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May 26, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-26

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:43 at I


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VOL. XXXV. No. 176






u f

Campus Honorary Societies
Will Hold Initiations Today'
The "ancient men of the forest," Sunset today will see the return toj
Druids, honorary literary society will
TEAMS TO MEET HERE AGAIN today accept into membership, strong earth of Vulcan, god of fire and forge,
SATURDAY; PUCKLEWARTZ men chosen for their worth, into the when the clamoring of anvils calls
GETS HOMER secrets of the order. him back from the infernal regions.
In flowing robes, carrying pine Those fortunate junior engineers who
torches, members of the clan will ap- ,
JABLONOWSKI W INS ear at 8 o'lock atthe sacredroc have been chosen to number among
in Druid Grove, there to initiate the his followers will be awaiting him at
'ast Year's Star Regains W1nning new ones into the profound secrets his earthly shrine, there to be initiat-
their prowess has entitled them to Ied into the rites and rituals of his
Form. as Wolverines Climb Into know. disciples.
Fourth Position 'There Awenydds will be taught the Only those who have proven thei
lmeaning of the symbols and the j worth and are able to shape spear-
iowa City, May 25.-The University message of the oak and pine. There heads from hot iron can become fol-
Iow CiyMay25-Th Unvesit iwill they learn the ways of the! lowers of this fiery god, who returns
of Michigan's crack baseball team ancients. After the ceremonies at the each year 'mid smoke and fire to lead
sent Iowa's Big Ten championship grove the order will adjourn to its 'the embryo Vulcans into the fold.-
hopes further into the dust when they abode, where the Awenydds will be Thus will these brave engineers await
s further instructed in the secrets of the arrival of the terrible god, their
vanquished the Hawkeyes 4 to 2 in a Druids. Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross of brows broken out in cold sweat, their
closely contested game here this af- I the history department will aid the limbs trembling, but with hearts of
ternoon. The Wolverines climbed old men in teaching the new. burnished steel.
into fourth place in the Conference
standings on the win.
This afternoon's contest was the UML
first of two to be played between the !l
two nines, Iowa journeying to Ann
Arbor for the return game next Sat-
urday. Jablonowski hurled ' excep-
tional ball for the victors and was in-, -A- :1
iR_egistration in All SchoolsExcept'Leture Will be Herd at 4:15 O'clock1
SLaw Will ie Held Week Tomororw in Natural Science t
BIG TEN STANDINGS of June 19 Auditorium
Ohio Mate . .. ... .. ..5 1 .833
IChicago............ 2 .750 hurjfrthIlctr
Indiana.............6 2 .750 Registration hours for the various In hislect "Relativity vs. Grav-
Mihian. ...........5 3 .625 schools and colleges of the Summer its b e y osc to-1
Iowa ....... .....5 4 555 session were announced yesterday at yg4k
Illinois .............6 5 .545 the office of Dean E. H. Kraus. morrow in Natural Science auditor-
Minnesota i -............4 4 .500 In most schools registration will ium, Dr. Charles Lane Poor, noted
Wisconsin...........3 6 .333 continue for a week, starting Friday, astronomer and staunch opposer of
Northwestern........2 9 .182 June 19, with the exception of the .Einstein's theory, will enter into a
Purdue..............1 7 .125 Law school where students will reg- isfallaes o
I ister June 12, 13, and 15, between the discussion of the fallacies of the1
hours of 9 to 12. and 2 to 5 o'clock. theory and advance the Newtonian'



Head of Chicago Law School
Represent Midwest Cottage
At Dedication


Formal dedication of the Lawyers'
club building will take place Satur-
day, June 13. Dean Roscoe Pound
of the Harvard law school, Dean
James P. Hall, of the law school of
the University of Chicago, and John
M. Zane, '84, who is a member of the
Chicago bar will be the principal
speakers. Dean Pound will speak asj
representative of the eastern colleges
of the United States, Dean Hall will,
represent the midwestern schools,
while Zane will be speaker for the
Efforts were made to secure As-
sociate Justice George Sutherland of
the United States Supreme court to
appear as a speaker representative of
the bench, but he has notified Dean
Henry M. Bates, of the law' school
that he will be unable to come for
the services. Instead he will send
someone who will read a paper for
Dean Pound, who has been men-
tioned among those considered for the
presidency of the University, received
his degree of doctor of philosophy at
the University of Nebraska in 1897.
lie was given an honorary degree inf
law at the University in 1913.
Dean Pound wasmade. akt at

