SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAGS SiVm - - -w COLUMNCLSIFIE AT 3 P.M. ADVERTI SING AT 9 PMN. miOTICE TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT 5-ROOM apt. with bath and heat, va- cant June 1. Can be had at very reasoltable rental for summer' school if desired. Prefer tenant ifor entire year. Inquire at 633 Church St. FOR RCU{NT--A cozy suite for the l for the sumer', between campus: and hospitals. D~ial 8842. FOUi JUINT"-- 'u Jished 8l tprtmei t for, S Vt~)s school or loniger if dlesiredl. D~ial 710i.13 Ralph T. Swezey. FURNISIHED) house suitable for, club of 14 or 16. Box 118. Engineers Elect Y'ear's Officers Officers for 1925 were elected by the American Institute of Electrical engineers at 4:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The oficers, who were elected for the student branch, are as follows: M. H. Nelson, '26E, presi- (lent, R. D. Layman, '26E, vice presi- dent, S. L. Burgwin, '26E, secretary, ,and R. A. Hoffman, '26E, treasurer. 1After the election of officers the reg- ular business meeting was held. +W)NcriIbe for Th'le Michigan Daly Gioverns ~4le competition w~hen the all-campus gym- nc: s and runners-up in the various Allednastic meet takes place at 2:30 o'- eet will receive numerals and the' F'orces On Rhine c lock this afternoon in WatermanEcuit rant scoring the highest total ntr z; yma sium. The meet is primarilya her of points in all events will re- -,Ifor t hose meni who have been work-! ceive a silver cup deno ting the all- -::: ... ig withi the squad all year b~ut otherj around gymnastic championship of the entries willI he accep~ted. Univer ity. Y'our events are to 1he conitested, . :nil, sb oseparallel 1)ars, her- I ftonl Daily Advertisers- it z >: : :.:":":::<:;: r ^: :irjontcal bear and Itumbling. The win- pays.--Ady'r'. VACATION OPPORTUNITY 1 Phone 3912 Students everywhere easily miake For Typewriter Repairing $30 weekly distributing remarkableI (all makes) photograph Eclipse of Sun. Sells on Dealer in Woodstock typewrl~ers, sight as it shows weird shadow ef-i Standard and Portable adding ma- tectc on the snow, glimmering ligirt chines. trees outlined against the twilight , Ann Arbor Typewriter Exchange b~ackground andl above the Sun at? 9 Savings Bank Building.. moment of totality; the Corona with - US apointed plume shoots faithfully repro-1 dluced. Very special (discounlts to, you. The Eclipse Photo Art Co., 15 LOST-Large notebook, last Friday. East 40th St., New York City. Copy Initials B. A. T. on front. Reward. on view at this office. Call 3851 ask for Tyndall, 413 S. D~ivision. .k ,i .; ,i t" toI ii iii M ,.I ir/° /ii + r. id +d r/+d' M i /iM +1 ''M 1 / + + .+rr r'.w '!!'.. ..... ,. .. .:. ... .. , r.. .., .. , r RENT-Rooms and lig~ht house keep- S ing apartments. Also Oakland six for sale. Call 943 Greenwood. Dial! 3671. FOR RLNF -Forest Avenue 1109, fur- jlis5hed 6-r'oomi house , por'ches, gar- FOR RENT-Four b~ed rooms with common living roomn suitable for instructors or gradluate students. 11.10; Oakland .Ave. E±NERG ErrIC, ca pable, college studentI who wishes p~rofitable employment (luring the summer. Profitable from standpoint of health, training and finance. Will be trained in bus- iness. Salary and train fare; op- portunity to travel. Write Educa- tors .Association, General Necessi-' ties Bldg., Detroit, Mich. i EDUCATEID college womnan for sums- mer work; good salary with chance for permanency. Write Dept. "B," ° 2011 Park Avenue, Detroit. ENERGETIC capable college girl who wishes profitable employment dur- Ing summer. Profitable from a standpoint of health, training and1 finance. Will be trained in b~usi- ness. Salary and railway fare. Op-I portunity to travel if desired. See Miss Rennell in South Room of Newberry Hall today 1 to 5. Obur moderate prices miake it possible for all to have FRESH HOME1 GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 MARTHA WASINGTON CANDY *Fresh every Friday. Tice's, 119 E. Liberty. Ithieads Household Packing Co. Moving--Packing-Storage Call us for long distance moving. Loads insured. I ship to all points. 