PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1928 DIVISlIN RPORTSI Department 4)utlilnes Wor'k (ond mtd Thiroiugh 111-"firCIlbs, ChIurchles, and higpli 'dool k C ,a Faces' Trial In Pardon-Bribe Case r The (j mnii 1Colege Women Called "Trained Learners" By Dean ,-, FURNISH 70 SPI'EiKEIZ Reports of the St udent. (,hris't ian association :show the complet ed year to have been one of 'consideratble ac- tivity in the extensiioni woi k (leiart- ment. A total of 70 speaklers ha vf been sent out. by the depviart ien(t ti Hi-Y clubs and hg schools ani they have addre.sscd atot alI0", 'boys. The function of I be ext enidon df -; partment is to a i'lii('vQItliefollo(wing~ objectives: to serve a5 a ('1eai im, house for the various chur ichli oga311- in Angaged in de untat ion ow or ihk ; to sce r :, the various comm nu it ics: of thle stal Ie by furnishing speaker s, discussion group leatders , i Usicians and recresl tioh direct or ;for differenti o'( ~il and to u s ,t Ii ereai t r iiumberolf' students possi ble in t be at sinmient of these0obje'ctiv es. These lpurpos)5e.,ar 0 U ((onl;11 i shcd I through three main types of contact.f 'The first is t hrongh thle *111i-Y cdubs, the second is through die high school~ and the third is throug~h the cgaini n - ity 'churches andIliunchieon clubs., Speakers have been sent to 17 111i-Y banquets andl conferences andl have l spoken to more than 4,000 boys. One( of these conferences was hldll t Muskegon, where a tecam of 25 men1 was sent to the 01l1er boys' mneeting. Discussion groups of 1 ,500 boys were led by the junior leaders. Five hundred boys attended the uli- per peninsula boys' conflerence held at Hlancockc, and 300) took part in theI county conference at St. Clair, Mich.1 At the Come Clean campaign held at. Lansing, 400 boys signed the, Conic Clean I i-Y pledges. Speakers, were, also sent to Jackson, Marine City,j Lansing, Flint, Pontiac, lDetroit, Roy- alI Oak, Farnmington, Kalamazoo and I B ighlton.e In the hii';i school work spea:ker. were sent. to Plymolith, Tr'avers City, Fowlerville, Rowell, lFlint, Smuth I .y- ons and Marshall. Fomr- thousan~d two hundred nifty boys wer-e spoken to ao.t these high schools. Many let] em;. have been received by thle depasrtmient frori princip~als and 1officials of Ithe high. sichools connend ing its speakers a111![ )raising the work t hat it has donw.I At St. Clair the newspaper:, gave considerable publicit y to the work co'f the extension del)artment in thli Iv t ity. They e; lecila ly lan1ded 01wh ! iceclies miado by I lar~old Steele, '5 i larold C. Coffman, amid John P". Il- ' l iott, '26. The Inemibers: of the extens~linI council ares Lpwis R eimnann, A. 10; "lawyer, '27, lDon J . Timmlernian, Nor'- plan Johnson, '25, Robert Fisher,s '5,Edward Daisvis, Earl Klein - :sAhmidt, Thonia s Pryor, '26, CalvinI P'ollin, '26, ( eor'ge it. Baker, '2x11+11. the memblers of thbe S. C. A. extelnsion;. det ;in cu1ezt arce ( ("or,;e 11. aer '2S5Ed, Allan J]iort on, '25, Rowan Fats-j qunelle, '26;, 1;&ra Youing, '26, BeriL Wertinan, '27, and (C. Art Locker, '23. ARCHTEC [ F:AVEFOR 1NSPECT1JIJN THIP TBOAYI '~ ~' Is the modern college woman over educated? When she receives her de- C redo !gre does she consider herself too wise J2Kj Ito accept advice from her superior? ------- Mrs. Anna B. Witte, dean of women Totlay' ; IIest ion: Do you think at Nebraska Wesleyan University,y that three hour., is sufficient tinme in answers these questions in the nega- V, [licli to write a final examination? I tive. W~hmre asked: Angell hall. "College, 'rather than narrowing The aii~icrs: the minds of women, broadens, th~en 'l'lr atstie~- sh~e said, "opening them to new ideas. J. Eastwood, '25.