THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1925 --i THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'pAGE ICJfV i. :, +i 0 (q T"tl I L 'vA o , S j-zs- ' l ,I JOURNALISM OFFERS Alluring Colors Work iEL'4 VIIETY Of POSITIONS, . Perhaps the l1rest and m sti- { *.*.;~ . ; %1""1:. cning x, teresting of the fields 'of journalism open to women is the newspaper. The wvoman journalist has graduallyj yworked. her way up the scale until she occupies almost as many posi- tions as there are to be filled. Ac- ' cording to Miss Ruby Black, mana- Sger of the Woman's National Journa- listic register. the positions today Soperated by women on newspapers' are: editors, including special edi- Stors, -society editors, news and city 4 editors, department editors, telegraph Seditors and Sunday editors; report- *era; copy-readers, and woman's page.1 S The subjects of home economics,1 Sfashions, health, moving., pictures, Schildren's interests and theaters are; Shandled by women as well as by men. In many cases a woman, with her powers of observation, can make her Sself even more successful than the, Saverage man. One way to obtain training for Yiewspaper, work' on large metropoli- tan publications is to work on a sltall paper. Even a small amount ^F of e xperience in reporting and fea- ture writing is an invaluable asset, and leads to better things lby helping rthe young writer to find' herself in *~her occupation and by continuingI ~her practical education in her chosen field. a Somec editors still hesitate to admit Sthat every field of journalism is openI Sto women. The Associated Press in Chicago does not employ women as ~the editor "would as soon put a wo- i man in a coal mine." Another impor- Vtant editor told Miss Black, "You Scan't send a woman out to cover a (Continued on Page Seven) ' Children Attend Merrill-Palmer WILL (IVE All) TiO WOMEN ,IOUIINALIS"I'S Aonien who are seeking emi- 1)oyflleit ini the fields of news- pa per or pub~licity work, adver- tising, or free lance work may obtain assistance b)y filing an application at the woman's National Journalistic Register, established in Chicago in 1920.{ rThe Register was established as a result of a need of women journalists for a means of get- ing in touch with emp~loyers in all parts of the country. The organization, at present located at 18 East Chestnut Street, I . Chi fl.-LroyVV, .fl-t1b a," t ItS of''A ne4 1 l IIc I Yci p0 en1 aaianiiinrnrPII~rOF iiof the League at supper on Moniday, INU NUUI[LRESLULTS 1of at her home. 923 Olivia street. Yvette Steps Out! ChrIiT[Qn ScieneBsocietL wNOTICES BIS ILL N O ICESI a 7.0 ocloc toigh inLane hall. Alph Epilo Ioa deeatd AphaThe thridl round games in tennis t lh ioin Ita eeae Apin lhacaterlofiouseAlpaIots mutst be played off by tomorrow night. 1 0 mebs-national musical sorority, will beI h ethrprisplaying,th at the realm of fashions which is pae etra ots l ball gamnes pae etra at Palm-1hots at a tea from 3:30 to 5:3~0 0- third rounds not completed by that itiiatlythe world of social activ-er r field. The winning team had a. clock today at. the Faculty Wo- im i llunable torfpla y. outshe oenh ics, b~y ler exquisite sense of style. heavy battery and made three home en's club house, 226 South Ingalls. i nbet ly orsaeoe [ow does she (10 it? inquire envious runs, two of these being made bly j all day Fridays and Saturdays. ceial debutantes as they gaze at, Elizabeth Bagley, '27. Portia Literary society will meet Election of officers of the D. A. R. eteiachrigesmeofjThe Outlawv team won an easy vie-popl t7 'lc o i will take place at the annual May owder' blue flannel - ordinary tory over the Alpha (laflmfia Delta p iromptly at 7 o'clock tomuorrow night ,luncheon to be held at 12 o'clock, Houigh in itself but different from with a. score of 30 to 5. Kadppa Kapp~a to hold the election of officers for Thlursday at the Washtenaw Country toyohrllunlesml nteGammia overcame the I)elta Gammanetea.Apormo "Mdn club. At this meeting, which is to hops. The only answer appears to I team. in the third game in a con- Women" will be" presented at this 'be the last of the year, reports on the e hat the 'charm conies in the fact test resulting in a score of '18 to 10. time. - past year's work will be read. Mrs. lat Y~vette wears the gowns so ef- Martha Miller, '25, pitcher and Alma The leadership commission of the A. E. White, Mrs. G. Lewis, and Mrs. ctively! "But," says attractive Miss j Crouse. '25. first base, starred for 1 Y. NV. C. A. will meet for a lunch- I L. E. Tingley are in charge of the Ivette, "it's just a matter of a little the winners, e-on and business meeting today affair. turfy. Hlere's the secret!"