.. THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1921 .. ; ... r. .. ! _ t -.. . , WiNNER F BOOTH~ FELLOWSHIP NAMED Kenniethi C. lack. 124A, Is Awarded raeiryong Mclioa i'SlI In Arehitecture CARRIES $120) STIPEND Kenneth C BlackI, '2'5A, has been awerded the Gleorge G. Booth Travel- ing fellowship iii architecture, which caries with it a stipend of $1,200. Leroy D. Kiefer, '25A, was given honorable menition. and' will receive $150, the gift of the Detroit chapter of the Americani Institute of Archi- tects. Six drawings were submnitted to the: committee, which was composedI of H. J. Mv. Grylls, president of the D etroit chapter of the. American In- stitute of Architects, William B. Stratton, past president of the same chapter, John 1B. Jewell, president of the Detroit Architectural cilub. Wirti Rowland of Det roit, and five mem- hers of the faculty of the architec- tural school. This is the second year that the scholarship; awa rd has been made, the winners last year being Marian' Blood, '24A, who is at present return- ing from her trilp abroad, and Ralph Calder, '23A, whro is now with the University expedition in NorthernI ,Africa. Acording to a statement issued by the Jury,, four out of the six drawings submitted are "modernistic in spirit, none, however, being extremely so. the first two were best both in plan. and in composition, while thle first design was of a more imaginative character than the others." Thle'purpose of the scholarship is to further a higher standard of prep- ;i iatioa~ for architectural practice,! (be stipend bieing based on the en- dIowment of $20,000 given last year' by Mr. Booth of Detroit. STUDENTS WILL MAKE SUMMERTRIP 9ABROAD~ Univeri ty studlents ad lthose pre- paring for entrance to universitiesl will make up a wroldl cruise that i:; now b~eing organized by the Univer- Explorer Begins VRIYBIrSE New Adventure i FinancialI report of- the Vaisty ! - Band for' the past : year wsmd j public yesterday. The report shows that $3,899 as cofitributeOi by var-r Tous organizations for the support of the band. The Chamber, of Commrterce, gave $1,300, the Alutomrobile cluib, through the Chramber of Comzmer Ce gave $:1,500, the :student body, $74, aid . :.tthe alumnii association, through the receipts of the grid-graph exhibitions, :::;::">::: !$525. The amount raised by the Chamber, r ! of Corn inerce was sufficienit to pay the expenses of the bnd an the, trip to Illinois and $300 wvas left over for tihe purchase of a hornr. The rest ofl the dlonations received by the band' l aissociation. paid for ,the tprip to La -1 :: sing for the game with M. S. C. and for the band banquet. The Detroit [ Alum~ni association ;promnised support for the trip of the baud, to Columbus, jOhio, at the timne of the Ohio. State~ "v' gamze, but failed to carry throughr the plans, so the members of~ the band L, ~paid thei' own expenses on the trip.E Elect Trustees William M McGovern, Anglo-Amer- F rQ1 " r ca xploi cxand anthr opologist, who o"CA" 0ar succede 1wx a invistin Lhsa, Balloting for. tha board. of trustees Tibt's"fobiden ity" i beinnngof the Student Christian, association a new adlventure on the other side of (was held yesterday from 0 to 4 , '- thre world. Thy. expedition will take clock in Newberry hall., The candi- him across South ,America through a dates elected are: Prof. Ljarry C. completely unknown section of the; Car'ver, of. the' mathematics depart-! Northwest Amazon. I m'n-t, Dean