DEDICATED TO JUSTICE oof 4by t i aiij MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 173 EIGHT PAG1q ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1925 PRICE FIVE CENTh EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS . -------° ERL Of ILLINOIS flFFFAI, .IFRflMF Development Of Graduate Law Study Is Urged By Dean Bates In Annual Report To President; i 3 s evelopment of graduate study in which was perhaps te chief staple TEN(NIaw SNG LErged" by Dean Henry M. Bates of higher learnig in Europe all othe Law school in his annual re-j through the middle ages and well into port to the President of the Univer- modern times, need scarcely he called sity. Graduate work should be so or- upon to justify its claim to be con- MICHIGAN IS ABLE TO TAKE ganized and have such content as to sidered among the cultural, as well as FOUR OTHER MATCHES be of use to students contemplating among the useful, branches of learn- WITH EASE thle teaching of law and legal scholar- I(ing. ship as a career is the opinion of the "Art, literature, and philosophy can DOU LESDE ATULTED Dean. be taught with the cultural element DOUBLES Saccess in developing graduate practically eliminated. Perhaps this ! work in the Law school depends upon was the case with legal education, Goldstein Defeated by Butler Netman; the availability of a few fellowships until quite recently, but it was wholly Tomorrow's Play Will Close and scholarships, the Dean states in unnecessary. A subject which has his report. The University has never been not only in the curricula of lead- gnournamete fellowships or scholarshs ing universities for centuries, but to those interested in advanced study which is so rich in what it reveals of Chicago, May 21.-(By A. P.)- in law. history, politics, economics, and of the Favorites won with little trouble in "For many years this discrimina-1 nature ofathebhuman being and human today's play at the western inter- tion against legal education was per- society can be made as cultural as collegiate tennis tournament. at the haps justified, because until within aI any other subject. It is my belief Jnivrsiy o Chcagowit bu on few decades law was taught dogma-! that the better law schools today have Jniversity of Chicago with but one ,fully vindicated the old claims of law ~xcetio. Ths cme n th seondtically and purely for utilitarian pur- exception. This came in the second p oses," the report states. "Today le- to high rank in any institution of round when Earl of Illinois, defeated gal education has its cultural content learning," Dean Bates asserts in his Jerome of Michigan, one of the best quite as demonstrably and as fully as report. players in the western conference. does any other subject. A subject l (Continued on Page 3) Each Big Ten school has a team en- tered and three schools outside the" conference are represented. Plays today was in the first, second, and' part of the third round of singles, and the first part of the second round of doubles. The tournament will 9 UN O T NIH F RM O. G T continue tomorrow and Saturday. The Michigan team results are: Ted Weem's Oriole Orchestra, Charlie Yearlings to Meet at Masonic Temple Kurgrock, Butler, beat Goldstein, Wolcott's Wolverines, Will For Annual Spring Dance Michigan, 6-3, 6-1. Crane, Michigan, { Furnish Music At 9:00 O'Clock' defeated Curran, Wisconsin, 6-2, 6-3. Vose, Michigan defeated Geisel, Wis-l DECORATE WITH PLANTS RHODES WILL PLAY j cousin, 6-3, 6-4. Earl, Illinois, beat - Jerome, Michigan 1-6, 6-2, 6-3. Krick- Ted Weems' Oriole Terrace orches- Members, of the class of 1928 will baum, Michigan,defeated Collins, gather at 9:00 o'clock tonight at the Michin, -I tra of Detroit and Charlie Wolcott's Masonic temple for their informal Northwestern, 7-5, 5-7, 6-3. Krick- baum and Vose, Michigan beat Miller Wolverines of this city will usher in spring party. This will be the first and Geisel of Wisconsin, defalt. the outstanding social event of the time that such an affair has been Second Round, Doubles - Jerome class of 1925 tonight when the Senior given by the freshman class. Tphe and Crane, Michigan, beat Hunter and Ball is opened in the Union ballroom number of guests is strictly limited Stahl, Chicago, 6-3, 6-3. Haley and , to 300 couples. Tickets are now on Denny, Wabash, beat Krickbaum and at 10:00 o'clock. The committee has sale for the general public at the Un- Vose, Michigan, 10-8, 6-4. finished its extensive preparations ion. The sale will close at 5 o'clock TIBBETT WILL SINGI 'TONIGHT AT FOURTH, FESTIVLONER LORETTA DEGNAN WILL APPEAR AT CONCERT THIS AFTERNOON SYMPHONY TO PLAY New Baritone to Render Fords' Fal- staff Which Won HIm Ovation In New York Two concerts, the third and fourth in the May Festival series, will be given at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon and at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill aud- itorium. The soloist for the first performance is Loretta Degnan, contralto, who will be assisted by thej [Chicago Symphony orchestra, under Frederick Stock, and by the Chil- drens' Festival chorus, under J. E. Maddy. At the second performance tonight, Ann Arbor music patrons will have their first opportunity to hear Lawrence Tibbet, the young American baritone recently "discov- I ered" by the Metropolitan Opera com- It Is Far From Easy For An American At The Metropolitan Says Lawrence Tibbett, Baritone By Robert HendersonI in "Tosca," the liquid beauty of "Pe- Hle talked of Mary Garden who had I leas and Melisande," the genius of the been so superb, and of Jeritza with new director at the Metropolitan. her odd methods for publicityd He There had just been a story circulated was Lawrence Tibbett, the ingenue through the scandal press to the ef- and juvenile of the Metropolitan, feet that Tibbett was the abused thick-set and American, with a face young American of the organization, that was mobile rather than hand- bound by a sixty-dollar-a-week con- soe -etlkdo i.rpror trac t nti ^Z, --.1n aramny i4 some. He talked of his repertoire; next year: the father in "Traviata," the baritone lead in de Falla's' "La Vida Breve," in Ravel's "L'Heure Espagino'-"very modern and very naughty, but New York understands French!" He had started to become an actor before he turned to music; he has a theory on the importance of the dra- matic fHaire in singing, the necessity of precise diction and the grand man- ner. He carries a cane and wears a sand and brown handkerchief; his voice is velvet with the artist's rolled r's. , His conversation is easy and repor- torial, turning on the Gigli sensation tract until 2927, with a family in straightened circumstances on the west coast. The authorities had im- mediately denied the rumor. Tibbett referred the reporters to his man- ager: it is not easy for an American at the Metropolitan . .,;. There had been still another story that he had just moved from a flat to a Fifth avenue palace. That, too, was something to sigh over: it is not easy for an American at the Metropolitan. There were other questions: of the new Rachmaninoff symphony that was being rehearsed, of Mr. Stock, of the auditorium's acoustics; finally there was the question of baseball; when was the game called? i i s r , ., , pany, and who prior to his engage- ment by that organization was prac- lically an unknown artist. Numbers of special note on the af-E ternoon program are the aria "Ah!T mon fils," from Meyerbeer's "Le1 A review of the first concert 1 I of the May Festival will be t found in the Music and Drama 1 column. Sphinx, Triangles Neophytes Suffer Initiation tIc rrors1 Ten members of the junior engine-C ering class scrubbed their way into Triangles, honor junior engineering sodiety, yesterday afternoon and were officially initiated into the order at a banquet last night in the Union. 1 The 4engineering arch was the scene of the scrubbing; as it received its semi-annual cleaning at the hands of the neophytes, who thus demonstrated their ability and worth of membership in the ancient organization. Those initiated into the society yes- terday are I. W. and W. A. Kuenzel, J. H. Lovette, K. McIntyre, T. King, J. L. Buell, R. C. Baker, W. E. Ber- ger, C. W: Stanley, and H. R. Ohl- heiser. While these events were transpir- ing, the mighty organization of Sphinx was unfolding its secrets to, ten members of the junior literary class who proved worthy by a long, weary journey down the river Nile.i Many trials and tribulations were un- dergone in the duration of the peril- ous journey, but at last the men reached their destination. The men who entered the portals of the mighty organization, having proved their right to do so by passing through the initiation rites, are: P. 1A Northrup, V. Domhoff, E. D. Line, T. D. Olnstead, W. F. Graham, W. C. Patterson, F. S. Glover, S. C. Crighton, T. R. Hornberger, and F. E. Ii I. for the annual senior affair with the members expressing confidence that this year's ball will be another decid- ed success in all respects. Three tl r hundred couples will attend., Attractive Japanese lanterns have been strung in artistic fashion on theI porch, and in the reception room and along the hallways. The ballroom is a maze of floral decorations Palms, ferns, and plants have vir- tually transformed its appearance. The chaperone's platform and orches- tra booths at either end of the room1 have been tastefully decorated. Am- ber lights, giving off a deep yellow glow, wll be used over the orchestras, as a part of the special lighting sys- tem which has been installed. Dancing will be continuous from 10 o'clock until 2:30. Special fruit punch, cakes and wafers will be served