New York, May 25, (By A.
P.) - The North American
Newspaper alliance announced
through- the Associated Press at
9 o'clock tonight that there was
no news from the Amundsen-
Ellsworth North Pole expedi-
More than four days have now
elapsed since the two airplanes
left Icing's bay, Spitzbergen,
for the polar flight and nothing
has been heard from them.
Decision is Rendered in Test Cases
Against Kansas City and
Baltimore Papers
Washington, D. C., May 25.-(By A.
P.)-Newspapers may publish, with-
out hindrance from the government
any official information which con-
gress makes available to public in-
spection, the supreme court declared
today in deciding two cases involving
the publication of income tax lists
opened to inspection last fall at the
offices of internal revenue collectors.
The opinipn which was rendered by
Justice Sutherland, was based upon
statutory construction of law, the
court finding that it was not neces-'
sary to pass upon the constitutional-
ity question of the freedom of the
The cases decided had been brought
by the government against the Kan-
sas City Journal-Post and the Balti-
more Post, which were sustained in
their .contention by the lower courts.
"Information, which everybody is
at liberty to acquire and the acquisi-
tion of which Congress deems espec-
ially desirous of facilitating, and in
the absence of clear and positive pro-
vision to the contrary, be regarded
otherwise than as public property to
be passed on to others as freely as
the possessors of it. may choose,"
Sutherland said.
Burton's Memory
To Be Honored At
Meeting Thursday
In memory of late President Marion
L. Burton, a convocation will be held*
at 8 o'clock Thursday night in Hill
auditorium, at which Robert Frost,
the well-known New England poet,
will give the principal address. The
subject of Mr. Frost's talk has not
yet been announced.
A committee representing the Re-'
gents, all the schools and colleges of
the University, the student body,
alumni, and townspeople has charge
of arangements for the memorial con-
vocation. The committee is divided
into two sub-committees, a general
committee and an executive commit-
tee. The latter body will have active
charge of all arrangements.
Literary Seniors
Number 806; Wait

Chicago, May 25.-The condi-
tion of President Ernest DeWitt
Burton, of the University of Chi-
cago, who recently underwent a
second operation for intestinalf
disorder was pronounced by hisy
physicians tonight to be un-
changed. The vitality of Mr.
Burton who is 69, is aiding his
j fight for life, physicians said. j
Apes And Men
Compared By
Without making any contentions
that man is a descendant of apes, Dr.
Wolfgang Koehler, renowned German
psychologist, depicted by speech and
moving pictures to his audience in
Natural Science auditorium yesterday
afternoon the many characteristics
that man and ape have in common,
especially with reference to behavior


vincible with men on bases except in
the fourth. Defeated in most of his
other Conference starts and knocked1
from the box in the second inning by
Illinois on Saturday, due to wildness,
last year's star moundsman for the
Maize and Blue came back in a re-
deeming fashion today.
Pucklewartz, new outfield luminary
on the Michigan team, got a home run4
on a long drive over the fence. Mar-
ghall, star Iowa moundsman, was un-
able toh old the Wolverine batsmen,
although given perfect support by his
The Wolverines face a heavy week,
meeting the Japanese all-stars at Ann
Arbor on Thursday and Friday and
'the Iowa nine again on the home lot
the day following.
Score: , R H E
Michigan .. ................4 8 21
TJt I iUs .T ah i1.J VY 3wki t Chnrrv-

i 1vu1U va. v 4v .a.u Waau u a.v v v vavvai"