E. E. Day of, the School of r Militai Annua s GAINET MEMBERS tMakes Appear ncee hifstory othe University, nd contain- T E NTLED TDY ing 48 rages of information and photo- Installation of tihe cabinet officers! graphs pertaining to thue military or ;o h tuetCrsla so iato ganizations on the campus, tihe Michi- will, be held at a luncheon to be given j igan. Shield, campus R. 0. T. C. an-i at 12:15 o'clock today in Lane hall. nual, appeared on the campus yes-i The eabinet members who have been terday. a.lppaifted thus far by Rensis Likert, This year saw the first. attemipt of president-elect for next year. are: the local It. 0. T. C. unit to record Charles Gakmnan, '26, fraternity dis- its activities in any form whatsoever. !cession grounas; Merriam Ilerrich, The piresent issue contains mnessages '6,new students; C. A. Stephens, '26, from the Secretary of War, the army international committee; Ezra Young,; Chief of Staff, the commandeir of tihej '26, extension (department; Gerritt sixth corps area,. and various other' Flelstra, '26, church relationship. military officers of high i'ank. and na- P erry Hayden, the retiring press-' tional repute.i denu of the organization, will act as - LnsngMa 27 -toastmaster for the luncheon. Among 1 Mast.Lasnay2.- Wakefield other speak-ors will be Harlod Coff- aild Freemnont, present first string]I man, field secretary; and Ren~sis Lik- battery of the Mv. S. C. ball squad,, ert, the incoming president. have been working together for years.; - At. grade school the two worked to- Santo Domingo, Mayl27.--The con-f gethler then in their high school (laysI vent ion between the Dominican gov- at Badi Axe, Mich., and now they are iernnment and the United States of Dec. turning out great performances withn 27, 1924, was passed yesterday by both! the Lansing aggregation. shouses of the government. Fisher, '25E, Given Engineering Prize1 ( For miaintaininig the highest aver- age scholarship in Juni'or and Seniorx! work in the Marine Engineering de- I partmnent of the Engineeiring sc hool, R. E. Fisher, '25E, has b~eenl awai (le l li prize of $100.00 givenl annually Iby the American Bureau of Shipping, it! "was learnxed today by Prof. Herbert S. Sadler of the naval architectuirel departmnent. Subserlbor now for The Summernci rlcigamn Da nly.---AdIt. St james 's O NE~ of many +distinctv molls! Values for $9 or $7 not possi- blyobtainable elsewhere. Colle j men ar always"fromt Missouri" -- John Ward Men's Shoes veil sho you.! On Display By ,,!' il( Sf I Sa v S1,. I U INCORPOR1ATED .-- REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. Stores in New York, Brooklyn. Newarkr and Philadelphia ,W Address for Mail' Orders, 191 Hudson 9t, New York City;F i aL"^"-----"- E READ) THlE CLASSIFIED) ADM,' i r <, . r k 1: . . ' N 4, The GREEN TREE INN Special Parties by Arrangement Luncheon, 12:00-1 :30 Afternoon "Tea, 3:00-5:00 Dinner, 5:30-7:00 FirgtNaional Bank 1Organizect1863 a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT TRUST DEPARTMENT O ldest National Barnle in Michigan . " M S i I i I I c I E r f 1 Allahabad, British India, May 27.