THURSDAY MAY 21, 19:'-
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Defeats Reds
11od1ger Sund Confident After 'Wi Darold Steele's Blue eleven won its
Over Nwrthwestern, Chicago second victory in as many days yes-
and Ohio State trday afternoon at South Ferry field'
- - jwhen it defeated Edliffe Slaughter's
:TEAM WELL BALANCED Red team by a 7-0 score.
Slaughter's squad won the toss and
Madison, Wis., May 20.-Inspired chose to kick off. Lonsberry kicked
zby their victory over Ohio State, off to Garber who made a pretty re-
chicago, and Northwestern in a quad- or hae
rangular meet held Saturday in Chi- turn to the 35 yard line. On the next
cago, Coach Jones' Cardinal trackmen play Garber tore off left tackle for a
went through one of the fastest praC- first down on the 46 yard line. Two
tices held this season today in prep- 'in plays made nine yards, and Gar-
aration for the Michigan meet at Ann ° her took it through the line for a
Akbor, May 29. first down in the Reds territory. Web-
Coach Jones' men have been point- er failed in an attempt at the line,
ing to the Michigan meet all year, in but Garber passed to Miller for an-
other first down on the 25 yard line.
an effort to lie in the best of condi- Here the Reds tightened and the
tion to avenge their close defeat in Blues lost an excellent chance for a
the Conference indoor meet which touchdown when they were unable to
the Wolverines won by the scant I make the required distance in four
margin of 1 1-2 points. Since both tries.
Wisconsin and Michigan hold victor- The Blues lone touchdown came
ies over the Buckeye track squad, the soon after. When they were unable
meet at Ann Arbor will 'largely indi- to. gain at the line or around thd
cate the possible outcome of the Con- ends, Garber of the Reds punted to
ference outdoor meet to be held June Babcock in mid-field. On a pass
5 at Columbus. from Garber, Babcock sprinted for a
Wisconsin will send a well bal- touchdown but stepped offside on his
anced squad to the Michigan meet, j trip to the goal. The Blues were giv-
but will rely mainly on the perform- en the;ball on the 20 yard line. Two
ances of Schwarze, the giant weight Iattempts by Weber at the center of
man, and the three "Macs," 'Andrews, the line failed, and then Garber made
'Gin nis and 'Giveran. ." 9 yards when he was unable to find a
Schwarze is counted on to take at receiver for a pass. Garber plunged
least ten points by winning the shot .through for a first down on the six
put, and the discus throw. The Car- yard line op the next. play, and Miller
dinal giant has shown prowess at added a yard through the same hole.
[Miller however lost three yards on an
throwing the h ammer and is l;ikely to ~" ~~"""'
New York Pilot Worried Over Team
EHEOSATOAF Self In Mwck 's
Bargain DeaA
E -fiith Inter ischolastic et "Lefty" Groves, the' young pitcher Philadelpia Strengtlened by Young
for whom Connie Mack paid $105,000 PicliiSlfrESltwrt'ojnplele
-trals, Retortl Number of l:iching Staff !holFS Complete
in cold cash aind players, has so far eversal of Form
Athiletes (.his season proved more or less of a Ieeslo oi
- -"flop". i- w
NY STARS ENTER ED The young left hander has not won 'AIED BY HARD HITTING
a single game which has started.
t minute entries which were hen there is Sam Gray for % hon I In past years a cry has been heard
Connie Mack paid $4000 and who is each season pertaining to the come
ed at the field house yest eday at resent leading the Anmerican lea- k of the
back o teAthletics. Connie Mack:,
swelled the ntiumber of tcam 1 gue pitchers. Fate some would call former idol of World Series fans, has
d in Michigan's twenty-fifth pit . But if it is fate, then fate more at last come into his own and is
cholastic track and field meet or'less repeats itself. Some few years threatening toproduce th'e same tyke
aggregations. ago the Detroit management decided ofteam that he possessed in the a y
vey, Illinois which placed well to get a real beauty to bolster up its ; o, ,unk indtheda-
the running in the meet held pitching staff. They notified their
bana last Saturday has entered scouts that they were huting for a t has taken the old Philadelphia
vo most promising mtemis in man With some real caliber in the Inentor a lngtiak e to rebuild the
row's meet. ey are Iven hurling line The scouts wied back i on ii he
who tars in b)th the discus that there was such a man on the championship club which he dis-
ie hot esds inoth ah dscs Pacific coast, but that Detroit's 'banded way back in the early teens,
he shot, besides being a cre-hance of obtaining the oun gentle- but his feat is really noteworthy and
r ceivt
to 46
up in
at Ur
its tw,
and th
throwing the hammer and is likely to ! Vc1iiuee it ifeY11 na
place among the winners in this attempted run around right end.
