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May 28, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-28

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VOL XXXV. No. 178






Sympathy Sent
To Chicago On



By Carl E. Ohlinather
Pucklewartz' home run into left center with Buck Giles onb
last half of the eighth inning broke up yesterday's baseball gam
Japanese All Stars, Michigan emerg-ing victorious, 3-1.
The opening tilt of the two game series with the Nippon nin
and closely-contested. The losers ljlayed( expectedly good 1
ing ability in every department of the game. Their fielding w
ingly fast, their pitching good, and their hitting good. Lack o
their base-running was all that hurt their chances for victory

Burton's Loss
Expressing the sympathy of the
University of Michigan with the
0University of Chicago in the recent:
i oss of her p esident, Ernest Dewitt
Burton, the ollowing telegram was
sent to J. If. Tufts of the University
E:GHTH of Chicago: "University of Michigan
Ssends deepest sympathy to the Uni-
versity of Chicago and family of
President Burton."
In commenting upon the death of
President Burton, Dean W.dehR.
Humphreys, assistant dean of the
base in the College of Literature, Science, and
se wit the the Arts, said, "Our recent experience
' at Michigan, in the loss of our presi-
dent, makes more sure our sympathy
e was fast with the University of Chicago, when
ball, show- we learn of the death of its President
as exceed-I Burton.
f daring in "Within the short time during
Y' which he was at the University of
Chicago, President Burton made a
IOWA surprisingly strong reputation as an
accomplished and tactful administra-!
tor. This will, of course, be long re-
ame will membered, together with the eminent,
ck Satur- I standing which he had gained long
ead of at before as a scholar and teacher."

Motion Passed Permitting President
Of . C. A. to Attend

Daily reporters who spent long discovered that the bronze gift of the
hours in dark ghost-like cellars a few class of '70 had been extensively dec-
weeks ago searching for the statue of orated by exuberated students; Ben-
Benjamin Franklin looked in vain, for jamin Franklin had near his pocket
upon good authority it has been found a bottle of that which his maxuis
that the antique statue is not in the laim.
university buildings. The one individ- lations were carefully repaired but
university buiAing s.r Th o n e n t without success, as the statue began
aul in Ann Arbor who was presenttoflaprthflown wie.
when final respects were paid to the to fall apart the following winter.
image of this great American, yester- Mr. Franklin was removed to the
day disclosed the fact that he was old boiler house in back of University
buried with little ceremony years ago hall, where he reposed nearly a de-
and now lies deep in the ground near cade on a specially prepared shelf.
a local cemetery. The weather had had its effect, and
This life-size statue of Benjamin the statue gradually crumbled.
Franklin was given to the university In the spring of '07 what was left
by the class of 1870, and for a third of the gilded statue was transferred




University Glee Club to Give Program
Prior to Address of Noted

At the final mneeti
held last night at the
the Union, the Studen
a resolution whichN
improve the housing
resolution which was

ng of the year
council room in
it council nassed I

of a century stood in front of the old
Law building near the north wing of!
Angell hall. A rock base of four orI

will attempt to five feet in height elevated the statue.
condition. The to a position where he could view the
passed by the students carefully as they filed out of

Jerry Benson pitched his first full'
game since the start of the home
schedule, and hurled a creditable,
game. His curve was breaking well
and his control was perfect. Only in I
the first inning were his opponents
alIeto gather more than one safety,(
,andt hev did not score in this frame.

The Iowa baseball g
be played at 4:05 o'clo
day at Ferry field, inst
2:30 o'clock as previo

ously an-

. i

y. .. . .I nned Thchgeasbn
Ono, who did duty for the Stars, also nounced. The change has been
turned in a fine performance. He al- made in order to accommodate
lowed only six hits and likewise had students with final examinations A
perfect control. Not a man was'Saturday afternoon,
passed during the whole game. Each --------- ----_
pitcher struck out four men. ForsixI
Innings, Ono had the Wolverines
baffled. They were unable to connect
with, the ball solidly, and could only
offer roundePrs to the. infield or weak 1 %0 0!«~ 2II 1r


new council follown; "We, the Stud- litheoldLaw buitding.
ent council do hereby petition the One fall morning the care-taker
Board of Regents of the Universityl
to make an appropriation sufficient
to hire an inspector whose duties
will be to prepare a preferred list of 1 M I ITTIIF 0HS
rooming houses for men students -and
to make periodic inspections of such,
The Student council takes this ac
tion in view of the unsatisfactory
housing conditions now existing, be- Senate Action Prompted by Criticism
lieving that such action will tend to Initiations b
locate incoming students in more
favorablesurroundingsbesides bet-!
tering the conditions.of houses of SANCTION FRATERNITIES
questionable character."'
Four new committees of the coun- Senate committee on student af-
cil were also appointed at this meet- fairs, at a meeting held yesterday,
ing by Kenneth C. Kellar, '26, presi- recommended a change in the public
dent. A committee on class ues was initiations of mus honorary socie-
appointed which will be composed of