-"Yes, I think that, They are willing to see more than one i t is plenty long enough. A well or-ipon of view. Contact with new gaiiized examination can cover' the ;pintsi hi oleeff ae groundI thoroughly in that time." thig 11hircleg ie "~e them more willing to accept .the ad-} Delm L~er,'28-." beiev th vie of others when they begin ,work." average student finds threec hours n !Mliss Mary Yost of Stanford tUni- ade~lnate length of time in which to versity supports this opinion sayingk write an examination. I think that in that college women are "trainedj that. threec hours lie does his, best learners and are accustomed to being W~or'k and a. period longer than that tuh. would not be, efficient or necessary.";tuh. L. Tendler, '27.-."If a fellow does the present exam period is too shor not know his surbject, six hours would a time in which to write the averaort net lie enough time for a blue bookI four hour course examination. The on that course. "Three hours gives !'average student has to think thor-' -nyone who has spent a reasonable oughly about, the subject and 'notL amnount of earnest study on hris sumb- vrite that ,which he would be sprryr ject enough time to write a good ex- Ifor afterwards." Eainination." ________________________ Katherire Ferguson, '28.-"I think tt.att e&rse tth e h u p r tatmereettrehupriod is long enough for the average individ- P~ A A fhI nral. The nervous strain involved is i l too great to be borne for a longer SeusfryrPamaht e 1period of time and only the slowesti buy them as they come from the na- writer could require more tune in tives "who weave" them, and then.,we which to express himself." I block and trim them up, thus saving A. Felkamp, '28Ed.-"I think that you the middlemen's prpflts. We give' *you an elegant hat, for $6.00. $7.00 and andl in gener'al to round out our pres- $8.00; one that you will be proud of ent, holdings, has been made, and }and. that will give you perfect satis-. amounts to $1,787,800," the report on I faction. land concludes. FACTORY MAT STORE i MAY FES$TJVAL ------ Second May Festiva1 Qoncert -IrH1ADAY ? VEI NG, MAY 21, 8:00 O'CLOCK Soloists Em 113' cokes: Hagakr, Sorano RIys .Morgan,( Tenor Cbairles Tlttmann, ,bass ,M41xl e aipd, uiast Palmer Christian, Organist , ;e ivexiy Choral Vj4gn-txrI V. ,Moore, Conductr The. C tigo S~p ony' (hehestra-Mr. Frederick Stock, Conductor- .Overture, "Nright on a Bpre M ouintain "................MTe B ls .. . . . . . .. .o1a hu aniorgs Popm. by Edgar Allen Poe Soli, TUniversity hChoral, Union, and Orchestra 1. ;the Silver Bels 3. 'The Brazen Bells Mr. M1organ " and Chorua Chorus 2. The Golden.1l3ells 4. The,.Mournful Bells Miss 1taugar acrid Chorurs Mr. 'Tlttman and Chorus Intermission Selections from. "13 minior Mass"............................. Bach Joat han M' l. ::got,.' '0 S 1 D( ~md . itic non;inst ion ii' pres ide m:. K' alms., onil h(? charge of' seek lug brill inmi 'ei I ith ;otio.of' his at to; fley,,.A I n c", aid can iidatC for the Ircct V". car, is, ol. Irish inl TIopeka, s hm' gi anlth~l g llills. ie is soell Al. I isrvey (I1riht), Thirdi May Festival Concert FIDlIAY AFTERNQQ, X Y 0, $f) 'CI%,K Soloist L~oretta Dfegnan Children'sFestival -V'horust-josepiF . Roddy, Coigduetor Ttul4eI u s Rlpgtd, Jtelell J3iunle and ;Anna I13rpp,, Aeotnt 'Pa~nler Vhristian, 4Organist t PRESIDENT'S REPOR T EMPHA SIZES IMP0RTANCE9 OF LAND EXPAN-SIONI TRORAM I 'The vit al im1port ance of acquiring1 land for tHe expainsionl of thle Uniiver- sitly is cm phasized in thme annual re- I port of the Pr'iesident ,of thle lUniiver- sity to EIlie lIoai'd oflRegents. TheI report p~oints, oul. thist it will lie ruch mnoire