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May 24, 1925 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-24

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SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925


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With The Approach of Commencement Women
Cast About For Their Place In Economic Life

ing the occupations that

women fillj

ad the requirements for the occupa-
tions. A woman is director of iidus-
trial studies and has charge of a large
nlumber of research workers who4
st udy indlustr ial relations throughout
the United States. Another womant
ims full charge of an employment of-!
fice for the American Management

Professor Yoakum commented that dramatic career, warns the student!
the women occupying these positions who is looking for a school of dra-
were peculiarly efficient, and that matic art to be careful to select a
while there were unusual opportuni-
ties, greater requisites than a college # school that bases its work on talent.
education were needed to fill them. There are too many so called drama-
The view point of some women al- tic schools out for financial gain,I
ready in business was explained by I which accepts students who are fund-
Miss Mary E. Sweeny of the Merril-; amentally unfit for such a career.
Palmer school of Detroit when she I These schools, though called dramaticl
spoke to the Ann Arbor Business and schools, emphasize instruction in,

he enters on the path which lads to
the fulfillment of his ambition.
Women in the motion picture in-
dustry have a definite, permanent
place, apart from acting, according to
Will 1-. l-lays, president of the motion
picture producers and distributors of
ANmerica. In the January 194 issue
of the News-Bulletin he states that
women occupy various positions in
this industry. The branch in which


In nontrast to the great proportion grading tests to new salesmen, as reau for women in New York City.
of women graduates who formerly de- well as keeping track of records. A and has a number of assistants wh
voted themselves to the teaching pro- woman runs a vocational service bu- travel over the ITnited States study-
fession there, are today a large num-
ber of .college graduates who look to ___
'other fields in which to display their BRDES G AAT T EDOC PT
talents and ability. The professions ,A1,,T
have already admitted many women
and now the fields of business, dram- Frocks Suitable For Either Trousseau Or
atics, andI the moving pictures arej
finding them valuable workers.
When asked what the economic ef-
fect of an increasing number of
women .entering the business world
would be, Professor Clarence S.
Yokum in charge'of personnel man-1
agement of the school of business ad-
ministration commented, "It is nor
going to make a great deal of differ-t
once in the way business is run to
have women in it. We have seen it;
happen in politics in the last few{
years. All the evidence that we have
so far seems to indicate that the same .i0.. " '.
thing is going on in business.
"The United States has already de-
cidedothat we do not want t import
our labor to the extent that we have .
been. W e flnfr'it vE.m y difie.lt to as- xr..::: :?:..: :::._ :>:::;.,.::":.. :>
aimnilate foreigners We are apiparent-! ,;- . :::..,." J.:**:
y teringupon, the periodlwhen we ":::;:.:..'\~
dlm~e going to try aduetepeople "r": "
wave here.The ~ri ner inJ hir..ig~~4:
first generation ma 1 ,te.lboin
group, z ut hie does not want to stay .~. ......~. *.
tee.We have to supp.i0m,., those "..: :::..4
peopewihpositions In the next two v "":"}...".**...~ .
or 'three generation~s. There is goinig .........*' **{.. . ..... .
tob oeadmore ilwe d for women , {,{}.i :?? ":::. ::. : .::.t:.:'-.
-in bsns ease there wilh