piece by piece
sity's two-wh
ried to a local
the remains w
jamin Frankli
the ground an
slighit chance
Professor of
Dr. Charles
of astronomy
and distinguis
Newtonian the
cies of the Ei
vanced as the
Newtonian hyp
given yesterda
Science audito
Dr. Poor exp
tronomers hav
thoery without
periority. His
not consist of
able principles
Poor, but rathi
arrives at pra
clusions as ot
The Coumbi

Faculty and

Students of Chicago

University Will Join in

pop flies. Only two hits were taken1 IFial Tribute
In the seventh and eighth, Michigan "BURIALWILL B E PUBLIC
scored all her runs on four hits. -
Stars Get Good Start s Each School and College on Campus Chicago, May 27. (By A.P.)-Plans
The Stars started the game auspic- Will Have Own Headquarters
y This Year. were completed today for simple exe
toushy when Kirihara, the first man' ______
at bat, singled cleanly to right. Futa-1 cises .which tomorrow will make thej
kami was out, Dillman to Wilson, C VARSITY BAND TO PLAY final tribute of students and facultyj
and Kirihara advanced to second. Su- -- 1 of the University of Chicago to Dr.
gai singled to right center, and the The annual Senior Promenade and Earnest Dewitt Burton, third presi-
runner went to third. Sugai stole!Senate Reception arranged for the dent of the instittuion, who died
second, and both runners held theirm
bases when Giles threw out Nitta. members of the graduating classes, Tuesday.
Mori ended the inning by flying out! their relatives and friends, and Two ceremo ies will be observed.
to Pucklewartz. l alumni, by the University Senate, will In the afternoc students and faculty
Giles was an easy out in the first be held at 8:45 o'clock Saturday eve- members will gather for a commem-
inning, Ono to Nitta. Pucklewartz I ning June 13.rative chapel service and at 2:30
hinaeye P. Aed . Lo'clock a public funeral service will!
hit safely to left, but Haggerty forced Prof. Alfred O. Lee of the modern take place in aMndel hall, on the
him, Otsumi to Kirihara. Haggerty languages department, chairman of campus.
stole second, 'but was stranded when the 'Senate committee in charge of The faculty and trustees will
Ryrholm struck out, fpreparations for the affair, yesterday arch behind the body attired in
The next two innings were barren pointed out several changes in the m
of runs, and Futakami's single in the program -over past years. Instead of caps and gowns and as an addeds
third was the only safety. The Japs a single reception for all seniors, held mark of honor it is planned to haveI
started the fourth with Nitta getting in recent years in the president's the students form in a double line
a life on Haggerty'§ wide throw to I home, the faculty of each schobl and along the march. Following the
Wilson. Mori singled to center and college on the campus will have its ceremony the body will be taken to
Nitta ran to thud. He scored on own headquarters. Oakwood cemetery and cremated.
Takasu's sacrifice fly to Ryholm.I Members of all graduating classes Pending the selection of a suc--
Otsumi sacrificed Mor to second, but will assemble in front of the Library cessor to Dr. Burton, Prof. James H.
at the designated time and will pro- Tufts, vice-president of the Univer-
the inning.fy ceed in a- body to Alumni Memorial sity and Trevor Arnett, vice-presidentj
thenninsI hall where they will be received by and general manager. are caring for
Wolverines Score in tSeventhg acting-President Alfred H. Lloyd and the executive affairs of the institu-'
Ryrholm hit safely in thme Michigan 'the Regents of the University. tion.
half of the fourth, but did not ad- I From their the seniors of the liter- IIn._
vance as Dillman fanned for theiary college and graduate school willtU e
third out. Benson did not let a man go to Angell hall; seniors' of the i Exhibit Pen Used
reach first in the fifth and sixth, and School of Education to Tappan hall: For Signing Bill
Koshimoto's hit in the seventh was toiand graduating members of the Law
no avail. After failing to hit the ball school, engineering college, medical A i
out of the infield in the two innings school, and architectural school to thet
previous, the Wolverines came to life Lawyers' club. Seniors of the dental TG r r
in the seventh, when two hits and; college amid pharmacy school will re- The pen that Governor Groesbeck
good base running by Haggerty main at Alnih Memorial hall. At the used in signing the University ap-
brought in a run. The Varsity third various headquarters members of the propriation bill arrived in Ann Arbor!
baseman started the inning by beat- graduating classes, guests of the yesterday morning, and it is now on
lg out a bunt down the third base1 seniors, and visiting alumni will be exhibit at the Museum. The pen came
line. Friedman, who had replaced received by their deans and faculties, here through the efforts of Paul
Ryrholm in right field, fouled to The Varsity Band will play on the Buckley, assistant secretary of the
Nitta. When Dillman was thrown out campus from 8:45 until about 10:30 University, who was in Lansing whenf
by Koshinoto, Haggerty ran to third, o'clock for the entertainment of the the bill was passed.
andyhe K soreton Fgg e s stth, seniors and visitors. A section of the Prof. Emil Lorch of the architect-
and he scored on Froemke s scratcd campus will be roped off and illumi ural college also tried to secure the
hit through the box. Wilson fouled nated by lanterns. Last year more pen, since the bill carried an appro-
to Mor'i for the final putout.thtan 1,050 lanterns were utilized at priation for an architecutral building.j
Kirihara singled through Giles to the affair. The pen approved two measures,
start the eighth and advanced to sec-I Cards of admission may be obtained one giving the University $1,800,000f
nd on Futakami's sacrifice, Wilson by seniors of all schools and colleges for buildings and improvements in the
to Giles. The inning ended harmless- at the office of Shirley W. Smith, sec- next two years, and the other increas-I
ly when Sugai fouled to Wilson and retary of the Uiversity, in Univer- ing the mill tax appropriation $700,-
Nitta poled a fly to Friedman. sity hall, or from Wilfred B. Shaw, 000. The building and improvementj
After Kirihara had thrown out both secretary of the Alumni association, bill allows $900,000 for a museum,
Faker and Benson in the last half of in Alumni Memorial hall. $400,000 for an architectural build-'
the eighth, Giles singled sharply to'_ ing and $500,000 for land.
left. Pucklewartz then broke up the
ball game by poling his third home Ph ITO RI N IIP-nh Delta Kapp
run pf the year, a long drive to heft tUK
center, bringing in Giles ahead of MWill Meet Friday,
lyin. Haggerty struck out. jM OR9 01 OGI,
(Continued on Page Six) Phi Delta Kappa, national honorary1
Memorial lay will be officially ob- education fraternity, will hold it
Mex) final meeting of th year Friday aft-