Wisonsn( Babcock counted for the Blues on a
event. 'Last Saturday the Wisconsinwie run around left end. Garber
star put the shot 48 feet 3 1-2 inches drop kicked a pretty goal for the ex-
for a new Chicago record.! tra point.
McAndrews is expected to give After being scored on the Red team
Wittman, and Hubbard, the Wolver- ( tightened down and the rest of the
ine dash stars, some stiff competition half was devoid of any spectacular
in the 100 and 220 yard dashes. The offensive work on the part of either
Wisconsin flash was clocked in 10 team. Both teams punted constantly,,
1-5 seconds in the 100 and 23 flat in with the Blues displaying the best of-
the 220 on a track which was covered fensive,- but the Reds offset this with
with water. There is little possibil- some excellent.punting.
ity of McAndrews winning the broad Ionsberry kicked off to start the
jump, but he should be able to make second hall, and the ball was re-
a leap which will count him in the turned to the Blues' 40 yard line.
scoring. The Blues began a march (town the
'McGinnis, one of the best high field, with a series of end runs and
jumpers in the Conference, is counted line bucks, Weber and Miller bucking
on to garner five points for the Car- theine, and Babcock and Garber
dinals in his event. Last week lie skirting the ends. The Reds stopped
cleared the bar at the remarkable them however and they never did any
height of 6 feet 4 inches. Tuhtar will more than threaten.
The Blues lost a scoring chance
be the other entry in the high jump. with only a minute to go, when they
.Wisonsn i exectig t fiurewere unable to complete one pass in
heavily in the mile run with, Schutt three attempts with the ball leep
and Capt. Valley, leading the field. within the Reds territory. The Blues
On the indoor track Valley has been again worked the ball down into the
tipied in the fast time of 4:24 2-5. In Red territory on an exchange of
the quadrangular meet Saturday punts and a pretty run by Garber,
Schutt placed second to Susack, the but the game ended before they could
Chicago sensational miler. score.
In the 440 yard run Kennedy, will Yesterday's scrimmage was the
be a great match for Feinsinger of last which will be held on Ferry field
Michigan, both being able to cover this spring. There will be no work-
the distance in 51 seconds. Flueck out tomorrow, but Friday night the
will make a favorable showing in this candidates for next year's team will
event, having made 51 5-10 during meet with Coach Yost at the Union
the indoor season. to hear the plans for next year's
Krieger and Schmidt are the only campaign discussed. At this time a
Wisconsin entries in the pole vault member of the Chicago alumni will
who can be counted on to add to the present the football trophy to the
Cardinal total of points. Krieger has candidate winning it. Attendance, at-
been consistent in clearing the bar at titude, and value as a player will de-
12 feet. termine the winner.
New York City, May 20. - Paavo FRESHMAN TRACKI
Nurmi today placed his stamp of ap-1
proval on the cinder path at the !A picture of the freshman
Yankee stadium, over whichhe will track team will be taken at
race on May 26 in a half mile special 4:30 o'clock this afternoon1
test against Alan Helffrich, Penn on Ferry field. All the men on
State flyer. ( the squad are requested to be (
Michigan City, Id., May 20. - CHARLES B. HOYT, I
Wayne Munne and "Strangler" Lew- Coach.
is have both begun intensive train-
ing for their bout here on May 30.
