DEDICATED TO JUSTICE it i4an i~IaiIP h Section One VOL. XXXV. No. 175 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT'S - - "NORHWETER j5Political Machines Threaten NVLOFCAS Coig on WLEiENN ToStorm Mock ElectionPol Recovers FromnW[[I[N iI After a day filed with caucuses, erate politicians intend running in - ILLI OIS 101 ~I N RE ampaign meetings and lectioneer- aM I large freshman vote to carry theryET IN2OP.FR-li ht Ilnes INpoitcANNUALhveenerd'party to victory. Bouncers xiwil b e on NOS Ncover~di e fro m a s himttckofcan-e ha~oi I i r h lcinwl e eda 'lc ndonstateudthe ficel lctboedarietiovSndayichcrusedow heotonel195; SCHOLASTIC ME ~ ~ticketsin the senior literary mock adt agud ebaltoxsnI E) LAEIL ecvrlfomalihatckfi-LOS iNm VCOYWIHISCRD courmsacrig C eot.1-L 11SN LN NI Coolidge left this afternoon for anLO E IN IND)OOR MEETI pueyhnrr n o boueyETBIHD co h afoe.i nxt Tuesday afternoon at Newberry pu l ooayan oa'ltlT~iAIIIE co teMylwr INLES 'IAPIONSHIP WON BY MICHI ,ja-il nothing, the rush for positions has____ With him were Mrs. Coolidge and a KRRC{ ULRCL I C ASS S C N)Ibe increased toastounding propor- NO NEWS RECEIVED gruEo>findSncudnAAtrny vASSTEC SECjNI grop o frindsiuclorn Attrne- tE themn rtht thfore f theh honortonstions.e lanine areiatplanning Sageataminiatureent Jofin; einse etdbs bufe n student directory instead of a ballot," Senator Bulter and Mrs. Butler and ilc StBe e ttd n aelind thesno class will be discontinued; declared Richard Lawrence, '25, pres- Weather Still Re sorted Favorable 1-. L. Stoddard former pbihro E E T PARTNER WVA1 Byl Mi~~ieet Winar hae iee eported, but were not con- I ident of the class yesterday. At Spitzbergen; Sarlight the New York Evening Mail.____ By)etWnirfirmed by officials last night. Ob-1I The nominating committee has be- And Little Whid On the yacht were also the two Winner and Runer Up Pair Together Indidan Winning four first places and plac 1 jctions have been raised that all se- come discouraged and resigned, so -- White House physicians who had at- To0 Wi'n Doubes Match From S ing eleven men in seven events, Do-! or ae lufes and sic the entire any candidates may be nominated Washington. May 23.-The Navy tendIed the President earlier in the Illiios Netmn 'rait Northwestern high school won class cannot run, it is probable that ( from the floor at the meeting of the department sees no reason as yet to 'lay Limt.- Cor. Noel T. Boone, assign-____ 'he twenty-fifth annual outdoor Inter- the offic:e will be abolished, class on Tuesday. Paper mache regard the Amundsen expedition as ed to thre Mayflower and who always ChcgMy2.Ntoe e- scholastic, meet held yesterday on )very precaution will be taken to busts of the successful candidatesi lost. Admiral Eberle, chief of naval accompanies the President on cruises Cneec lcd Ub Ferry field, with 34 points. Cass Tech- guard the polls on Tuesday afternoon, will be placed in the lower crypt of operations, said today it was far from and Ma. James F. Coupal of the her of the WesternCofrnepad'Ub nical school of Detroit was secondi in order to prevent election disorders. (the Literary building after the elec time for hope to be given up espec amwoodnrl osntg nteWsenitrolgaetni rci 'With 24 points and Danville, Illinois,! Officials have been Informed that des-!I tion. twshpd'htAude aboard the yacht on its week-end championships which closed here this ferenc placed third with 17. _hadfound___conditions___sutable__for__trips__done__the__river.__afternoon.