In the Law school class work will i hypothesis as the alternate for it. professor of la a e U sity of
sta rtfJuneftheatases a
start June 16, and in all the other Dr. Poor has long opposed the was
colleges on June 22. I Einstein theory and in an article in Nebraska in189J. In 190 he was
Students in the literary college; the Scientific American magazine promoted to the head of the depart-
hygiene, public health' and physical some time ago he attempted to un- nt. He was also professor of law
Iat Northwestern university and at thel
education; and library methods will dermine the Einstein theory and show UniversitysofnChicagosbeforelhe was
register from 9 to 12, and 2 to 5 the superiority of the Newtonian. Al- iversinyof Chiaobeforehes
o'clock June 19 and 20; and from 9 to though admitting' that the Einsteinm
12, and 2 to 5 o'clock on June 23 to theory proved more competent in the i91.
25 inclusive, in University hall. Late matter of mercury's perihelial ad- Dean Hall received his bachelor of
'registrations will be received on sue- vance, he points out that the New- law degree at Harvard in 1897. He
ceeding days from 10 to 12 o'clock. tonian advances of the other planets has been a lecturer on 1onstitutional
In the Colleges of Engineering and are mostly much larger than foraw and property. In 1900 he was
imade assistant professor of law at
Architecture registrations will be re- Mercury. From this the conclusion ds
ceived in the engineering building is drawn that the Einstein correc- G Leland Stanford university. Two
from 8 to 12, and 2 to 5 o'clock, from tions are a small percentage of the years later h'e was made head of the
June 19 to 24 inclusive. total observed advances. Chicago law school where he has
School of Education registrations In the article, Dr. Poor also showy been since. Dean Hall was judge
will be received from 9 to 12, and 2 that the Einstein assumptions are not advocate of the United States in 1918
and 1919. He is the author of two
to 4 o'clock, June 19 to 24 inclusive, necessary to account for the behavior n books on isto aw.
in Tappan hall. of the planets. He makes hi sOint books on Constitutional law.
Medical students will register from clear by showing that other theories
9 to 12, and 2 to 5 o'clock from June might account for the observed facts i 1 TfTIflM W IL1
19 to 24 inclusive, in the Medical better than the Einstein theory.
building. Dr. Poor will discuss, in his lecture,
Registrations for the College of the recent researches made by Dr.H
Pharmacy will be received from 9 to Dayton C. Miller, of Cleveland, and' UUI8f09005TIlUEIRLSULT
12, and 2 to 5 o'clock June 19 to 24 himself to prove the inc6nsistenciesj
inclusive, in the chemistry and phar- of the Einstein theory. Listeners-in on Saturday, May 20,
macy building. Recognized by many as the great I Memorial day will be able to hear a
In the School of Business Adminis- est scientific authority in the Un j detailed account of the Indianapolis
tration, registrations will be received States who is openly opposing the 500 mile sweepstakes auto race
from 9 to 12, and 2 to 5, June 19 to Einstein theory, Dr. Poor continues broadcast by station W-G-N, tie Chi-
24 inclusive, in Tappan hall. his experiments to discredit the Ein- cago Tribune station.
Graduate school registrations will, stein theory. He is professor of co- Microphones will be placed at sev-
be received from 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 lestial mechanics in Columbia Uni- eral places about the track in such a
o'clock from June 19 to 23 inclusive! versity. Dr. Poor did his graduate manner as to bring every sound of
in University hall. work at John Hopkins University. I the race to the radio audience. The
broadcasting is to be conducted from
9:15 to 3:00. by the Prest-O-Lite coin-
Rival Candidates Conduct Furious pary of Indianapolis and several
f"44-" 14f)'" V~51 ('f flU,- b T~~lni .s prominent nien present, including

i I7

Marshall and Miller.
Urbana, Ill., May 25 -Illinois scor-
e(~ six of seven runs in the second
inning of today's game to defeat the
University of Wisconsin teats, 7-3.
Neither of the teams played excep-
tional ball, the cold weather being
Score I)y innings: R I E
Wisconsin .... 00) 10)0 011-3 6 5
Illinois ........160 000 000-7 7 .



