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May 24, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-24

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SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925


I =

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year ,by the Board in
Control of Student Publication..
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwse
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
Gished therein.
Nntered .lt the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General,
Subscription by carrier, $3 o; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Telephone 492
Editor.. ..........John G. Garlinghous
News Editor...........Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas I'. ie ry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. ,IAe'r Norman R. Thal
Edwin C. Mack
Sports Editor.......William H. Stoneman
Sunday Edit'r'.'........ Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor. ............Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor.....William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley H eln Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher
Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian
Smith y1. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Willard B. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay
Robert T. DVoi Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing ,Ruth Rosenthal
T ames W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito
atherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph . Gariner. Janet Sinclair
Leonard hall avid C. Vokes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple
Elizabeth Liebetpann
Telephone 21214
Advertising....................F. I. Dunne
Advertising..................... R. C. Winter
Advertising...................H. A. Marks
Advertising. ................ B. W. Parker
Accounts...................H. M. Rockwell
Circulation.....................John Conlin
Publication....................R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold K. F. Mast
W. F. Ardussi F. E Mosher
I. M. Alving 11. L. Newmann
W. C. Bauer T. D. Olmstead
Irving Berman R. M. Prentiss
Rudolph Bostelman W. C. Puse
George P. Bugeec F.. Rauner
13. Caln.D. Ryan
H. V p Clark M1. E. Sandbetga
SC.Con sroe F. K.Schoenfeld
. R. Dentz R. A. Sorge
George C. Johnson A. S. Simons
0. A. Jose, Jr. M. M. Smith
K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman
W. L. Mullins
SUNDAY, MAY 24, 192
According to a dispatch in the New
York Times, Wesleyan university, lo
cated in Middletown, Conn., has
"deemed the difficulties pertaining to
the' enforcement of the liquor laws of
enough importance to be one of the
principal subjects of a special notice
sent to all alumni regarding the ap
proaching installation of its new
President, Dr. James Lukens Mc-
The letter is said to urge the co-
operation of the alumni in the uphold-.
ing of the prohibition laws, not only
for the effect that violations might
have upon themelves and the under.
graduate body, but also for the effect
upon the visitors who will be pres-
ent at the ceremony.
There is something degrading in
the fact that an American college
feels calle$ upon to directly request
it, alumni 'bdy to observe the laws
of the nation while on the campus,
and especially at the installation of

a new president. Are the alumni so
childish, so thoughtless, so degener-
ate that their alma mater cannot trust
matter to theft discretion? Or is it
that the aitliriTies have failed to re-
alize that ever students may grow up
t' he respectable and respected citi-
zens, regardl ess of their activities
during college days.
By her action, Wesleyan has reveal-
ed within her relf and alumni body a

