I THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1925 T E MCIA THE MICHIGAN DAILY U1THIS SSf l T_ DN LASSIFES1 COSES AT 3 P.M.! ADVER2TISING AT 3 PM FOR -SALE FOR SALE-Microsdope, Bausch . Lamb), with case. Reasonable offer considered. Box 2. TYPE IIRITERS Gets Afir ,Command NO (TIC% The following boxes have several relties. Please call for them b~efore they are discardedl. TYPEXVRI'PEFRS Splendid machines.: FOR RN Best makes for rent or for .gale. RENT HAMILTO CN BUSINESS COLLEGE FOR RENT-Rooms and garage for Phone 7813. isummer school at 527 Packard, - near Thompson. Tel. 8994. WVANTEI)Thesis to type. Myma V. _______________________________ Hartsuff, 9387. "! .l i 5-DOOM ~iapt. witn bathi andi heatL, vaI i Box Nos. 67, 75, 93, 107, 112 and catJn1.anbhdatvr 113 reasonable rental for summer Our moderate prices make it possible school if !desired. Prefer tenant for all to have FRESH 1HOME' for entire year. Inquire at 633 - ~ GROWN FLOWERS. Church St. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CGO. I FOR RENT-A cozy suite for the 122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 for the summer, between campusI MARTHA A W'ASI11N(a'I'ONV CAND)Y and hospitals. Dial 8842. Fresh every Friday. Tice's, 119 E.FO Nrom rtle funsd Liberty. uuse, southeast section with six Rheads Hou01seho4ld Packing Co. rooms, bath and singl~e garage for Moving-Packing-Storage summner only. Dial 3568. Call us for long distance inoving.1 Loads insured. I ship to all points. FOR SAFE 526 Detroit St., Phone 3515. -------FOR SALE-Willys.Knighit tourng- l iOES REPAIRED) WHILE YOU excellent running order, 5i good faAI I tires, new.,battery, $50A4). Must go 0. G. ANDRES to camp. Need caish, call Welch 22 St. SAT SRET4618. For Typewriter Repairing aull makes)I Dealer .in ~Voodstock typewriters, Standard and Portable adding mua- chnines. llA .,nArbor ''y pewrlter 1Exchaange ILOS"' --"lack leather note-book, Fri- (lay, A. M\., room 3003 A. ,11. aud- U. 11. ,Return to .'Ensian ,Business offce. LOST-Large notebook, last Friday: I ;nitials B. A. T. on front. Reward. Cahll 1851 ask ;for Tyndall, 413 S. Division. LO ST-Phi U ammna Delta fraternity pin. Owners~ name on back. Please Education Club .Elects officers Eleci ion of officers for netxt yeari was held at they last meeting of the Woen's Physical Euaincu yes- terday in Barbour gymnasium. Thie., are . Etruria Roster, '27. president; ;Gladys asteott, '26, vice-president;, Martha Gill. '26. secrat-avy; and Sat al !Bonine, '28, treasurer. They will tape J , i c e im m e dl i a t e l y . 0 1 E I ~VAR'IET'Y OF POMI'rIEiNM (Continued fromt Page Five) train wreck where people's bodies are i 1ei g. picked up in b)askets.,,' To which she retored, "But you send I voflinil nurses to p~ick them up." The remuneration of reporters is a1 j disadvantage, as they are the most pKypaid in the, profession. Be- tinners get fronm $20 to $25 a week. Sp~eciazl reporters and~ correspondents !-for large papers are well paiI, but er3it takes perseverance to reach that v1position. lBethl vale SI4GM1A DELT A P11ll",'OlIOIIlTTY :president, Minna Miller, '27; corres- !INIT A't'ES 1+:IH T 11-031E\N lpondling secretaryi, Constance Clarke, i ,< or dig secretary, Lillian Bronson; (Continued from Page Five) sc:'al chairman, Phyllis Loughton, Officers for1 the niew year were; and marshall, Elizabeth Strauss, '26. elected as follows: Ipesident, Eliza- Vs Iken ibiurgh. '26; dice- ,r EAI) THE ?CLASSIFIED) ADS, Col. 