and mentality.
The'subject of Dr. Koehler's themel
was "The Mentality of Apes." His
alk dealt largely with the memory,
earning powers, and imitation power
of apes in relation to those of man,
"Many people do not differentiate
between the apes and the common
monkeys" said Dr. Koehler "and con-
sequently they formed false concep-
tions of the mentality of apes. In
many respects the behavior and
mentality of the ape has many things
n common with man.
"It is noted that the chimpanzees
have protruding bones above the eyes
which are common to the native Afri-
cans, and the methods by which
chimpanzees procure their food are
similar to the means employed by
the lower-type natives. ' Often chimr
panzees walk on their hind legs in
an erect position similar to man.
Apes clearly show their facial ex-
pression, of disappointment, joy, and
surprise as does man.
The Professor explained that al-
though a chimpanzee is often inca-
pable of solving a problem or a
method of procedure he is, perhaps,I
the most highly developed anima) forI
Imitation once precedence is set.
All students on the campus may
vote in the election of the Board of
'Trustees of the Student Christian as-
sociation which will be held from 9
to 4 o'clock tomorrow in Newberry'
The nominating committee - has
chosen only one candidate for each
of the nine positions vacant; however
any of these names may be crossed
out and others substituted. The bal-
lot as submitted by the committee is
as follows: Prof. Harry C. Carver of
the mathematics department, Dean E.
E. Day of the Business Administra-
tion school, Secretary Shirley W.
Smith, Prof. Leroy Waterman of the
language department, Albert Fiegal,
and Frank E. Royce; and Mrs. John
Bradshaw, Mrs. Stanley Steven and
Mrs. Clair Upthegrove. The first six
positions are to be voted on by the
men only and the last three by the
Baseball Scores
Washington-Philadelphia, rain.
Other games not scheduled.

Beginning a campaign which it is
hoped some day will realize a beauti-
ful campanile for the campus in
memory of the late President Marion
L. Burton, classes of all coeges of
the University now on the campus
have pledged their support towards
the purchase of a set of chimes to be
called the Burton Memorial Chimes,
which will be placed in the campaline
when a donor or donors for such a
tower are found. The chimes will be
the student's share of the memorial
to Dr. Burton and it is hoped that the
finest set of bells in the world may
be secured.
Dr. Burton's greatest desire for the
Michigan campus and one upon which
he had already done considerable
work before his life was cut short,
was the erection of a campanile. With
the initiative coming from th stud-
ents it is hoped that others will give
the campanile.
To start the memorial plan the re-
tiring Student council called a mee-
ing two weeks ago of all clss presi-
dents, who agreed to place the pro-
posal before their classes or appoint
memorial committees.
The plan provides that every class
now on the campus will make as its
memorial gift upon graduation a do-
nation of money to an accumulation
fund. The senior literary class whose
members will graduate next month
will establish the fund with the first
contribution. The other literary
classes have already appointed mem-
orial committees and will carry on
the plan while practically all of the
other classes have signified their in-
tention of joining in the purchase of
the chimes.
The Student council has estimated
that at the end of the next four
years more than $15,000 will have
been donated towards the fund
through class gifts. Contributions
are also probable from the J-Hop
surplus, the townspeople of Ann Ar-
bor, and alumni. The chimes may be
purchased bell by bell as the con-
tributions are received. Robert A.
Campbell treasurer of. the University
and mayor of Ann Arbor will take
charge of the fund. The treasurers
of the classes who are making gifts
and others outside the University de-
siring to give may turn their dona-
tions in to him. The cost of the
chimes will be definitely determined
by Earl V. Moore director of the
School of Music who is making a trip
to England this summer.
Plans for the campanile have not
as yet been made, but the chimes
will.be donated by the students with
the idea that the tower will be given
in some other way, such as an indi-
vidual donor, a group of donors, or
by the alumni in general. The Stud-
ent Council has already requested
Prof. Eliel Saarinen internationally
known Finnish architect, at present
connected with the architectural col-
lege, to draw his conception of the
campanile. Other architects will also
be asked to rubmit designs.
Voicingatheir sentiment of the pro-
posed' plan, the retiring Student
council which took' the initiative in
the memorial movement this year
said, "There is nothing we could give
that would be more fitting or more in
accordance with the spirit and high
aspirations of our beloved Dr. Bur-
ton than a set of chimes, the finest
and most beautiful in the world. Such
chimes placed in a fine campanile on
the campus was ever the ideal pf our
late president to be the finishing
touch to the new Michigan campus.
"The student body is taking the
initiative in financing the Burton
Memorial. The classes now on the
campus will turn their memorial
funds each year over to a common
fund from which the chimes, bell by'

