r~ITHURSDAY, MAY, 28, 1925_t THE M1 IHIGAN DAILY P~AGN 7TRRIU - -~- 4 - ';ND mgINTAINS SCHOLLRS ABROAD Heads Advertisers LT DCIDE LV11TENNIS ICHAMPIONSHIPS HJUN2 1 hile Intercoll.-giate Lawn Tewinis 1 unpion hip mneet to determine the } t , f' i i i' + j( ' I ' 1 GuggEiilieiuii Offer i3ciiioriiil Fellowuships I Annuail 1Donattion After a Good NIight's Work A Good Barbecue Sandwich ti at the ti THE BARBECUE INN 440 SOUTH STATE' EXAM SUPPLIES B~luebooks, Pens, Erasers, Ink-in fact every supply necessary for a Final. I ~ l 11 SOUTH UNIVERSITY singles and (doubles the united1 States, has champion, of been awarded 1 __ 1 { ' ..P:. r.: to the Mlerion Cricket club of Hlaver- W ILDVLPTALEN I LI~J J~'. ford,- Pa. The meet wil be held on Opport ities for advanced studly , .-:: J~~2. Sabroad are offered in the form of the :::>::.;:::;:;. ?h omn tunaet rmie .loh Simn Gggeneim Memoialto be the most successful in years ;fellowships established recently by os(rngteaedyageum r formr t1of .colleges and universities entered Simnon Guggenhimfre senator1 both from EnlnnteUie f'romr Colorado. The foundation offers .Stes "IL1Ualii uIet to pomiing choarsbot menandI >vStaes.Last season 24 colleges were tovom isia nuachlarstipnboth men5andentered, represented by 54 entrants wome, a anualstiendof 2,50 Iin the singles and 24 teams trying for! for research work abroad or for the th dobe hnrs Tesigs developnt, of unusual talent inanl anyh fnears championship was won by Wallace og te fne ats.Scott of the University of Washing- It is the purpose of the foundation ton who defeated Arnold Jones of after the first year to maintain an-.? Yale. The doubles championship was nually from forty to fifty fellows t, won by Lewis N. White and Louis 'ibi~oad. The fellowships are intend- Thalheimer of the University of Tex- ed for men and women who have as, who (defeated Ingrahm and Pfaff- demonstrated unusual ability for re-1 . .mnofHrad .search work or unsual artistic talent.maofHrrd The first awards will be mnade for the! Lo a.year 1926-27. Lo a Prot essorsI These fellowships will be open to l The presidimney of the Associated, American citizens, preferably be- Advertising Clubs of the World pass- E tS a ihB o tween the ages of 25 to 35 years,: ed from wvest to east with the elec-!I -whose past records indicate the de-= tion of C. K. Woodbrid, e (above). Iei; Prof. J. M. Albaladejo and H. H. sired attributes. Appointments will 'is a New Yorker, and succee~ds Lou E.: Britton of the modern languages de-' ordinarily be for periods of twelve! Holland of Kansas City. l artment, have edited the Spanish months, but plans that involve two novel, "Lucha Extrana," written by 3or three years study will be consid- j('CORREC'TION Lopez Ballesteros for use in second cred by the trustees of the fund. 1~ .W eesi ftereoi year college classes. The 1)00k 1s Pro. . 1. eteso ofth rhto is; d'tedl with notes and a complte Applications for fellowships should department will tour Norway and - vocabulary. It is now in the press1 be made in warting, on or before Jan. 'Iceland this summer and not Sweden I of the Century comnpany and will ap- 1126bth caddtsada-as was recently announced in the; peartoHnyAlnMeser-! in two or three weeks in the drse o1lnyAlnMe er-Daily. group of its Modern Language series.! tary, John Simon Guggenheim mem- orial foundation, 2300 Pershing R EAD T11HE CLA.SS1F1IIFI AI)S READ. THE t"LASSIFIIEI ADS Square building, New York city. Ap -___________________________________ plication forms may be obtained from1 the 'same address. '. j*jjfllI IIIi i 71* 1-:A -- - - - l 11ItUII1lIIItIliiiftilU II i READ) THIE CIASSIFlEl) ADSM. Pay for-your Subscription today. Ali I Screen Suprema ~cy Siggliticaiit InI Its Yes-We Dominate the Film Classics I r 2:00-3:30 STARTING TO1DAY 7:00-:30 LA GEA V EFMCOFM1EELWfPMORAM4 That Will Make You LAUGH AND LAUGH AND L$UGH!! There Have But Been Kisses Never One -Thousands of Before' Like em an ell1 a Another big comedy knock- out by the man who made "Miss Bluebeard." "A Kiss in t Funnier Lips Can the Th I f nwrnZgan A uumnus Boasts Of Large Stibscription List 4 Founded in 1894, the Michigan Alumnus, official organ of the Mich- Sigan Alumni association, has grown until now it has the largest sub-,i scription list of any alumnae publi- Scation in, the country. Thirty-sixI .z issues are printed° each school year, Sone every week, by their own press SIn the basement of the Economics Sbuilding. SThe magazine aims to keep inj '~touch with the activities of the large Sbody $of alumni, which is constantly Sincreasing at the rate of more than :~Ws thousand a year. Some 150 local Michigan clubs scattered throughout, f the country communicate with the ~heaquarters in Alumni Memorialj h all. Weekly doings on the campus n otices of class reunions, activities Aof other alumni that appear in eachl j issue, help the graduate to keep .~awake the memory of his college days as well as giving him an account of' Sthe present condition of his Alma M ater.,- ______________________ Pennsylvania Club To Elect. Officers O (fficers for the year 1925-26 wi'l li' e elected at the meeting of the Penn- r -