couveit ient anmd(1econiomiicalIlto con sol idatec the pirev~ent. holdings;01' the1 fUiversity by Imrchiasin-ig I lie hi n when it. is offered tharn to buy it at. an increasedl price when it is needed. "For the future (if the U nivxersityV the sectniisit ion (if cerin p arcels of!; land is vitally import ant,'' the report: tory (if naturial scienice which wvill re- place thle M useum. ''Tiwo other dens rtment s whmich shortly will lliave to have their own buildings a'Icthe ,('-cll ifool ii er At unin isirt i lind tihe ('ohlege Arc(hlite(ctuire, amid ini each:1 (ase tim p i c a e o ,l n is a n c s i y the forum em' inst a nic e a part. of thle sift, is already i our hiands, and the re- mnainder should be added. "'We have also mnit ionedl the im.- peumin, removal of the Observatory, and~ the emrectio(nmmof a newr group i ho i rdin us somnewhiere outside (if tI i 617 Packard St. GARRICKA Wed: h-Mat. --50c c toL1$2p5pj (Where D. U. R. stops at State) The Miracle Play of America-Av ANNE i ?CHOLSi'{ P "Abie' Irish Rose" SEATS NOW FOR THIS AND NEXT WEEK lRead the W~ant A~ds,, T jRIAL 4~ Will convince -you ~that a.Barbe- ueSandwich iS most delicio~us. THE :BARBECUE INN 440 SOUTH STATE states. '"One of t hose is thle remuainmd - city liimitis. A. suit able trmact of land emr of'the two blocks onflWhIich 'm1o me must hbe provided 'or Ithiis purpose. Lawyer's, club is located. Perhaps ""'These .spcIci'ic things shomI Id four-fi ft hs oif the whole tract is al- ev'i us11y be done. Ini hle iimeani-' ready in the Universit y's hands, and xx'whiile it. i,;tht parit,01 ' econ omnjy t1- the remainder shmould lie purc(hased fpui'cha se fi'om tiime to tlime sinusI to allow for furth1er building. hots'' hoct'dmladj('elit to 01ur'proper'-j ! "Thme site1(for theo Mii(i ~ m L uagim tie:; s 'Vt hey niney he offered I'or !gale.1 bimildil; soumld also bo conliplet ed. Illi tbis way our' holding-,inla v gra(I- ' I if owed llpar:, nd heI%4~r lt I millIv te consol idat ed, and it is niuch hayve agr'eed to 1 iaovi(1Cit when'iitliQ f, IlloiC e('iiiiiii('1, as o ;s le'rience his ('0ons[[ 'I (1not I iofte b[in ;" 1mgis as- sho wii, to rl su lch l xnd hen t uircd. 'ito' Museuim should he givonm otffe'ed thmmi to wait iiinil it. is ;bso- u~p, 1i1l its:; ".te utihjzcd 101' t hoe cii-1 ltely nHeededl soil tiy at am increased I tus ex pots 115(11ofIthle Lit erariy lbuiild- I I;ii cc, i.Tius meanus thataI u le w site ".fAn est inus I of the fundms needed I "hiouldl be pllinchas( for the Tabiora- for thle pOe; s f sites ment[ioned ..,. r.a+.i. v.r.r r '+lew! w .vv+r wr M°*R'+r, .w+nt. al .x when we have a fleet of Sedans at your servicee, to take you any-where in Ann. Arbor? Our rate (a) The Heavens PFroplaim........................... Beethoven (b) Golcodnight, FI~arewell........................ ..... Kugken ~High School Chorus (a) Gia 11 Sole Dal Gange ..............................Svarlatti {b) Lunji. Dal Caro Tene ........ ............... ........: ecchi Loretto. Degnan (a) Spinning, Chorus, from ' 'Fying, Dutchman" . ............ Wagner (b) Calm ,Is the Night....... ....... ... ...............Bohm Gis lee ,Club Angelus from "Scenes Pittoresques" . .............Massenet H ay p .Er,smhle Aria, "phi!: Mon Fils" from ',=Le Prophete . .......... .. .*eeb 'Miss Degnan "Lovely Appear" .fr'.om "The Redemnption~"................. Gounod Geral'dine Schlemmzer, Soprano Boys' and girls'. Qlee Clubs Supplication ............. ....................... L Forge lbawin in 'the Desert.................................... .Ross Tfihe' Rain 'Song .......................................... Hahn =Bolero ........................ .. ..................... Arditi Suite, "Alice in.Wonderland" ............ Edggar, $tillnman :.Kelley Alice on Her' Way Thae Wlte IRabbit -In NWoiderland Th~e I3aiiquet of ;the Red .Queen Chil}4ren's .1iestivai Chorus' =FO'urth May Festival Concert FR') lz;Y 'yN C, IAY 22,;5:%0O'U1LOCK Soloist :L.awen~lce , 4bett, B1urtone Tie ;Clflcago 4yMpilony 9rchetra-lIIr. Frederick Stock, :Conucntor Trelude, Act ;III, "A Basso Porto"....................... Spinelli Syrapliony, No. 3, F~ major, Op. 90....................... Brahma Aria, "Vh"from- "ThP Maskedi Ball" ...........Verdi "Lawlrejce Tibbett "Aria, "vjio ugitive,'. from "" erolia~Ie" ............... Massenet A)r. ;III"pel tiuite, '"From fjnland," Op. 24.............Palm ren Minuet ini Popular Style" "D~'tce of the .Falling Leaves", Aria, Farids 'Whiohogue"' from "Falstaff".............. .... Verdi "Ascent o~f Eranhmilde's Rock and Pl iaie" from "Siegfried" . . . . .. ... . . .... .. . . . .W agner FifthMay FestivA Coiicert S11T~'ItnAY AF!FERNOO_,N, 1[A)' -9, 2:30 O'CLOCK Soloist 'Il * Aiggo Synipiuo Y 4frchestr'a-mr, Frederick Stock,' Conductor PROGRAM Suite, N'o.. f3, ID major .....,................... .... ach Overture ' _ *I i I 0 Students oft'h le arc'(hiitectura1 ('0- lege who will miale thle inspiection trip, will leave l'or IDetin'(itat .9:101 o'clock today fr'onm Pa cki'd and Sta te streets, biy interurban. In the muorn- ing the party will visit D~eti'oit br'ick manufacturimng plants. At noon the students will he guests of Chiarles A. Blowen at a luncheomn. It is under Mr. Bowen's auspices that thme trip is being made. In thle aftem'noon two groups will be I iniade 'of, the Visit lug students, one group going to the Pewabic Pottery works and( the sec'ond~ to thme Russel Wheel and Foundry, company's plant. All students makinig the trip will lie exc'use'd fi'om thbeir (lasses. Patr'onize lly Advertisers - itI hays.--Adyv.?. a 11 ~Q~c O~RG _-- SAMP-LES Pormmnt ly on Di splay at Guy Woolfolk & Co. 33iO South State Street Ann Arbor, Mich. l asts and atterns exclusively our own desi~' 9 4 - j ' I =I- S .! 35c Flat Rate I i i Call:Cl is the lowest in the city. I I I_________N_ FlPH Y WHITEHOUSE" & HARDY" *NC OR PO-RATEO BROADWAY AT 40'x" STREET 144 WEST 42"O STREET METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER BlUILDING 84 BROADWAY-AT WALL STREET * .. ..- Air i To 7 13 seoghuid 1............. sl.1 Francue .............. 9,0.04) Holland.............. 10100 Hlollanmd.............. 1.00).t f Iv vh it1 .. .... .... . x3.60) Bu i( tIlo . .. . .. . .. . 6.004 o.....................W.{0 V alulli .................41.00) (,'leiag'o . . . . . . . . 30 Tr1mip $1:0.004) 150.E00 1 740.00 1170.00 175.00 1,42.001 11.50 :?1.0) s5.00 -' ,'\W Treat Your May, Festival Guests to a LIGHT LUNCH at the :Fountain Room beautiful Toasted. Sandwiches Gigue Symphony, No. , C minor............................ Beethoven Allegr'o " cbfibrio; And~ante con moto; Allegro; Allegro. Intermision Concerto, for' Violin and OrchestraDm o ....Thakwk Can onetta-Andante; Fipale-Allegro vivacissirno At~schn Elman, rSixih May Festival .£on'Wert 4AWtRJn4v E-YENI G, 4rAY E7, $:f)0 9'CLOCI( "LA GIOCONDA' An P "ncltlelII AnOpera in Four Adts CAST PROGRAM La Gioconda ' .. ..................... Frances Peralta Laura..... ............................. Augusta Lienska La Cieca ... .............................. Kathryn Meisle Enzo .......... ..... ............. ...' Mario Chamnlee Barnah . . ........... ......... Vicente Ballester Qavottes I and II Bouree Ix Salads Desserts Anmy inei, Ship, Cruise, ITour' Isf, 2eitd Cabin or' 3rd (las r n .imrnu rn Imported Einglish Flatfoots Hot Toddy Tea, Coffee or Chocolate Ice Creams and Ices $300 - $3.50 -$4.0() , I I ' - ' I