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May 26, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-26

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P°AilFo trn


TUE~SDAY, MAY 26,,19--5

Published every morning except Monday
luring the Universiy year by the Board in
Control of Student Publication..
Members of Western Conference Editorial
ThetoAssociated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republicationa of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master {>enc rat.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50;; by mail,
Offices: A nn Arbor Press Building,,,May-
card Street.
Telephone 4925
Editor...............John G. GarlJugbouse
News Editor........... Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor....... ...Manning Ilou.sewort h
Night Editors
George W. Davis hlarold A. Moore
Thomas']-'. Henry Fxredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thai
Edwin C. Mack
Sports Editor...... ;.William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editcr.......... Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor .............Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor_.. William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley lielen Morrow
Marion Barlow Marl E. Ohlmacher
Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian
Smith It. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. (Crighton Margaret Parker
Wiliard 13. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay
P olert T. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Duttou L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
i eneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
James W. F'ernamberg Frederick H. Shillito
Katherinme Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph 0. Gartner Janet Sinclair
Leonard Ball : )avid C. Vokes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple
Elizabeth Lieberman
+ Telephone 21214
Advertising. ......... ..........E. L. Duinne
Advertising....... ........R. C. Wintei
Advertising................... H. A. Marks
Advertising................ .1B. W. Parker
Accounts;.............:......H. M. Rockwell
Circulation.................Joh~n Conlin
Publication..................... R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold K. F. Mast
W. F+'. Ardussi F. E. Mosher
I. M. Alving H. L. Newmann
W. iC. Bauer T. I). Olmstead
Irving Berman R. M. Prentiss
Rudolph Bostelman W. C. Pusch
George P. Bugbee F."3 Rauner
B~. Caplan T. R .tyan
11. F. Clark NT. E. Sandbei g
3C. Consroe F. K. Schoenfeld
F. R. Dentz R. A. Sorge
George C. Johnson A. S. Simons
0). A. Jose, Jr. M. M. Smith
K. K. Klein 1. J. Wineman
"W. L. Mullins
TUESD)AY, MAY 26, 1.925
Night adi tor-LWONA.RD C. HALL.

part of the Soviet would lbe the
positive assurance that it would
be respectedl. ipl to thie pres- M U
ent time the Comunists ha'it I
shown little tendency toward( honor-
able dealing even with those nationsI
which have recognizedl them andj
granted them other favors. In fact,
all indications p)oint to the utter hope- TON I(GH
lessness, of expecting Soviet co- ill Ilse Sel
operation in the present c:onference
or any other program excep~t the fur-
therance of the power of communism America
Without the aid of Russia, this a fa shion,
treaty, or any other, adlmittedly will i the mannc
be a failure; with her ratification will O'Neil, eve
mean nothing as long as the present "Processio
government is in control. The only fantasies-
alternative is the overthrow of the Kaufman
Soviet and the institution of a respon-; from the
sible government in Russia, a rea1ction Capo" by
for,,which the whole world is waiting,. This ruleti
________________ pale, pale
THlE WAR IS OTE R I fron scar
"We shall be glad to honor heroic his great
dead, the War is over," said ten in Mr. Stever
portant representatives of German Ito comma
and Hungary when asked if they As "Re
wished to take pat~~(''fiIiC alone int
of placing a wreath on the grarve ok th4Capo"
the unknown American Soldlier' in teatre.t
Washington. tale ,like
These men, who are att endIing theI full of aff
International Police conference, were ing hem
the first high official representatives A h
of any of the central p)owers to la , _ ---

- -

11": Thle Students' Recital
11001 of MVusic at S o'clock.
« h '
ahas produced comedies of
ioccasional melodramas in
ter, the tragedies of Eugene
'n such p~rophetic satires asI
)nal," but only two brilliantl
-"Re Nron Horseacnk" b- I


spread (Ifor
lumbine is

are seatedl at a talf
an Italian banquet. Cc
in itfilutter of excite'vil
she d'iies,'"a m~ac~aroon0


I cannot live('without ait macaroon!"
'"My only love,'" Pier"rot rephlies,
"You are so intenise . . . Is it Tu ces-
dlay, Columbine? -I'll his:a yen if i'
'"It ji,7Xweclfl~tc-. dv, if'you must linox.
Is this my articlhole, or your .??
"'Ah, Colum bie -asi f it matt ured'
lWednesdaly ...WillIit. be 'Y'uesday
then, tomorrow, byti'any chance'?'-
And so the chatter goes oni, bactk
andl forth:

KWed. Mt 0 o$3
Sat. Mat. 50c31 to $2.00;
The Miracle Play of America
; Ab e's Irish Rose"
MfANN'S d s Llj y( V
Straws anid Panamlas
at Reasonable Prices
We Also do
High Class Work In
Reghular Factory Work
No Acids Used
617 P'ackard St. Phone 7415'
(Where D. U. R. Stops at State)