Man. Miller Iluggins whose New York Yankees have recently fallen
into one of the worst slumps that has struck the team in gears. The
New York club which ran second to Washington in the American lea-
gue last year, and which won pennants with ease in the preceding years
is now battling with Detroit and BoAton for the cellar berth in the young-
er circuit. Huggins hopes that with the return of "Babe" 1Ruth, home
run king, his club may see better days.
Mather Will Cut PLAY
itable javelin thrower and Beagle, a.
high jumper, who placed at Illinoisr
last week end. He will try Saturdayf
to defeat Whitlock of Danville, Illi-
nois, and Olmstead from Victoria int
the same state. All have cleared the
bar at Ax feet, so that a new record(
in this event is not unlikely.-
A few of the competing athletest
arrived in town last night, and many
more are expected to appear today.
Most of the Detroit and nearby ag-
gregations however will not plan on
reaching Ann Arbbr until tomororw
morning. The men are being housed
in fraternity houses about the
The men entered in the meet will
be given a banquet Friday night at
the Union. The food which will be
served will be strictly within the
bounds of the training table so that
'"the athletes will b"in the best possi-
ble shape for the finals on Saturday.}
Following the banquet, the men will
be guests at the annual May Pesti-
With several out of state teams en-
tered, and with practically no compe-
tition from the other 1 tig Ten schools
- this meet promises to eclipse all
- others both in number of ontest aints
s campet ing, and in the number of
- records that will be shattered.
An added attraction of Saturday's
e meet will be the one mile relay ex-
0 hibition race which will be put on by
o the varsity track team. Coach Far-
- rell has selected two teams of four
- men ehch, who will vie with each
I other in thris event.
f j
man were mighty small. le was the I remarkable. Connie has spent little
sensation of the coast. Every club money in comparison to the other
from the lowest to the highest had magnates. He has picked likely
tried at one'time or another during prospects and developed them as
the year to strike a bargain with his only he can do. Now he has a strong
managers for his services, but the ; chance of copping the pennant in the
price was too high. The Detroit own- i American league.
ers sent back word that the sky was The Athletics have a trio of right-
the limit, and as a result Slyvester handers which can not be beaten in
Johnson came to the Detroit club for, any league. Gray a newcomer, is ac-
a measly $75,000 and a few players. tually burning up the league with his
Either due to the kind heartedness curve ball. Among other feats he
of the Portland owners or for some has shut out Miller Huggin's power-
unexplainable reason, Herman Pill- ful sluggers in two engagements.
ette was thrown in "with Johnson. Eddie Rom el is still goingstrong
Spring came and with the early train- di seems to be a hard man for any
ing Pilletto established himself and team to beat. leky har s, the lean
Johnson madet up the league. le had every-l and gigantic hurler, is at the top of
burn upthe eage. e ha evry-his formi and affording opposing bat-
thing, control, speed, and a changeisfrmuad fory
of pace. Johnson could not get go- iters much worry.
ing. Everybody was wild over Pill- I The keynote of the Mackmen's suc-
ette's success, while Johnson was con- cess is the timely and powerful hit-
sidered out of the big league run- ting they have proved themselves
ning capable of this season. Bishop, the
The same comparisons as the Gray- $25,000 beauty from the Orioles, is
Groves deal has brought out, were walloping the ball with regularity.
current everywhere. The next season Close behind him follow Miller, Sim-
Pillette did not go so good, and this mons,, Poole, Cochrane, Galloway and
year he has been released. Johnson is Cy Perkins, the scrappy and agile
still with the clb and at last gives catcher.
promise of coming through. Will Gray j In last years Mack's young pro-
fail, and Groves ultimately succeed, teges have shown plenty of life and
or will both come through, or both fight, but the actual hunch and ability
fail, or just Groves drop back in the has been imissing. However the team
ever-increasing competition of the now has the punch and with their
Majors (?) is the question which just confidence should finish up well
many fans are debating today.- ! in the race, if not in first place.