___Krickbaaumy aftripshlonenthtriver In the course of the afternoon twvo adifnd te olands aia ble Iom The President appeared at his officewo af t hern on lyrCaonfichgantrothe Sha MciaIneshlsireodweei i i f h ht HueaIs broken and if it were not for the ad- II servations.! ual at 9 o'clock but half an hour lat- list through the preliminary matches connec vere erteradviseds he tSecretaryR Sander111SI MsT thathedeprthethawaseivdisposeddviedSeoftryinndtheha semi-finals f i th smi-inasnolioi would probably have shattered more. !tel~l lITI l I n I negram as yet from Haakon H. felt ill. He walked back t h ht here today, ros acosth ildadth unr~ IIUIu r 1 J V II anv paetog oth medaey a et outfthet.eros Thr a tog idbovn~ lTiH I IIT ION II II I L Iim rno at osAglr- House propr to lie down and a call Kurzrock of Butler college emerg. Mich acro.s the felN PnE ENerLnnHOsUiEquesting anv ln og oteimmedteHl ysicinst heytfoundhed hsatrona ige hminteg the distance events had this against rescue of the polar expedition if ne- WieHuepyiin.Te on dti feno ssnlscapo h a t:hem for half the length of the track.1inie Prie eiin SititLtrrReiret.obeEedd cessity arises. Officers said no steps that Mr. Coolidge had eaten something after several rounds of strenuous at Anr Iwould be considered until it wasceffo braaswhhdintage Wee hemock, fDavh esinoejaisbtn )uen fAia o w er;Pofesoa ~ initely established that Amundsen with hmbreakfasthi ilnotresslay.Ih ia ac fteat -c yeterda themarkfeet n theosavtelin Psychology ,Thmibtitht hshilnesewasernoon he defeated his team-mate ed xc yesterday by 12 fet and also shatter 'training Shorterwas lost and that even then any such not serious. In a short time the Pres-JuisSgowk frfrtplchn-am ed the record he made at the Inter-. undrtukngSonthelartsfithenavyidenswaspllaeto goto-hsgstdy t spWL LE T R O D YR C N SGV CO SN woluneakgdthpatothnayaetwaabetsohsstuy hlastics last year. His previous WILLC URaOD YRE E TcIV O SN would be decided without thorough work on routine business and while ors. and a record was 161 feet and 4 1-2 Inches. - I study. there had a bief conference with Sen- The winner and the runner-up in ines g HeI bettered this heave by over twenty Dr. Wolfgang Koeher noted Ger-' Two years of literary work and New York, May 23.-h Not ator Borah of Idaho, chairman of the the single championship paired to- hurler, feet and set a new record of 183 feet g eain omte na and 5 1-2 inches.i man psychologist who will lecture ati three years of professional training American Newspaper alliance anr- foreignrltoscmiee an gether in the doubles to defeat Good runs Theoter ecrdtha wsbroken 4:15'loockIModay in INatural Sci- will be the curriculum of the dental nounced twilliethandsoEarld ofgIllinoisrnatonawineathennine Ba was in the half mile relay. North- ence auditorium on "The Mentality of(tues after 1926, instead of one hasPres atce9:30 toh theAt ndecdul championship. Er n od they cc wesstudentsd has wibeenis receivedesfromrgthee Aniund. Frest .ISo wetr ome wy ihtiseetAps"i rgre b rf Frs .year in the literary school and three sen Ellsworth north ole expedition /11U INWillie formed the only doubles team Illnos intefc ieo :261,ai1ithe old time of 1:331-5, set by Uni- Dirmick, o the Psychology depart- in tie dental college as is now re- The Alliance further announcedl from aIBigITpreliminaryoplay, Jeroe handrMtchig P o t t r o G o d w a e r , w o u l u n o u b - i y o t h e s u b e c t o f p e s D r . K o e - e . A t h G o v r n o h a j u t s g n e d o f h e x p e i t i n c o t i n e d e r f c t , I ~r e s e m - f i a l s y e s t r d a b y K u r r o c versity high of Chicago in 1903. meat, as the best present day author- quired, if the present plans are adopt- that the weather at