'lBenjamin Poulois, organize LIBRETTOS for the May Festival are OlSL ii inwt ae return. Cl 11 FRnow on sale at the following and violin with case. Purdy 2035 { E1AU1IY -SIIOPPES places, University Music house,, Ingalls 5638. _ 1 l aetCvn and Marvellin~g Allmendinger Music House, Stoff- -Pe ..e .avn le ioo.SoWars raham's FOR SALE-Two patrons tickets for MACK AND CO. SMater's, Students Supply Store, May Festival, main floor. Good 3rd Floor Main St. Schaperle & Sons Music House, _seats.______Call_______26._I IAiJ IRD h~-IAIR SHOP1' .1 ~ ,~1 ~ ~TU 1T3T A )1, F~ fiilr i ania lt~* airs" co lilnUU I une ir ,slurv"' -. ice of the A. F. F.,. is now command- ant of the Mitchell field. L. I., N. Y.1 of Thursday andl Saturday, May 21 lHe succ'eeds Maj. William N. Hensley. j and 2.3, fronm 9 to 12 o'clock, andl Fri - : cday, May 22, from, 9 to 10 o'clock. " Attendance at. the exhibition since Et end Exhbition its opening on May 5, totals more ThrugtFshanl 1,900, accoring to thereodj - I of the visitors were students, many of May Festival visitors will he given; whom have visited the gallery several the opportunity to view the interna- times. tional exhibition of modlern paintings t fHonolulu, May 20.-Appointment of now on disnhnvy in te west gatllerv of u ,.,, . ., ana urinneit Bromers. I ATTENTION STUDBENTS We clean and block hats of all kinds with the latest of equipment at the lowest of prices. 15 years of e: - perinece will guarantee our work. We also (10 shoe repairing of high- est quality. THEFRWA SII EIWEO S 51101' 1[16 E. - W1181InlgOnIISt;. Rl 7373:ij COLLEGE LA)Y-We have a few openings for studlents for summer work; satisfying fronm standpointi of (duties andl sealary; inust be willing to work andI study. Write Dept. "B", Park Avenue Bldg., De- tro it. 1VAIT~IT TAILORS A TAILOR-MRADE s UIT Will satisfy your taste, and fit you best. ILD TIHE 'TAILOR 113 South Main St. FOR61 SALE-Wash tenaw District, I six room house, hard wood floors, fire .place,, good closets,: good heat- ing system, newly painted and dec- orated,. garage, .location 523 Lindent St., near Angell School and conven- ient to University. Terms. DialI owner 3291. FOR SALE-Harley-David son motor- cycle and side car, good condition.j Price $50.00, 1125 Michigan Ave., phone 22165.1 f1I+OR SALE--Three May FestivalC tickets 1st balcony, best seats, for any concert. Phone :4372. FOR SALE-Ford in Al condition, goodl tires. Will sell at a sacrifice. Call Gin, Dial 4418. I FOR SALE-Corona Portable type- writer in excellent condition. Phone 4607, 1223 Volland. JFOR SALE-12 room house suitable for fraternity or sorority, near Hill DIMAT'TIA BEAUTY SHOP ofes j Alumni Memorial hall, by arrange- soft, water shampoos, especial at-{ meat of special open hours during] tention for curly hair. Hair cut- the remainder of this week. The ad- ting and waving by expert opera-! ditional hours of exhibition were ar- tors. Phone 8878. rangedl by -the Ann Arbor Art associa- REWARID visiting the city for the annual May $: 54M.00 REW'rARD!!! Festival, might attend the exhibitionl $50000 cn beeared b colegewithout conflicting with the hours of1 men selling Fuller Brushes thissceudcoer. summer. Begin collecting at once by The gallery will be open to the pub-I getting p a r t i c u l a r s fronm M. V. lic every afternoon for the remain,]- fleaphy, 917 Mary St. Phone 3521. i er of the week between 1:30 and 51 o'clock except on Sunday when the, ________________________________ -visiting hours will be from 2 until 5 Io'clock. Thursday evening the open NOTICE hours will be 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock. In adldition to the foregoing periods, the Second senmester freshmen gallery will be open on the mornings whose nmarks for the first Yang Chaiha, a Korean, as Japanese vice-counsel for special duties among Koreans of Hawaii has aroused greatr indlignation in the Korean colony here. IPatronize Daily Advertisers - if pays.