DEDICATED TO JUSTICE C, . r SiriArn at i MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS i VOL. XXXV. No. 177 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS .,.... . VARSiTY BASEBALLi NINE MEETS JAPAN 'ALL STARS TODAY KIC1LIGAN TEAM RETURNS FROM VICTORIOUS 'WEEK-END; SPEND DAY RESTING OPEN 2 GAME SERIES Benson Will Pitch Opener; Froernke Will Replace Coleman in Fie'd For Wolverines Fresh from a weekend trip which resulted in victories Aver Illinois and Iowa Saturday and Monday, the Var- sity baseball team arrived in Ann Arbor late yesterday afternoon and took the remainder of the day to rest up from the long ride from Iowa City in preparation for the first game of the series with the Japanese All- Stars which will be played at 4:05 o'clock this afternoon at Ferry field. , "The games this week-end resulted in the advance of the Michigan nine to fourth place in . the Conference standing, as both Illinois and Iowa ADMINISTRATIVE HEADS APPROVEI MEMORIAL PLANS FOR BURTON Aing-President Lloyd Heartily Endorses Campanile and Chimes; Iean Bursley Describes Proposal as a "Fitting lemorial"; Dean Kraus States It Would Keel,-e--ory of Work Done Proposed plans for the Burton Mem- work for someone, because, as the orial Chimes and Campanile have met tue goes on the students will think the approval of most of the Universi- less and less of him. The seniors of ty administration officials as well as the today knew and appreciated him more campus in general. Acting-President than the freshmen, with whom he had Alfred I-1. Lloyd gave the following very little contact, so, consequently, statement concerning the proposal: it will be hard to arouse their interest "The plan for the memorial chimes and harder still in the succeeding and campanile has my hearty approv- classes." al. I hope it can be brought to fruit- Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Sum- ion. Nothing could be more appro- mer session and School of Pharmacy priate as a memorial nor more suitable expressed the opinion that the plan is as a work of art for the campus. The feasible if it could be successful, be- enterprise of the students is very wel-I cause it lays close to Dr. Burton's come." I heart. "It would not only be a splen- Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Stu- did addition to the physical equip- dents, says,,"I think it is a good thing ment of the campus to have a set of and it has my approval. It is, in- chimes and a campanile, but as a deed, a fitting memorial to Dr. Bur- memorial to President Burton it ton and was one of his cherished would keep the memory of his untir- ideals. But it will nean a lot of ing work fresh." 1 ASTRONOMER WILL RELIGION SCHOOL SUPPORT -NEWTON~ BULLETIN ISSUEDi CONVOCATION WILL ITALY T FI( IRST HONOR MEMORT OF STEP ON QUESTIONDEBT PRESIDNT BUTO~tO SETTiNGDB EDUCATOR DIESI ROBERT FROST W1ILL SPEAK AUDITORIUM TOMORROW NIGHT ATI A BASSADOR C ON F E R S WITH TREASURER ON QUESTION OF OBLIGATION TOPIC UNDECIDED FRENCH R A C K U. S , DEATH OVERTAKES ERNEST D. BURTON, UNIVERSITY HEAD OPERATION FATAL TO PRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BU R I A L TOMORROW Services And Commemorative Chapel To Be Held In Leon Mandel Assembly Hall (Special To The Daily) Chicago, May 26.-Funeral services and commemorative chapel for Presi- dent Ernest Dewitt Burton of the Uni- versity of Chicago will be held to- morrow in Leon Mandel Assembly hall. President Burton died this morning in the Presbyterian hospital, after an operation for carcinoma of- fell a notch due to the defeats at the hands of the Wolverines. Fisher's Dr. Charles Poor Will I)euotce Ein. team is now in fourth place, one stein's Theory of Relativity game behind Indiana and Chicago, in Lecture Today tied for second. - The trip also was featured by the 2 'IHEORIES INVOLVED return of the Wolverines to their bat- - ting form. in the game Saturday at Dr. Charles Lane Poor, professor Ub uana, the vio a 0icked on the of- I Announce Changes in Personnel Administrative Board And Faculty of COPIES OUT TOMORROW Announcement is made of the, r Dada, ce vur pi;Auu n - ferings of six Illini pitchers to win a game that did not in the least re- semble the contest played here ear- lier in the season when the Suckers won a 1-0 contest in spite of the factf that they got but one hit off Pete Jablonowski. The final score was 19-5, the winners being aided by 18 safe hits and 10 errors on the part of Lundgren's squad. Jablonowski was driven to cover in the second inning and Walter replaced him and held the losing hitters in hand for the rest of the uneven game. In the Iowa game, Jablonowskil caime back and held the Hawkeyes to' five hits, winning 4-2. The Varsity hitters used their safeties to good ad-1 vantage, and played good ball in the field. Pucklewartz hit his second; home run of the season, tying with Coleman for leadership in this de-! 