Spitzbergen base theJIrliminaynplay TOrom and ane of Michigan being defeated in Isecond. edly wolwaeseh e ecr n ~ lo is a Iprofessor of Psychology the dental bill which provides that with moderate temperature, summer H LUL iLVI and Sagalowski.j Jablon the 'mile if not for the. stron~g wind at th nvriyo eln smkn h ihgan Board of Dentistry may { sunlight, no wind and ice free seas. I i_________________ second against him. As it was he covered the teUiest fBrii aigteMcia distance in 4:33 6-10, comning wtlithn a lecture tour of the larger Colleges recognize as a reputable institution indiidua Paintings To Be Discissed checke -5oaseodothprsnreo and Universities i the United States. any school that has either form of' U.g451S.By nsrucorFroandoo tned Dr. Koehler has contributed more curricula, the University is now free!tne hedbmemeoaaaetehgB triat l on the sujc of apes than to make the change without losing h I F uArlhitecpere and so fal. an i ige "ad ~ Irecommendation of this board. hinl Team -D efue1tsEuropean Loving, of the Cass Tech squad took 1 nyosi gl man," ai Pofessor L'~IU~ AT L G E f~T' uke -Dunmick, "and he is highly regarded that case the college would thereafter l CATALOGUES- SOLD OUT ie t P v ' nt Ili 'niiulhnr i h etb a by psychologists for his knowledge be known as a school. Lii oz L lL the th ing two first places, winning both Derntcluil Chge ' Fnion hc hurdle events, andt running on the re-an authority on psychological prob- Mange omain xhc ~yron B. Chapin, of tie architec- Sucker lalhtto out.Ti a es1m s in general. lie is one of the I has been carrying on a. surveyr of tural college, will give a gallery talk Washington May 23-The Wash= then g toa 0ad14pit.Hsnaetleaders of the new "Gestalt" school of detsr o h attreyeashs 1ytkn ih n n-afmth on the paintings of the international ington administration is giving con- whilet rival w0asd Wh intsHof n rewls cxgy ls okI"h ena-made, on the three or four occasons, the es out of twelve, tie Michigan facult exhibitiontockat thevlllasto showingogy ats4ons,"deraenialmI to thebitinuaestiomatmsofinexert ing ig won the javelin and tookc third in the ity of Apes" which has been translat- istatement included in President Flen- I chess team defeated the Army aind oclc this afternoon in the west gal- drto otequsino xrigfurther hig jup ad i th hamerthrwed into the English language is very ry S. Pritchett 's last annual reort to !Navy clubtea-m of Detroit ii easy y o'clmi eia alockMr, additional pressure on the govern- In a hntrghin jump nddinthethmmerhrow thisI heheads of Universities, to the effect j y cuats feryifgAlumnioMemorilhasaen ontor. 1)0hee ttihtenmreirtedieneytatr.dwoyeraitray reuiemntfashion in their nmatch held yesterday !Chapin will discuss the more strikingmet foig deor to hse onot h a r d f o u g h ttth r o u g o u tman d t hn o i n t s o f i n d i i d u al.c a n v a s e srg i v-tf u n d n g n e g o t i a t i n s . Io o v e r , s haudges h a hrd uhti dng a to the apes and animals in general for admission, three years of profes-: afternoon at tie faculty club. pons o nii ul c n assgv'f nig ngtain.two w thgshda adtm dccil a Iltannan rdaesho Professors Karpinski, Pbhil)5 mu ig inormation that will assist in the Convinced df the solid support of I Scorhnisuul e hw y xet to the last three places. Tait of, i suul esosb xei ioa riig n rdaesho Notwetr to irthoos Tlnmeats and experience that himpan-I for speciallizationi wou~ld provide the1 Wood, Strauss, ey and Radkce played appreciation of the paintings, the American people, responsible Nothwastechrndoleisofnortheastn es aiesrnelietPeaio fIbest dental education