from three different tables throughout the evening. Programs and favors were distrib- uted at the Union yesterday after- noon. Extra programs may be ob- tained at the, door tonight from 9:30 until 10 o'clock at the price of one dollar. There will be no grand march this, year owing to the fact that the dance will not start until later than usual. Tuxedos will be worn. The committee which has under- taken all of the arrangement for to- night's ball is as follows: Mark B. Duffield, '25, chairman; E. M. Graves, j '25E, W. W. Kerr, '25E, C. W. Merri- this afternoon. COWLES, TIOUWI SENIOR j To ATTEND FROSH PARTY By Mr. Jason Cowles Jason Cowles, '25, president of the local chapter of Deni- zens national honorary humor fraternity, when interviewed at a late hour last night, declared his intention of attending the Freshman Spring party (infor- ial) in preference to the Sen- ior ball, although he expects to l E j f it ' i I 1 s Phophete," by Miss Degnan, a harp ensembel performance of "Angulus" from the Massenet-Maddy "Scenes Pittoresque," and the Childrens' chorus performance of Edgar Still- man Kelly's suite, "Alice In Wonder- land." Prominent among the orchestral numbers in the evening concert are l the Brahms Symphony, No. 3, F ma- jor, Opus 90, and Deems Taylor's suite, "Through the Looking Glass." The latter composition has been chosen to represent American com- posers in the Festival. Mr. Tibbet will sing three num- bers: the aria, "Eri Tu" from Verdi's "Un Ballo in Maschera, "Vision Fug-I itive" from Massenet's "Herodaide," and Ford's "Monologue" from "Fal- staff." On the latter aria, the per- formance which elicited Mr. Tibbet a fifteen minute ovation at the Metro- politan last winter, the Festival li-' graduate in June. "The yearlings gave me a pass while the Seniors did not," explained Cowles with a smile. ABOT WILL ISIT EUO ROETHIS JUNE an of Medical School Plans Tour of British Isles to Attend Doctors Meetings. TO SPEAK IN CITIES Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical :hool will leave Ann Arbor Monday, ay 25, for a 45 day trip during which will visit England, Scotland, Ire- nd, and the western coast of the nited States, it was announced yes- rday. Dean Cabot will receive the L.D degree from Queens' university, elfast, Ireland, on June 13. Dean Cabot will leave New York ty Wednesday, May 27, on the steam- ip "Berengaria," riv in Eng- nid on June 1. He will attend al ries of postgraduate medical meet- gs of American and English doctors t London, Liverpool, Dublin, and elfast, delivering addresses on sev- ral occasions. On June 13 he will be resented with his L.L D. degree at nueens' university. Sailing from Queenstown on June 4 for New York, he will leave upon is arrival for the west coast, per- aps spending several hours in Ann rbor on June 22. His first stop on e coast will be at Portland, Ore., here he will give a series of lectures t the postgraduate meeting of the 'orthwestern Medical association rom June 27 to 30. From July 1 to 3 ie will deliver three addresses at ancouver, Wash., under the auspices f the Vancouver Medical association. On account of this engagement on he Coast, Dean Cabot was forced to 'efuse an offer to take the clinic of ;ir Hobart Waring, chief surgeon in lartholemew's hospital, London, fo :he last two weeks in June. After he has finished this trip, Dean Cabot will have completed approxi- nately 24,000 miles of traveling dur ng this year. This will make his sec ond journey to the coast this year, a he visited Denver last January. Chimes Cover Has Design Done With Latest Processes Distinguished by a new idea i cover llustrations, Chimes makes it appearance on the campus today fo the last time with the May issue The cover is reproduced by an entire ly new process in cover reproductio and represents the first attempt o any Michigan magazine to use thi process. Engravings are done awa with, and the printing is accomplishe with prepared oils run through sil screens in a press, a screen for evert color, The effect is that of Bati work, and the machine-process pr duces a reprint in oils most faith fully. Other features of the issue includ an article by Dean Mortimer E. Cook entitled, "Obligations, Political an Social ;" a continuation of- the Ati dents' search for the ideal church; a article by Philip C. Pack, '18, on "TI Era of the Glittering Vest," whi deals with the situation of overcrow ed organizations at universities; a an article on the art work of Alv Lionel Of OXFORD LECTURER WILL TALK HERE HAS WIDE EXPERIENCE Opening the program of special lec- tures which are planned for the Sum-, mer session, Lionel Curtis, a fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford, and lec- t-,rer on Colonial history in New Col- lege, Oxford, wll speak in Ann Arbor June 20. Mr. Curtis, who this sum- mer