SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'rot 0 I VAM EL' l ) i , i ~NMECOMMITTEES VillIc P'k Music Commitee at Meetingc To Mle Held Wednesday at. Gymnasium WRITERS TO MEET f Committee members for the jun-I for Girls' play of the class of '27 have< been appointed by the chairman, Irene Field, and the central committee, which consists of Jean Kyer, assist-t ant chairman; Helen Reece, business manager; Caroline Paull, publicity;, and Norma Snell, dances.1 'IThe following women have been chosen: Helena Knapp, Helen Ruth, and Margaret McNally will assist Miss Kyer, and the business staff will in- clude .Florence Buttolph, Dorothy Currie, Mae Kellar, Lucinda Sher- wood, Emily Hulbert, Esther Tuttle, 'Alta Weber, Lotus.Johnson, and Hel' en' Edwards. Thewadvertising chairman will be Harriet Abbot, assisted by Elizabeth Kennedy, Catherine Keldar, Margaret Redd, Janette Sinclair, Eleanor Ver- dier, Mary Kent-Miller, Lucille Walsh1 and Marion Kubik. Gertrude Bailey will have charge of properties, and her helpers will be Evelyn Murray, Marjorie Weber, Fri- ; eda Banks, Marion Leland, Sarita i Davis, Hanah Fitch, Alice Felske, and ' Genevieve Buell. Costumes will be taken care of by Minna Miller with Sue Grundy Bon- ner as assistant. The remainder of the committee includes Dorothy Wil-' cox, Margaret Busch, Ruth Holznagle, Anna Arnold, Helen Fowler, Marion Daniels, Lenore Gardener, Frances SPariish, Ruth Tuttle, Anna Grandy, Y Mlary Green shields, Mary Lois Guda- x' kunst, Florence Foster, and Margaret . Fnmran. Assisting Caroline Paull with the publicity will be Frances Ruedell, Louise Rittenhouse, Christine Bauch. Margaret Fitch, Mary Barett, Mar- jorie Miller, Harriet Donaldson, and i Margaret Purdy. Onthe dance committee, assisting Norma Snell, will be Etruva Doster, Leona-Sherman, Ruth Kahn, Margaret Sherman, Jannette Dorrance, Fred- rika Marston, Dorothea Gaily, and Ell- 1en Johnson.. ItThe music committee will be picked from those who attend the meeting which is to be held at 4 o'clock next 1 Wednesday in the parlors of Bar- U bour gymnasium. Another meeting has been announc- ed for 4 o'clock Monday ih the par- Tors of Barbour gymnasium for all s those who are interested in writing a play for submission to the committee. Prof. Donal Hamilton Haines, of the department of journalism, will speak. It is very important, according to Miss Paull, that all women who are plan- 4 ning to submit a play attend. n W AeActive InFashion writing for such journals Iutramural baseball games have Prnviv U WIN [ Riii Alumnae AcV flhI OETbtas the Dry Goods Reporter, or Wo- been shecudled for 10 o'clock to- SaysOSecretarty!rmen's Wear, and for millinery jour- day In Palmer field. Delta Delta Yvette Steps Outt After Week Trip WOM[N GUHN IS nals as Millinery,also gives the ad- Ielta will oppose the Outlaw team PhCE IN vertising apprentice a chance at a Helen Rutherford, '28, acting as um- _ _ -foot-hold. On a small town or coun- pire. Adelaide Sherer, '25, has been Sophomore women held the honor In returning to Ann Arbor from a Advertising and publicity work offer try paper, experience in this field can chosen to umpire the game of Kappa Yvette's freshman roommate had of the highest score in the swimming few days visit with the Cleveland a special field to the woman journa- be secured through soliciting adver- Delta vs. Alpha Chi Omega. The win- come home from the Frosh Spring meet for professional physical educa- Alumnae Group, Daphne Dodds, '18, list, acording to Mrs. James C. Dibel- tisements, writing copy, and helping ners from these games will enter the party positively enthusiastic about a tion students given Thursday evening Field Secretary of the Women's ka, manager of the National Journa- in the layouts. semi-finals. gown she bad seen. It was a very in the Union swimming pool. The fi- listic register in Chicago. Publicity simple, almost severe white summer nal class scores were: sophomores, League Building Campaign, was most iswork opens up chances for organizers, formal of heavy canton crepe. The 120, freshmen, 99, juniors, 67 1-2 and enthusiastic in her appreciation of assistants, promotion workers, cam- bodice was tight fitting, long, slim, and seniors, 64. Members of the physical what the alumnae there had been do- paign managers, and press agents. rather old-fashionedly demure. The education staff acted as judges for the ing for the campaign. Elementary publicity training can be skirt was full and not too short. occasion "The women," she said, "have been received in college by handling publi- Spashed along the hem in irregular On special feature was the exhibi- untiring in their devotion to the work city for college activities or conven- carelessness were gay, bright colored tion of swimming to music. The of raising their quota-and their in-tions which are held there. cretonne flower clusters. Another breast stroke was accompanied by the terest in establishing the finest sort Many large national organizations larger bunch was used in corsat "Lorraine March" and side and of cooperative spirit in the Alumnae such as the Red Cross, W. C. T. U., form at the waist and a tiny sprig sat trudgeon strokes .by "Tripoli Waltz". Club." local branches of the National Tuber- primly