available. for Miciian, while the Detroit club !I The second edition of 400 cata- officials feel that they are warranted Mci of wers ecteh orsn and Leis o sofs-z a ifamtieli entcomarbeaor hu- MhIn order to provide for the con- was represented by Wenierund, Rose- logues of the exhibition have been in going ahead on the course chart-I lio Northwesern finshed thid. The in- man eings. iiuoiis service of the clinic, it is year, Goodenow, '14L,, Iendersonm, exhausted. As the supply dwindled ee yte frt m vs a e s m lt ncr'st~mewas 0 1-1 secnds."During the world war Dr. Koehler 1 Probable that the entering class in Valentini, Meberg, ex'12. those in charge offered to buy back jwesao navsn iefrinWle Pottertiranwa.10beautifulodrace inethego, in entissixtyearoratgntheteenerifabeasti-utakec eachhofspthestwoycur- attMicTiganifiesen- 11h26didlnot dloseeaintfindo tratsthearstudentstappearedndtodknationstthattaingthe upiieriosuofrthistoIWman, tion of thme Prussian Academyof Sci- one to tk pec fth w u-!te ihgnmnwo i o aeaI idta h tuet perdt mil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ne. He. was fisdrmthutitr ~ x ihisstay ontis ricula, so that there would not be any imatch, while Goodenow was the only value them greatly and refused the gvrmntetm a oefr Osn with Howrey of Danville cose on his nceyesring s sy oi a I .; settlement of their obligations to the I son. heels. These two led the fil l sl nd that he carried on a series of' emwhu graduatng class. undefeated man on the Detroit team. reund offer. At least one instructor Uie tts fedaliThe Board of Regents gave their o hecmpsiskowiotae d Chies the way and Potter stepped out on the ingenious experiiments which were in-ontecmu isk wn ohaeCc last lap, winning with ease and lead- ;tended to test the intelligence of the+ assent to suc~h a change a year ag o DIl nirr irn asked his classes to write on the - record ing Howrey to the tape by 75 yard s. psHe had under hfis observation amnd the approval of the dental fcly j lj jjt CULLEGE fltifl subject of the exhibit. P[NY 1NI PI[ trc Hamtm, the lone representative ofi a number of captive apes which lie rmemov es the last obstacle The public is invited to visit the ex-ILUE LEIII iWU when Lonoke, Arkansas, won the broad later took to Berlin where he contin- llhlfIiliPrhitan herheglryaktisT flpu s 3-8p ichs. easgiv3 entthree atrIe -cdepicts by moving pictures the be- R~ I11 O WOuLD LUMIVJI B UILDINGiIJDIll Lafternooni between 2 and 5 o'clock. W VU2 e at the record, which is 23 feet five havior ot the apes, their mntelligence toc inches made by Cook of Chillicothe ipayd in solving simple problems, j(('t Yl f~I~D'psilantiMich., May 2.-With New York, Mayr3.- Twenthich Ohio, in 1906 but failed in all his at- and their mental reactions under er-, IES RV m1$000 lde ytefclyan EH I IL gp Rbiliant ed and blue oarsmen undemrowinec te m ts. 1 2,00 m o e ld ed t e ir t e nezin g u n n T l ~ l l l l a hot sun, urged three shells to vi c-_I Cooley and Hathaway, both ~of Crhealecture 23. -Aberfreed and openheicampaign thelstudentsIof theAtot' on the upper reaches of the Har- 25 rut Kalamazoo Central high, xwere tied Ito the publ~ic. Although his greatest lheaonMyt3oAdpapy dlaoo thPcmpagnstelsudntsofthand Jimu ~om for first in the pole vault at 11 feet works renman written i the Gei'man o hieaiatomndlcn ingo Michigan Stt omlcleeae iRice. P te sggetin o SerearyHooerSt eatrin atices y rof D.L. Pulling into the teeth' of a south1hre medle CoaelwnCadoHteway erecn alid. heauggstonafyScmetayeHovreacrase$15,00itsbuldyhefirtruitisRch$f1he0hyscsdeprtoenbadiwndthatswptthemilsad oenhit wa