bell, will bepurchased. Each donor
class will have its numerals engraved
on a bell. Offers of outside help
have already been accepted."
"We hope that someone will give
th. ehimea tnwner t A r Ahont,fi1


-aLurpagn vn Lcvo enu tctun
Professor P. N. Scott of the rbetoric Henry Ford, W C. Durait, C1aarles For Final Grades 1
department will address the All 'ma Nu -M. Schwab, the referee, and the win-
debating society at its annual ba.quet Seniors of the literary college, will been prevalent, especially in the race ing driver will make short talks be- IStuents who are eligible for grad-
at 6:45 o'clock tonight in (been Treehold their annual mock election at 3 for most bashful man, most bashful fore and after the race. i nation from the College of Literature,c
Inn. i girl, class shiek and class vamp.ion W-G-N broadcasts on a Science, and the Arts in June now
The program, which will concludes o'clock this after'noon in Newberry 'e ' wave legho 71ees
Many last minute combinations g of i meters. number 806. This total was computed
the semester's activity will also in- hall, following one of the most hotly tli'eaten to sweep tie field at the after an elimination had been made1
clude a talk by W. T. Adams, '17, who contested campaigns of recent years. polls this afternoon. Class officials 'E s n is saof the names of those students who.
was an active member of the society All the political camps were reported wil be oi hand to ceinduct the meet- . are now ineligible, or who have not
while atstending the Uiversity. Prior as being confident of victory last ing, and protect the ballot boxes in Nears Completion paid their diploma fees.l
to the speclies there will be an istal -Thrwilbnohags adi
night case of riots. ; There will be no changes made in
lation of the officers elected at t ix thr he p.sitionrofsb-g- the list of graduates until final marks
last regular meeting. Another fea- t,'andidlats for the position of big- Complete election returns will be More than 2700 copies of the 1925d s
utre will be the presentation of med- get man grind and biggest gidi published by The Daily tomorrow i 'Ensian have been distributed up to ing arks will be eliminated at that il
als to the members of the freshman grind were greatly encouraged by the' morning. last night, according to figures com- time. It is now too late to pay di-
debating team which recently won the report that the Phi Beta Kappa party __;piled by the staff. The work of giv- ploma fees and those who failed tol
annual Alpha Nu-Adelphi freshman has not yet been able to decide on a ing out the books will be continued ake this payment will not be per-
debate. Reservations may be made by compromise candidate, and will gor HillDDD from 2 to 4 o'clock this afternoon, at mitted to graduate.
calling Luis Gibson, '26, secretary. Iinto battle handicapped by disorgani-I I1U ILthe 'Ensian office at the Press build-'
zation. This will also add to the OF F Abou Lockers In Gym
struggle for the honor of being se- E CIOF EAbout150 copies which have beenI
lected the best man student and the L. fully or partly paid for have not yet MVust Be Emptied
best girl student.J been claimed. These books will be
It is said that trading of votes has IScalp and Blade, campus honorary blimy the 'nsi.an staff if not call Agk
society, held its final meeting and for by the end of this week. The of- All Waterman gymnasium lockers
Laelection of officers for the wyear fice will be open every afternoon un- ing of school at the end of the semes-;
F. W, Peck, Jr., consulting engineer ur aSunday afternoon at the Union. til Friday. ter, according to the announcement
of the General Electric company of d Chalels B .Mul11tt '9E retiino- no fIPs n,. r av,.- fnrflnv

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