PA4V ITGHT THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y SATU'RTAY, "MAY?. -15 s I DALYOFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is coDnstructive notice to all miembers of the University. Copy received bN tbo Assistnt to the P?"~dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. wn. Saturday' Volume 6 SATURDAY, M1AY 23, 192,1 Nmitber 174 +fi Choral 1n110117IShers: Choral Union Ushers are requested P. M. Saturday afternoon and 7:30 'Satur Tuxedos or dark suits should be wor To ''ryioits for (lie'Posit bii of Drumii Maj All men who have :signified their inte of Arum major in the Varsity band for report to the D~rum Major at Ferry field racnuy, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Copies of the recent bulletin of the National Research Council giving President Aydelotte's revised report on Honors Courses, in American Col- leges and Universities, are now ready for distribution andI may be called for in the Dean's office. John R . Effinger. Faculty Meeting, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The next meeting of the Faculty will be held Monday afternoon, May 25th, at 4:10 sharp, in Room 2225 Angell Hall. Professor Wagner's Comn- mittee will make its report on entrance requirements at that time. A full, attendance is desired. John Ii. Effinger. Last Days of Art Exhibition: The International Exhibition of paintings, displayed in Alumni Mem- orial Hall tinder the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Assocation, will be on display only a few days more, tip to and, including Sunday, May 24. The= hours at which it is open are: Saturday, May 23, 9:00-12:00 A. M. and 1:30- 5:00 P. Mv.; Sunday, May 24, 2:00-5:00 P. Mv. Free to University students and pupils of Ila city schools. W. P. Lombard. Arthur 11. Cuishny, M. 1)., L.L.D., F.R.S., Professor of Pharmacology in Universityy of E'dnburgh, will lecture to the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes, Med.lcpj, School, West Amphitheatre, 9 A.. M., Monday, May 25th. It is requested that the Junior and Senior Classes be dismissed from their 9 o'clock exercises for this purpose. Hugh Cabot, Deans. Faculty, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: There will be a meeting of the faculty of these colleges on Tuesday. May 26, at 4:15 o'clock P. M. in Room 411, West Engineering Building. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Studenits in Automobile Engineering Courses: A trip has been arranged through the Ford Highland Park plant and the Hudson-E~ssex factory for Monday, 'May 25, for those who desire it. Directions: Leave Ann' Arbor on 7 :00 A. M. Interurban car. Change at Junction Avenue to north bound Grand Belt car and at Woodward Avenue6 to north bound Woodward Car. 1Ro11 call at Ford Main Office at 9:30. Leav- ing Ford Plant about noon take south hound Woodward car downtown.- Lunch.-At Jefferson Avenue take east bound Jefferson car to Hudson- Essex Plant, arriving about 1:45 P. M. W. E. Lay. Notice to Gymnastis: The annual all-campus gymnastic meet will be held this afternoon in Waterman Gymnasium at 2.30. H. C. Felver, Capt. To 1embers of the University of Michigi The unit will assemble at Morris Ha. without capes and will proceed to Ferry Following this formation the unit will b. baseball grand stands where the band wil candidate for the position of drum major WHAT'S GOING ONL Notices~ to appear in this column must be left in the box at the IUaly offc~e 1 provided for :uat purpose before 4 o'clock prece edinr the daiy of issue. j SATURDAY 9:011-12:00 - International sxliblion of modern paintings from the Car- negie institute of Pittsburgh, in Al- umni Memorial hall. 12: 15-Cosmopolitani club holds luncheon at Church of Christ. 1 :30-5:00 - Interniational exhlbition Iof modern paintings from the Car- negie Institute of Pittsburgh, in Al-!I umni Memorial hall. 1 :45-Tarsity band assembles at iMor.j ris hall. 2:00-Choral Union ushers report for their respective assignments in Hill auditorium. 2:30 - Annual all-canmpus gymanstic meet in Waterman gymnasium. 2:30-Tryouts for the drumii major. ship of the Varsity band report to (the drum major at Ferry field. 12:.30-Fifth Mlay Festival concert in Hill auditorium. 7:00.8 :00-Upper Room Bible class meets in Lane hall. Senior night: Thomas, Young and Parker, are the speakers. f7 :30--Choral Union ushers report for their respective assignments in Hill auditorium. ish hall, Washington street; Sen- :t11111111l1111111111N 111111111t1111111111111111111 1_ obe at theirasinet by 2:40 fo)bnqet 'day evening. 