wre lescn lc rz.Ithe last safety conference in Wash-I of an alumni building. (iho h hsc eatet n idta wp h ieadoehl wsaaddtescn lc rz.Pth Oliver of Highland Park and Olham I IiSCET i On ington has been drafted by a comnmit-I The campaign began Thursday IB .Cb h a su fTecus h ukr htterVr tie foIhr lc nti vn n tee of the national confereince of com- evening with a banquet of the heads Michigan Technic, official magazine of sity 150 pound and freshmen boats iidfo tirupac iutisevntan !missioners on uniform state laws. of all tie campus social organiza- Ma eri otwsenhg eeSI ( the Colleges of Engineering and Arch- over the finish line far ahead of a O(liver won the toss for third placeTI ifII +ni' The measure which is intended to ti ons, at which twenty-nine students I tecture, will appear on the campus strong Princeton and a struggling Pt :mdlAAI I R N RN RI iT eilto oeigpegd$,2,Itomorrow. It is the largest issue ever Clmi. oP ecd i i med .Iput teeth in lgsaincvrn oper- presentplde$120 an average of Couba- o ecd i ite r In wining th low hrdles ovingI IhlflofImoto vehicl s il-b-pr- I more than forty dollars apiece. The I published and will contain authorita.coached the Columbia crew in the ~ Inwnigtelwhude oigiUSUU~UIaino ehcefiib r-iv rices o n fc.1 i is f int ret t iofth 'INS FROM (RICKBAUM r[AT CHICGO, [GAN DRIVES SIX ILLINOIS JRLERS FROM. MOUND IN WEIRD) GAME LITER WINS AGAIN s Aid Coach Flshr's 'Men in coring by Committing Ten Costly errors (Special to The Daily) tna, Ill., Ma~y 23.-'Illinls was :ally eliminated from the Con- ebaseball race here today when Grd hitting Michigan team'sent ckers down in a 19-5 defeat by ;tug for 18 safe its while the sfielders were busy making 10 igan was out for revenge.,for ,me which they lost to Illinois iArbor a few weeks ago by a )re after Jablonowski had pitch- ellent ball, only to have the thrown away on a freak bunt series of errors. The Wolver- ot to Kinderman, star Illini ,in the first inning for three efore he was yanked in favor ta, off whom the Ann Arbor scored another counter before ould be retired. Michigan held sscoreless in her half of the .nd added two more runs to the ;an total in the first half of the 'ever, the Illinois batters got to owski in the last half of the frame for four runs, and were ;d only when Walter went into xc for Michigan. Michigan con- its slugfest in the third inning ored three more runs off the s Indian pitchers. ois got to Walter for one run in iird inning, which ended the r scoring for the day. From in Walter pitched airtight ball, the Michigan batsmen were hit-. hie Illinois hurlers, who were r handicapped by weak support. ll Illinois paraded 18 players ,e field before the contest was Six of them being hurlers, while orked behind the bat. "e by innings: 123 456 789 ;an............ 423 303 400-19 s............... 041 000 000-. 5 cries- Michigan, Jablonowski, rand Cherry; Illinois-Kinder- Barta, OShaughnessy, H-offman, Ijinsee, amid Godeke -and Erick- ,ago, May 23.-Unusual scoring s were recorded in four Wes- onference baseball games today the runs, hits, and errors o- were found to total 81, 94, and ;pectively. Michigan led the first ,olumns with 19 runs, 18 hits, they made against the Illinois while that team led the last f figures with ten errors. the Indiana-Northwestern game ns were made and 28 hits. In gaimes in the Conference 22 s saw service. t Wins Meet By Close Score sbum gh, May 23.