SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 THE N4-fCHIG-AN DAILY PAGE FIFTEEN . __ _ _ _ Polly reappears, and jealous of her l sisteP" she determines to claim him, C 1*Iand all but wrecks the happiness of everyone. Alice Terry plays the role. of Joan, and Dorothy Sebastion, a newcomer to the screen, takes the 0)art of the younger sister. Orville The Arcade Caldwell, also among the new re- "The Spaniard" with a cast featur- cruits, is seen as the leading man. ing Ricardo Cortez, Jetta Goudal, and News reels, a Christie comedy en- Noah Beery will be seen at the Ar- titled "Her Boy Friend" and a new cade theatre during the first of thel Aesop Fable Cartoon will be shown inI week. The picture opens in London addition. On the stage Mr. and Mrs. where Cortez on a brief visit has be- Orville Stain and a chorus of four, i -r l.;t;IY;" "': I I ' come the idol of feminine «ociety. A will appear in a revue billed as "Day short tima before his depa riure, he Dreams.'' meets a notorious heart beaker in|During the latter part of the Week Jetta oudal, who repulsees his ad- the screen version of the Zane Grey vances but does nlot 5ucceel l1 )n1- novel "The Code of the West" will be trating his smiling self confiene presented. The story develops amound! The following; scenes are in Spain. a vacious little New York flapper- There the gi°i i that the nero 'Constanice Uennett- and a shy iut. of her latest affair is only a comon s turdy cowboy, played by Owen bull fighter and congi atulates her- jf ore. The young Westerner, un- self on not having married him. A{ used to the ways of the East falls an excursion to a Moorish castle in the easy victim to the girl who flirts or- inrL.n iain-11) Ltv to le nV t . n d C7(11 rageously with him but merely laughs pampered son of the wealthy class, ,workers in modern cooking methods offered the management and accepted. tion collects through complete inves- at him when he proposes to her. weary of the hectic life he has been I and preparation of savory recipes. Miss Waller believes that radio pro-1 'tigation informatio concerning all Moore, infuriated at the realization living, comes and changes things con- "Science should control the finished grams should serve not only as en- the profession and careers opn to that she has only been playing with siderably for Rose. She is sent as product of the kitchen today," says tertainment, but also have educational thomen. The bureau has co pete characteristic w e s t e r n directness his ward to the home of a wealthy Vliss Best. value. As a result her programs lists of schools and institutions where forces her at the point of a gun to friend and takes up a life of ease. in I Miss Best's work consists in lectur- contain travel talks, folk music, and the best type of training in the ar- marry him. This is the beginning of order to test his theory that clothes ing accompanied by a demonstration one act plays from well known pro- ions 'fields may be secured. Oftn the a series of events which finally reach make the man or woman. However of preparation and cooking of all, ductions with special programs for best and entirely accredited sciolp their climax during a raging forest love enters the affair and before he storts of foods in large quantities be-'mothers and children. appear on the lists of the information I fire. Rapid action flavored with con- realizes is young Norton is one of the fore large audiences of restaurant university women desiring guid- bureau. Besides listing possible siderable comedy, i s maintained angles of the old triangle. The usual workers, followed by an open discus- ance in any phase of vocational training schools the bureau also has throughout the picture. The usual short reels will be shown and also sion of cooking methods. Miss Best training may secure valuable aid from a general knowledge o'iields ofvo- short reels and a Christie comedy, several acts of vaudeville have been first attended the University of Mmin- the Bureau of Vocational Ii ormation cational ccupat ion open to women. "Great Guns", will complete the billed. nesota, where she received her B. A. 2 West 43 street New York City. Miss Although te bureau does not make a e screen program, while the stage at- degree, then earned her B. S. degree Emma P. Hirth, who is at the head ' prctice of securig Jbs, it will, aid tion will be Harry White and Alice He Lin a post graduate course at Colum- of the bureau, will do her utmost towomen in placiig theikselves in the Manning, dancers, who come direct Women Hunt PaCe In LIe bia. Following this she majored in help any woman, particularly stu-desired kind of employment. Ac9rd- traction will be Harry White and Alice restaurant and lunchroom manage- dents who want information concern-'ing to Mrs. Amy Hobart, who once from "Artists and Models." (Continued from Page Fourteen) ment adding an M. A. to her other ing vocational training or who wish worked with the bureau their type of in order that she may secure the same degrees. She taught science in high to ascertain the fields where they can work is for the general assistance of opportunities in advertisement as schools for a number of years, before ,place their talents and education to wimen through it does hot aim in any The Wterihj men. As the advertiser must in manyshe was installed as consulting diet- the best advantage. way to fill the position of an employ- "The Thief of Bagdad," which ran cases address himself to women the'ician in the College for Women, The ureau of Vocational Informa- meent aghy. at the Wuerth theatre not long ago, position can be filled by a woman to Texas. During this time Miss Best is booked for a return engagement advantage. also gave many lectures oinstiu tefrtohi weof Bapopd ar ihthis 121 on instet.I' the fir st of this week at popular Training in journalism and news- t m m prices. The picture with Douglas paper work is invaluable for this; Radio is not a distinctly mascu- F Fairbanks in the title role has been work, and a understanding of human line profession as is opularly sup- popular throughout the country. The nature is decidedly necessary. There posed. Women have entered the N fantastic, fairy-tale-like character- are 150 college courses which deal ranks as managers, announcers, andR istics of the old Arabian Night stories with advertising, so that no aspirant one is plnesident of a radio corpora- has been preserved and enhanced in will need to lack preparation. tion, Miss Judith C. Waller, director sthe sicTization which makes the im ' In addition to occaprntions for of the Chicago Daily News Station A possile saem altogether natural.