I. 'A

Telephone Murray Hill 8800
Our Representative will be at the
Today and Tomorrow
May 26 and 27
with Samples of. Ready-made Clothing.
Furnishings, Hats and Shoes
for Summer
Send for "The Replenishment of the Wardrobe"


andl Connelly (with a plot
German), and "Aria da
Edna St. Vincent Millay.
s out poor Percy Mackaye't,
pageants of virtue and saf-
rvs Colin Clements with
god Pan, and the efficient
,us with his spectacles made
anity ord(er.
enascence" stands all but
the field of poetry, so ".Aria
' s absolutely unique in tho
On the surface it is a slight,
a French de Caulavet farce,
ffectation and a certain trifi-
curtain rises, Pierrot and


l 111Jtribute to Amecrica's (lead. And their see MY MICHIGAN come of the field,
and hear the Band play the Victors
actions and words aie sgnifcant, ( lyi htbn o.
they indicate that there is no longer (Ipainttbnd-o.
II stood on the curb, in the rain,
a feeling of bitterness over every an sa th grtet anIve
thin orwor whch ay efe totheknew carriedl away. I really do not
war, and that they realize that the war;tikta ewntdt erdw
is over, and that the best and qtuick- ithn tatewnedotaron
est way to recover. from the material! the stadium. And I see by the paper
destruction which accompanied it., tatMihia is leading Iowa in the
to bildup amorl siritof orl Big Ten batting averages. I tell you
unity. that we are spending too much monhy
uIft. wrd f hr rpesn-in the making of a "commercial" team
Ifthvs eprso theset epr t of thi fathletes here at Michigan. The
atiese p hre sttho snti me nth ofeteirri t id a comes to me that we
lesnftepeopleo thereUnntanedtheeinaight give the surplus from the gate
lessn fo thepeole otheUnie receipts to thme faculty. Have I sold
States. We, too, must remember thatE
the war is over, and let confidence aypit
l'm.redhp aetepae fci-j sore also because I was not
ands frind sh ipt ke t e pac.f di- elected Presiident of the senior class,
and why shouldn't I be? I wantea
p R nto run the Union too, but someono
"CA ~RYON"i beat ine to it. I think that I would
For the second time within as ian3 make a mighty good Editor of The
years'. Japan has been terrorized andI Daily too, but I never got a chance....
devastated by an earthquake. At least ;someone beat me to it. I tell you I'm
five hundi. d per'sons were hilled and oe
thousands are homeles, according to My last remark concerns the hionor
si ats Th noaiaei>syt. If I cheat on my blue book
cluding- az1 important h3ealth resort, I only cheat myself. If I am caught
sustaminedthe greatest dlamatge, wvhile; I get my name in The Daily Official
two-thirds 'of the city of Tooyoka is Bulletin. I pity the person who has
in ruins. f to worry about the "honor system."
The Japanee gover nment is worthy IIt is beautiful and inspiring to me,
of praise: It, is hanidling the sit uationI when, after laboring for three hours

viands Pierrot, "1 am become a social-
ist. I love humanity; but I' hate
people. Columbine, p~ut on your alit
tens, childl; your h1ands arie cold.''
"My hands are not cold," she re-
''Oli, I ami sure they are. C1olumu-
b~ine, I'm a phianmthr mopist. I know I
am), becau se I feel so restless. Doj
not screamu, or it will be thle worse
for you!"I
And ag ain-
"FIlow woulId you li ke to becomime anI
actress, Columbine?--l am become;
your manager.".
"But I can't act, Pi'errot.''
"Can't act! Can't act. Lam, listen toa
the woman! Whlat's that to do withI
the price of furs?--You're blonde, are
you not ?--You've no education, have
you ?-C an't act.? You under-rate
yourself, my (lear!."j
Suddenly, into this aimnless flow of.
epigrams, there stalks t ihe masked fig-
ure of Tragedly. It is timie for the
next aclt, he saiys, aind they must leave.
F+inally, un mder protest:, they hurry
off -- their odd t witt ering bhinld thle
scenes floating onto the stage troni
tinme to time -- andl twio shnepierds be-
gin to play their scene'. It. is thme01(1
story of friends turned enmieis, Ii mit it
at thfe end t hey bothI lie (lead, one
strangle('(, the other pione)d.
Presently, Coluimbine andl Pierrot
hurry back. All at oic e see they two
bodies on the st ag'e. "M1y Gowd!
screams Columbine." What is that
there under the table ?"