~.I Alpha Omicron Pi lost to Kappa at Newvberry hail. ____ Harmony! That is the keynote ofj Delta in a well played game resulting- Members of the Women's Education harm in an effective wardrobe. H-ar- in 14 to 2. Margaret -McNally, 27 Jean Hamilton, dean of women, will club will meet for a picnic dinner at ony, but not the deadly harmony pitcher, Dorothy Ogborn, '26, first entertain the newly, elected board of 5 o'clock tonight at the Fireplace. 'hiCh results in monotony! When blase, and Evelyn Ogborn, '28, were the Women's League and the senior Juniors will 1)e present as guests and' on shopi, look aroumnd for the little the outstanding pilayers for the Kap- representatives and out going officers there will be election of officers. e:cessories which may just fit your I pa Delta team. VIpe and make that ordinary gow~n Iv e - ouz Inurlased some weeks ago look I1 Women Incited To +NW IkV" %l,, ,: ,","(1 .dolar for registrants on enter- "" ~ W'':' jing, and a ceirtain percentage of (f1 Jo; ecrdthrough the Regis- s Thepuroseof the Regis- '': er i to ervejournalists, not " . + #> 'F:r,{z .to ak~re a pi'ofit, and only a sufficient sum is charged to vI carry on the work. Anyone in- terested in getting information a .4.should write to Mrs. James C. " ::>%%r:{ } :< + I Dibelka, the present manager of Iy the Register.e ,-.,....Sigmia Delta Phi, national honoraryI ;..,.;. ;.society for oratory and dramaticsa :.:.t~& initiated eightne members into the rr:,..{:{: ovetSunday afternoonatheom of Dean John R. Effinger. After the1 initiationm a banquet for the memberse zz: j of the society and the patronesses3 was held at the Golden Oaks Inn. The womenwhTo were initiated are: Lil-z Tian Bronson, '27, Constance Clarke,c By Mi IT.LIBETH '26, Phyllis Loughton, '28, Elizabeth1 W hat could be more alluring and' Strauss; '26, Marguerite Ainsworth,r appropriate tom eveing w ~ear than ''26, Merle Parks, '25, Florence Mc-1 a combination of blue and silver? Comb, '25, and Mary Louise Miller, This pretty dress is fashioned of ma- ; '26.t donna blue and silver with silver! Neli it Pte~nhouse. '25 atd as I j11 fc st cl w ty Y( iI ci cc s1 a ti III 0: I 11, IT p f4 xactiy as lovely as the Paris frock S i m n, A'e ported only yesterday.Sw m ig M d A black crepe satin dinner gown - hich just needs some little touch, to! The swimming meet for profession- 1ake it stunning imay be entirely al students of physical education will :anged by placing a huge flame' be held at 6:45 o'clock tonight at the Ilor chrysanthemum on the left 7 Union 1p001 instead of the ,Y. M. C. A. boulder allowing the long, slender All University women are invited to eayes to droop over tihe arm w~hiile ; attend;, there will be no admission row of smaller flowers of the same charge.'ly rpe must be cocked in the hair on Thevnsvilcssto he right side near the b~ack of the races, novelty races, swimming to. Lead Bu, tat s no al! Dd yu {music, fancy diving, competitions for iver tthat yuiseall!cDidgyou for~m and speed. A standard inter-' rerthik tat ou hoe my cang Imediate test and standard advaniced our entire appearance? Shaded hose test will be given. A short life-say- os the varous ttons leclrI Ing demonstration will conmplete the tustbe wrn ith hisparticular j program. Alice Felske, '27, is the ;stunle for (dinnler! These shaded chairman of the meet. lose are new and attractive and you, must wear thenm before most shop- E Lly, Minun., May 20.-Minnesota to- em's (discover their value! To be ef-! day was minus one of its famous 10," .ctive, they must be different! Af- 000 Lakes as the, result of the dis-I r all, it is just a miatter of selecting1 appearance of Bass lake, a body two ,e little accessories which lend that m eiles long and one mile wide. ndescribalhe charm to clothes worn y Yvette! Lansing, May 20.-A survey of the -_ state'hospitals, to determine the stepsI Adsnecessary to reduce. fire hazzards. Re d t e W n d was authorized by the state admin- istrative board yesterday. From the Plan '9sViewpoint the well-groomed young 'wom- an may, just have happened UNSURP'ASSED1 in STYLE and QUALITY' A new hat for Dccoration Day will add to the pleasure of the holiday. You are sure to be pleased with those at the WESCH HSAT SHOP~ 206 EAST LIBERTY t *1x . ,. i V. !u a"S. ",' y ' - 1' n ~ . .yc - f i i .'