Graduate's Wardrobe

Professional Women's Club recently. elocution, expression, oratory; others women have athieved the greatest
The subject of her talk was "The aim at preparation of teachers of success is scenario writing, that is in
Meaning of Business Women to Each dramatic work and coaches for ama- the preparation of stories for the
Other." She said, "There is nothing teur performances. The main ele- I screen. Occasionally women have
I like better in all my life than to ments of training provided by the created the entire story. When the
take part in the world's work, to school of dramatic art are: voice story is not original it is an adapta-
make my contribution, whatever that training, phonetics, English diction, tion of a novel or a play. June
contribution is. 1)1hysical training, stage training, Mathis is perhaps the best known of
"In order to enjoy the rights of jus- stage mechanics, stage business, the women scenario writers, making
tice there are things that business make-up, costuming, and a study of a success in the picture taken from
women must do." Miss Sweeny de- danratic literature. Ibanez's book, "The Four JIorsemen
dared. "'First, we must pull together. One of the best schools, according of the Apocalypse," and "Blood and
One out of every four women works. to Vrs. HIobart, is the Actors Training Sand." Successful work in tlis line
We must determine our objective. school which is sponsored by the bring salaries from $100 to $750 a
There should be more p~ushing in- i Theatre Guild of New York. This week-
stead of kicking. If we could have school will enaugerated this Octo- Mr. Hays commented on the re-
for our motto 'He constructive andt be her amd fourteen imonths of intensive muarkable extent to which the news-
able to meet every situation,' we work Will he canried out untler the paper world contributed to the
could get the things we want." direction of Miss Winifred Lenihan, movies. In 1924 in the brief survey
"Another quality," continued Miss who is director of the Theatre Guild. 750 former journalists were holding
Sweeny, '"is to e friendlly. . think we At the beginning of the school year posit ions in the produetion of cinema
have been so much on the fighting applteants will he admitt ed to the plays. Miss Clara Beranger is one of
line that we have not tried to make scho lo for the probation term of one the best known.
class distinct ion. r think business s onth. At the end of this month The title writer for picturcsis an
women should admire each other those who are not titted the work andl!'artist he self and thecuter isa-iu
mre arn tly. heyi shoulds hae tat ae orlie noto ey the reuim~ns of1 her mportan tiure, he cutte
thing which gives an understandi ng will be dropped. Tha e jurnior term decides what sections of the picture
of all problems an eouh pa lasts for i-ix month; during which to reduce or what sections entirely to
ticipate. We owe it to otre hlves nd there rill be two further elinations elimirate to bring the film to the
Piodn ite at the end of to i'ee months 110slimedlnth terbach.o
to tmekwomen who areTrowdingta adlength. Other brances of
Aavenues of business to understand othernat tyie end of the term. 'y'h tek whork inuitde theliterary out,
appea to er ean s ior term is also of six months director, costume diector, and 'pb-
at ahitpriat n o te oen andethey iduration but only those who sthowhe imktykagent.
wonman understanmd that she is nmalt-definite talent, character', peroma lily IThr is a cnmtant rush of a1,pli-
ing a contnibit ion, to society. And and aplreciation of the labhor nflc((5 cantIs for jobs, aiim acted by the slama-
again it is importanit that *wecae ,ary w ilhe perni t tedl to continue. I m' and hri h sa ica~e . r1' ie ;secrct 01'
what happensa to other women who During this terms the students will be 1p)*(lsas n.1lyisto-
are in the same big enterpirise we are. organmized1 into .a playing comupany and t ain access to the righlt people in the
After all our meaning to the next they swill present a series of plays at ( industry. Positions are not esiy
woman is to be humanm enougi to1;p the Gxuild theatre, and in sonic cases obtained in any department of th'e in-
preelae lien and to serve her when tak part it' Guild productions. dtustry amnd knowing successful In-
she takes the job." ( The hotirs will be long and the diidtmals on thme inside helps o&l to,
A dramatic career is another field ,expenreence trying andtiat time end only :.i Ihuailc through11 to a beginning oppor-
jwhichm appieals to aver'age amateurs. real act ors will be turned o~mut. Veryj tunmiy.
but. it 1s a kind of a lorilei. They.. . little attention will be given to the! qIhe woma:n who looks wither c r

0 f

fewer coming from foreign groups.
"In eg meal I would say that all
~positiohs may be filled by women, al-j
though they are less frequently found
in out-door o qupations. It is only I
a matter of dine when women will
get into 'the 'l gheKr positions in busi-
ness. There _an increasing num-
ber of women buyers, women running
their own shops and tea rooms. ThereI
is also a great number of saleswomen.
One 'erset coinipany einiploys 14,000
"les w6men. At the 'present timeI
utoindbile salesmen are 'mostly "len,
but after 'i while women will take
'up this work.
"There are not many positions
open to wompen for personnel work.
It takes a long time and a great deal
of experience to make a company feel
sure that you can handle women. On i
the other hand, where a company em-
ploys a good many women as well as
men, they nearly always have two orI
three women who - interview other
women and deal with men."
Professor Yoakum cited a numberI
of unusual positions occupied by
women, some being graduates of the I
University of Michigan. "One woman
is hired by big companies as consul-
tant in -office management to make
job directions of all the offices and
advise them in regard to re-arrange-
ment of organization and number of
employees needed so as to reduce ex-
penses This position pays $7,000.
The Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance
company, Hartford, Connecticut, has+
a woman as head of the sales re-
search, who has charge of giving and

i a lovely silken material with thej
we ive of a triple silk voile. It tubsI
well and has splendid wearing quali-
ties. T1e tendency to depart from the
saightline silhouette in frocks and
coats is reflected in the lingerie,
which is given a flare effect with
godets, circular insets or frills.