Aionymous communications will e 1STED ROLLS
disregarded. The names of commu t
.ants willhowevr, he regarded as
confidential tw~n requesL UNDER OLD)
To the Editor: This contest business has gone far
After four years,--a senior. And euenogh.'oo far, many people think.
what has it brought me? A glance atFor a while we enjoyed opening the
the empty space undevr ily namm in paper at breakfast, not knowing what
the 'Ensian and you will say, prac- I we'd we find in the Rolls department.
tically nothing. Yet, I differ with But the novelty is beginning to wear
you. off. We shall prefer, for the rest of
May I enumerate a few of the ideas the year, to know exactly what is go-
that have come to me during this ing to appear in this column-God
time? I and the linotypers willing.
In the first place, what is the pur- * * *
pose of the University of Michigan? Not that it wasn't sort of a reliet
To me, this University, or any uni- while it lasted-this contest. No one
versity, is fundamentally a place of1 got more thrill out of the competition
culture, where scholarship is the goal than old Uncle Jason. But a fella's
toward which all should try. To me, got to settle down sometime and cut
then, all this striving for athletic out the monkey shines.
prominence and dominence, with its * * *
attendant commericalization, is al- At the present writing, the May
most a desecration. It is so much at Festival is over, as fa' as we person-
-variance with the ideals that caused ally are concerned. We have now
the inception of this great University. nothing to look forward to ex-
A new stadium!! Is the purpose of cept Mr. Henderson's reviews in the
that to make football more honor- morning. They've been wonderful,
able, ......to inspire in the hearts haven't they? I thought what he said
of the players and spectators the about Tibbett was lovely. Made him
sense of sportsmanship and fair play? proud to be an American.
No, it is simply to make more money. Four days of watching Mr. Stock,
It seems to me that we should drop 'though, is enough to make us wish
athletics for a while and in accord- we were a naturalized American-
ance with President Burton"s last preferably of German origin.
wish, look to a bettering of the * * *
sdlaries of the faculty. This is more We suppose there must be a deal
in line with the original and worthy of thought in the minds of our read-
ideals of this University. We have ers nowadays as to what they're go.
the largest and best university in this ing to give Wowlesie for a gradua-
part of the country. It only remains F tion present. Everywhere I go, I fin
to bring the teaching staff up to this little groups melting away at my ap-
standard. I notice in yesterday's I proach, leaving one or two hardy
Daily that the President of the Board members to make conversation with
of Regents advocated this very thing. me. They are always embarrassed,
My next "peeve" is against the ap- but they never think they are. The)
parent crookedness of class elections say Hello Cowles, where did you
and appointments. In how many !1come from? and then talk about this
cases does previous hard and diligent and that, but we know they were dis-
work count? You will find that thc cussing graduation presents.
number is small. He who has "pull" Well here is a want ad from the
is seemingly blessed, he succeeds in Times News that may help them out
the face of all odds, if odds they can a little:
be called to such a one on the inside. KITTEN-Persian, unusually in-
My last "peeve" concerns the honor telligent and affectionate stock.
system. They say it will not work. I Good graduation present. Dial
agree. In its present form it seems 5661.
to me to be little better than the * * *
proctor system. I have seen it fail That's all. Very simple, dignified
in too many cases to believe other- advertisement. But what a wonder-
wise. And the cause of failure is ful idea for the graduation shopper.
simple. He who cheats has no coin- "Just the thing for Cowles," I can
punction in cheating a little more by hear everyone say. "An intelligent
signing the pledge. - kitten-not just a pretty little thing
I do not think anything but tim( that he'll soon tire o .- A kitten
proctor system will work during the with more than mere physical ap-
freshman or sophomore years. After peal. . . An affectionate kitten--one
that some sort of honor system may that will keep on loving him-not one
be successful, if it really puts the of these hoity-toity things that will
students on their honor. leave him flat the first disagreeable
Signing a pledge to me is distaste- thing that comes up."
ful, not in the obvious sense, but be- F Still, a bow and arrow would be
cause it implies that one is dishonest pretty nice, too.
if lie does not sign it. It seems to me * *
that on'e 'is considered dishonest until I Y R I C
found otherwise. honor should be To he a great or successful man
above such suspicion. Would sure be glorious:
There is a certain type of honor But I'd prefer, as tle ideal state,
system being used in the graduate to be notorious.
school and many of the smaller ***
classes of the literary college. I be- The cover of one of the Movie
lieve it is really worth wile. The in- magazines for June carried an adver-
structor gives out the examination tisemnt to this effect:
questions, sees that everybody is sup- SHOULD FOL MARRY YOUR
plied, and then leaves the room. hie OPPOSITE?
1 Famious Stars Discuss This Ques-
says nothing about pledges or honor. tio- s Pas Dis
Yet the students are on their honor in tion*-on Pages 28 -1.
a beautiful and inspiring way. They
are believed honest until found other_ We don't wish to appear carping in
wise. It is a condition that brings out our attitude, but we think the editora
the sportsmanship in every one. It have made a ludicrous blunder. The
i a belief and trust in fellow idea of Movie stars handing laymen
implies ateisfpandirsan whiv the dope on marriage, in view of the
mankind that is splendid and which

is sadly lacking in present day life. fact that they are the most notably
It seems to me that this is the ideal unsuccessful marryers in the marry-
honor system. ing business today, is a bunch of
I wish now to say something about hooey.

I ,

___., I






9 '



Seniors! Order your
Personal Cards Now

A review, by Robert Henderson.
There were six soloists in the per-
formance of "La Gioconda" last eve-
ning, and four of them. Mario Cham-
lee, Frances Peralta, Kathryn Meisle
and Henri Scott, are native-born
Americans along with the whacking
Gentleman Cowles. Zooks!

t '


"La Giocondo," as far as I know, is
nearly the limit in melodramatics; no
opera, certainly, has more blood and
bombast, and nonce, save "La FlozaF
del Destino," ends more grandl
tragicly. It is Sardoodledum trans-
lated into music; sheer, unabashed
theatre. Such pieces stand for and
are the operatic tradition, big and
maginifcent and pure lalapalooza.
The story stamps through a tale of
Latin appassionata, a. vast pageant of
struttings and ' frettings. black in-
trigr es and deeper infidelity. Thef
roles are very nearly equally divided,
with proportioned methodic arias forl
each artists. The music is as regular,
fully conventional and frankly melo-
die. Much. of it, analyzed, can beF
made cheap, but it is effective and
in keeping. It is built for the col-
liseums that are our modern auditori-
ums, and thrills their enormous audi-
ences with its powerful grandeur. Itj