will be the British representative at the Political Science Conference at Williamstown, was appointed spec- ial lecturer to the Summer sesson through the efforts of Prof. C. H. Van Tyne of the history department. Mr. Curtis, editor of the Round Table magazine, was educated at New College, Oxford, and served in the South African war where he exer- cised great influence in bringing to- gether the better factions in South African influence, making possible the South African Union. He sug gested some of the compromises and political devices which allowed th organization of the Union. Later, he and other members of the Roun Table planned the Government of In dia Act of 1919; and as secretary in the colonial office, he aided consider ably in settling the arrangement wit] the Irish Free State through which the present relations between Eng land and Ireland were established. During Mr. Curtis many years i r public life, he has held many posl tons, having been town clerk of Jo hannesburg, assistant colonial se retary to the Transvaal for local gov - ernment, member of the Transvaa legislative council, secretary to th s Irish conference in 1921, and adviso on Irish affairs in the colonial offic n 1921-'24. He is also the authoro several books. Enroute to the political scien conference at Williamstown, M s Curtis will come directly to Ann A' bor. The subject of his lecture ha n not yet been announced. At presen sJ M. Curtis' home is at Hales Crol r Kidlington, near Oxford. e. "f FOREST FIRS DAMAGE s y id LRGE PATS OF STAT .y Lansins, May 21, (By A. P.)-O ik of the most severe losses just report o- ed to the State conservation depar h- ment as a result of forest fires whi Curtis to hive First Number Special Summer Program On Juine 20 SCHOOL 0O STAS WILL COMPETE IIN TRACK MEET TODAY FIVE STATES REPRESENTED IN TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL EVENT RECORDS EXPECTED Iowa, Illinois, and Detroit Schools Are Favorites For Winner .Of Two-Day Meet Three hundred and sixty-five ath- letes, representing 47 high schools of five states will compete in the twenty- fifth annual interscholastic track meet to be held today and tomorrow on Ferry field. The preliminary trials will start at two o'clock thi afternoon. Washington High, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, winner of the meet held last year, will again be represented by a large aggregation of prep stars. Northwestern High of Detroit, holder of the indoor interscholastic champ- ionship, will be represented by a strong and well balanced team, and is conceded to be one of the favorites. Danville, who tied for premier hon- ors in the Illinois state meet last week, brings an exceedingly strong team' of stars, and is expected to vie strongly for first honors. Both national and state high school track records will be seriously threatened by one of thelargest and greatest fields to compete in the out- door track classic. New track rec- ords were scarce in the meet last year on account of the inclement weather. If the present weather con- tinues to prevail for the two day meet, the old marks seem doomed to be broken, and new ones established. Hamm, of Lonoke, Arkansas, one of the greatest high school track men in the country, will strive to break his own national broad jump - record of 24 feet 2 2-8 inches. The - Arkansas star has been credited with a distance of 25 feet 6 inches in three e practice trials. - The hundred yard dash draws one d of the largest entries of the meet. e With Moss, of Northwestern High, e Detroit; Tolan, of Cass Tech, Detroit; d Blocker, of Ann Arbor; Stamats,, of - Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and Hamm, of n Arkansas; all being able to cover the - distLnce in 10 1-10 seconds, this race h promises to be one of the features of h the meet. Carlson of Detroit Northwestern, who won the shot put event in the :n indoor interscholastic meet, will I- again try to take first honors in - his favorite event. Wilson of Ann - Arbor, Barrett of Lansing, Ruben- r- dums of Danville, Illinois, are all al capable of putting the shot around e 46- feet, and will offer the Detroit 4 J Programs in the form of a block 'F", balloons and other souvenirs will be given out during the evening, and punch and cakes will be served, according to Thomas Winter, '28, chairman of the committee in charge. Ted Rhoades' orchestra of' 7 pieces will furnish the music, and the decorations, which will be most- ly 'floral, will be supplied by the Van- derbilt Floral Co. There will be a fountain on the platform, as well as banks of flowers, and various palms around the floor. The ceiling will be decorated with large balloons. The unusual lighting effects of the Temple will be augmented by several' spotlights which will play on the dancers from various points in the room. The affair will be strictly informal, and will start at 9 and last until 1 o'clock. The price of tickets is $2 per couple. Those who desire to purch'ase them are urged to do so at once, as the number of tickets still available is very small. GERMAN PROFESSOR WILL GIVE LECTURE 6N A P ES man, Jr., '25E, J. H. Prentiss, Jr., '25, New York, .N Y.