le 0 SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1925 s - - I PEK O ADRES ILooks For Farms FOTDARNME PEEK TOMUSS n Ocean'scloIOEUM R aye' ENGIEESTESAYWILL SEA HR 'I~gi1liing quid Othier High Voltage ljr. Poo o &Columbijja IVMTa11rlk on1 I'lieInonl" Will be Subject "Rel Ikatiity V. Grait" Of Speech I 1' 'en1eday I ~ $:. ....... ...:____ WILL ILLUSTRATE TALKI f OPPOSES EINSTEIN SSpeaking on the subject of "Light- Dr. Charles Lane Poor, distil-r ing and Other Higlx Voltage Phentom- guished astronomer and lprofessor of A'na.' W. Peek, "Jr., consulting en- '+{ .;".#r;:: :h celestial mechanics n Columbia Unii jIgineer of the General Electric corn- Yft ^;\;;:::z y k versi ty, will give a lecture Wednesday pany, will address members of the ! .::,;",:.: afternoon in t atural Science auditor- a: American Institute of Electrical En- iumz. Dr. Poor's subject will be "Rde- § gineers and the general public next ativity vs. Gravity." 5 Tuesday night in Naturar Science and-I1 h Almost since te annoncemtent of ~:itorium. !.. ~Einstein's theory, Professor Poor has Mr. P'eek is said to be an outstanzd- a,; pointed out difficulties in. the accep- ~'ing authority on high voltage Phenom- , tance of this theory and the fallacies ena. He has directed extensive ep-f on which he believes it to be founded. 4p perimnents on pressure up to two mil- His book "Relativity vs. Gravitation" i lion volts, and his work has resulted . 'gives anl exposition of the philosophy .In the'formation,,and establishment ofI and the mechanics of the theory. laws concerning corona, effects ofI1 Sevral recent researches are be- lightning on 'transmission lines, and l (lieved to have administered a blow to D line insulation problems. Many in- ..t Einstein's theory, and Professor Poor ¥ventions along this line and several . will discuss the investigations made ttext books dealing with the subjects "_" by Dr. Dayton C. Miller, of Clve- Hof lightning and high voltage research Lieut.-Cont. George E. Brandt, ll. S" land, and those made by himself. He ire credited to °him. will attemtpt to show how photo- l For the past few years Mr. Peek N., has been placed in command of the ; ___________________ has been conducting experiments in- U. S. S. Rainbow, which wi "lvolving heavy transmission lines with miake extensive exploration in the;l paau xedn 15000 nGl fMxc adCrbenwt I cost.th object of determining whether the PIIIITT I~ S Mr. Peek will illustrate many of heis ocean's floor can be(eveloped as ,alllli it.LH !iWexperiments by motion pictures (mm'- future food source. Whereveitisarmandwhereve big is ectue Tesdy niht.Al-one goes at Palmt Beach or Miami ad though the bect is largely of in- Foresters Select other resorts, whether at the beaches terest toectia engineers and~ or the races, or the other amusement physicists, the general public As in- i O fficers For Yeaori entrs, the dance pavilions or the' a vited to attend., The lecture will1hoes he finds the Panama hat a star at ;45 'clok. conspicuous feature among the well, str't745ocok At their recent election of offcer- ;(dressed of the moving crowds. Get "_ the Forestry club nmued Otto Kionig. out your 'bId discarded Panama or' t Library .ExhzOits 1'25, president; J. x-. Hanley, '28, vie send for it and we will clean, bleach " l Preident;Ruth Whittier, '26, scre and reblock it with all new trimmings Papers Relating tary;sad IntH;ie, 16 resrr "o it wil be just like new. We do regular factory work and use no acids s To Be u a c as!hese officers will assume their ]lCw to injure the hiat. duisish al FACTORY HAT STORE' 1 Mausciptsandpublshe doc- i617 Packard St. Manscips ndpubiseddou- Chicago, May 22.-Crime costs about (here D. U. R. Stops t State) mets relating to Beaumarchais, theI $$,1,500,0c0,000 annually. spe-ilmto rne h ie -Adv. eAmericaibin the oRevolution, compose 1William L. Clements library. TheIETBIHD11 documents shown reveal the work of i ° 13eaumiarchais in supplying the sinews ' of war from the French arsenals be- fore the formal treaty of alliance of S1778. In the summer of 1924, Prof. Gilbert i- Chinard, of Johns Hopkins university, ~'9 1 and identified several of the mane- rii0a!