have changed," as Grand- go to the band and in return they were going to play at the Interschol mother was wont to say, and the y as.c. However, something must greatest problem of the legislators of ac Hoeve sthiy must the present day has been reversed to have detained them as they were not Spring work on the 1925 Union Opera endled lastnight with final re- hearsals of all the choruses, under the direction of Roy Moyer, leading man with Fred Stone in "Stepping Stones." Mr. Moyer, who has been in Ann Ar- bor coaching both the solo and chorus dances, leaves for the East today with Mr. Shuter. Eugene Ford, who does the arrang,! ing and orchestrating for the Dilling- ham productions, spent several days in Ann Arbor, attending rehearsals, and working on the hook and music. they will be ready for use in the fall. the numbers over the summer so that they will be ready foru se in the fall. Lester, the costumer also spent a day in Ann Arbor, on his way East. dv r Immediately after commencement our com- mercial selling opportunity awaits a number of straight-thinking, ambitious men who are seeking a permanent and increasingly profitable connection, that eventually leads to the virtual ownership of one's own business. Our proposition is sound and substantial. Men who are interested are invited to interview Mr. J. F. Potts, at the Michigan Union, Thursday afternoon and all day Friday of this week. Signed : BECKWITH COMPANY- Round Oaks Folks Dowagiac, Michigan. FOR SALE CHEAP' A student run business near the campus. Large profits this year. Good for two students. Easy terms the question of how few laws must be passed. Instead of looking for some new evil to legislate out of existence with a new statute, members of the legislatures spend their time in sift-, ing out the few measures which they wish to favor with their approval. In performing this task, they have in sight Saturday. At the Miami game last October, there were thousands of people, thy, band was there, and an outsidei would have thought that it was a big game. But really, was it so impor- tant? Was it so much more impor- tant than the meet last Saturday that' it chnr l d thno hiail if necessary. cause of Write box gan Daily. Sacrifice be- graduation. 123 Michi- Publication....................R. D. Martin Assistants P. W. Arnold K. F. Mast W. F. Ardussi F. E. Moshei 1. M. Alving H. L. Newmann W. C. Bauer T. D. Olmstead Irvin Berman R. M. Prentiss Rudolph Bostelman W. C. Pusch George P. Bugbee F . Rauner B. Caplan Jf D. Ryan H. F. Clark . E. Sandbei g C Consroe F. K. Schoe feld . .Dentz R. A. Sorge George C. Johnson A. S. Simons O. A. Jose, Jr. M. M. Smith K. K. Klein I. J.; Wineman W. L. Mullins THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1925 Night Editor-W. C. PATTERSON A FIGHT IN SIGHT The Supreme court has spoken once again and the a/ntroversy over the publication of income tax payments has been reopened. This time the de- cree of the Court, as announced by Associate Justice Sutherland, was in favor of The Kansas City Journal- Post, which printed the tax returns, and reaffirmed a former decision in favor of The Baltimore Post, also guilty of displaying tax returns in its columns. There is evidence that a stiff battle is in the offing for the administration leaders of Congress who favor the re- peal of the publicity clause in the revenue act and intend to bring the matter up in the next session. In opposition to them are the Indepen- dent Republicans, represented in for- mal statements endorsing tax publi- city by Senator James Couzens' of Michigan and William E. Borah of Idaho, and 'the Democrats, both of which factions are preparing to put up a good fight over this issue. Disregardifg the unfortunate sit- uation whiclh has developed, making the issue a. political one. there is room for considerable doubt as to the effectiveness. 'f tax publicity in dis- closing the evasions of tax payment which are known to have been effect- ed by many individuals who have the means to pay for.the necessary schemes. While these offenders will still be able successfully to evade the payment of their taxes, those whose" incomes are known to the government through other sources will be uilable to escape. In the case of large financiers whit are honest enough to pay their income taxes, very serious damage may be1 done in that business information in regard to private affairs will be made public by the widespread publication of the returns. In. any event, it will be the honest mean who will sufferl while the unprincipled recipients of fat incomes will still be able'to evade their payments.1 The Supreme court does not propose to enter into this aspect of the