just as long a
cleaning and
will have a si
f ace.
Quick Service
328 South

s we do your
pressing you


Cr u T . R V l

LET'S PLAY PEACE coolly. Although thm dsaster of 19238 over a tough exam, to sign my name.
Follwing the conclusion of the has hardhly passeol,.h Japnese~ ofi- I All teAsi h nvriyae'
Pacific war game maneuvers ,there cials took up their present task ('on- worth cheating for, so I will tell you,
was considerable criticism of the fdently and with op~timnism. Relief Mr.i' Editor...it don't bother mne r
United States navy on the grounds woki iehl morsig ~ehv h prof walk up and flown thet
that time activities were either militar- +island government has gone so far as aisle. I know my lessons or I don't
istic or uneconomical. Almost every- to announce that ountsideC aid1is uin- Ijlknow theni, aimd if I don't...., he pays
body but the naval officials were off necessary. and pays and pays.
thme opinion that they were a lot of Again, the Japanese spirit., withm its I wish now to say something about
useless horse-play, likely to cause I hardiness and optimismimierits high mmyself.- I want to tell you what I
more hard feeling between the coun- praise. A speedy restoration to I have secured from the past four
tries of the Pacific and America thaIi. Inormality is ahead. years. What follows may soundI like
they were worth. I -boastinig, but I do not wish it eon-
Beginning July 1, thme first confer- Cer'tain Detroit nmewspaper ('ori'e- sidered so.
once of' tie new Institute of Pacific spondents seemi to delight in writing I have ear'ned a letter fromiitime
R~elations will be held in Honolulu about "hazing" at thbe University. We I university of Michigan. I swim fn
with seven countries taking part, ini would probably (10 the samie tiing the 1)001. I go to time Maj aind the Are
"joint, peace maneuvers." Prominent were we being paid 25c per inchl for every week, and I sure do enjoy thme
educational, political and business copy, ;show. I aim Publicity mnan for my
leaders of' Japan, China, Canada, Aus-! class. I was chairman of time cane
trahia, New Zealand, thme Philippine! School will be over priet ty soon commit tee. 1: wear two fmraternity pin.
Islands and ltime United States will Which reminids us that it won't be and belong to a chlub on the campus
discuss commiioni problems ar'ising long now before we will be mrid, for' too. I play, as I said before, in the
fi'om the increasing intercourse of the time being, of time Michigan I Varsity band. I attendl class every
their people:;. Journailis t. I dlay. I have pictures ini two college
Supported by such men as John D,.e-bos(riins. 'eei
Rockefeller, Jr., Bernard Mv. Baruchi, Captain Amundsen wiii probably bej "Fii'st. Honors" penmnamnt, on the wall,
Wallace l. Alexander, President 'A. disappointed when he heairs that it andl it blCongs to nie. I havein't:
Lawvrence Lowell of Hlarvard Univer- has been almmost as cold here as it was I missedl a game this year, amid heard
sity, W. Canmern Forbes, former gov- at the Pole., 1 theml yell, "Fight, like Steger" giat
erior-general of the Philippines, 4Illinois. Mr. Editor, it is your fault
President Ray Lynman Wilbur of Le- Rivaling the Kentucky Der'by and i that I am not sitting in your chair
land Stanford university, William Al- the Indianapolis Auto races is Mr. too, but I don't hold it against you
len White, IProfessoi Masaharu Aneaki Bryan's great classic'-thie Tennessee l(for I really don't have flime to run
of Tokio Imperial university, Nagao Evolution tr'ial. S the lpaper. Are we still friends?
l lammpel of the Internationmal Siberian - And I wish I bad a Dollar for every
B2aihioad commlissiomi, and Dr. Z. T. K. Headaches start with the exanmimma- ( date I have had during my college
Woo,. general manager of the Ilan; tions next Friday. And then, after days. No M1r. Editor, I would buy a
Yell Pin g comporation of China, these exams are over,-headaches start. I Lincoln instead of a Ford. Girls are
"petatceaie" should help to' offset wonderful and talking to them has
any drlaage that may have beemn canls- Now that time May Festival is over mIeant a. great (teal to me.. You know,
ed by the wam' games off the coast of with we can go to the Maj with a I am goinig to be out in the world
Ilaxvaii. Inmtime future, it might be well clear conscenmce. from now on (if the blue books turn
to trn verto he nstiuteof aciicout well) and I wanmt to be able to talk
Rtio rnaver ta to the Inttteonaific I A team without an interested coach to people and riot have to say, "No I
Reatio navraheytatteno u ite no better than no team at all. I didn't see that. I studied that night."
time Pacific. I regr-et I didn't have umore dates. Did
___________________I tear you say something girls?
CAMPUS OPINION Now, at, time end of nmy p~resent col-
HOPELESSLY WAITING I A~ionynmous communications will be lege course, I can look back over time
If Soviet Russia would but Show ' disregarded. The names of communi-
ants will, however, be regarded as four year's and feel that I have beenj
her willingnesis to co-operate withI confidential twon request Lihywl ew'dd
the rest of time world instead of her IIihv o om iejba ela
eager-ness to domimnate all nations,! "HAPPY" TO fTHE LAST LINE. might have done it. I aim'odt
slid wouldi stand more chance of being To the Editor: Isay that I have received sonmc A's'
ac'cepted1 into the fellowship of time After four years,--+a senior. And along withla a flock of mminor grades. I
nations.I what has it brought to' mie? A glance wou lot be proud to wear a Phi Beta
The latest example of time attitude! at the space under my name in time 'En- Kappa key, nmor'e than you canI
of the Communists is their silence sian andl you will say, quite a bit. imagine. I envy the person who does
and~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a aofssfo tmetafci-rsAdIagree withyo.Iwaonadcogtutehm A
comfere'cee in fGenev a, which is-rap' Ay I enmerate a few of the ideas graoie ofd"ID" hurts gme too. hM.a
idly appinoac'hiing a conclusion. After' that hav'e come to ine odurinig thisI expects mue to make good, anid I will.l
three weeksa of labor, time drafting time? in My days in college have taught mc