Lee Ensel, '26, chairman, William T.
Colman, '26E, and Earl L. Blaser, '27.!
Other committees are; Honors course
committee, Thomas H. Cavanaugh,!
'27L, chairman, George W. Ross Jr.,
'26 and George W. Davis, '26; Cheer-!
ing Section committee, George W.
Ross Jr., '26, chairman, Charles W.
Grube, '26 and Victor E. Domhoff,
'27 ; Burton Memorial Chimes com-
mittee William T. Coleman, '26E,
chairman, Rensis Likert, '26E, and l
Charles G. Oakman, '26.
The Class Dues comittee was p-
pointed to work out a satisfactory so-
lution for the payment of class dues;
next year. The council also requests,

ties, recognized two recently organiz-
ed fraternities, approved the request
of a local fraternity to affiliate with
a national organization, and placed
one fraternity on probation.
The committee requested Joseph A.
Bursley, dean of students, to ask the
heads of the campus honorary socie-
ties to form a committee to consider
revision of the public initiations ot
the societies, looking toward the
elimination of the causes of publicI
Tbh local chapter of Delta Tau Del,
ta was placed on - pobTmtion for one
year for failure to properly conduct
the dance held at their house a week

to one of the univer- Robert Frost, wellknown' Ameri-
eeled wagons and car-
burying ground where an poet, will speak at the Memorial
were disposed of. Ben- Convocation which is beind held in
n was placed deep in memory of the late President Marion
d it is claimed there is L. Burton at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill
of his ever being dis- auditorium. Mr. Frost's address will
take the form of a eulogy, consisting
of recollections and memories of the
poet's association with President
I N Burton.
Two years ago the first holder of
the fellowship in creative arts at the
SUniversity,Mr. Frost will again take
up residence here next fall as a staff
member of the English department.
Astronomy AdvancesI He was appointed by President Bur-
nan Hypothesis ton last October to fill for an indefi-
s Alternate nite period this newly-created chair.
For the last two years Mr. Frost
has held a professorship in the Eng-
S LIGHT R A Y S lish department at Amherst college.
He is the author of several volumes
Lane Poor, professor of poetry, including "New Hamp-
at Columbia university shire," "Mountain Interval," "North
hed upholder of the f Boston," and "A Boy's Will."
Iaeduphoder f th Prior to Mr. Frost's talk, a program
ory, attacked the falla- will be given by the University glee
nstein theory and ad- Iclub. A solo will be sung by Barre
alternate for it the I Hill, S of M, and the entire glee club
pothesis in his lecture will give two numbers, "Cossack,":by
y afternoon in Natural C Moniuszko and "Laudes Atque Car-
rium. mina," by Stanley. The glee club
plained that many as-will reassemble for this occasion in
e accepted the Einstein spite of the fact that they have been
t testing it for the su- formally disbanded for the year.
opposer's theory does Arrangements for the convocation
any original .or reli- have been taken care of by two com-
, in the opinion of Dr. mittees appointed by the Regents, an
her the Einstein theory executive committee and a general
ctically the same con- committee. The latter group will be
her theories by a dif- made up of representatives from the
of procedure. .Board of Regents, all the schools and,
is professor upheld the colleges of the University, the stud-
the Newtonion theory ent body, alumni, and townspeople.
universal against the The executive committee, which
Einstein hypothesis that will have active charge of all ar-
al uniform or standard rangements, consists of Prof. A. L.
