S TUESAYMAY :2C. 1525 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN - --------- A3PM. ADVERTIS ING AT 3 P.M. m f i~OTWE 1 COLL6G E girl for prof'itable summer work. Good salary. See Miss Rien- nell; south room, Newberry 1hail. Hlours 9-1, 2-6 Wednesday. 1 AM traveling to Nicw .York. city about June 6, have room for two in Dodge touring car. Box 120. VACATION OIPPOW'ITN ITIt E Pleasant work for sumer mllonth,.. Guaranteed salary $21 .0(0 per wveek-- $3.50 to $7.00 per day. (Call 22137 Tuesday evening. FOUJND-Slide rule, in I 'bysics lab- oratory. Inquire Secretary's ofilce. Orders; taken for Men's fie linen hantiidkerclhief,; with iNwiiie orInitials e1inbhlereI4d Iin 'bile Quality Shop 303 South Main VACATION t01P' S;)RtT iEf' Students everywhere easily make $30 weekly distributing remarkable photograplh Eclipse of Sun. ''llts onj sigh't as it shows weird shadow (4-' fects on the snow, glimmering light, trees outlined against the twilightI background andl above the Sun at moment of totality; the (Corona with' pointed plume shoots faithfully repro- (uced. Very special discounts to you. The Eclipse Photo Art Co., U3 East 40th St., New York City. Copy oni view at this office. d ArCTE'NTIO 4 ;N I V EIl! 1I'Y )IEN hlighfly re ine -fli've summer ])osi- ticns are bleing offered to 50 men by a well established and reliab~le De- r troit firm. Experience unnecessary. Igo not overlook t his great opportun- ity. For 'personal interview apply r'oomu 306 Michigan Union between 11 A.M. and 9 P.M. May 27, 28, md 29. FOR RENT F'OR RZENT--Two rooms one dlouble or single, very reasonable. 520 Chelsea Ct. IDial 8356. FOR )RUNT---Upper (dulplex for next ;year, five roorns, garage if desired. .005 Forest Ave., Dial 6137. FOR RP4,NTr--- (4arag;e, 1016 f; Church st. Phone 6668. i'Ol ) tIENT -For suiner, furnished first floor f lat, dlesirale, suitable for man andl wife. Phlone 666:x. IN)It t EN]'--For summer 'school, rooms new, close to campus, single or doub~le for girls. 821 Univ. Dial 4018._ FOR 103tNIT'---$60.00 monthly. Furn- cilwe( apa'imnent. Near it. Joseph's! Sanitarium. 1Dial 7013. ,m Iaph 'P.j Swp'tpv. LOST--A fair of shell-rim glas on Lafay- (; cII mII 41his (lece5Cir(it 5. G2:? Vi ueR . 8 A : ~. it I'lliwE shl2 Three Educational Tours in Europe Vis the t® Lawrence River Route These inexpensive Third Cabin Tours afford an exceptional opportunity to visit BRITAIN - HOLLAND - BELGIUM - FRANCE and to see some of the most beautiful aihd romantic places in Canada, including historic Montreal and Quebec. The river trip accustoms one to the ship long before the Ocean is reached and the scenery, on almost one-thousand miles of river from Montreal to the sea will live long in the memory. 2'im e passes faster. ®your wits are keener and your nerves are steadier with Wrigley's to help. Soothing- and sweet to smokers -refresh"n when 'you.)re "dry godfor that stuffy eehgafter hearty meals.; Wt4rigley'i Will stimi- iilate appetite }aMd digestion, remove bad taste, and keep V nishodl room for summer for uni- versity or business girl. Private home; no other roomers. Conven- ienit to campus, buses, interurban, stores. 708 Arch. Phone 7734. i , i i COLLEGE GIRLS -- Do you want1 .sumlmer work with a good sailary AT 311 Thompz~zson1, roomsc cool clean. Ilot water all the time. -i and~ andl a bonus. gan daily. Apply, b~ox 119 Michi- ED)UCATED)colege woman for soInIa men work; good salary -withm cit"nec for permanenicy. *Writ e IDept. .1i3," 2011 Park Avenue, Detroit. I: Our mnodetrate prices nmake it possible -~for. all to have FRESH HOME - GROWN 'LOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. :2231L. Liberty. Phone 1630 NAITIAWASHIINGTON CAN DY - Fresh every 1{riday. Tice's, 119 E. Liberty. %WAT1ED WANTED)--Experienced young man