Shepard, Forbes, Sorrels, Willis, Toe- Dick McCrary of Bicknell, and Fir-
pfer, Charter, Heeuman, Ardussi, and man Mampler of Vincennes, two of
Vielmetti. the fastest boys in southern Illinois,
will display their speed in the Stagg
i an
Coach Mather's freshman baseball
squad will be subjected to its final
cut of the season today or tomorrow.
At present there are 35 yearlings
competing for berths on the team and
it is expected that this numa ber wil t
be lowered to about 20. \Vinners of
the freshman numerals will be a
nounced next Wednesday, the Final
day of practice for the first year men.I
This year's freshmen seem to be
playing a good brand of ball and a
number of them will no doubt make!
strong hiids for next year's Varsity
squad. Among the hurlers, John Mo-t
lenda, Saumel Gawne, Martin, and
Hellerman are the strongest contend-(
ers, while in the receiviig iposition,
Irving Kane, Wrobrock, Corey and1
Haag stand out as the best. Carl
Loos and Gilbert are doing well in
the infield with Lang and Smitii
showing up the best in the outfield.-
Yesterday the yearling practiced on
the Va.rsity diamond since tlia team
was performing at East Lansing. To-
day the freshmen will continue work-
ing out on their regular diamond at
the South end of Ferry field, with I
Nw Yor' May 20. --George Her
m,:: ii It h, (c'hallimJioii home run slug
g r.i' o \tkjor leagues, is fas. re
o,,n fromi his ilhimss and hopes
soon to be lle to retulr' to the Yan
1.(e limonp.
IRtih has improved so much of lat
that his doctors now allow him t
trke frelucnt automobile trips to
compensate him for his convales
cence. I Ruth has also become an ar
dent radio fan, and listens in on al
the big League games. Not to be out
done by Tyrus Raymond Cobb wh
has hately been stealing sonie of hi
home run popularity, the "Babe" ha
set a recordi in another field. On
evening he listened in on 76 jaz
orchestras over his radio.
s j
Buenos Aiies, May 2Q.-tllstirpo
returned hoime last night from his
year's absence in America and Eu-
interscholastic at the Universityo
Chicago, June 5 and (0
e ffil6fiw . n M.,, ~, tllt.'L I T f!A
cellhg ii nthe broad junip and the
dashes. The Arkansas star holds the
national interscholastic broad jump
record of 21 feet 2 5-8 inches, and has
been credited with a distance of 25
feet G inches il practice on three oc-
ca5sions. lie has run the 100 yard
dash iin 10 seconds flat in three prac-
tice trials.
The following teams have won their
leagues in baseball: Phi Chi, Sigma
Alpha Mu, Delta Upsilon, Sigma Phi,
I:Phi Sigma Kappa, Delta Sigma Phi,
Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Lambda Kap-
pa, Delta Sigma Delta, ,Tau Delta Phi,
Beta Theta Pi.
the exception of Saturday when thi
Varsity travels to Urbana and the
first yeari men will probably agaiii
use the senior diamond.
Edwin Hamm,
rArkansas Star
A rrives Here
Edward Hamm, of Lonoke, Arkan-
sas, was the first entry to arrive in
Ann Arbor to compete in the annual
interscholastic track meet to be held
at Ferry field Saturday.
Hami is one of the foremost high
school trackmen in the country, ex-
:u v ,v Haven, Conn., May 20. -
('harles It. hWalker,i manager of the
Yale crow, last night announced the
appointment of A. \V. Putnam of New
York, as referee of the Yale-Harvard
ho-t races on the Thames at New
London, juune 19.!
Winners in the all-campus swim-
ming meet should call at the Intra-
mural office for their awards imumed-
iately. The winners are: Aldrich,
Patterson, Qll, Maveety, Power, Ant-
zak, and Louber.
The following winners in the all-
campus track meet are requested to
I call at the Intramural office as soon
as nossible to be measured for their
sweaters: Vance, Desenberg, Kern,
Subscrihe forI'The Milicigan Dily
1 A
L li I I Ill h i i i i iillhi iilij i ifI IIlI
~ ~.
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