| women which are generally knownis one of the few women who have en- Assures 1011 01 Delicious 'od Jmulanne Johnston plays the part of many women have found desimrable tire charge of a station. the princess, and Anna May Wong is occupations in unusual fields. Civiing After completing her high school >.' -"t1Ce seen as her maid. A nufmber of for- standardized formulas for food and course Mi'iss Waller went abroad for eign actors we~e imported for other eliminating guesswork is the aim of a year in preference to a college parts in the production. The story Miss Sarah Best, of Fargo, North career. Later she held an executiveanard deals with the adventures of the thief Dakota, who is employed by the Na- position with a large advertising con- out on a perilous journey. How he struct restaurant anid hotel chefs and station was started Miss Waller was overcoms all obltacles and earns his happiness is shown~ in the picturesqe4tl areaoquences.a~a~m i T[he feature for the latter half of the week will be "Broadway After Dark," with Adolphe Menjou, Norma Shearer, Ain a Q. Nilsson and Carmel 'IAeyeis in the leading roles It is the story of Rose Dulane-played by orma Shearer--who has served a prison term for having stolen money to provide luxuries for her mother who was seriously ill. Into the board- ing house where she is livmg, Ralph Norton - Adolphe Menjbu--a . ---- ImC12ualns DIrov ;s To)eU IUpap Dolores finds hers elf in the hands of the Spaniard. Cave man methods 1 don't prove so effective, arnl the girl escapes only to fall in with a band of bandits. Another bull fight any various other bits of action bring the tale to a dashing finale. The comedy, another of the H. C. Witwer series en- titled "The Covered Flagon", topics of the day and news reels will be shown. Beginning Thursday "A Kiss in the DarJ" an adaption of the Frederick Lonsdale stage success "Aren't We All" will run through the remainder of the week. The production boasts an unusual cast including Adolphe Menjou, Aileen Pringle, Lillian Rich and Kenneth MacKenna. Menjou as "- young Anmrican plantation manager in Cuba, after playing the game of love long enough to acquire a con-# siderable reputation as a heart break- er, finally falls in love with Janet Livingston-Aileen Pringle. Ie mane- ages, at last, to convince her that he is sincere, but she breaks the engage- ment shortly afterward when he be- pmes involved with a pretty married lady again. The rest of the picture brings forth a series of laughs as it tells how hie shows Betty the error, of her ways and wins Janet. Much colorful Havana scenery adds to the picturesqueness of the film. Tn addi- tion to the feature picture an Al St. John conmedly, "Dynamite Doggie", aj 'Felix Kat cartoon, and news ,reels are included in the progran. The Mgjesi ic "Sackcloth and Scarlet," a Para- mount picturization of the novel by George Gibbs, opens at the Majestic theatre today for a run of four days. The story deals with the lives of two) orphan sisters Joan and. .Polly Free- man, who have but one thing in com- mon, and that their beauty. Polly,! the younger is of the type who does' her leaping first and looking after- ward, if at all. She goes west in search of adventure, and finds all too much of it, to her discomfort anid her sister's misfortune, for Joan hteps in to shield her sister and takes all the blame. Later in Washington, Joan meets and falls in love with the man ,,.,. DRUGS KOD -00 -S Fifiishing you aun depefld on Chances for pictures of classmates and friends are fleeting. They seldom repeat. And it's satisfying to know that the finisher who develops your films and makes the prints is skilled in his work. Good finishing is a matter of careful workman- ship, good materials and up-to-date methods. You'll find all these in our finishing department. You run no risk when we finish your films§. Shall we handle your next order? Kodale Film. On your next excutsion you'll need extra rolls of Kodak Film . We have it. Come in and stock up., AKS i i i s M i j i (F, e s ne ter - ,:114 - . ; , otir i'- .-. Iye Laundr Do n Work I~e Because it is a Convenient, Economical and Practical Way Ing { ............ r ) _ . a :. of Solving that Problem Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. 3-llepeIid ble Sfdres-3 324 Sottl' state . corier E. & S. University Vorxier State and Packard CGARS SODAS A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU DIAL 1 whom Polly had known out West, and the romlance proceeds rapidly until _______________________ _________________ Milk is the best food we have; there is no substitute. Save on other things if you must, but not on Ifilk. You cannot afford to do without it. Growing children especially need plenty. Buy at least a pint of "Just Jersey" a day for each person in the household. No other food can' take its place. Order from your grocer. JUST JERSEY DAIRY AT TI-F lli i I I E I I i THE ~ ; .. 0 I