on the left shoulder. Yvette'sjThe swimmers in this exhibition "The Cleveland chairman, Mrs. H. culosiq institute, various trade pro- baby roommate was certain that it showed excellent rhythm and form. T. Harrison, '98, announced the gift of motion associations and other national was this immensely attractive gown Balloon, candle and umbrella races $5,000 from one of our University's and local organizations have publicity that made the girl one of the most so iven most generous alumni-Hon. Charles chairmen and paid publicity agents. rs Hose $5.00 poupular at the party. In cometition for form the winner F. Brush, '69E. Mr. Brush had given To be successful in this work the Brushno n '69E. Mr.nd Brush Inwehe ad given co pStiiordafo Fo' afternoon recentions and teas a wee as follows: breast stroke, first a $5,000 gift to the men's Union, and journalist must know the papers and For Sturday only.Three dress of this tyne is made doubly at- place, Irene Field '27, second, Vera was as kindly interested in the suc- products which she is distributing. pairs of full fashioned Quaker tractive by the addition of a large Johnson '28, side, Martha Gill '25, css of the Alumnae Campaign, al Publicity is not all writing but re- Quar tulle picture hat in white or a very Rhoda Tuthill '28, trudgeon, Alice though, as he remarked, 'There were quires salesmanship as well. If the light pastel shade. According to Felske '27, Martha Gill, single over- no girls in my day.' young journalist is unable to sell her ly $2.00 a pair. In all the Yvette bright colored flowers blending Rhoda Tuthill Leona Weniger "Whenthe class of '69 came back peronality and her work and pullsewst and smartest with, thsRohhedesohuldeah Tuhl, LeWhenenseasonrsnslnewest and-woksmartest with those on the dress should be the '25, crawl, Alice Felske, Gladys Ap- for its fiftieth reunions six years ago, wires to get space in the papers, her shades. A real opportunity only trimming. pelt '28 racing back, Irene Field, the second floor of one of the women's work will be of no account. -asE o '.Icmttndormitories was given these returning In the field of advertising there is: AIN FLOOR plicity, and realness', " she said, "For for speed Irene Field and Vera John- alumni. 'We assumed the names of a need for copy writers, those who are you have to be sincere to be succes- son won first and second places in 'the girls whose cards were on the r ful. If you are sincere you are being the breast stroke, Etruria Doster '27 doors,' said Mr. Brush, 'and called logues, classified advertisers and ad- G O O J IE A R real, and nothing that is real and true and Helen Beaumont '28, first and each other by our 'maiden names all vertisers for department stores. is apt to be very complicated," she second in th-e crawl and Alice Felske during reunion' He chuckled as he Training for advertising often begins 124 SOUTH MAIN explained. and Gladys Eastcott were the win- old the story, but perhaps it in- in typing, then develops into work on "There is a wide opening for wo- ners in racing back. For the first fiuenced him a little in making so gen- lay-outs. Many young advertisers men in the musical world," she con- place 5 points were given, for second, erous a gift. Others than Shakes- start as assistants to heads of a tinued, "If they have the ability. Op- 3, third, 2 and fourth 1 point. peare have known what's in a name shopping bureau of some large paper portunity counts a good deal, to be Fredrika Marston, Etruria Doster,"Mrs Harrison also announced an or magazine as Vogue or Vanity Fair sure, but when it comes, if you haven't Alice Felske, and Irene Field com- anonymous $1,000 gift to the Cleve- while others get their elementary the talent you can't possibly get far." posed the sophomore team which won land Alumnae fund. Cleveland has training through advertising for de- Miss Hagar is leaving Ann Arbor the relay races. "The winners gained pretty closely approached its 100 per partment stores. today for Philadelphia, Pa., where she 8 points, the freshmen, 6, the juniors. cent goal toward $25,000 quota, will give a concert next week. 4 and the seniors, 2. In the diving w r. kno a ae. ur Univer- events Vera Johnson and Gladys Ap- well known graduate of our Univer pelt represented the freshmen and (city and a prominent Cleveland attor-'A Junior Society Irene Field the sophonmoires Two ney,. also made a gift to the LeagueA Sensational Sale of Elects Officers required dives, standing front and Building fund. 'It is surely a pleas- Efreuir standing fontaico ure to contribute to this work of the - - ~~~running front and two ptionals con-,~'(hgn Auneh enrej30 Pat cl Ht prised this contest. A life-saving 'he Asn uen ut, ere Irene Field, '27 and Hannah Fitch, demonstration by Alice Felske, Gladys here is na question but that there '27 were elected president and secre- Appelt, Irene Field, and Vera John- should be a center for the social life tary-treasurer respectively of Wyvern, son completed the meet. of the women students. It will aid in Reduced to junior honor society, at a meeting of ?