1artment. Little is known of the ability of the Japanese nine. It i4 composed of the pick of the Nippon college teams, and has been on an extended and suc- cessful tour of the United States this season. Last year the Wolverines hooked up with Meiji university in two games in June, and won both contests. The Japs showed them-I selves to be excellent fielders, but were unable to master the art of hit- ting the offerings of the Varsity j pitchers. The nine that will play to- of celestial mechanics at Columbia changes in the personnel of the ad- inuniversity and noted authority on the ministrative boards and faculty of the subject of astronomy, will lecture on "Relativity vs. Gravity" at 4:15 '- School of Religion in the annual bul- clock today in Natural Science audi- letin which will be sent to all stud- torium. The subject will involve ents of the University tomorrow. The both the Einstein and the Newtonian purposes of the school, the courses theories. of study, and details of admission and Dr. Poor and Dayton C. Milled of enrollment are also enumerated in Cleveland have been constant in their the report. denunciation of the theory and both The principal aim of the school, as have made researches to discredit it.'stated in the bulleti, is to make r available to. the students of the Uni- Dr. Poor will explain the results of versity, as a part of their scholastic Dr. Miller's work, as well as his own, training, the comprehensive facts of in an attempt to impress on his au-re dience the fallacy of the theory which religion as it has manifested itself in he opposes. Dr. Poor believes that recorded human experience through- the researches made have administer- out the ages. In bringing this about ed a hard blow to the Einsten theor- there is, on the part of the school, no ists. intention of duplicating anything al- During the lecture Dr. Poor will ready available within the University. show how photographs made during The scholarly resources of the Uni-E the eclipses of the sun which are said versity, of which the School of Relig- to support the Einstein theory, have ion can make use to this end, have been incorrectly interpreted. The been found to be very large. noted astronomer will also tell of the The school also aims to' offer suit- work which has been completed on able opportunity for the intensive the drift of the ether. study of-limiited areas of religious In his lecture the superiority of the Newtonian theory over the Einstein phenomena and particularly of theory will be made evident by reli- Christianity as the dominant religion able data. While admitting that the of western civilization. Every effort theory of his opponents has shown will be made to conduct such study itself to be formidable in some re- sympathetically, without sectarian spects, Dr. Poor explains that the bias, and without fear of conse- Newtonian theory is in general more quences. It is not the purpose of the General and Executive. Committees Named by Acting-President Alfred I. Lloydv In memory of the late President Marion L. Burton the Memorial Con- vocation will be held at 8 o'clock to- morrow night in Hill auditorium. Robert Frost, who will return to the University next fall as holder of the, fellowship in creative arts, will be the speaker. His subject has not yet been J announced. The holding of a memorial convo- cation has been planned ever since President Burton's death on Feb. 19. The deans at a meeting held on that day recommended such a memorial, and, following their suggestion, Act- ing President Alfred H. Lloyd onI March 17 appointed a committee to make arrangements. Two committees, a general commit- tee and an executive committee, were appointed at that time to take chargeI of the convocation. The general com- i mittee consists of representatives from the Board of Regents, all the schools and colleges, the student body, alumni, and townspeople. The general committee will include all the deans, Regent Junius E. Beal, Prof. A. L. Cross, representing the literary college, Prof. H. E. Riggs, representing the engineering college, Prof. C. J. Lyons of the dental school, Prof. John Sundwall of the public health department, Prof. G. C. Huber of the medical school, and Prof. Evans Holbrook of the law school. The administration will be repre- sented by Dr. F. E. Robbins, assistant to the President. T. H. Cavanaugh, '27L, retiring president of the Union, and Margaret