hear its call, answer it, and fail in the1
attempt. It is a precarious career,
and it has mnore aspirants than thej
profession can absorb, and as a re-
sult there are many who have been
disappointed. The aspirant should be
able to live independent of stage earn-
ings for the first year or two, for the
worst hardships and disappointments
come during this time. The aspirant
must have a love for dramatic art,
a capacity for hard work, and an
ambition not easily discouraged, she
must have an open mind, unusual in-
telligence, and a great amount of
Mrs. Amy S. Hobart, assistant to
the dean of women, in speaking of a

:mat cur experience that the student
has had as in the act ors estimnation it
has neen acq ired under conditions
far less exacting than those on the
professional stage.
IHowever acting is not the only
phase open to women in the theatrical
world. There is the writing of plays,
where sex does not interfere in the
least. Some women have become suc-
cessful as business managers, stage
directors, but they are in the minor-
ity. Many undertake the teaching of
dancing, the directing of pageants or
plays for civic organizations, settle-
ments or schools. But the one who
is set on acting must first be sure
of his talent and perseverence before

eyes upon an aivertising career may
he iterested to hear that many o her
sex have been successful in that field.
There are 1239 women who belong to
the Associated Advertising Clubs of
the World. They are employed as
copy writers, except for umechanical
material, advertising managers and in
other capacities.
It is important that they have in-
timate knowledge of the technica. as-
pects of the various departments of
an advertising organ and must have
an understanding of various activ-
ities which combine in the produiction
of advertising. A woman must show
superior ability to do thorough work
(Continued on Page Fifteen)

By Mimie. Lisbeth. flowers that trinm same are of varied
The bride and the sweet girl grad- tones of yellow and orchid. The frock
ate occupy the cemner of the stage would be equally effective developed
during May and June. Frocks, mihin- in white flowers of dainty colors.-
ery, underthings are interesting The gown on the right suggestsI
chiefly for their adaptability to the the Grecian in its flowing lines.
trousseau of the bride or the ward- Circular ruffles traverse the skirt
robe of the high school or college girl. obliquely and a large velvet flower
I have chosen the two dresses on the in green and silver forms the cor-
left and right of the above illustra- sage. Chiffon is the fabric used to
tion as being suitable for either a ; fashion it
bridesmaid or graduate, and as he- Extreme simplicity marks the lines
ing equally usable for simple dance of the exquisite bridal gown in 1lie
frocks after the ceremonies of grad- center. The conventional white satin
uation or marriage are over. ( is used and is richly embroidered with
The frock on the left is a quaint ipearls. The skirt is fairly short and
bouffant model with straight, plain the sleeves are long and plain. An
basque and full skirt cut shorter in antique lace veil is simply but very
front than at the back. This particu- becomingly arranged, cap fashion on
lar model was made of orchid crepe the bride's head.
de sole with inset of ecru lace in the For the trousseau a new material
skirt. The lace is again used as a called ninon is used for many of the
yoke in the bodice and the ribbon I most elaborate pieces of lingerie. It

I ,

Ii ,



Sales Events


New Modes
Vacation Timl

t, ll I MIi H11 lU111 1i Ui 11111111tH 1i 11 ; 1ttlt1ltlllliltlf Ifl IiOliliittll{Itltl 11111t 1ititli l li tl ill f l sil[ fi11I111 11 ,r
A Pretty Arbor in Your
Garden now for the Roses
of next June.
A Fibre Chair so easy and=
cool for leisure minutes, too.
= A Lawn Bench to entice
you to stolen minutes out of _
And a Reclining Chair of
Canvas, e'en nore Tempt-
ing! Make Summer an
out-of-door time!
(Third Floor)

7 , i '.
/ s'

day Sale of

Silk Gowns

Evcning, Afternoon and Street Gowns are all
sale which brings you a reduction of a quarter
eich garment. Five lots at

included in a
to a third on


go-away time, iodes also
suitable for the woman or
miss who will enjoy the
summer here at home.
Alu4ripyg New Frocks
Sports Costunes
Motor .tois3t
Traveling Sh4its
And as always the prices
are most moderate.


is charmFig
apparel for the

$1275 - $19.75 - $24.75- $29.75 - $39.75

lay Sale of

4 s ' +'i12I1

Coats and Wraps
Every coat and wrap in the storeoreduced for speedy clear-
ance. Enticing prices prevail.
$1575, $19.75, $24.75 and Up to $69.75
Niy Sale of
Ensemble Suits
Spccial reductions on all Suits bring them to two-thirds to
one-half original prices.
$19.75, $24.75, $29.75 to $49.75

1 t
r :
""4b f
" " i F
AEG h.'.." ,_. + " {[ _
... i By', " y4i


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