526 Detroit St., Phone 3515. , SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAITT n. G. ANDRES 222 SOUTH[ STATE STREET ATTENTION STUD)ENTS We clean and block hats of all kinds with the latest of equipment at the lowest of prices. 15 years of ex- perinece will guarantee our work. We also dIo shoe repairing of high- est quality. THlE WA SHIlN61TON SHOP1 106 E. _Washington St. D~ial 7373 COLLEGE LADY-We have a few * op~enings for students for summter * work; satisfying from standpoint of duties and salary; must be willing to work and study. Write Dept. " Park Avenue Bldg., De- troit. E OS -P i a ma Deta fatrnty; den. June 101 to Sept 20. Phione 69'74. ..,-i4 47.---Al LOS-Ph Gama elt frterityIF OR SALE-A good canoe, in ' xvel- Ipin. Owners name on back. Please I .......XIAIVW I. I. EN100, REI'T lent (:olditioll. Moderately pieiCd if return. Call 4151. 116 N. State Street, Spauling apar t-I plarhased at oncec. Phone 5687. LS-Between 11111 auditorium and met.r Fefrihdromso ~OR .BALI!--Ford in Al eondiit ion,. ' Ferr fild, ~ckt 100k n(1keyer-bath, electric range in kitchen cdtrs Wl ela asciie First floor.. Private entrance. Avail- go container. Return to Irene Ilayner, al rn .ue11t Sp 5 u Call Ginji, Dial 4418. Gn i e uo o od 708 rch St. or Unziersity high mer rates. Dial 5474. office of military gover nor of the ScholIns Terrace Garden Rhineland, one of the mnost impor tanut LOTOepair of glasses, shell rimng RRElolfrJl, urilel tdojo1)s ill El')1c> at the present time. nose glasses in a leather case. Phone house, southeast section with six Dancing Sudo-i 6484, 1629 Granger. Reward. rooms, bath and single garage for 11 Oen Daily. 10 a. m. to 10 s m e on y Di l 3 6 .p m. e te c al mo e n r I UI LO ST-Som ew here on Palm er Field, f n y al t t g , t n oT I O on Lantern Night, a black leather FOR RENT--Cottage on Mullet Lake, and folk dances for children and~ notebook andi a fountain p~en. Con- Mih All modern conveniences. adius. Classeer Monday "[ andSMETTOA tents very valuable to owner. Please Mrs. 111 M. Ilawxhurst. phone '3102. F riday. KL MPSand 109 Scall M. C. Dixon, 7817.I Fifteen one-hour lessons. $5.00. __________________________________ o. 221 IVUET :Ii AII&'A1IE I Gymjnastic entblusiastys will hive an LOST-One paroIselri Rsss JEAD )THE CLASSIFIED Ai)S. Phonme 8328 1 paro-selrm lse opportunity to witness some keenm Q on the campus Friday morning. One. bow broken. Marion Mead, Dial I 756$'Three Educational Tours in Europe L OS'l ApaCiOeapn Cllvia the Sft. Lawrence River Route LOST-A brown purse containing' These inexpensive Third Cabin Tours afford an exceptional fountain pen, money, and valuable (( opportunity to visit ilp 1pc i,+nprooa ~ in room1011)a Lit.WM - I~ Pff II AUOI I. Sport Footwear!. In leather and crepe rubber soles suitable for hiking or golf! For men and women $5.50 to $8.00 WARSSHOE STORE, Phone 331 5 108 South Main MWMIX 0*0 1, 4 of, I, Ir. "C"ro r. c c r. a. P-0 O.Wc. r. om war., r. o W., bo c .Po W. 10 0 a0v k-T" SALE Specially Priced Bldg., Thursday noon. Call 8351. Reward. BEAUTY SHOUPPES Permanent Waving and Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP 5 NICKELS ARCADJE-9616 DIMATTIA BEAUTTY SHOP offers soft water shampoos, especial at-s tention for curly hair. Hair cut- ting and waving by expert opera- tors. Phone 