to lhandIle an exhibit of rare ol(d l laybills, both in Detroit and Ann Arbor. Address E. C. D)., box 1211 Daily. LAAT'-i experienced shoe salesman. Apply at office 2ndI floor MVack & Co.9 VANT1ED---A juinirstuden1?t wishesj to earn his room year around by tendling yard anmd furnace. Dial G847i. \VAtNTEI) ,D-One canoe, must have by Sundiay ii iglht. Call1 after dinner eve. N. Better 7817. xe n - T. lV A i , E ARROW UOLLAR JUNE 19 - Leaving Montreal on the Ath~enia for Glagow, returning fromi Cherbourg July 17 on the Ausonia. Und~er a uspices Guy Tombs Limited, Mont r c-al. JUNifor-PLymouth.Moreal n thfro Luirfoor Ply24outh eArnnfro UiderapicesJulW24H. hery imuied M'vontreal, t L y{ , 5 y_ rl jla . returning from Cherbourg July 31 on the Ascania. Under auspices of Guy Tombs Limited, Montreal Inclusive cost of Tj"our -330 Consult the following for muore details and for particulars of itinerary Gray Tombs Ltd. W. H. H-eniry Ltd. 285 Beaver Hall Hill 286 St. James Street, Montreal The Robert Reford Co. Ltd., 20 Hospital St., Montreal XMI'lPI/ CII A -ANCIIOR-IIONALDSON r .ori rr a cmummosom Read the Want Ads' Iihiadls l Ii s hold Packi 1" Co. Mvovig-Pachi ng13t orage Call us for long distance moving. Loads insured. T ship to all points. s16 Detroit St., Phlone 3515. SHO4iES AI PAIRED) WHILE YOU~ WAI' ....__. ' _: +'Yc . DYY..:':1:1i 4. %iCWkM3nM:IC0. + 31 ^: { ICG'.1i:Yb+T.' 11YiRMYW}LNF ' 'ISRt _ _ .. ... w I 'WVANTED)- property p~osit iou 0. (C. ANPRliES Apply ai oo stIu S~tATE STR I .E ' (ll) onL ATITENTION ST+l)EN'S Snyder, We clean and block hat s of all troit_. _ kinds with the 'latest of equipment at SAXOPTIOI the lowest of prices. 15 years of ex- experiew peminece will guarantee our work. sieswo We also do shoe repairing of high- mer scl: est quality.T H A H dal O S 0 ' N A i ED I406 E. Wfashzington St. Dial 7 373 ; boa A fIi IPP AD '1 111 ' CLASIFID ADS, at. 5618. --Stuldents5 to sell lakeI y during vacation. Steady and larg-e commissions. i. Oire Lake Shores Country Sundays or at Iteive ,6285 I 1ah Unce, Ill ilg., De- C)Elt player, alto, 4 years nce, suminer resorts, de-' 'k 'While attenldlingSUM-! pool. Box 117. I -3 students to 'work for r0om about11 June 2 t hm' u lnvr :.e mnit y hon se. Call Steward A bank sced as it serves its cornmunity. We bliev that thoroughly. !otuJents' ,1611 t1 R.7 a [1V itri KlY laa Aa:r a+ ra :r . are apart of our com- w Safe From Moths Hlow about your, suits, furs and blankets? nilty. If, in -a s The W~ayne Cedared Wardrobe have been able to s,,erve Gives perfect protection. There are several sizes. Priced $1.25 to $2.40. E BE3RBAC-1.H & SONHO. ' i I t PHARMACISTS 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. them and their organiza- tions, during the year just i r-- - ---------, - '-'\ SAMPLES PernmaTIPTtly on Display at Guy Woolfolk & Co. 'a Al The great appreciation that the audience has always shown for Mario Chamlee's concerts has proved beyond doubt that his splendid tenof voice is one of the finest of this modern musical age. This same sensational singing is beautifully reproduced in his exclusive Brunswick Records, for, naturally, like other truly great artists, Mario Chamlee is a member of the New Hall of Fame. Y ear Chamlee's latest in your dealer's music rooms AT NIGHT " : " 10123 TELL ME WHY. . . . . $10 OH DRY THOSE TEARS . . 30,04. ON THE ROAD TO MANDALAY. .50 OUT OF THE DUSK TO YOU.1011 -MOON DREAM SHORE .'$1~.00 WHEN MY SHIPS COME SAILING HOM.E 130103 AH! MOON OF MY DELIGHT . .5 AGNUS DE--In Latin ,. * *.*)}' 50021 AVE MARIA-In Latin . . . .Z.00~i~ on Brunswick Re 7cords, f - I I' been just that successful in, the work we have to do. When you return in the fall we'll welcome the re- ,newal of the relationship. closing, we feel we have 4 i It I ;I 11 it 11 11