_developing friendships and establish- the new members recently. The next Sling a finer esprit de corps. These $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $5.00, $5.98, $649 meeting will be held Tuesday evening IM ummersS c ic things are a necessary part of educa- May 26 at the Kappa Gamma house. tion. The women are missing them _ _ _ _Na esOfficersstoday, and this new League Building All Veils and Veiling Now Half Pce John R. Adams, instructor in the Twill answer the problem. The UniA rhetoric denartment, will teach fresh- Mummers dramatic society elected versity of Michigan alumni should be man rhetoric this summer in the Sum- the following officers for the coming able to make this gift and as an alum- P opu ar P nce H at h p mer session of Alabama Polytechnic year at a meeting held recently at nus I am glad to see the alumnae ac- institute at Auburn, Ala. Betsy Barbour dormitory; President, tive in accomplishing something so 333 S. MAIN ALL SALES CASH AND FINAL Katherine Clark, '26; vice president, thoroughly worth while." Marjorie Miller, '27; secretary, Abi- - WILL GIVE AID TO gail Noon, '26 and treasurer, Margaret New Brunswick, N. J., May 22.-Ac- WOMEN JOURNALISTS Sherman, '27. cording to figures compiled at Rut- At the open meeting a one act play gers, scholarship among athletes is "Maker of Dreams" was presented by lower than the average of the student Women who are seeking em- Merle Parks, '25, Florence Nelson, '25 body. ployment in the fields of news- I and Helen Adler, '26. - - paper or publicity aork, adver- andHeenAder,_2_._Patroniize y-ve You Seen the Collection of tising, or free lance work may READ TIE CLASSIFIE D A D1, pays.-Adv. obtain assistance by filing an application at the Woman's National Journalistic Register, established in Chicago in 1920. The Register was established asa result of a 0fwme%0- UG w Festival Artist Highly Aproves Of Co-Education l journali ting in all par In- Miss Emily Stokes agar, soprano organiza soloist in the Thursday night concert at 18 of the May' Festival approves highly Chicago of co-education. "It is all right," she dollar f nid, "Most emphatically so. And so ing, an is Ann Arbor. 'And so is Michigan." the sala Miss Hagar is a Philadelphian. She 1jobs sec began first to study piano, theory, and ter. TI harmony, and only after her gradua-, ter is i tion did she start to develop her voice. to mak Her debut was made in the "Mes- sufficie siah" singing with Herbert Wither- carry o spoon and Evan Williams; then she terested began to sing in light opera with Vic- should tor Herbert, after' which she turned to Dibelka grand opera and sang roles in the the Reg "Secret of Suzanne," Jewels of the Madonna," etc. Miss Hagar attributes her success to working hard and enthusiastically. read "I took for my motto 'sincerity, sim- sts for a means of get- touch with employers in ts of the country. The ation, at present located East Chestnut Street, , charges a fee of one for registrants on enter- d a certain percentage of ary they receive from cured through the Regis- he purpose of the Regis- to serve journalists, not e a profit, and only a nt sum is charged to n the work. Anyone in- d in getting information write to Mrs. James C. , the present manager of gister. MAY - - -- I~ ~W - ~. - ~- a' : e~ p' S; [i d Wkr 1 7"bIq/ qww rr/ II the Want Ads U # FESITVAL Fifth May Festival Concert SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 23, 2:30 O'CLOCK Soloist Mischa Elmani, Violinist The Chicago Symphony Orchestra-Mr. Frederick Stock, Conductor PROGRAM Suite, No. 3, D major ......................................... Bach Overtunre Air Gavottes I and II Bouree Gigue Symphony, No. 5, C minor ............................. Beethoven Allegro con brio; Andantecon moto; Allegro; Allegro Intermission Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, D major .......... Tchaikowsky Allegro moderato; Canzonetta-Andante; Finale-Allegro vivacissimo Mischa Elman Sixth May Festival Concert SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 23, 8:00 O'CLOCK "LA GIOCONDA" Ponclilelli An Opera In Four Acts CAST PROGRAM La Gioconda ....................................... Frances Peralta Laura ............................................ Augusta Lenska r.L Ci .n Kathrvn Meisle From the Famous K. S. Jamgotch Collection Now on Display and Sale Seldom does one have the opportunity of viewing such a complete and attractive collection of Oriental and Chinese rugs. Included in this collec- tion are many rare pieces which are really masterpieces in an art which stands alone through generations of successful interpretation. Rich, thick quality, deep, artistic color tones, beautiful patterns make these Oriental and Chinese Rugs the most favored floor covering. I i Now Is An Opportunity Not To Be Neglected By Any One Who Desires To Own Beautiful Oriental Rugs A Girl's Hair is Her Most Charming Attribute A soft-water shampoo fol- lowed by a perfect marcel, exactly suiting the type, sets off one's personal charm. BENTLEY'S Surely, if you have ever considered the innate desire to possess Oriental Rugs. matter at all,. you have a certain Such possessions endure through generations-a fine collection of ,antique or modern pieces becomes an heirloom to be cherished for many years. Do not neglect this excellent opportunity to add to your collection or begin one. You'll find here Every Kind-Size-Price i,: I (Third Floor v