Dixon, '25, acting-presi- dent of the Women's league, will rep. resent the student body. The alumni will be represented by Roy D. Chapin, ,x'01, and the townspeople by MayorI George E. Lewis. The executive committee, which I will have active charge of all ar-I rangements for the convocation, will consist of Professor Cross, Professor! Riggs, and Professor Holbrook. } SIC!,will HOLO BALO FOR 0OAR0 OF TRUSTEESi All students on the campus may vote in the election of the board of trustees of the Student Christian as- sociation which will be held from 9 to 4 o'clock today in Newberry hall. The nominating committee has chosen only one candidate for each of the nine positions vacant. How- ever, any of these names may be crossed out and other names written in. The ballot as submitted by the committee is as follows: Prof. Harry E. Carver of the mathematics de- partment, Dean E. E. Day of the bus- iness administration school, Shirley W. Smith, Secretary of the Univer- sity, Prof. Leroy Waterman of theI today by a visit to the treasury of Baron de Martine, the Italian ambas- sador who talked over the old sub- ject of the Italian obligation of $2,- 138, 543,000. While the conference was devoid of concrete results it marked the first steps by Italy with respect to her' debt and initiated conversation which treasury officials hope will proceed' into actual negotiations of funding terms. The Ambassador conferred an hour and a half with Secretary Mel-, Ion and under-secretary Winston} chairman and secretary respectively of the American Debt commission. Baron de Martine's mission was un- derstood to have been largely for the purpose of ascertaining Mr. Mellon's views and there was a frank discus- sion of the problem faced by the Ital- ian government and the laws which define for the American admistration the terms which, it can accept from its foreign debtors. The ambassador was said to have eliminated at the outset any thought that may have rested with officials that Italy'sl move hinged on the action of France. Paris, May 26, (By A.P.)-The policy of the United States respecting the war debts and the attitude of the United States Senate towards the guarantee pact signed by President Wilson in 1919 received a stout de- fense in the French Senate today. A charge by Senator Gourju that certain American politicians who hel said threatened France with theirI cannon while they left her without' the security founded by President! Wilson, drew from M. Briand, the i foreign misister, the statement that i there were no grounds for question- ing the propriety of the United States Senate on the guarantee treaty. He recalled that those engaged in thej peace negotiations were made well aware that the Senate could not be expected to ratify such a document. M. Briand again interVeend in the debate to approve the remark of Gen- eral Taufflied, of Alsace who said that France must follow the, example of Great Britain and fund its debts to the United States without delayI and he added; "serious conversations to that end have already begun." E Vulcans, Druids Per form Rites O0f Initiation' Vulcan, god of fire, returned to earth from the infernal regions yes- terday afternoon to aid in the initia- tion of new senior engineers into the order of his disciples. Part of the initiation was held at the engineer- Paris Senate Upholds American Stand Wvhile WI1son Pact of 1919 is Also Defended# Washington, May 26. (A.P.)-The question of Italy's debt to the United States was brought to the fore front 1 t ,f., Ernest Dewitt Burton, president of' the University of Chicago, who died yesterday morning at the Presbyter- the bowel had been performed last ian hospital at Chicago. He was as- Wednesday. sociated with the university for 32 President Burton is said to have years. He was appointed to the faced this operation the second in the presidency two years ago. course of a month with the courage- ous and cheerful attitude 'character e o-'F istic of him. The operation was suc- s Fight cessful as regards removal of the }H n r igrowth and at first it seemed that For H onors In Dr. Burton's extraordinary powers of recuperation would enable him to sur- MVlock Election vive. However, it soon became evi- dent that the shock to his system, especially in view of his age, was very Seniors of the literary college grave. crowded Newberry hall yesterday af- He steadily lost strength and with the development of peritonitis last ternoon and fought for points of van- night it was seen that no hope for his tage during the annual senior mock recovery could be maintained. Death elections, which were run off under ended his suffering at 9:41 