prob- lem, leaving the decision as to the statement of the law entirely in the hands of Congress. The declaration which upholds the newspapers in publishing the tax returns is merely the interpretation of the law as passed' by Congress. Since this is the case, there is no reason why the clause1 ;itsnou araw tnose tousanas o little to guide them as to those propo- ing which he went over the book and people where the meet drew less thann sitions which are important and those 500 If Michigan wishes to have great- witnessed the chorus rehearsals. which are comparatively useless. The The chorus work done so far is de- er teams in the years to come, she can life of the people of their constitue not afford to sit around when her fu- cidedly superior to that in past years. iess so varid and there are sa ture athletes are here looking her The routines are more elaborate, but many thousandswhom they must over. -A. V. H., '25 many of them are finished enough at resent, that it is difficult to arrive at presentto appear before an audience. any sane conclusions as to the actual -- The scenario of the book and dances merit of a new bill. Public opinion are all completed and the orders for s an elusive thg and is in such a Lthe costumes have been made. With state of ine'rtia that it takes a long --the return to college in the fall active time to arouse it either in favor of or ATHLETE AND COACH rehearsals for cast and chorus'will against a proposed measure. -New York Times. begin. In recognition of these difficulties, The soul-searching which has over- -V. I. D. _ the Michigan legislature at a secret taken Harvard athletically in the Val-* * * caucus at the close of its last session, ley of Defeat is of interest to all col- "'TIE FIRST YEAR" authorized and chose a committe to leges-or is sooner or later s're t A review, by Vlntine.. D vies: devise a new system for the adoption become so. In the opinion of the Old The more one sees of stock produc- of state laws by which matters to be 'Graduate, as expressed by the Asso- tions, the better sees why considered in any session of the law- ciated Harvard Clubs, the vital trou- Broad- makers would be decided upon a year ble is "lack of proper coaching and of casting. From a purely 'artist in advance. This committee is to fundamentally sound and permanent standpoint, of course, there will al- meet in Lansing today to formulate coaching systems." The Chairman of ways be many objections, but it seems tepoo d lan. the Athletic Committee at Cambridge undeniable that certain actors are There is no doubt but that a year',Ilays the blame rather on a recent fail- fitted to certain types and that they wholesome discussion of proposed j ure on the "supply of good athletic are decidedly handicapped when they new laws on the part of both the peo- material" owing to the lack of "op- are forced to assume roles to which pr e and the legislators would make portunities for student self-support." they are not physically suited. for a more thorough investigation of Many a husky lad has to work his The Bonstelle's present production the needs as well as the means of way; and, according to Mr. Penny- of Frank Craven's "The First Year" supplying them provided in the new packer, employment has been less is a vivid example. For in the com- bill. It is conceivable, however, that plentiful at Harvard than at Yale and pany there are actors who are very an emergency might arise: when a., Princeton. The despondent should nearly perfectly fitted to the parts year's wait would cause very serious be reassured by the fact that "this which they are called upon to play. trouble. If the legislators take care whole question of student employ- Practically every member of the cast to provide for emergency cases of ment is now engaging the close atten- was doubly as effective as in the other this nature, reserving their wait-a- tion of the Harvard authorities. productions of the season. Even the year plan for measures which will be It is highly improbable that the leading lady, Miss Gilda Leary, who just as effective after a thorough dis- soul of the Old Graduate will be com- employs the identical technique, and cussion and ascertainment of public forted. To the detached and philoso- the same mannerisms in every part opinion, the proposed action could be phic view it may be an open question that she assumes, rose distinctly made very beneficial. whether the fame of "Bob" Cook and above these little tricks of the trade Walter Camp and "Mike" Murphy at as the young wife. The new leading FRIENDSHIP IN THE MAI{IN( Yale, Courtney at Cornell, and of man, Donald Cameron, did the diffi- Slowly, but surely, the United Haughton at Harvard