SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVE~N .. ,,,; , .: . . . ; F y a= .. F.j ' ; @ '. 3 -. ; d s> : : Y: { :s: k ,. t n Y that all the volumes in the WHillam sought refuge in de library from a -- --' , 'h W hy an W h ref'he rescli W iliam L .L_ Clements Library are important raistorm and sat down lin thiehair T e h s n W erforsctTh ila i .books. It is a; familiar fact that all inadecigwtrnoa.AlWihTeCdoRp ibooks are rare in their early editions t steeaeldeIfta or-telW t r-o o i Clements Library As old B Its Custodian lof o freaders bsnthey yhad. d The rfirst edipl- ,ilib rary must 'be lrotecte(Iagainst q, hereL ayI~~T ld D ts 'uto ta i ftotenubrtre istructors n the .- ----- - vlJ rings thousands of dollars, simly 1nivhsity who place onistpecial "ref - !Te women of the University are norance 11 y Rawtadiprii Q. Adamns tack what they will not tarry to no one would, I believe, adivocate that because people read it to piece,, and 1erence for classes of several hundredI not as well-read as the men on cur- (question thHoln fsde Clements Library und erstand(. the pricleass literary treasures of the fe copies survive.j students a 'periodical of which the; rlloexpaia th WiliaL.ClemntsIntstLlisirgris ibrrbrnateypstabsenrutedonepr osowhyarAIntheWiliamL. CeinrtsLibaryLibary as ut ne opyAftr se- rntcamporqestonsaccrdigetqfente m.bayiiafwsnences of journal- campusssthe (donor of the William 1.,. rot yet equipped to hv copy of thie first 1printed LC- e lhnrdsttot aepwdte experienes of the Daily reporter majority ~s ngish is ike".trying to te ach Clements Library announced. that le This University ani all iuivesties outhaewrittcop y hitheCom-OrtebokitintalyssFwocndtste apuCeoppra an uinuica pesonto play the was erecting a new department of; are trying to increase the num ers of hsdsoer.IbaurehIoigssi a ji oeie bustie cribinlohsdsoey tg'.feh okn sr a n oieie Piano in one afternoon. Yet, whenj the l fni versity. If he was in fact su:ich people. That is why the Library pbishsel in 1 493 wihin a few "weeks l never available again to the man or (ol1mILmt. 11)1 , tin gquesrti as tbeen fairlynput, and I creating, a new (leparment of Intel- has be cetut ed to te nvesiy of IAS return to Spain. Suc anl wvo man who reity has sonm c egiti- i Men usually write for this colu n rtead.o ~i odsiia ojntWhat the ilectuial activity, it was 1perfectly in- of Micigan. Butf I thuink no one wi'll epci(aon discovery occasions 'an ate claim to it. As long as there are, as soon as they are asked anl it is! opert. " poch- makinglig b. I el fr5c iitutos h LbayPoI)ses rr'htamnwl rfsecp i h rLibrary is all about, anyone who evitable that, men being what they 1deny that there are thousands Iere!ephmaigbo.I'slsfrucintcosheirryrossraeehttmilwlrfsexpt a , really.y wats to know is entitled to a a e, tere shoiuld tie a certain amount1 who have not. yet lrepared themselves thuadfdlar.o h aeo- to protect itself aganst ther. There when he is perhaps connected with [togv fair answer. ocrtalometItsestmesthttearradtoaytanaions when a opy conies on the are students in the Unive sity wo the question in some way mnakiig 'it TmoteolaLirrisa-I to bie*a " real tribute to Michigan tht they have exhausted the possibilities makt Is that a book to be handed see uabe o ea a book without moiire di~creet fir him not tolpass " t and ae fitto ive al p a r e t l y a p i c e f p u l i c p r o p r t y t h e r e h a s i b e e n s o i t t l e o f i t . B t o f t h e ( ee(l I b a r y a o l a e f i o urt v r y c r i s t s e e r h e e u d e l n i g p s s g s np e c lo r i j u l i m a r k e tw mn.h w v e , o t e t ; which should serve the whole of thfe since I amt assur'ed by the Michigan1 be entrusted with the rarer volumes ;are barely a dozen copies in thei cutting out passages or pictures rfuse to write because of their ig ,lnov community in which it stands, by sup- lDaily that that feeling (hoes exist 1 j whchar to be roundinthe 1\ihliani word which' appeal to thenm. As long as-_______________________ n-~ plying their witlh such books as they kf wuldcall attention to a few well L. (Clements Library. hnt av-ad q iehuh t u h t d ns ae at lr e hs i - ~ h ll ~ ~ : ma -need, as ffcently as" posible and known facts. In fact, I would like to say- that i mk tanidnlMcer htteary proposes to mainainisdmadtann As tdeto ,r m~'n( finithouto sealyfenacesl0k.vt w tot anty- regard to what happens 1 think[ no one will deny that. among have yet to fid m n wh iWra llviiamn -. Chmetsh brryis co- to lok.I erot otpses~so s ertdto the ideloforeerin IOn being asked by M'r. Clments to,-Tednu for irr a re not Wan the ~~~~~fthe books