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is a collosal piece of overwhelming
humbug . . . wonderful in its pomp-
ous manner!
* * *
The soloists last evening were cast
to type quite unequalled for the Fes-
tival since the days of Matzenauer,
Martinelli and Amato. Of them all,
Augusta Lensha, of course, was the
greatest singer and artist.s here
was something very solid and heroic
in all her work. especially her mar-
vellous aria in Act III. Frances Per-
alta, incidentally, calmly squashed
the burst of applause she deserved by
jumping into her own aria before she
had even received the conductor's
signal-these clawing artists!
F Mr. Ballester, carrying the major
role of Barnaba; also did a remarkable
piece of work. His voice is highly
stacatto, fiery and resonant. Even
more, he is a very great singing-
actor with every emotion registered
in the pantomime of his face.
The converse, however, the annoy-
ing habit of discarding his character
for His individual personality, often
marred Mr. Chamlee's godly lyric
voice.Conmonly he stands as another
of the shouting, sobhing Italians, but
for all1 the sentiment it is a marvel-
'ous- tethnique: liquid and langorous,
cogent, incomparably beautiful.
Miss Meisle in her turn was extra-
ordinarily effective with a surprising,
powerful contralto, deep and luster-
ons. Similarly, Henri Scott--of the
oddly henna hair-and Frances Per-
alta were the typical mesdames et
messieurs of opera, flowering i the
expansive warmth of the eternalF
grand manner, dignified and com-
Finally, there is Earl Moore who is
becoming fully adept in his conduct-
irig and is already a certain master
in choral work. "La Gioconda" show-
ed every ear-mark of his patience and
skill; more, the entire Festival moved
with a finish and ease made possible
only through his constant, detailed

712 Arbor Street
Near State and Packard Sts.



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B. V. Burchfield will exhibit the new ideas in
Correct Clothes from the
for the Graduation Season
and Summer Sports Wear
At the Hotel Allenel,
Monday and Tuesday, May 25th and 26th



* * *
so: so it was a beautiful Fes-
three times sublime, lovely,
Gentleman C!
* * *


myself. I want to tell you what I
have secured from the past fou
years. What follows may sound like
boasting, but I do not wish it con-
sidered so

Mr. Jason Cowles.
It's hard to imagine anyone want-
ing to "go back to that farm" on the
floor of the ocean.

UttI W 14F1111 iS ~Jl It Al l U U1111111 IUU it *' "
great wea lkss. Perhaps Wesleyan I have worked on only one extra,- Ys"
4Yvette hias, been "stepping out"
l'as drawn -rk the veil to reveal that curricular activity since I have been quite a bit lately. But she's only a
same weakness in the entire Amer- here and that was for but a semester I
ican educational system,-the lack of I do not see the point in neglecting ankn._
confidence in the graduate by the my studies for such work, for that
school, and the lack of respect*for his is basically what I am down here I
alma mater by the graduate. for, to study.E WILL JIVE AID TO
II have not indulged in that very WOMEN JOURNALISTS I
INTI1ODUCING THE UNIVERSITY popular activity,-dating. I have not .
The announcement that Michigan had a single date with any woman Il nI1Womenhareseekig em-
ysenda debating tm to EglandIdown here. Did you say something,
may s a cam Engand paper or publicity work, adver-
next spring was undoubtedly a wel- "girls.tising, or free lance work may
come one in many quarters. As a Now at the end of my present el-I obtain assistance by filing an
University, we believe that we stand lege course, I can look back over the application at the Woman's f
on a par with any school in the coon- four years and feel that I have been National Journalistic Register,
try, yet we must recognize the fact fairly well rewarded. established in Chicago in 1920.
that in the East the word "Michigan," I have the feeling of having lone The Register was established
even in collegiate circles, denotes a good job well. I have had my as a result of a need of women
nothing other than a state. share of A's; I am a member of Phi journalists for a means of get-
It is hard for the East, with its old i Beta Kappa; I was an honor student ting in touch with employers in
established schools and traditions to at the Honors Convocation; I have a all parts of the country. The I
estalishd scool andtradtioantd
fully realize that it is possible for a good position for next year; and last, j organization, at present located
university of the first rank to exist but by no means least. I was married ! at 18 East Chestnut Street,
west of the Alleghany mountains- last November. I Chicago, charges a fee of one
nvmnno n dP. f'2 dollar for registrants on enter- I

A review, by Robert Ramsay.
Before the splendor of La Gioconda
and the tremendous dramatic appeal
of that tuneful opera, before the .x-
citement of the discovery of the new
and very great voice of Augusta
Lenska, the afternoon fades, and j
recollection fastens on one thing'
alone, Frederick Stock with his mnagic
baton. Frederick Stock and Beetho'
ven; Beethoven and Frederick Stock.
The two do not usually assroiate
themselves; Stock's glory does not lie
in Beethoven, but in Wagner, where
the majestic sweep of the splendid
tonal passages of the great German
find instant response in the Teuton
heart of the conductor. He is a fig-
ure, defying description, dominating
everything with impressive strength;
his genius burns in his eyes, breathes
in his haggard distented nostrils,
radiates from his electrifying pres-
ence, captivates the imagination. Ile
is superbly suave infinitely dignified.
The Beethoven Fifth Symphony is
the biggest thing undertaken by Fred-
erick Stock this year, if one excepts
f the Brahms symphony given the night
before last. It is one of the greatest
symphonies ever written, unmarred
by the cheapness that usually taints
Beethoven. Theme after theme is giv-
en out in immense beauty, and finally
joins in essential unity and perfec-
tion. The second movement is the
favorite, developing in measured
statliness to majeste grandeur whch
Frederick Stock was able to produce
in all its beauty.

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