this morn- the greatest difficulty by Richard ing. At his bedside when the end Laurence, president of the class. came were his wife and his daughter, Norman B. Johnson was elected the Mrs. N. A. Beeman, of Ann Arbor, most popular man in the class, lead- FiMichigan, and Mrs. Margaret Town- ing the field by a wide margin. His son, a sister of Mrs. Burton. famous wing collar was directly res- Originally a student of New Testa- ponsible for the victory, managers of ment interpretation President Burton the campaign agreed. developed throughout his career the The election opened with the cam- qualities of an executive and when, at paign for best girl student, which the age of sixty-seven, he became act- was won by Louise Barley. Marcia ing president of the University of Chi- Duffield also put up a strong fight cago, and a few months later Presi- tdent, he proved himself fully equip- in this event. Jack Tracy was for the leadership of a university chosen the best man student, scoring of first rank. another victory for the Phi Beta r Mr. Burton was born Feb. 4, 1856, in Kappa machine.' Granville, Ohio. He attended Denison The position of most bashful girl University and after graduation in was captured by Alice Powell, who 1876 he entered Rochester Theological defeated Winifred Cheney by a nar- seminary, from which he received the row margin. The hall could not be degree of Bachelor of Divinity in restrained during the balloting, each 1882. In 1883 Dr. Burton married efaction cheering for its candidate. Frances Mary Townson, of Rochester, facton c eerm for its andi at " N. Y., subsequently he studied in the Robert Ramsay was elected the most subsequeiet di. I bahu orunn sadakhre University of Leipzig. bashful boy, running as a dark horse, High lights in President Butron's as he was expected to compete for career show that when William the position of class sheik. Rainey Harper organized the notable Fred Vogt was selected as the big- faculty which began work in the first gest man grind, running well ahead year of the University of Chicago, Ern- of Jason Cowles of The Daily. Lucy est Dewitt Burton became one of that Domboorajian won the contest for the early group, comprising such scholars 1 as Michelson, Small, Von Hoist, position of biggest girl grind, even though she was handicapped by the rEliakinMore and others; that he was a leader in the affairs of the Baptist fact that she is a junior and not a' denomination; that he was an author senior. of scholarly volumes; that he became George Begg, Jr., '26, was chosen oriental educational commissioner for the best athlete, fooling the crowd by the University and spent the year running as Miss June Begg. The 1908-09 in China and Japan; and that politicians went wild when his elec- I in 1910 he was appointed to the diffi- tion was announced. Edith Bishop cult post of director of libraries at the I was honored by being elected the University. girl with the biggest line. Alfred B. Connable won the position of best Amundsen Fliers handshaker, due to his Student Coun- cil experience in the art. Perry Hayden scored a triumph for the S. C. A. when he was chosen the New York, May 26.-The North l the class sheik, defeating James American newspaper alliance an- McCabe. Thelma Smith polled a ter- ; nounced through the Associated Press rific vote in the race for the prettiest at 9 o'clock tonight that it was still I rel"i able. I a-tihror,1to, tra~in otiudcntsq saoi llv for1 } day will probably be superior in -!---' - _-____-_--_-_-_________ any particular professional religious general ability to the Meiji team inias- ni~ ~ Tlf calling, but to prepare men and wo- inuch as it is composed of a selected calnbu opepr 1 adw- group of stars.c Ut UCOTT ITLIU I men for intelligent spiritual citizen- ship and moral leadership in the 9T lfHti NUj flAT tons modern world, and to lay the founda- WEEK'S ATILETW EVENTS fU tions for more advanced studies. Enrollments in the courses offered Today-Michigan vs Japanese Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric de- by the school would be completed All-Stars, at 4:05 o'clock. partment, spoke before Alpha Nu de- during the week of registrations, Thursday--Michigan vs Japa- bating society at its annual banquet Sept. 15-22. nese All-Stars, at 4:05 o'clock. last night at Green Tree Inn. In his - Friday-Michigan vs Wiscon,- address Professor Scott gave remin- sin track team, at 4:05 o'clock. iscences of the society's activitiesH Saturday-Michigan vs Iowa, while he was a student at the Uni- in baseball, at 2:30 o'clock. versity. He also related some public ONO QATflIFI DoRO9 _________________________ Fspeaking