-1 The Alhihabad Pioneer says 5,000 box- es of ammunition have been land.ed at Kar'achi to be dispatched to Kabul, Afghanistan. RtEAD TIHE CLISSIEI)ADS Business AdminIstration,. Shirley WV. Smith, s icretary .Of the University, Prof. Leroy Waterman of the, serixi- tic language department, Albert Feig- ,al, Frank Royce, Mrs. . John. Bradl- shaw, Mrs. G. Carl 1Luber, Mrbs. Stan- ley Stevens, and Mrs. Clair Upther- grove. I Phione §t46' 205 South Sate r .: i : i i ii ^1 I fI ¢ m The MICHIGAN CLUB ROYAL ORCHESTRA Startinrg r . ' _ .., , __..... tr wv,. ' ' . es Y v, Now Shoinig! ,, ., ,3; : ty Travel association in New York city. The student group will sail z Septualifim ed ok neducat . ia " USIC P- University and under theedctoaI auspcesof qaliiedinstructors, xwiiil pursue university studies for eight, wonths at sea. "MIKE" FAL K PHONE 3936 Credit will not be given to students of the University who take this trip,' z~uording to John R. Effinger, deaniI___- of the literary college. University - c-edt nsoe ousshillr my Usoni11111111111courses, howeveritt mayliliitllll fltit111 i14C1 be granted lby special arrangement i with the heads of the departments. 2 The cost for tihe eight imonth.:,- o ria liIoa4y c i-isC will ibe $2,200.- Furthler infor- . ,, ,,iw t ion concerinig thle tour may be '= 1ccred th.rough I lie University 'Tray- el a)ssociation, °11 :Broadway, New -L - Y ork (it. '. xw" Sofia, M\-av 27.-K ing Boris of .Jiul- ._ ':xian enemy of captial puinishnmentq < -nfirmed the (deathi sentenice of threej I Incai who took part. in the Sveti Kral t ~y~ i~2 Cathedral bombing ini which 160 per- soils were killed. REAl) THlE (tA SIFIIED v = Good Ares at $12.5-$i.50 Dozeni = AW 91SGood Carnations at $1.00HDzen See us for your Paniamia hat; we SeilBuqesMxd lwr buy theta as they come from tile na - -- oqut MxdFlwr ives who weave themn, and then el ,~ xr ' ~ a u block. and trim them up, thus saving 1=iBeautiul Wreaths are Ext aVaues a o r Prces' you the middlemen's profits. We give you an elegant hrat for $6.00, $7.00 and. -.-- $8.00; one that you will be proud of1 'I'X i.'~~ V ~ ~ N and that will give you perfect satis- I L W E D an S f1actionrd.S'ii S N1 akr tickels Arcadle 1400 'f i~r fit. (Where D. U. R. stops at State) 2 -Adv. Best All Comedy Bill of the ALL LAUGHS: Zane Grea OIDE with4 Here's a program that's full of laughs, from the Bobby Vernon Comedy, through the stage presentation and fea- ture picture. Ii FUN GALORIE ST .-6 f r.".,', '' e l / - . /4;'r / MAAEL BAS.N, CHARLES 0-"E ZAN E GREY'S story of a B3road- wva y belle who came out to spread a little love among the cowboys. Packed with action, gay with romance. NO VILLAIN-NO GUN PLAY When wild West and wild women meet-THAT'S entertainiment ! - -- I I - --- I- i 111 1111 :-rl-. 1 EXCURSIO. To Wl i-, tP lind............. $82.50 ;PPF tlld .... ... ... 82.50 1 r,: w c('. ............. 90.00) heg i. . .... . .... ...00.00 (~"'lii l............. 103.)0 J ,lo(I n.............. .00f (levittn.............. $9.60 .B ii 'falo ........................6.00 1;3 c-killmic Is ........... 11.00) M....................... 22.00 A Ioiig-bton .............33.00 Iluluth ................. 41.00 CI iicmig,1 ................ 23.00 $150.00 150.001 162.00 170.00 170.00 175.00. 11,2.00 $6.50 11.50 21.001 42.001 65.00 80.00 44.001 COLLEGE GROCERY "I' CANDY BARS_-ALWAYS FRESH FRUITS FANCY CANNED GOODS 44 t ,c / , 9F /. , UNUSUAL KEITH FEAT URE Harry A. .alice WHITE &MANNING in "TIN TYPE CLASSICS" i Any Line, Shtip, Cruise, Tour 1 st, 2nd Cabin or 3rd Crass En1K"DE NATIONAL BISCUIT COOKIES IN PACKAGE OR BULK Direct from Alan Dale, the Famous New York Critic, "Artists arid Models" Claims White and Manning to Be America's M'Vost Comical Dancers Z . .^.Lat~e 4Z4 fil of Fo llies"~ -Als©- BOBBY VERON mF- KINOGRAMSnmMAJESTIC i If 11 I