-May 21.-Statist-. J J. Trudell, '25, W. H. Stoneman, ics from Columbia university show that college enrollments annually in-y '25, Miss Alice Powell, '25, and Miss crease 6 1-2 _ er cent more than theG Trowbridge, increase in population. IJackson Will Ourteath r ran HOld 75 Mile Grind Sunday Jackson, Mich., May 21.--Entries are pouring in rapidly for the 75 mile I auto race at the fair grounds track Sunday afternoon. Indications are that when the entries close Thursday' Expects continued fair weather I night there will be 20 cars named for; with some fall In temperature. the elimination trials. Gates to the speedway will open at 18 o'clock in the morning and the trials will start at 10 o'clock. The big race starts at 3 o'clock and there is every CONCENTRATED indication of a great crowd. Seat reservations have been received from Flint where Howard Taylor the 1923 Effrt.vtoInsell or to buy state champion lives and which city >retto comments as follows: "In Ver- !" i's Falstaff, we find almost an anti-C hesis of the methods in operaticn writing in style of melodic expression i that characterize the other works byo the Italian master....The ideal of I roviding a dazzling vehicle for vo- cal display has given way to a desire :o bring the music and the text into closer and more subtle accord. The orchestral portion is no longer a mere harmonic web; it assumes an important role in intensifying the meanings of the words and melodies."c Although trained entirely in Amer-I ica, Mr. Tibbet has had the benefitt of some of the best instruction that Europe has to offer. He is a native of California. Reservations for the concert to- night will be provided for the visiting athletes who are to participate in the Interscholastic meets here. Banquet Held By Members Of Band The passing of another year of band activities was commemorated at the twelfth annual banquet of the Varsity band held last night at the Union. Prof. Ralph Aigler of the Law school, commended the band on its work during the past year, and spoke of it as one of the centers of affection of college life. Robert A. Campbell, speaking as faculty man- I ager told of the benefits derived from the friendships the band affords. Quentin M. Kline, '26L, spoke as re- tiring president, and Theodore C. Schneirla, grad, persident-elect, spoke T ce of ce r. as nt ft, 'I rt- ch star some keen competition. Olmstead, of Victoria, Illinois, present national interscholastic high jump champion, may be forced to bet- ter his mark of 6 feet 1 inch in order to win first place from a field in- cluding such stars as Whitlock of Danville, Beasley of Harvey, Illinois, who have cleared the bar at 6 feet. A fast aggregation of prep track- men haveentered in the mile run, which is expected to prove a close race. Potter of Coldwater, holder of the state record and one of the best milers in the West, has covered the distance in 4:33 minutes. Howrey, star distance man of the Danville ag- gregation, has made the exceedingly fast time of 4:29 2-5 minutes on one occasion this season. The preliminary trials will be open l '1 h i T' t) 3'', B Y t z 3 Y Profesosr Wolfgarr Koehler, pro- fessor of Philosophy at the Univer- sity of Berlin, will deliver a lecture on "The Behavior of Apes," Monday at 4:15 o'clock in the Natural Science auditorium. Prof Koehler is a well- , known authority on his subject and l lhas published several books in Ger- man. He spent the years 1913 to 1917 studying the intelligence of apes I at Anthropoid Station in Tenerife. e are sweeping the upper peninsula as to the public without an admission de well as the northern part of the low- charge. nd en peninsula of Michigan, occurred I uI Wednesday. Adispatchreceived this anI afternoon by John Baird, head con-Be he servation commissioner, states thatz Scores ch a lumber camp of the Humphrey and i d Watson company was destroyed, andA L nd 800,000 feet of logs belonging to the BoNATIOiAL LEAGUE in Brooklyn 5, Chicago 4. p- Plass lumber company were burned Boston 12, St. Louis 3. es. in a fire which raged in Iron county Philadelphia 9, Cincinnati 1. ty j practically unchecked. No toss of New York 5, Pittsburgh 4. life was mentioned in the message. t Atlanta, county seat of Montmor- W A ER CA LEAGUE Washington 6, Detroit 2. 'ency county, was still menaced by Boston 9, Chicago 7. Wolfson, '25L, whose covers have a peared on previous issues of Chime A full page of pictures of Varsi baseball stars is also included. ( ANNOUNCEMENT I