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May 22, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-22

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U.S. Absent From World's Fair In Paris

F~htjAY, AY 22, 9.

D I Y Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice toD all members of
the University. Copy received b the Assistnt to te 10porl ent until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday
Volume 8 FIIH)AY, MAY 2, 1921 Number 173
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Notice to All Seniors:
BEFORE 4 O'CILOCK( P. M. TOIDAY. This applies also to fees for all special
certificates In no case will a degree be conferred on any student whosW
fee Is not paid before the above date. If the payor is not recommended for,
graduation, the fee wil be refunded on surrender of receipt. "Candidates
for degrees or certificates should AT ONCE fill out card at office of the Sec-
retary of their College or School, pay the Trreasurer of the University and
havee card receipted, and file indicated section of this receipted card with
the Secretary of their College or School.
Shirley W. Smith, Secretary University.-
Faculty, Meeting, College of Literature, Science and the Arts:
The next meeting of the Faculty will be held Monday afternoon, May
25th, at 4:10 sharp, in Room 2225. Angell Hall. Professor Wagner's Com-
mittee will make its report on entrance requirements at tat time. A full
attendance is desired. John R. Effnger.
Last Days of Art Exhibitin:
The International Exhibition of paintings, displayed in Alumni Mem-
orial Hall uinder the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Assocation, will be on
display only a few days more, up to and including Sunday, May 24. The
hours at which it is open are: Friday, May 22, 9:00-10:00 A. M. and 1:30-
5:00 P. M.; Saturday, May 23, 9:00-12:00 A. M. and 1:30-5:00 P. M.; Sunday,
May 24, 2:00-5:00 P. M.' Free to University students and pupils of the city
schools. W. P. Lombard.
Notice to Applicants for University Scholarships:
The folowing students, applicants for a University scholarship, are re-
quested, to meet the Committee on Monday afternoon, May 25th, for a per-
sonal interview. Notice of the hour and place will be sent to each student.
In case the notice is not received, the applicant should inquire at the
Dean's office. There will be nine scholarships awarded.
W. A. Greig J. B. Mellott N. P. Feinsinger
IH. B. Carnes H. D Larsen R. S. Miller
C. C. Hostrup I. H. Sims Doris Clines
G. G. Woods Helen E. Dodge Alex. Diamond
Dorothy Tyler . F. Glwatkin Susan Storke
Eunice Rose R. G. Alexander Margaret H-ostrup
Helen Hall Benjamin Boyce D. R. Bishop
1L. P. Thieme, Chairman.
Teacher's Certificates:
Blanks for the 'payment of the Teacher's Certificate fees may now be
secured at the office of, the School of Education. All students who expect
to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate in June must pay their
fees and return their receipts to the Recorder, School of Education, on or
before, Friday, May 22nd, at 4VP. M.
Gretchen Kug, Recorder.
Seniors--Schmool of Edueatlon:
All Diploma and Teacher's Certificate fees must have been paid and
the receipts returned to the Recorder, School of Education, on or before
Friday May 22nd, at 4 P. M., if candidates expect to be recommended for
degrees in June. Gretchen Kug, Recorder.
Around the World University C!raise:
Students who are interested in learning details concerning the cruise
are invited to consult me at my office 4200 Literary Building any day from
1 to 3. Lionel Crocker.

Notices to appear in this column miust
be eftinrhe bfox at the1w i)!y office

,rvicltd for -nat p'urpose before 4
o'clock prceeding the dap of issue.
f:D W1f)0:0%) - Intern~ationail exhibition
of modern paintings from the Car-
negie institute of Pittsburgh, in Al-
umni Memorial hall.

