PACE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1925 N0 A R K ET P li GE .-,-.-.. Ii IIO11 You Will Be Rewarded With the Highest Quality Goods at Lowest Prices by Purchasing From Us. THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE FOREMOST MARKETS AND MERCHANTS OF DOMESTIC NECESSITIES IN ANN ARBOR. TO FIND THE VALUE OF SUCH ADVAN- TAGES ONE MUST PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS. YOU WILL APPRECIATE THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MARKET PAGE AFTERSUCH A TRIAL. I Patronize the City Bakery -7 7 Butter, Eggs, Staple Goods Of first importance-you're certain of the quality of the bakery goods which you receive. Secondly, you will value the prompt and courteous service which is always given. FRED HEUSEL CITY BAKERY Poultry and Vegetables Ann Arbor Produce Co. Phones 6467-7464 707 Packard St. STAPLE and FARY MEATS We handle only thc choicest cuts obtainable. Trade with us and you will see for your- self why we have gotten the reputation for quality and service that we now have. A.EA.SGfe w ws- a. W3 Nrhandlolythlosest cusotane. ''rae wit F, -4'. 15c Per Poun 11 A car sisting be so load of strictly fresh fish, cot of four different kinds. [d Friday and Saturday 10 P. M. unt th No deliveries low price. will be made at l I AS~ as {t QUALITY MEATS Shaw Grocery id 206 E. Huron Deal with us and save the middleman's profit. We have the only exclusive fish market in Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor Cut to yer satisfaction Large 30c pkg. ROLLED OATS 25c 3 No. 21-2 CARS PINEAPPLES 90c No. 21-2 CANS 30c Peaches 19c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Phone 7913 Phone 3112 enjoy their visit in Ann Arbor if you 709 Packard St. bring, place them here. There's no better nillillialliguill wk :, . k to eat. Your May Festival guests 106 South Maini Stfeetj 6arbrln3 will doubly .,1 1 Ph one .55 15 f~. Fish 115 West WIvashIington St. flarket '04e 7 . ,t i. I , . , . ;.. = :: i« i......"J. ,/%.rl/,.. '...'r.d .P.. . " +. ,.." .--.. Famous ButterIb.4c_ PONN 3 Large loaves ARBOR BREAD 2- c HambrgeaorPorkSausage 2o 35c I We always everything. O stand for the best in Short Rib Beef 1b.,9C fl VEAL BRISKET for Stuffing lb. l c ur customers will guar- antee our goods. e Give u our goods s a trial. The quality of will assure your steady patronage. ROBERT A. STOLL each 25c Fancy large Pineapple . $2.50 0lice Open Till 10 O'clock FRIDAY Deliver to All Parts of thec ity MKm bn GR Y MARKET and GROCERY Phone 22326 1028 East University #2 -CaeS Cookiest Our superior baking facili- ties make it possible for us to give you the very best in all BAKED GOODS. Washinlgtoll I Bakery 213 East Washington St. Phone 8211 Fresh Salt and ! Smoked Sof all kinds IT Wa s h Ingon Gownelceffellt Day your friends and relatives are your guests, you will want to treat them to the best a weets. ring them to the 4Sugar Bow, where ty rc suanretesaey our g surc and 10 ouwMwant Phoa mtem 2144t DRINK! DRINK! DRINK! For joy rules the day when you cometo Sweetland Always the freshest candy, Tat g-ood old-fashioned taste; Come spend the day in Sweetland The timne you never waste. Sweet land. 530 Forest Ave. Phone 4251 9 To please your spring taste, our week-end specials- Il My Prescription for Health? MORE MILK Milk, consistently used, builds health and puts vigor in the frailest body- colors pale cheeks, revitalizes wasted FRESH STRAW- BERRY, VANILLA 1"I AND FRESH PINEAPPLE Order Now Dial 4101 Ann Arbor Dairy Co. nerves. Milk was your first food. It is still your best food. Drink more bottled milk at meal time and between meals, too. We deliver rich, health-giving milk I to all parts of the city. You are always sure of getting what you pay for. Clean- est dairy methods-prompt and cour- teous service. .% A - , d U Ar . - - 11 '21'7 49,mith Mai t