PAGE SIXTEEN Lb THE MICIGAN DAILYe - SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 _ _.._ _,_._.. ____q__ __ _. _.ry_ ___ : _.. __._ -- - "KEEP SMILING" Just as long as we do your cleaning and pressing you will have a smile on your fdace. Quick Service Good Work STARTING SUNDAY MATINEE STARTIN SUNDAYMATINE 11111, III6. 7jJ- WINTER A TTRA C TION FOR YOUR ENTE.R TA INIUEN T (That You Will Want Want To See Now) ICOMPOSITE Of "BOO AD FAH 9And rllHr KO 328 South Main St. Phone 7814 ... . I 'he Best Fca 'rcs Of Each Romance And You Have- Welded Into One Gorgeous Oh, Solo Mio-- But not at John's though. You're always in u crowd1 here, because everyone knows about ie r' L I the good saeals Specials for the guests. John serves. Mtay Festival Caf e tcna 60P9 East it lliloin St. 11 0 , a Incur ;Yourself and Yo.-ur Car- WITH ' k I ! z YOURSELF agaiistsuits rtlfiements gr9whg of alccidenJtaI l a ntage -'to the property of others; your car against fire, accident and thieft. lye can give You complete -in- formation oi l .1the various forms of automobile insurance. Our poiclk sare written by a company wfl~i a 133-year record of fair- and( prompt adjustment. BUTLER Insurance 881 f tIt. fBank 1Bldg. RICARDO CORTEZ, eJ ETTA GO ALNNAIBEERY fThe Spaniard" is "The Sheik" of 1925. It. is an even stronger story, a better picture. Raoul Walsh, director of "The Thief of Bagdlad," made the picture from Juanita Savage's amazing novel. The story from start to finish is full of dramra; the settings are mnagnificent and the costuming a modern fashion show. Its theme has to dio with the taming of a beautiful flirt by a notorious bull fighter who turns otit to be a member of the nobility. .A talc of loge and daring and high-hearted romance. Ricardo Corte,: is "The Sp'.amard", jctta Goudal, the ravishing French beauty, is the girl. Noah Beery has a fine bandit role." This man Cortez is coming like in*, a whirlwind. Fromn IMe idovel byp JLTAVITA SAVAGE Closed All Day Decoration Day Harmony Cafeteria 508 East William Ii ii II itAIT SAVAG I .e I- .N va OTH-ER THAPORTf7NT'~17;,A~ co, C.1 Xtiver iImmensely l ~p ir z' "lit h Al IIStar Cast i HII M'.3i~rr~T [Ff1 0VF f(({4 rlar amowu, (~I/) (I;' POLICY 1:30-3:10-4:50 7:00-8:40 Balcony, 35c Auditorium, 50c Children,. 25c I t Novelty Orchestra Concert Organist T'opics ar d 'c w s I . - ,....a.. I i -SWE DOMINATE THE FILM CIASSTfq T .__.....w,. .x,... A .®.. , a.". t