Chemistry Course
To Be Presentled
Courses in applied chemistry will be'
given chemistry studlents who attend
the 10th Expiosition of Chemical in-'
i ustries which will be held Sept. 28,
_to Oct 3 at the Grand Central palace
in New York City.
The courses will he divided into two


1.30-5:0() - Intern~lnal io ex ~~iJbtid F2 roups group one. being advanced
1of modern paintings from the Ca tdnt.Alrfte-oreswl
negiete institute of Pittsburgh, in A' i to to giv the students a persp~ec-
umni Memorial halIl. :vo ef the indust rv as a whol, and
. to s:how those who have had only the-
i :00d-Presblyterlan stud~en~ts 1114'( I dl r tti(al courses how fundamental or
Lane hall for hike and picnic at iiilt processes are carriedi out on a
the Fireplace' large scale.
'lDisides the lecture courses, a wide
SATUIRDAY variety of chemical material will lbo
9:00.12:00 - Iiitentionil sxlitioti ( 1) exhibit,. Several colleges have
of modern paintings from the Car- I signifiedi their intention of giving stu-
negie institute of Pittsburgh, in Al-! dents credit for work taken at the ex-
umni Memorial hall. B~ositiofi.
1 12: 1a-Cosinopolitaii club holds3
luncheon at Church of Christ. Thomas, Young and Parker, are
1 :30-4:00 - liiteriational (exhliiition the speakers.
of modern paintings from the Car-
negie institute of Pittsburgh, in Al- I D~ein, May 20.-Dusolina Giannini,
umni Memorial hall. l American soprano, has been engaged
7 :00-8:0)-Upper Rloomi Bible class I as guest star by the state opera for
meets in Lane hall. Senior night: two months.
CGet Extra Credits at Home-
More than 450 courses in History, Engish, Mathematics, Chemistry,
Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc.,
are given by correspondence. Learn how the credit they yield may
be applied on your college program. Catalog describing courses fully,
furnished on request. Write today.
The nibertitp of (Cbicapo
I ,------

The first world's fair since the San Francisco exposition, and the fi -A in Paris since that for which the
Eiffel Tower was built, is now in pro ;'rcss in the French captial. Only the Uniter States, Germany and China are
not represented with exhibits. A gen ral view of the exhibition grounds. Is shown,


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An Important Message to
The S. S. Kresge Company now operates 270 stores located in the
East and Middle West and is continually adding new stores to the
chain. For these new stores and other vacancies occurring we
require managers. The only way to obtain satisfactory managers is
to engage young men possessing the. necessary qlualities and give
them a practical course of training through the various positions in
our stores.
A young man is placed in the stock room to learn merchandise;
later he is promoted to floor work, where lie assists the manager in
buying of merchandise for the store. It is necessary for him to serve
in most all (departmnents--stock, floor, window trimming and learn
through these positions the general system of organization and the
handling and directing of male help and female salespeople..
The requirements, in addition to a satisfactory education, are:
An excellent moral character, an aptitude for merchandising, must
check up favorably on loyalty, personality, initiative, judgment, enthu-
siasm, observation, action, health, intelligence, industry, executive
ability andi memory.
Applicant must have faith in himself and the proposition such as
to warrant being willing to meet the requirements of the training
period by expecting to study merchandise, organization and store
condluct, working hard and putting in long hours if necessary. The
beginning wage will be small, but will be increased lfirom time to
time as applicant becomes more valuable.
Successful applicants are placed under the direction of compe-
tent managers, and learn our merchandise and store methods in a
practical way by actually doing store work. The training time
required before appointment to store management depends largely
upon the ability demonstrated.
We have to offer in the beginning: Hard work, long hours and
small living wage. This, a great many times, does not appeal to the
average college graduate; but if he shows an inclination to spend
sufficient time in training a very bright future awaits him. Managers
are paid on a commission basis and earn from $3,000 to $15,000 and
above per year. We promise no one a store manager's position in
less than three years, and it may take longer.
The possibility of holding a good position within four or five
years should be considered more seriously than the obtaining of one
paying a higher salary in the beginning with little or no future
If interested and confident that you can qualify, send for appli-
cation blank. We will write ,yol~ further regarding a personal inter-
view. We prefer men between the ages of 22 and 30 years.
Some students may, of necessity, be compelled to accept for
their positions after graduation those paying the highest possible
valaries. If, after trying out such positions, you do not feel satisfied,
we shall be glad to have you write us.
Personnel Department


Summer Neckwear
Foulards and English
Prints in pleasingly dif-
ferent designs. Squares
and diamond patterns
wvith non-wvrinkable lining.
They tie over and over
again. .A varied selec-
lion, $1i to $2.




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