I1IESDA)Y, FE3U 17, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THIS s HI COtt jCOLUMN CLOSES ICLOSES j AT 3~~~ P.ADETSNI 3PM Leads Liberals News From Other Colleg"'es t I S t i FOR RENJ ,I RN'J-Desirable single roome * n ~ext new Law buildling. Call 61lt) Tappan. F0OR RENT-Doublo or single 1100111 ,for men. Phone 1194.)-.M 422 E. Washington. F'OR R.ENT-fu~rnished, st ( iii-licat five room apart moent. First floor. 504 Lawrence St. RIOOM IS FOR RKNT- 'P'oit single room far nurse 0or bum no wosr; men in private h1omfle. Fine I ocaitiot. 203 N. Ingalls. LOTT LOST-Leather note-book, >al)oe on cover. Phone 3126-k. LOST-Small Thet a Ciii st r pinl. Findler please call 1926. BOARIv CLUB of t can obtain board in private family. 3 meals, $6.50; 2 meals, $5.50. 1007 Monroe. F44'NI'ALNPEN INK .A i::uozus ink may work for a short tit~e. It clogs Ihe loelic'ate mechan- isn 0of thepen ind1 cannot lhe remov- edt by ordinary means. It is cliemi- tally all I gonist ic to a good ink, which will work andl renders the ink color- less. (Consult Rlidler's Pen Shop, where you will always find a fresh supply 01 tohe zst CGoverntmen tstandardl 'writ ig fluid. It is thle only satisfa c- ,oiy ink fo the fountain pen. 11"elI and I!ilk '14, emia ists FOUNTAIN IE W\a sh ington, Feb. 1 6. -(- C= rzy 1 ca!of Ithen)think i he debator?;dsev are oft en of highler ment alityv thai ;the fsame hller given to «t blot es, whilt hswoarnt lieeda- dn ttescnierhepn"111e ',7 to) Dr. N . II. N icholFson, ps~yc hiatrist, Isa ry."' in speaking before p]re-nledica I stil- a-- dents of the Universit v of N~'slit ju Lawrence Kans., Febi. 16.- Plans to.ire b>einrg made for the ainnuial military - 1) al11 of the University of' Kansas which Dartmouth, Feb. R lev. R.obert T.~~~~~~~~~ Catuodcidtiel be: c teaeI 110included 5some10of the most l average stud~ent wllcn s peakin-g before ldihstingttished 11001)l0 of thle starife, and ! ~ the students at the first chapel service mnany high mlilitary officials. of the secondl semester at lDartmiou l _____ collge.mew York, Feb. 1ih--Hundreds of Columbia graduates will revisit the l-Iarvardl, Feb. 1.- Instructors, i "aiirpiis today to take na rt in exercis-. Iharvard uiniversity were notified at! es w hich1 mar lk the 19)25 Alumni lay. the beginning of tOl new term t hat '________________ they would be permitted to e-xclttde rI cg, Ie.1f-Tlefrtntoa men01 from their classes who "cuti." on conveto lteSrieVtrn t th frs (ay Ithe United Stateos will be held in; Illinois, Feb. 16.--Dean T homlas A.' hTlg~ eryinArl The Farl of Clark of tile University of Illinois has lSrrserile for Thia Miclr~aiin Ihily"i Liberal leader sent out a warning to all fraterni'ities! hiere to the effect that they inust. el i'n.c inate rough and1 cruel initiat ion of il edges. ___ IX1i17VP~iIITT DUE IBeauchlamp is the new in the IHouse of Lords, LiOST-In some11 class r~ood"?, pwot - book, grey suede acnd a pat oft lat I- (ori finish. Ing;rid Alving, 2946-.1. LOS'T-Ci rcular nuisiac pin with idove design and~ filigree biorder. Liboer- al rewarid. Phone )2(6-,'V. 721 7For- . l'i'L yon r fr-iendas vWhat a Wond erful fjien your Masterpon is. You have been doing it. Tha'nk you. RIDER'S PEN STIOP 302 State St. III z rn est Ave. L()SV--A punilchlale f0 ron numnber 30 atithe10 .