iverse, but rather time I Cross of the history department, Prof.
discredited the conten- H. E. Riggs of the civil engineering
ponents that each ob- department, and Prof. Evans Hol-
own unit of time ac- brook of the law school.
speed he is traveling. The general committee will include
his point Dr. Poor said the Deans, Regent Junius E. Beal,
ein theory contended Professor Cross, representing the lit-
had a slower unit of f erary college, Professor Riggs, rep-

that all acting class ;treasurers turn ago last Saturday.
in their accounts at the office of The organization of local chapters that time is
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, of Phi Epsilon Kappa, national hon- claims of the I
bsho th Ju. Iorary physical education society, and there is no re
Thme Cheerings Section committee Kappa Kappa Psi, national honorary time in the ur
ws i ced to con femmi- band fraternity was recognized. The is local. He
biity of t ckete 5ys-request of Kappa Epsilon Phi, local tion of his op
Ity omaingofcloed crdsittheys-fraternity, to be affiliated with Theta server has his,
tem by means of colored cards i the Kappa Nu after the end of this se- cording to the
cheering section similar to the mester was approved by the com To illustrate I
method employed at the University of mittee. that the Emnst
California, Stanford university and Ithatathinst
other universities throughout the' that a watch
country. The committee was further rOFn ENTOMBE opposed to th
instructed to examime the posibility D.IIOs or t
of having permanent fibre mega- Dr.sopoe
phones for men in the cheering sec-; IEU Iunt foppon
tion. liii iJ UIL~lVIIUaccount for th
1 The Burton Memorial Chimes coin- I ets, and that
mittee was appointed to promote ac- Coal Glen, N. C., May 27.--The state ! account for th
tion in this matter throughout the! of three score or more miners en- than the Eins
coming school year. tombed at 9:30 this morning by an
The Class Elections committee explosion below the 1,000 foot laterN
which was apointed at the meeting of al of the Carolina Coal companies URCHES
the council last week and composed ;mine, near here, was undetermined
of Charles G. Oakman, '26, chairman, tonight, although rescures had suc- AR
Thomas H. Cavanaugh, '27L, and Vic - keeded in bringing to the surface sixU
tor E. Domhoff, '27, made a prelimi- j bodies, and it was feared most if not
nary report with respect to institu- I all, of the others had perished. In accordan
ting a new system in class elections. Records of the mine showed that !,lished traditio
The council also discussed the pos- 159 men 39 white and 20 negros, had churches will
sibility of initiating action towards comprised the crew which went into Sunday on M
the establishment of an all-campus the mine at 8 o'clock, while mine of- services in h(
budget which would eliminate the ficials reported that 71 miners lamps students. On
many financial drives now existing were missing and it was believed that wear their ca
and combine the irives into one con- figure might represent the number churches, whE
certed effort in the fall of each school entombed in a final check. served for the
year. seat them all
A motion was passed allowing the As many of
jpresident of the Student Christian as- [O CH.P P90119MEIT ing special in
sociation to sit in the council meet- !' who are tnem
! ings as an ex-officio member without dematens
a vote during the coming year. If at ! la IXS DEFENSE PEE iisergettenda
the end of that time the arrangement i
proves satisfactory the president of I
tme Student Christian association will Paris, May 27.-The French parhia-Archif/j