~2 2 0 0LLtvuc AmoNur'

e ,

Mande Corey
C'olumineinain ''Armia cli a ('om'
''It: is t lie hod ies of thme twvo shep-
emds from the othier play,'' le ire-
plies. "Come, drag; thenm out! We
can't sit (down anidl cat with twOodealt
hod ies hyimg ign dcr Ihe tabIle' .Tin
audienice wouldn't stanid 'or it!''
"'What nmaks you thInink so?'' tile
voice of ('othurnnus asks frmonm thle

And a
the alib
LATE again! Fo
this week she
dinner hot so Ion
to eat. And whi
working, he has
ing that the alibii
'Even a box of c
'ince her that the
why he should be
to work overtime
Some day they ar
up to the fact th
home would enak
the office on time,
work after dinne
I Corona has the
as the big machir
The price of Cori
cash. Easy tern
desired. Call o

'mile on your J '-.'''-=.' I
Good Work
( U111111111_ _ __11N11II 1i1111111111111lt h es111111111111.1
Mai S.!
784FO rYU G E
Vr thwhr ieTees smtig aot'
ile~~ here relywssatY pelotouowHo e
a hoees el' -dstntie syl
C o eieo T r o b t th e a n a
~an l o o sor tdhaetise
re going to wakedisltay-fsinaewclothingui1 1
'ath ahr Crnti IT er' smthn aot '
e him adto leaeshownitform yCou.s-whc n
ngatflnis'tphis., -= -
isn' Theinewoest. aprcae'dstntv tl
samey keoardcon
.eeony oreiso0n
e. to urrtorga ddh veifis '-
re pontae uta-foroale cohn
Arc imtoae fohoour onvenence
ClosWern eGodaClotheDa--ren old a:3Reasonaei R
Wantor cnvnince :A

0s D.M

17" Nickel


winigs.'' Pull ([ownm the tablecloth,
hide them f'rom the house, and play
thme farce. Th'le audience wvilt fom'get.
So they place the clothI over themi
aind start their f'oolish round of epi-
gm'ais once more, , pe himg even umore!
rapidly a ndl in'diially . . . The cu r-
tain falls.
B'ehind this sko'heton, of cour'se, lies
anm allegory-which sonmehmow audoi-
ences often fail to appro'ciate --a cer'-
tain fab~le of life andt;:sufcring~ tra-
gedy andtid hle eter'nal ('onmmiedy thmat.
goer oni, heedless amid uncha:;temned.
The Se'niomr Gimls have ]pickedlthis
piece for thmeiri annual play, t~o be pre-
sent ed Thursday mmorninug, Junme 11, at
time tri'tional Senior b anique(t in the
hall1-rooi of the leMichigan UUnion. The
p~rodutionm is undmoer tihe dircetion. of
Mrs. Stanley Lowe, aiad the cast has
been chosen as follows:!
Pier'rot F......Ilorence Nelson
Cohtunbimie............. Mauide Cor'ey
Cothiurnus, thle minsque of
j tragedy......Sarah Slocumn
Tliyi'sis, a shephinrdot...........
. .......Florenee McComb
Coi'ydon, a sheopherol......
.ihBerenice lHoheisel

Read the

ll plil=l mo



Dial 116, then ask for
Phone 7261F-2-1 for estimates on that Spring Painting and Decorating.
You'll find our prices the most reasonable in Ann Arbor-and the work
is of the highest character.
Special Prices for Fraternities and Sororities.
R. F. D. No. 6




I Alice Manuderbach, piamnist, assist ed
> by lHleni Martin, soprano, wxill pre-
seint the following pirogrami in time1
[audit or'ium of the Un ivem'sit y School
of lvMusic t his ev eninig at 8 o'clock:
Prelmuoe and Fugue in C minor. .BLach




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