8:00-Notion. picture service at the- ',.D nI/n o rn. W. A. Davenport., Congregational church: "Women i igsC in s are the -oue Who Give." -i jor in the Varsity Band: It is little understood that the Chinese rug is appropriateblyuwed rtion of trying out for the position ( Organize Sutm merGY with. Colonial and other early American furniture.= the coming year are requested to I- at 2:30 this afternoon. School At Dublin ; - RobertV. hasey, tuden Mgr.Chinese rugs were little known outside of China untilte - i Students who are planning to visit i twentieth century, and not widely until the war cut off other i ,an Bind: Europe in 1926 will be interested in a I=01riental rugs from western markets. But Chinese embroid - 11l at 1:45 this afternoon unifornmed summer school which is being organ series, velvets, brocades and porcelains wree treasured orna- field for a short period of playing.f ized for American students at Triuity mnsi uop-n -rc i h ihent etr n emarched to the area beyond the College, Dublin, in the summer of rnnsiuoe;nmrc n h ihenh etr n 11 be turned over to th prospective that year. This will be the first i 'were the favorite furnishing accessories of the now popular p for the coming year. summer school in the British Isles to= styles of French, English and American homes of that day. Robert V. Halsey, D. hI. be organized on the American Plan, ; The Dutch homes, too, were well fitted with Chinese laquer fo whc ubefAeicncl work and ornaments. Suitable designs in Chinese rugs are OCC--Sixth 'May Festival concert, "La leges and universities have already. -ial o s it h olwn eios ucFeih Gicna, rsetdinHl ad-agreed to give credit. Dr. Bernard - Wilia and Mar ueer AnneGcor tan tncld torium. o! Trinity College will visit the lead- I:-viay,' g/ ge, u.b . ing American colleges this summer in1 Chippendale, Hepplewhite and Sheraton-Louis Quinze, SU NDAY connection with this project. _ Colonial and later Americani types.-Good Furniture iVaga - w ?:0()-Professor Waterman and Mtr. The London office of the American zine. Chapman lead Baptist Guild bible University Union has arranged for!-F T EC IEE R G cassathGulhosstudents to obtain reading tickets for'FE TE CHNEE UG :005:0 - ntenaiojal xh~bltoathe British Museum Library and the' =-SL BY of modern paintings from the Car- -SL BY negie institute of Pittsburgh, inAl Record office, and a pamphlet, umnni Memorial hall. Al "Guide for American Students in the = yj M RS r' . D M ERRICK :00-.Congregational . student . canoel British Isles" has also been prepared., 98Chrh t.Pon 15 - conference; discussion on "What j98Cuc S.Poe35 - They Believe in My Part of the Bloomington, Ind., May 22. -- Stu-,=~ Coutr";brngownsupe.bring hodeiown hve aruapteer;.111dents11111twho11111desire111i11to1111havei1111cars11111at1111the.' :a0-Unltarlan2 students meet at the I University of Indiana must apply to!___________________ church for picnic meeting, an executive committee. :30-Baptist students meet at the Guild house for "Hilltop meeting" Detroit, May 22.--The Ford Motor ad " r~~" ~ on Beeisteak hill. Senior night; company set a new record for pro- ea T e Dally cc~ Llassiied .Oilfns, Maynard Phelps, leading. duction Tuesday when its assembly _________________________________________ :30-Lutheran students meet at Par.- plants turned out 7,868 Ford cars. :: 4: 0. unaa*cburcb %ervtces SUMMER DAILY TRYOUTS The Summer Michigan Daily offers students who expect to attend Summer School all of the advantages and e xp er ie nc e which are found in The Mich- igan Daily, and also the oppor- tunity for aster advancement. Both the editorial and business staffs will add a few men and women during' the next few weeks. Persons interested are urged to see ,Thal or Mansfield, on the editorial side, any after- noon from 2 to 5 o'clock, or- Conlin, on the business side, any afternoon from 4 to 5:30 o'clock. These men may be found at The Daily offices in the Press building on Maynard street. r . ... i 1 ©- ~ , =- ' TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Ave. and William SL. Rev. L. F. GUNDERMAN, Pasto. 9:30 A. M.-Sunday school. 10:30 A. M.--Worship. Sermon: "A Man With a Great Work to Do." 6:00 P. M.-Banquet in honor of the Seniors for all Lutheran students at the Parish hall, 309 East Washington St. Th-e last mneeting of the year. i BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between W1lliam and Packard G. A. NEUMANN, Pastor 9 A. M.