.&-- W -.- 11 li t


er it traveled. This is'
e Newtonian theory.
elieves that the theory!
nt is not necessary to
e behavior of the plan-
other theories might
-e observed facts better
Mein theory.


resenting the engineering college,
Prof., C. J. Lyons, the dental college,
Prof, John Sundwall, the public
health department, Prof. G. C. Huber,
the', Medical school, and Professor
Holbrook, the Law school.
T. L. Cavanaugh-, '27L, president of
the Union and Margaret Dixon, '25,
acting president of the Women's
League, will represent the student
body; on the committee. Roy D.
Chapin, ex'01, was selected to repre-
sent the alumni, and George'E. Lewis,
former mayor of Ann Arbor, will
represent the townspeople.

ce with a long estab-
n in Ann Arbor, local
observe annual Senior
ay 31st with special
ionor of the graduating
this day the seniors
aps and gowns at the
ere special sections re-
em makes it possible, to
the churches are send-C
vitations to the seniors 1
bers of thei' respective
, it is expected that
nce will feature these



A ~ .,-~ ~ + i ineal, snoeaitself nearliy songu v -

A fight in which four perasons were s on the campus Saturday noon
figh inwhih fur prsos 1erewhen nmemmbers of the Varsity band
killed and several wounded dluring will join with the Richard N. Hand
an attempt to carry out a decree for pho ts th Righars N al
disarmament of Agrarians is report- post, Veterans of Foreign Wars in a
d srommpoa AgHidalgs. s ptjoint ceremony at the University flag-
ed from Zempoala, Hidalgo. pole.
The band will form promptly at
noon without uniforms and will'
march to the flagpole where the war
veterans will assemble. The national
anthem will be played and the flag,
which will be at half-mast during the
S' morning will be raised to the top of


ernoon at Pinckney.
Dr. Charles W. Hunt, dean of the
Cleveland school of education, will
deliver the address of the day, speak-
ing on the subject, "Managing Human
Beings in a Professional Program."
Dinner will be served by the Ladies'
Aid society at Pinckney.
Those having cars will go directly
to Pinckney, while those with no
means of 'transporation will meet at
3 o'clock Friday at Tappan hall where

o maue a perinanem eCx ucc i neii Ihind the government's defensive pol- x
her f, he tudnt ounil n te !Exhibit irawings
icy in Morocco today in a five houri
sa"me basis as the president of the debate that the Communists turned 1
Union and the managing editor of inoaucneortroinoratie commencement week work
The Daily causing the president of the chamber, done by students of the architectural'
M. Herriot, to accuse the Communist college will be placed' on exhibition
E - c Pdeputy, Doriot, of "treasonable utter- in Alumni Memorial hall. The work
E VieP ei e t anlce."~ will be a survey of drawing, painting,
S lowly Recovering I Socialists interpelations developed 1 decorative design, and architecture.
the fact that the left bloc was in ac- , A number of models will also be
cord with the government in specify- shown, as will the winning drawing
Washington, May 27.-Despite his ing that there must be no imperialistic of the Booth Traveling " Scholarship
71 years, Thomas R. Marshall, former colonial expansion. faward.
vice president, who is suffering in
his suite at the New Willard hotel
here, from nervous exhaustion and a French Increase LAST DAILY ISSUE SATUR. 1
cold, was said by his attendants to- oroccaan Forces IDAY
night to be making his way toward L--
recovery. Dr. B. L. Hardin, his phy- yI The last regular issue of The1
sician, declared his condition im- Paris, May 27.-(By A.P.)-The I Daily for the school year 1924-
nrovod todbtet1 ~~' ', i man,,t~d that it! French and Riffians are gathering 1I ' illannii trrlirmrn

Last night the Varsity band assem-
bled on the Library esplanade for its
last Wednesday night concert this
year, playing as usual from 7:30 until
R:30 o'clock. These weekly outdoor
concerts, which have been played on
the campus since the Wed'nesday aft-
er the spring holidays, have been
an innovation this year, and are the
first steps of a program to give free
concerts to the students.
The band will make one more ap-
pearance before Commencement when
it assembles for a half-hour Memor-
ial day concert Saturday noon. At
this time the band members will dis-
card uniforms, appearing in shirt
sleeves for the parade.
Chicago 10, Detroit 6.
Cleveland 4, St. Louis 2.
Washington 10, Philadelphia 9.
New York 4, Boston 3.

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