-1(11. Cooper. Reward. WANTED-Students to 5Eeec writer bargains. Good mae sale or rent. S A. Moran, sUniversity Ave., Roomi 2. WANTED-Student with dru experience for part time 0w(, sill's Rexall Drug S'1ore. Main St. 13EAUTY SHOPPES Permanen~t Waving and Ma MACK AND CO. ONE MOREWE -1 oibers of fraternities, So]1'Oit 105or n I~o(tl Cubs whto have ]lot heard Mr. JTohn 'all 397,Cam11pbell'sthlbrling lecture on May hear him amy night f11145 week 1 by1ma1k ing an a ppointment01, he isa onir typle- VO CAION E X PRT hines for And hays been le:1 0t Oritlg and lgiving 711 N. Plii'en oboTicai examiinat ions at t he untiversities andl colleges during 1110 ------ - last forty yearIs. (See hi!; pictures g sto0e in1th0 Deceniber number of The (Cor- irk. E Hell01 Graphic ) 208 5 Advice on] character Ibuiling, men- t tal improvenient, choic of vo(ation, rind ]!l riage. IAddress 301. N. State si., phone rcclhing 12(;- ILOffice hours, 10 a. mn. to 1 p. in.; 2 p. ]n. to 5 p). 11. Norman, Okla., -Feb. G.-Students of Olahoma. un iversity axe- about eqita - ly divided on the question (of a ward- ing let ter.-., to Va rsity cdeb~aters. Many IIIY USYNESS ST'AFF Several positions are now open !1 Oil (Ilie buineii~s stalf o1' The Daily.. The woik involved wxill jhe of va lue a like to those whlo wanit to patrticipa to in some earn-} puls activity and to those who want. somte prlactical explerienceE in the b~usiness department of a1 dhaily newspaper. All persons interested avo requested to re- por't at once0 to Th'le IDaily busi- Iness office in the Press building. .ANN ARBOR'S L.FADING CLOTHIERS "Eixclusive---IBut Not Expensive." 209 S. MAIN ST. 411_ecediing \'ise' ttcGi("Y. whose ill-! health forced liido irrendl. 110the _____ host.Ihol d Beaulllain is a noted free ' t rade advocate. Mexico C7ity, Feb., 16.-Tonls of driedRedteW n As flies are shipped anrnually troin Alex- ________________________ lean plorts. The insects yield scarleO anld crimson (dyes.l = FOR. YOUNG MElea MADE BY EDERHEIMER STEIN COMPANY = Sprng Suts . - ne shpmen ofSprng Sitsin he nwerfab andstyes as ustben rceied.Themat- r Clvr igl-rate TpcaSn itasoGdipa Atnewtheitrenoungrig mas n 'sp-torneCer fb- S Price ad vr raoabya5$50$8.nd$0 -r I-r Remmbe tht al Flfoul lotes re adecx 4 presly or ornCorettl~yEdeheier tei Compny. heyare asbimedwithan apea tote olgemn To Corbe _1EstLbetr -. Whr"odClte:r.ol tRaonbePi Featuring STEIN-BLOWT- Smart Clothes M ICHALLS-STER N Value-First Clothes Hfigh Grade Furnishings I III __________Iva : _ a4.1 FOUN TAIN PETN tEAIIIG TYPE WRIT ING SAVE that long wait while having _______________________________- your henf sent away for repairs. 1TYPEWRITER We repair it thae same day it is broni- Q IlEtADQUTETRS -l ghti and insure that it will he ad- , New and srt~ond -and Corona, 1R0e1- usted to your, hand when you call , ngton and Underwood portables. L. for it. ,C. Smith, Underwood, Royal, Rening- RIDl)ER's PEN SHlOP f t on used and factor'y rebuilt machine s. Sve$40'00 ors more by buying- from I shv.Easy termhs if (desired. Resntinig j-- - rand repairing a specialty. 0. D. MORRILL - 2 7 Nickels' A.rcade g The Typewriter & Stationery Store. Re ad the Xatr Ads Open eveninlgs. 