-Bible Classes. i1 I I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 409 South DIvision St. 10:30 A. M.-Sunday morning ser vice; subject, "Soul anid Body." ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St., and Fifth Ave.1 E. C. STE LLIIO ILN, )Pastor 9 :00 A. MW.-A lire-con firmation service in which a class of catechumens will recite the chief hairts~ of Christian doc- trine. 10 A. M.-Regular English service. 11 A. M.-Regular German service. Topic for the day: "More Prayer and More Love." No evening meeting. 11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow- ing the morning; service. 7 :30 P. M.-Regular Wednesday evening testimony meeting. The Reading Room, 608 First Na- tional Bank building, is open daily from 13 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. 6:00 P. M.-The annual banquet will be given1 Ladies Aid. Senior by the -1 U I WAN TED! Girls' Discarded Dresses Coats and 'Shoes Summer -*Straws Light weight, cool, corn- fortable and stylish, made - of Swiss strain, which is flexible, Net the hat holds its shape. Each hat shapes to fit the indivi- DISCIPLES CHURCH OF CHRIST Cor. HU & Tappan KENNETII B. BOWEN, Minister 9 :30-Bible school. 10:30-Morning worship. Topic by pastor: "Jesus andI Big Busi- ness." 6:00-Young People's Social Hour an(I lunch. 6 :30-Christian Endeavor. 7:30-Evening worship. Topic: "Spiritual Photography." I W _ I I UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister. Phillip E. LaRowe,, Musical Director 10:45 PROF. A. EUSTACE HAYDON of the University of Chicago "THE OLD' SPIRITUALIT'Y AND THE NEW" 4:30 Students' Meeting up the river. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third atid West 11uron Streets CARL A. BRAUER, Pastor 9:30 A. M.-Sermon in German.. 10:30 A. M.-Bible Class. 11 :30 A. M.-Sermon in English. Subject: "Divine Inspiration." 2-2:30 P. M.-Students arid Young People leave from parsonage for Forestry Farm for a Stu- dents' Farewell Partyr. Cars will be at the parsonage at 5:30 to transport those who can not go in the afternoon. Supper and speeches at 6 o'clock. I I- I Highest Cash Prices Paid dual. That new look Telephone 6616 lasts. State Street fl ; Lt~t~tlT CC E i.-. tl.-i.ll -- l'}Il tCI te-tafli-D .1 1}ti(.! CORNER CATHERINE and DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, Rector. H. L. LON'SDALE, Assistant. RACHEL HlAVILAND, Secretary for Student Work.. I 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. ( 9:30 A. M.-Church school. 11:00 A. M.-Morning prayer and sermron by the Rector. 4:00 P. M1.-Student Hike and Supper. 4:00 P. M.-Meeting of the E. Y. P. A. at the Church. . .._ 1 CONGREGA'TIONAL CH URCH HERBERT A. JUMP, Minister. .E. KNOB MITCHELL, University Pastor. 9 :30-Sunday School. Picture address by Mr. Jump. "FAMINES IN ASIA." 10:45-Service of worship. Fourth sermon in series on "RELIGION AND THE FIVE SENSES": "RELIGION AND THE SE~NSE OF HUMOR." 4:00-Student Canoe Conference. Bring own supper and money for canoes. Tfopic for discussion: " WHAT TH-EY BELIEVE IN MY PART OF THE COUNTRY." 8:00-Motion Picture Service. Thre stirring heart dIrama "WOMEN WHO GIVE." C. B BROWN 120 Fourth Ave. I FA m . Wl W. .rr. .r .r. .r. .. .rrass. sr. . . . .rr. rrrrr.. .rrr srr. , rrs . r. cii. rrrr.P.rrr. .rr. _ 'I I I i 11 HURRY! HURRY! PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY FOR PERSONAL CARDS AT XYAHR IS OUNIVERSITY I VU~IIXL BOKSTORE i Ri. ED)WARD SAYLES, MINISTER HOWARD R. CHAPMAN MINISTER TO STUDENTS 10:30-Worship and sermon. Mr. Sayles speaks on "TERMINUS AND THOROUGHFARE." a:00-Church Bible School. At same hour student classes gather in Guild House. Mr. Chapman and Dr. Waterman in charge. 5 :30--All students meet promptly at Guild House for annual Senior meeting up the river. Maynard Phelps will lead. Several Seniors will speak. Refreshments. Be prompt at Guild House. FIRST Corner South REV. ARTHUR IV. STALKER, D. D., Minister REV. WV. SCOTT WESTERMAN, Associate MIinister Rev. Donald Timerman Ellen W. Moore Directors of Student Activities 10:30-Pastor's subject: "Helping the Dead." 12:00-12:45-Combined Student Bible Class at Wesley Hall. 5:30-Social half hour. 6:00-7:00--Wesleyan Guild meeting. Gladys Beyers, leader. "A Student's Code of Honor." 7:00-7:30-Open house. Light lunch. 7:30-Evening worship. Mr. Timmerman speaks on "What Is METHODIST CHURCH State and East Washington Streets :* :g ..,.*,s-.-.- # Subject: Destiny ?" r V-04 O.M.-O V.0. 0.0 a O.P 'A J./.0O: r*I"f.I"..Id /. I. I./. / i I 1. III I'll!