-The annual collegiate track 'and field meet camne within 2-5 of a second of tying -- sented on June 3 and 4 in Washing- sa; ih tm oe' ege" ~ " ~ '~" Invriyshye ftewtr the recor'd which is 24 2-5 seconds. Alpha Epsilon Mu, national honor- to otecmite~iuiomt pledged $1000. the professions of engineering and We oubadsesdwt i staged Loving's tinme in tie higmh hudles was ary musical fraternity, held its an-o asIn eglton fth a ion-h; TevicebliewenttogPnnwyvanicasmaptu r }of-lawscamdd regulationstof theh-atiosti$e0building, whel n cmpletdwlaictctr.sitntoJeWig.Lsteksoe 1545scnswihte ieMci ,nua initiation yesterday afternoon, al Conference on Street and Highway cot$0,0.Itwl1nld roonms The cover design portrays te at- asitnip o rgt Ls eksoint igan in terscholastic record, but it s 1 Safety for student and a umni entertain- est nThe d vl p m n f h a y d c ~'h t highlyprobabe thatthis rcord ~ihl whn it ook ineight andidaes.cThtraItints,. smallcafeteialan officsttrictractog.tCob's arilagiseemett withg Cae not tandasTheha proposedt is nitiviotoasbellweubmittanqet for student activities. Led, "Electric Railways," and deals IQuaker rowing committee resigned1 wast b sa ndae hdkie wn.a i niito a foll we bth an ue to the State legislatures, provides I__________ with public transportation, whilel his post and Rice succeeded him as' bc.frthe new men at the Union where tha no persons under 1 years of ge. Prof. D. L. Rich's work is on "The I head coach. honors in tie highi jump with a. leap In CM esueet fNis. oh ftes en astyldPrneona h of 5 feet 10 inces. Carlson of orbetweenc16d.anda18Byears 'wouldsnotosen IUbtweenl16 and 18years wouldarticlescare a supsortedebyorillustrationra.ifinishnbyh aylengthg andndaahalf.. Co- western won the shot put with a director, Ward Chadwick '26 assistant1 be granted a license unless their ap j llllfhTAIumbia Penstim egws b8hmnd- Heave of 47 feet and Wilson was first irector, and Robert Burhans, '28M lcTIe measredytealsoar eth n BY CJUJIIUFILIIH CLUB L'N LIRILL teCanM23secnds ini the discus throw with 121 feet 11i librarian. J. K. Altand, '28M, threThe mesure alsoLproideslthat no.;ue n 3scns 'lases.tiring director, acted as toastmaster lceneLhalUbeisuedunlssthe 1 Wilson of Ann Arbor high, scored! introducing Mr. Robert A. Capelpicant deosrtshsftes.Gautnteirso h om-Ci viChicago Dfetd It all tie poiits for his team, svnin ptreasurerr ofre eseray U theFRQ~y Gn a l , b a i g first, in the discu s ad i s f U i v f 1 y h a e at a lunch eon at t me C h uristia m C hu ch I l I ICh theadr 'so the evening. Baco 1 llP hi e trwaithidin tie shotpt. amd Chadwick also talked briefly ofIU1 is lnmdt eptenmso l Tolan's time of 22 flat in the 220 !tieh'mtiii~ esodmga tm u ose who graduate in a book for a Distribution of this years 1925 yard dash was rather fast, even coming p r . ;.i n r~ermaneint record, as the nucleus of; Michiganensan will be finished this Columbus, May 23. -hio - o State un-h u h i is hr ef t s of a ec n Iofc r .I n al m i l b.1w k a c rd g to he ' sa us-I v riy t ok hee s re f C i a o slower' than thme record1 set by Carter G I r UR N[[ RLOULL Prof. A. D. Moore, of the enigineer- i ness staff. There are "still a few per-; university's track men in a dual meetBo of Unvrst ig.Chcgon college, and airs. Moore were pe sons who have not called for their at Ohio Stadium today, scoring 91' I at Schenley Oval, today was red by the Pitt athletes who d a total of 89 points against 88 Efor West Virginia university. gie Tech of Pittsburgh with 44 hird, Washington and Jefferson, sented by only a few nmen was with- 4 points. aseball Scores NATIONAL LEAGUE sago 5, Brooklyn 6. Louis 9, Boston 5. cinnati 9, Philadelphia 7. v York 10, Pittsburgh 1. MERICAN LEAGUE .roit 15, Washington 2. 3ton 9, Chicago 2. N York 7, Cleveland 6. Louis 8, Philadelphia 5.