-t Sscripts shown as hitherto unknownMAMOAVNECRFRT-UTHS 9T and-'unpublished documents extend-', iSN V NEW OFOT-FURHST lukig Materially the knowledge of Beau-I C' marchais andl his activities. J'l hn 4ur~ -il80 A potio oftheprinted sources are Zdisplayed, including William Gordons' 41 "Sermon Preached Before the Ilon-' Our Recpresenitative will be at the orable House of Representatives," t"Watertown, 1775, illustrating the con- HOTEL STATLER, DETROIT fidence of the colonials that the SFren~ch would aid their cause. Arthur? Monday,Tusa an We edy L Iees's Appeal to the Justice and in- Tuesday 2, 2 and Weneda Sterests of the People of Geat Britain,"Ma 2526 nd 7 London, 1774, assures its readers that "there is not a part of the world upon with Samples of Ready-made Clothing, which France looks with more atten-Funsig, " HasndSo .~tive eye than upon America." The li- uisngHtadShe brary has all five editions of this for ,Summer " work. 9PPOINTSend for "The Replenishment of the.Wardrobe" APON A AESLITTLEBUILDING PLAZA BIACNH UANWPORT J TREMONT COR. BOLSTON C 0 U 1 T Y R 0 A D 220 BLLEVUC AVEU AT INRMR1B;U T____ __ _-__ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE r .ITREM r graplhs madle(luring the eclipses of !Le tOnlyoc ed about 200 atteinded the lecture. the sun which are said to support Th lcture was given undler the aLUs- I the Einstein theory, have been incor-! Add To Camp Fund , pices of the Student Council. redly interpreted. The studies on I~-ltilte W n d the drift of the ether which have now P'atroiiizre Daily Advertisers - jh W nt Ad been concluded by Dr. Miller have Prces rmth ado etuelys.-Adv. been presented before the Ntoa given in Hill auditorium last week Academy of Sciences in Washington. xwihaone o$0 aebe Dr. Poo wil tll of hes in e~i a- turned over to the Student Friendship __ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __e__ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ __D__ll_ __ Dr.Poo wil ellof hes ivesigaIFund. ions.j . Dr. Poor' is recognized L y many as the foremost scientific authority in A merica alho is openly opposing the Einstein theory. Iie diid his graduate wor'k in astronomy at Johns. Hopkins i.'niversity. Minneapolis,.Alinn., AMav '22.--Elex en foreign com itrie:; are repiresented a, the I'niver-;IlV or1 AM cso: a t~h is year by 4S students. Read1 the V11fant Ads it I' 'i AIC'(E Second semester freshmen whose marks for the first (semester were of "'C" grade or better are eligible to try out for positions on the lower Business Staff of the 1926 Michiganen- S sian. ' Applications should be made in person at the Press building zany afternoon this week betweeni C2 and 3 o'clock. F. M. PHELPS, Jr. Business Manager. II -1 1 "gig Open from 7:_34A. M. to 7:00 P. M. THE 703 East University Parties Arranged for by A ppointmntn SHOP Phone 6282 L A q ;. ' ,,.,' LANTERN e Screen Supremacy Significant _ii Its Aleaning LAST TIMES TODAY Ann Arbor Audiences Are Loud in Their Praise BY ALL MEANS DON'T MISS IT FLREH ZIGEL' PEnET I COLLEI LEON ERROL re C~ (oiuedl a ( LLOYD HUGHES Th']e Lover I And Big Cast "T'IlE PACEMARKERS" eI The greatest part Colleeni ever liod -the greatest performianee slie's ever given-the greatest show yo'(u'vc ever seel. i IN 0 V I~L'I' V 0 RC ii E 5~j I~ A T~)~)j(~~jj ('0111 III~'Ni1 ~4 -1 5TrT11I hX SUN DAY Another Popular Program Sure to Please All 4 Appointments for intramural man- flIIIIt11f11I111tiftl!tlIilllllllll~t llltlii1111H ~agerships for 1925-26 were made at- i~the annual Intramural banquet held Thursday night at the Union. -w Phillip B. Snyder, '26, was named Smanager; Myron D. Stein, '26, asso- ciate manager; amnd Melvin A. 01:, 2 '27, E. Grant Pinney, '27, 'Julian N. Goldman, '27, and William M. Mazer, - / '27, assistant managers. . Short addresses wvere given by Prof.- - E. I). Mitchell, director of the Intra-__ 4 mural (department,, and Dr. John Sund-":_ wall, director of the division of hy- giene, public health, and physical ed- =- ucation. Htis Berlin Visit /- o Irnjiortant, View w . .......'.The SOCJIEITY BRAND Fo.te1anBou levard Forthema who lekes his clothes cut very,= Y , very easy ; and who likes them to look very, very correct. It's an effect that requires the - ...SOCIETY BRAND cut. A diffficult effect, de-_ h7'ramunt 9cture AOOLPSR ZUK~OR ... JESSE L LASKY faWlp A RAQUL WALSH WITHi- RICARDO CORTEX C~he JETTA GOUDAL G NOAH BEE RY PNH AR ID 'i A similish love.tiramn I Il 9A.11;ZA Aly -k. r r a.