wa uthe mstprecious 1osthon ftheeigte t objciouosneo hetestoksfrhhiueofmn nLibratiryoito, eare t Y oewhhiook-ohrhassi ~tl -very ofwell, buy others to replace them. hunian race is its literature. An tesigwombjcin oayoftetenho o h en he y easto iii f att hseemsttoIrmaethetakthbys nt othnofiigisall;ti Axybook worn out in public service enormous amount of that iterature, formialities; we imnpose. The con-!tebs o otiko iigli~flci womn wo hve ake th yarsto Pri tht, t sored o te te tsk Ybookii to a public institution, on the, i hn ha uflldispup~ td priting has been lost. Let us take the threei plaints come altogethr fromu another cuctetesles toa point where was one of mediating between being eigsuch a imple process as it is Principal writers of Greek tragedy. (utrt't 1 was~ very mluchi interested they iy be entrusted with theseicar~ful and being hostabe Ioenrun htpu~i ntitutoswre:tm today, replacementorect oughtent As -,oaY epaemn ogtto be rela- ophtocles wrote about a hndred ito listen to the account; given by the Ivolumesa. The policy of the Library hiv ( tat is a ncorrects itateir inabilityto ,:.'sWelpecoshma "Ie teyeayWeaetaug ht in A- pYlas--only .even are known to us>. I librrian of out t_,cnral l thr'~'Y " Mr. is~~ edigysmpe tisoeito lng reanhI'e1intend to err sc rcoshmnrcrs ebth anghfr e ocueta n rdo hc sxhv oeattegetIaia irre n cual ,1=simeverytdaysfoen onPtat ofecainre.Ame ~ nhsi hlylytohi laMtradcb r drmsocokecp audy hs smr ilnei e yr inarytodegedle inoraoi whtvrwyalbaymysreordwlous.lEu ripiesastahu-boutvihopeanflrecelstsu-thnnot ibaieeo himsreuua-lhiasanberctfidbyanaolgyavie ansae fhiextrao n 1 - edca tioaledto s, that eimayhfirly Asvny i ly s trbtdt imr lhuh M.Bso a lallowistsos ver cay reoesredfr rotepantono. Aomnistalfi as to .anjico d e a dias a l p r ordo s 1 a d ohe e b r lte tuv i e loo ypr o a l y a d baep t t olht y o~he s h l r o r dg n ~ r a l - b o u t l m o s i l o g '. n ~~t o h s h n v e - i y hnvestytbriyibtntdos se dnt ual lstructich of xth e irtoAe-!Iame.10 retI ti n Lwhaich esiwoul cexe pt Lbar. T ,i ofalor-e osn aot prpose to tae an hance- ___i_______are___________son________ to e thfoe oncino thl yIips aonls.efrebentinroles o s thetbooks wolderebwurefusrnintentrusting its Ve nra irr b lhu asr nice o seaRori n lueis h +ti ucdl-t h ~ks n telto sm tose who aere otrdperlyn apoloy mot.f it et o s.t e n en i namur i g f th ec n whenerefo alirair ay sapears lxnra iiayb ti a-cnLbay ewsakdt eieho h imr.dcd a letter off fithsrsortction sfromfthis A in- - - i brary a10vol on ucampua nes, whihtdoes oa all avti fispansecttsrofutefouhmrther.canAmbaaoug r atdvRome. Bis imiar Iavewnever been abl esetoeisoate in anhr ilnatioy. Abit atoiii hsoksths,1nvei:. ofndfith .nu"eskItwoldbeeaspertsconaeyused whereer tthee ny riicsmorteeolcytmy lot ay bltelyreplaced. Intour n riy 1I fulfills these orrepreconce iv lltes ole- n p~vvee h hv ehursnte I etfi"aunqevlm slstotr o isspr f st rslot(di hta imarps~tee sb >dt t oofnl t ionteurnig byteayib behchhslel"l)rryavoue ot.a poabg be a cetin oamheondoinar dubi rmc-nathe get ibxrasie tCaliph aciior ;,are[eook.paed on any serouthought. The 'not beaiageplThereforethe ie rasou___ideals_______ cetanamun f otiit.PepeFednadofCatle r o i aai . 1enntribay urus olcyLitebroksy. Tquteihbtitko llw!oslt ooe.tordiaryeibay cisndesigne an pbtiulrl tAeicane sehaveinthasesciof th first.digenous'wich eicotnsidewdhece tedingldi-h- l hr safjdnetl~tosro lem~~o h iuil~ to eec thconcice aIsutono thl Inameia ltrtrewihwa un J uohneRlaseBeoribrre atgIornto ),ofthe buroseswoflbt hatri fursishd ccingly. Ousr: by he anihet LinEnlanrrobblyth Julius " hoeerniastha stte- Lbre-yisdesg==a o sav thtnedSat, and~I rc ahclosnloowr othi ~ nth iyo exc n12 ed gtot inaEvoltn i pe i tetosumsthtte oksa-ci-o wh-koarescholapropelandemtro- ides of wts ainstittioshuldSpnionql urors. Butte s n-siia,-ote okadt h be. Thniiulwoatmt oncssr og ofrbc.W-iit isitors, litfe walo , nlolytfdd e hatdns." Moeoer iie wo av attind oiie- dI fo rcxt ihetroueraewdea intoyapasocety, dri n 11,bBearybyctan andhi-Blsevkstdeaawel.Th smewof tmaes thrat ttmetfilyaio.nlieay4ee ev n t o g-ti fi m ne b nft gt po hssesi n ofcthe o vernenuthOiNa lt e fou in ou ther grea thlbre s.-to u desamd t at i t e mo en to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ciilzaonal toofenhiltoIn gan tisreoreotatthyin Oc i te itoy fbok-olet-ovrro libnvesiyahryre pali lbar i n noisesil®" therorethereus nttesihetiieaueowitry cnmc n uhiccondtoelibera terms.At beteever een"and "tolas"awy rcd uhLbaisa' VV fdo resnfrsrrs htsc o-phtc.Afwno~sltrte ICranistas timeIwt oexmineThsLbrrrs nene.orteus urs. Bu