8878.I Marceling and Curling Phone 21429 527 E. Liberty Read the Want Ads BRIITAIN -fHOLLAND -- BELOWN UM-RAC and to see some of the most beautiful and romantic places in Canada, including historic Montreal and Quebec. The river trip accustoms one to the ship long before the Ocean is reached and the scenery on almost one-thousand miles of river from Montreal to the sea will live long in the memory. JUNE 19- Leaving Montreal on the JUNE 27- Leaving Montreal on the Athenia for Glasgow, returning from Ausonia for Plymouth. returning from Cherbourg July 17 on the Ausonia. Liverpool July 24 on the Alaunia. Under auspices Guy Tombs Limited, Under auspices. W. H. Henry Limited, Montreal. Montreal. JULY 3-Leaving Montreal on the Letitia for Glasgow. returning from Cherbourg July 31 on the Ascania. Under auspices of Guy Tombs Limited, Montreal Inclusive cost of Tour $330 Consult the following for more details and for particulars of itinerary Guy Tombs Ltd. W. H. Henry Ltd.. 285 Beaver Hall Hill 286 St. James Street, i Montreal The Robert Reford Co. Ltd., 20 Hospital St., Montreal CUNARDm-ANCHOR- DONALDSON 12,13 Wils iifgtou hIld., Detroit, M helm, i A marvelous collection to select from, including every, new sfykp and; colpr. Comec in and be convinced. All Veils and Veiling at Half Price. Beautiful Flowers for Hats and Dresses Puyear & Hintz, 328 SOUTH MAIN All Sales Cash and Final. k .., , ......... ! . .i1 FIELD PARTIE- Engineering Botany SGeology Geography, and all others #,' s ' r - i " 'n Tfry our Cheese Chicken Hamburg Sandwiches We deliver Pho. 9636 Kewpee I A FEW OF THE ESSENTIAL ITEMS ARE.: WANiTEDI SAXOPHONE player, alto, 4 yeaws experience, summer resorts, de- sires work while attending sums- iner school. Box 117. Wool Camp and Army Blankets Light Double Cotton Blankets Barracks Bags, Navy Sea Bags Haversacks and Knapsacks Mosquito Tents,--must be, seenito., be appreciated Steel Mirrors with Case Canteens with Case and Belt; 7- WANTED-For next year, room for law student cheap. 112. single Box SHOES AND CLOTHING Extra Heavy Double Sole Army and Hiking Shoes Moccasin Pack Shoes in High-Top, Regular or Oxford Tennis, Officers and Light Munson Army Shoes WANTED-Two rooms, high class accomodations, or one large room, preferably in apartment, near cam- I pus for next school year, for an$ instructor. Box 116. WANTED-Tutoring in Latin. Exper-I iencedl teacher. Te~rmls moerate. Edith E. Atkins, 916 Monroe Street.1 Dial 21141. WANTED-Middle aged white woman to cook in small summer hotel, $30. weekly. Reference required. CallI Barley 3218. Field and Regulation Khaki Army and Whipcord Breeches Camp Clothing Khaki Coats and Regulation White Navy Pants and Hats Leather and Wrap Puttees Canvas Leggings Rain Coats, Ponchos, Slickers and Hats Trousers SHIRTS WANTED-White Cook to finish year at fraternity. Dial 3818 Walthour.3 WANTED-A suite for 4 upper class- men in private home near the canm- pus for next year. McCormick, 4088 TAILORS A TAILOR-MADE QUIT Will satisfy your taste, and fit you best. WILD THE TAILOR 113 South Main St. SUITS $25-$30-$35 ii ERMAN.THE TAILOR 802 South State Street Khaki, Poplin and Pongee Shirts, $1.00 and Up Also Light Flannels, Broadcloth, 0. D. Wool Army Shirts Corduroy, Suede and Plaid Blanket Shirts, Blouses and Blazers Ladies Flannel Shirts, Heavy and Light Wool Socks Golf Hose ,Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hose Sweaters and Underwear, all Styles SUEDE LEATHER JACKETS in brown, tan or grey for ladies and men Slickers In green and yellow, for men, women and children I TE TS: ll k ndsCamp equipment, Gold Medal. Furniture, Folding TETIl i d Cots, Stools, Buckets, Stoves, Air Mattresses, Sleep-, _1