side-lights of his recent trip U lift lU IUfiL [HUOIIHV abroad, comparing the importance of - Jerry Benson, who has been on the the Oxford union with the American In a letter received Monday by bench due to a sore arm all season, college debating club. Prof. T. C. Trueblood of the public will face the visitors this afternoon Testimonials in the form of medals speaking department, ex-Secretary ofj while Cherry or Davis will catch, were presented to the members of the State Charles E. Hughes stated that' Benson has not been in shape since freshmen debating team which re- he would be unable to appear on the the Syracuse series, when he de-; cently won the Alpha Nu-AdelphiT Oratorical association program next veloped a lame spot in his pitching freshmen debate. The men receiving spring as was previously announced. arm. Coach Fisher has given him awards are: Ellis Merry, '28E, Wil-+Mr. Hughes had given a tentative pro- m iise to speak here to Prof. J. L.j only light work in practice, and his Liam Brumbaugh, '28, and George Reeves some time ago. In spite of disability seems to have disappeared Hunter, '28. The officers of the or- Mr. Hughes refusal Professor True- , most entirely. Last season Benson' ganization for next year, were also blood hopes to induce him to change =was one of the most dependable; installed by Norman Johnson, '25, his plans so that he can yet appear pitchers on the staff that pitched I who acted as toastmaster. on the program. Michigan to a Conference champion-; ship, and shared the greater part of'Is u OfG r ) e the hurling burden throughout the Concluding Issue Of Gargoyle schedule with Jablonowski and Will Appear On Campus Today The only probable shift in the Var- sity lineup will be in right field, where Froemke will probably start The June issue of Gargoyle, campus ing with -Neal Nyland, '26, has con- the game. Coleman hurt his leg in humor magazine, will be sold on the tributed a full page series of car- Semetic language department, Albert Fiegal, and Frank Royce; and Mrs. John Bradshaw, Mrs. G. Carl Huber, Mrs. Stanley Stevens, and Mrs. Clair Upthegrove. The first six positions are voted on by the men only and the last four by the women. APPOINTMENTS MADE TO DAILY EDITORIAL STAFF Appointment of the following to the staff of The Daily was announced yesterday: Munro Innes, '27; Howard Williams, '26; Kenneth Wickware, '27; Russell Hitt, '27; James j Sprowl, '27; Stanton Meyer, '27; Mary Dunnigan, '27; and Mar- guerite Zilske, '27. Announcement of appoint- ments among the present fresh- man class will be made at the Ibeginning of the next semester. igarcli the fina ie aigpae nai ri L g girl. Dave Martin nosed out Jim at the Union later where a banquetI was held. The men who became Vul- Martin for the position of class bluff- cans are: Prof. John S. Worley, of or. the engineering college, who was -Jason Cowels tied "Irish" O'Leary, made an honorary member and, Ray- of the Calkins-Fletcher drug com- mond L. Comb, William Heath. Rich- pany, in a race for the honor of ard Earhart, William Herrnstein, Wil- handsomest man. John Garlinghouse, liam Coleman, Harry MacDuff, Kurt with the ardent support of the press, I H. Will, Quincy W. Wellington, Ren- was elected the smoothest politician. sis Likert, Charles Beardsley, Emil Dorothy Sessions swept the field in Deister, J. Brayton Deane, Victor the class vamp election, defeating Owen, William Arnold, Robert Buick, Lyman Savage and Schmuck, the Fred N. Eaton, Waldeck Levi, James -k n Sage and Schc te. Vaseand ohnM. Dnnin. iwel-known second-hand clothes deal- s -n er. The balloting ceased when Seventeen senior literary students Archibald Herrick was unanimously were initiated into Druids, honorary tendered the new position of class senior literary society last night at baby. the sacred rock in Druid grove. A banquet was held for the Awenydds at 11 o'clock in the Union where the C last part of the initiation took place. Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the history M without word from the Amundsen north pole expedition. It is now five days since the two planes started from King Bay, Spitz- bergen headed for the pole. Ty Cobb Breaks Another Record Chicago, May 26.-Ty Cobb, Amer- ican League veteran and leader of the Detroit Tigers today crashed out his 1,000th extra base hit during his career of 20 years in the major leagues and shattered another record held by 1-bus Wagner, for years a member of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Wagner during his life time in the majors was credited with cracking out 998 long distance blows. Name Additional I i ,. - - - _ , fr f ltr c ai i Ar I d.n.