-A dd.C Dancing,~ 15---Hour Class Lessons, $5.00. Free Dancing 8:30 to 10 P.M.r ENROLL NOW Class every Monday and Friday at 7:30 Private Legssons Daily, .10'.A. M. to 10P.M ,TERRACE GARIDEN DPNCI. 22 Wtiuertli Arcade Phone 8,328 THE -'PERSONALITY PLUS", ELvident in Ruby Shoes Hlas Always Been An OU TTANDINC No exceptions are found in this season's sh-owing. B~oth dress models and the new sport lasts ably uphold the of Ruby. name i } sem ester were on "C" grade or better are eligible to try out for positions on the lower Busipiess Staff of the 1926 Michiganen-I Ssiani. Applications should be made in person at the Press building any afternoon this week betweenI 2 and 3 o'clock. II F. M. PHELPS, Jr. Business AManager.I Get Extra Credits at Home- More than 450 courses in History, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc., are given lby correspondence. Learn how the credit they yield may be applied on your college program. Catalog describing courses fully, furnished on request. Write today. The !Rubiberzitp' of Ch~icagso 95 ELLIS BALL CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ,Atfied j/RUBy, Inc. I2 NICKLES ARCADE EXPERIE.NCED cook desires posi-I tion in fraternity. Call 21542 be- tween 2 and 4 o'clock. St-, includes furniture, silverware, dishes, etc. $1000 dlown, :150 p~er m n h e of a , 7 9 E s University ave. Phone 70783. 1 _.icago i Detroit WIANT D1-Student batrber for sun fier'. Apply at Simrch street Ba bietr shop. Call at 607 Church St. WANTED-College woman Ifor sui mnen work; valuable business e perience, splendid oppor'tunit Box 115. { WANTED - Chimney and furna cleanting. 30 dlays cut rate. Pri $3.50, work guaranteed. Pho 22388. mn- YOUR EARNING POWER Let us coder it you. for W~e pay (lentl, Old ability. 'in event of ge, or ils- tty. . ICA NOElo ,ice- mne LUNCHES . "GIVE ZEST TO THE OUTING" - SOur Special Lunch= SChicken Sandwiches, Ham Sandwiches, Bananas, Oranges,_ EPickles or Olives, Grape juice or Ginger Ale, Sweet Wafers. Phn Phonel E for 9P17for Yours 709 N. University Yours ;fil 111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~lII 1111111111111111 liiiIlI1 11111111111 1111 111111111111Ii' PLACE YOUR ORDER FY for- . Personal Engraved Cards Now- I - r 100 Cards and Plate (Script) $2.75 100 Cards and Plate (Solid Old English) $4.00_ != 100 Cards and Plate (Block) $4.00 100 Cards and Plate (Shaded Old English) $5.00 I-I tsubscrib-c f2or the 1mu11ier No vv Subscriptions may now be Aar' m I y Tourist Class to EUROPE $155 ;p . "Take your own crowd with you. Special Tour- ist Third Class Accommodations on the fatmous "0" steamers, reserved for students, teachers, artists, tourists. Congenial compan- ioans, good food, comfortable airy staterooms, croad promenade decks and spacious public rooms. Conducted or independent University Tours with extensive itinerary at inclusive rates. Special Educational Tour, under auspices of New York University, personally conducted- b Dean James E. Lough , Sai lng on OHIO -' July 2nd Weekly Sailings by OHIO, ORCA, ORBITA, ORDUNA to taken out for the summer edition of the Mich- igan Daily. This paper 181 published contains every day but Monday, and all of the University announcements just as the regular Daily does. i I fl,I-bA ~£~IM'~l lC U.,It-n;gvn tl flil i