4'lonc 171,x. i I A. ,°na . Rp C. -" _, { G i ^ ., , . TlYPEWRITER Headquarters For Portable and best grade rebuilt and second-hand machines, including COR~ONA, BEMVINCTON, UNDER:IWOOD L. C. SMITH and ROYAL } 9 A u Clas cv Iry Aklnesday for )Ie w 1i 25 lat esA modlern Inner ( iroc 'aT'ddi(le and 'Fango o -x 'Ptot Toen one-liouri lesson, $5.00 Terrace Garden Studio 22 \Vtertti 1 made Phone ?hl-H~ Buy from us anid save Forty Dollars or more. If desired. Renting and Repairing a specialty. allowed on purch-ase of any make. Easy terms hnitial rent. 0 ' 1J7I'FWR1T1NG & TMIMIEGRAIlIlNCt ,4 proimptly and neatly dlone by expei'i- Nf100(1 operators at mlod orate r'at es. 17 Nickels' Arcadea ilntablislied 1908 P hoine 17:1.38 i ~Open evening;s Waffl~es.. _._ , : . = 4ConlJonlBooks iCARTTER'S f LUNCHl i 1117 - o. U~niersity SHOWING 'THISW1% X .i Iat Whitney W 0hotel, Arthlur Nash clothes. Sit. anld Top-coats5, $23.50. (luarant cool illade-to-lleasurc. I1l. l14. 1PCin:g, Rep- o resentative. o~ are now getting the NEW SP~RING1 -ODELS of thle C('0 kS IT-1I rASS I l14R14 fallin-oe, s much in (lemnandi by ac- te womeon. Yon should see thetm. 303 South M~ain SEXPER(T WATCH R iEPAIRING Arhld Sle Stl ree4 Jeweller I ~302 South Slate3 f ur moderate prices make it possible '> for all to have FRESH 110MB+ G ROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR-FLORAL CO. 1;22 E. Liberty. Phione 1630, - ---j R Wherc Stale AMeels IPaclevrd , We tAke particular pride in the Cle'rn Surronudings Afforded Our Patrons ! t i + i s I {a 3 0. D. MORRILL 1 7 Nickels" Arcade The Typewriter and Stationery Store Open evenings. _ _ _ _ _ Servicc Qua litJ Qua, 1i13) Clean liness _ - -- i T h e B e s t1 S what every ambitious senior is o thinking about at the present time. Life insurance is one of the r best, one of the most desirable, and N ' one of the most satisfactory as a IY i permanent calling. Okuins, O A ~In assets and volume of uies life insurance is onie of the three 9C leading businesses of this country, 1 yet the field is comparatively under.. t'*l ' developed. Only 7 per cent of the P economic value of human life in the U ie ttsi oee yi sr- i Ir ance.This gives an idea of the big field still to be worked, especially business i insurance for firms and corporations. As to remuneration : Reports of college graduates who have entered T 11 Ibusiness indicate that life insurance is irlli at the very top as a source of income. 0 tENow is the time for you to consider > F what you are going to do after gradu- ation. If you are ambitious and will- 4I ing to work hard and are interested to I know about life insurance, address m -Agency Department '' . > - - 1 l ri ; , 1" / 7 Gs /y, , i p , r fj s D / G .A. i f t, f ; r. , ./ _. ! ' Millions of men demand this protection every day MILLIONS of men are turn- x. a fi PHONE 866 For Typewriter Repairing (All makes) Dealer in Woodstock typewriters, Sundstrand andl Portable Adding machines. Ann Arbor Typewriter Exeh nge ing from Squibb's other dentif rices to Dental Cream, made Gl< TELL GILLE+SPIE, Soloit 11rind1teach- c-r, thirty years exp~eriencee. Mlan- 0dolin, guitar, lianjo, and chlord Sconstruction Telephiene 1791-Al. 1 I E1?fI4+I) .M1Ii) IE aged lAnn Arbor1, I lady desires lady comilpanfionl to tou i Eniglandi, Ilolkand, Firance, etc. this .June end July.-lEntiroe eeses less than $500. Write b)ox 67. Miclhigan Daily, for interview. flTIY OUR ",ew Way Poastedl Sand- wiclies. B~est you ever ate. Arbor Fountain "'RY OUR Hot 'It'oastedl Sandwiches. with Squibb's Milk of Magnesia, because its regular use prevents Acid Decay at The Danger Line and reduces the serious menace r of Pyorrhea. Safe for all. A pleasure to use, Noble Profile" © o. i.co. The Bush Building, New York Ciy H-ELMLE & CORBETT, Architects Soi rni' I TAD - ,,..,. .,.........f_. .t_-- ......." .. ,....-l, n.. "": .....ter -- , -47 ---