.' **v'.e, ctc 24lltU s F ivursery School diaaiaite 'trimming. A narrow j toastmistress at the initiation ban- in r ~shaped yoke and low set matching' cuet, and Beata Wagner, '25, gave b3 Twenty-six children, ranging fr'om girdle break the long straight line time speech of welcome to the new two to six years of age are attending Jfrom neck to hips and firom the gir-j memblers and Phyllis Loughton, res- i lie nursery school at 226 South Ini dle hangs an "apron" of silver fringe, ponded for the new members. II falls street. The school, which is a giving a South Sea Island effect. (Continued on Page Seven) - branch of the Merrill-Palmer school of, Detr'oit, is sponsored by the Facul- JJr.~ J.-' « -t" "~ ,. '..J.1.~JJ.I%.JL ty women's club and is located at Mieir club house. Tfhe progiram. for t:ire day opens at4 9 o'clock wheni the children arrive, Closinmg at 3:30 o'clock. Trhey havef m egulam hours for play, eatinigan gleepmng. The rooms are furnishe r with childrens' furnmiture amnd are'r decorated with gay cretonnies. 1his is tihe first year there has b~een a Merrill-Palmer branch ini Ann Il - Amrbor. According to Miss Mirial 1 ij" - II' " ' * L~oind w ho is supervisimng the work, it j - it (1 Il"_ °h l has beemn such a decided success that 1I ~ school will be closed May 30 but willII1I1 - iI 'l - I II h 111- "" reopen in September. wil Miss Lomrd has two assistants, oneLa isS osfrE e mo of whonm is a trained dietician. All L de h e frE e ig o time best rules of diet for children. I Afternoo~n or S ot W a Many university womn m have vol- tinteem'edto hlp wth thework amid spend certain periods of the day $.: o$ 0 thr.Techildren will be entertainmed at I$.5 o 90 8. picnic to be given at Bonny Brae F'arnm at Bartoni Hills, June 5. They R SI- E 1R will be time guests of Mr. amid Mrs. e Children of all pat1ft~etw 108 S. Mate Street are ace pted at tihe school, contrary Dn ov to time belief that it was only for the Q1nq > 3y 6hmldriemm of faculty mmembers. At 'i present there is a waitinug list of 50 -° " -- --- -- applicants. Tlre fee, which is $25 a I semmester includes mmeals anud all medi- cal attention. I' 11 I " ensSos $1.50 value..................... Dollar TR~&~A '3Qzet White Drs"hirts with Collar.................. Dollar .°AN O CME Thre 50c Knit Neckties ..................... Dollar Il 1 Eight 2,000-sheet rolls fine toicet tissue ......... ..Dollar THE DESSER1 Family scales, $2.00 value................. ... Dollar S 1 12 x 1 8 lMirrors, wvhite enamel frames .. .. .. .. .. . .Dollar An - i Thirteen Cakes Cocoa Lemon Toilet Soap ........ Dollar i, (w , i Twelve W~hite Cups and Saucers, $2.00 value ..... Dollar / I Overalls and Jackets ......................... Dollar s /Cocoa Door Mats, $1.50 value . ............. Dollar ' Boston Bags, good grade ..................... Dollar ,.... Twelve Climax Wall Paper Cleaner ............ Dollar j / Ladies Umbicilas, $1 .50 value ................. Dollar I- 1,000 Crepe Napkins .............. ........ Dollar -an tentheglriusrevelation 4 f $-ft. S kirt Boards......................... Dollar I -andehencie.gorioss orOu Cut Glass \Water Sets ........................Dollar -frsh ake. Fndnss or ur Aluminum Roasters ................. ..... ..... Dollar } Pasry s sin f a~vel rdeed English Teapots, fine assortment .............. . .Dollar ' a2nnetite ~. , > I t IL .1 $25.00 Smart coats of light weight flannel for summer wear have just arrived. Models in rose, green, tan, Copen, white and black have collars of white Coney or contrasting materials. SECOND FLOOR GOOD. LYEA R'IS f L'.xpcrl Beauty3 Work that way. BUT- We. girls know visited. that she has 124 SOUTH MAIN i BENTLEY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Ill IA 106 East Liberty St. Over Hutzel's Dial 6373 for Appointment i - So i R Beautifully tailored Knickers of linen are ideal for summer wear -trim and neat-yet cool and comfortable for oven the warm- est days!. Priced moderately, $3.95. Tweed Knickers are popular for all sorts of sport wear-es- pecially for northern trips and caimping. Well tailored, of good quality tweed and priced only $2.95 and up. Corduroy. Knickers are often favorites because they are so comfortable-amid they .are long wearing, too! Choose them now and enjoy freedom for your out-of-door sports. $4.95. YOU OUGHT TO SE The NewJ Rda Portable Super- Heterodyne The new suitcase p)ortable, superhet- er'odyne radio" is on exhibition at our show room.. It is radio, at its best, com- plete in a small, compact suitcase cabinet which is just the thing for taking with you on your picnics and vacations. 11 For Real Out-of-Door Fun.- Wear Knickers! Picnicking and out-of-door games have an added zest when one Come in and see it. It strongly to you. -T141 t will appeal 11111 II