was the result cult, typical, Frank Craven part of States is being weaned away from of a plentiful supply of husky, self- "Tommy," the husband very nearly her "splendid isolation" and is enter- supporting lads, or whether it was the brilliantly. YIad the former leading ing the affairs of the family of na Iresult of individual genius in coach- man, Mr. Kippen, essayed, we hate to tions. Twice during the last two ing. The view of the Old Graduate think of the consequences. months there have been three Aner- is least of all detached and philoso- The entire supporting company fit- icans sitting simultaneously on coin- phic. Time and again he has seen ted their roles equally well. We here missions of the League of Nations. victory perch upon the standard of a by nominate Walter Young, as the Tuesday, ex-Representative Theo- new coach from the outset, only to best all-round actor of the Bonstelle dore Burton took part in the Arms depart from him almost as speedily troupe. He has played the father Traffic conference, Colonel Robert E.I If the Faculty were bent upon raising in this piece, the pompous vestryman Olds was with the Commission to I the academic standard ,would it con- in "Thank-U," the kindly doctor sit Study International Aid in National! fine itself to increasing the supply o "The Outsider," and the hard politi- Catastrophies, and Miss Grace Abbott serious, self-helping students? I cian in "The Goose Hangs High" all of the department of labor was with would not. It would strengthen the equally convincing, and with vastly the Committee on the Trafric in Womn professorial force, knowing well that different personalities. Edwin Wolfe and the Protection of Children. Re- what most attracts eager students li was very fine as the hard-boiled rail- cently George W. Wickersham, Nor- a reputation for able teaching. Just road man, which is his type, but he man White, and Walker L. IHines were so a colllege is blessed with coaches was far from convincing as the promni- in Geneva simultaneously on League of might attracts able athletes. Why nent surgeon in "The Outsider." Oth- affairs. else has the competitive bidding for ers in the play did better than aver- Despite the fact that these people their services become what Mr. Pen- age work. are, at times, only semi-official repre- nypacker describes as "a feverish The play itself is an ingeniously sentatives of this country, their work scramble?" clever story of the trials and tribula on these commissions and committees The Associated Harvard Clubs report tions of early married life. The sit- has done much to cement a feeling with evident satisfaction an agree- uations are true to life, witty, and of friendship and compatibility be- ment lately arrived at by Yale, highly entertaining. There is much tween this and other nations of the Princeton and Harvard to put a strict originality displayed in the handling world, and that feeling will increase maximum upon the aggregate annual of a rather time worn theme. Ther in proportion to the increase of our expense for coaching, and also upon is but one flaw. In act three, whe, interest in the affairs of the League. the largest single salary-that of the newlyweds have separated, and footbal'l coach, which is to be scaled both are too stubborn to give in. down by degrees to $8,000 a year. something must be done to bring them CAMPUS OPINION / The idea seems to be that coaches together for the final curtain. Obvl- a nnnvmnus communications will be should be reduced to something like ously, judging from the preceding disregarded. The names of commni. _ l, _- 0-.1 r a E ii r } f THERE IS NOTHING LIKE TAKING 1 --- . THE SWIFTEST AND BEST TAXI It,-is said that a man s insurance value is eleven times WHEN HOME IS OUR GOAL. ECONOMICAL. MOST 3 ;: t ' t his annual income. 35c Flat Rate ar Sabscril)r now for The Summer Mfichign i )a~y.-AdI . CALL 3 CALL, 41 I - - - - 0 -----I A rr' cv'' 1 Me 11 a1 et me at the BO~L lillat i A Club-like features of convenience and comfort make the lobby mez- zanine at Book-Cadillac a popular meeting place with Detroit men and women. Here are located ladies' writing and smoking rooms, beauty parlors,indi- A fully-equipped stock exchange giv'es late maktreports The u adjoin vidual barbershops for men, women and children, a stock exchange and - the famous English Grill. Your enjoyment of Book-Cadillac I restaurant and public-room facili- ties is enhanced by the knowledge otbb ennnrta that prices for service are no higher than you are accustomed to pay elsewhere. I cants will. however, be regarded as confidential upon reauest+ the dignity of college Presidents., At events it will be something highly I I I i r