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May 20, 1925 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-20

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am :? ",

Opening Of Irish Parliament Rivals Britain's

WED7'7-DA",% iM AY-20,:1

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tog all hbemhers of
the University. Copy received ht tbo Asshitit to tb. IP-podent. until
3:30) p. tn. (11:30 a. in. Satuzrday~


Volume 6


Numbier 171

To the Peapns:
There will tbe a Conference of the D~eans on Wednesday, M1ay 20, at ten,
o'clock, in the President's Office.
4 . Alfred 11. Lloyd.
notice to All Seniors:
The I iplonia Fee of' $10 must lie paidl before 4 o'clock P. M. May2.
This applies al so to fees for all .3peclal cert iflcates. In no( case will a degree
be conferred on any student whos:e fee is not p)aid before the above dlate. It
the payor Is not recommnendcd for gradluation, the fee will be refunded on
surrender of receipt. Candidates for (legrees of certificates should AT
ONCE fill out card at office of the Secretary of their College or Stshool, pay
the Treasurer of the University and have card receipted, and file indicated
suction of thisreceipted card with the Secretary of' their College or' School.
Shirley 11. Sinit II, Secretary Universit y.
(;r4.duate studnts wNho expect to receive a degree at this time should
pay the~ diploma fee of $10.00 by Friday, May 22. at 4:00O P. M~. Blanks for
this purpose way he secured at the office of the Graduate School. Students
whoat have already paid the fee but have not returned the receipt to the office
should (d0 so AT ONCE1.
R~uith A. Rouse, Recorder.
Attenition Seniors:
Meinhers of all the senior classes except those of Engineering and
Architecture, which have made other arrangements, are requested to pay
their ALUMNUS SUBSCRIPTION FEE in the Treasurer's office the game
time the Diplomia Fee is paid. WYilferd B. Shiaw.
Senior Engineers:
Pay your subscriptions for the Alumnus at the table over the arch,
this week. L. F. Beach.
Program of Sternberg Medal Presentation Exercises:
The formial presentation of the Sternberg Medal in H-ygiene and Puib-
lic Health will be made at a. meeting of Junior and Senior medical stu-
dents Wednesday, May 20, at 4:15, West Amphitheatre of the Medical
The program is as follows:
Address: "The Interests and Activities of the United States Public
Health Service," by Dr'. C. C Pierce, Senior Surgeon, U. S. P.H.S., and
Director of Interstate Sanitary District. No. 3.
Presentation of Sternberg Medal to Mr. George Keiper, Jr., by Dean

ii the 1uarlcr of r aioni rs
~:14-- Seuior class banquet is Leld :;t
the Union.
;: 15.---varsity bhuii I, ameiples at1wd
(lila tert; for wreekly on tdWW ccur1t.
7:(tt'--;il(1Choral Uimaion ushers hivii
gre('llen crd.s report at hiliaud~itor-
7 :3t - Forestry club mieet s Il roomu
"'13, Natural Science building. E'l-
ection of officers.
7 :3t)-F-lv'ei'sity unit of thle I'. S..
Naval Reserve Force meets in tho
S:(l(1- 1Tay festival openis illHill 21111i.
t oriumi.
S 1)-New York State club hiolds htusl-t
ness and social meeting in hlarris
7 :00)--Ascensioni Day service is lcd
in the Williams IMemorial chapel in
Hlarris hall.
10):00-Rev. Mr. Lons~dale spealix at

"ii I , );iy service in St. An-
1;;i . ozst1. : ) - ite~riuat iii iii exlllilif ion
o f usnit.i pa juit ig from rnthe (.r
fig'in'<tiklt( IteofPittsbuhlrgh, in 1
n1uli iMlenorial hall.
7 :t';, Wc('ly a'.isemlbly iN English .
publ ic speaking for engineers, is
hieldl in room 348 cof the wes:t Eng-
n cring buildling.
7:310.9):3#0 - Initerniationual exhllitlin,
of1 ilerd i nint ing~s from Mthe Car-
nit giinstiturte of Pittsburgh, inAI
h'rPo lrt IInr, 1Ma~y 1.---Nerly t 1 t fJ
arlol mcliiIe'bearing *3)0t)pr'oli elt
ci i z' aol' 1of'ork. lii on star'ted ImlayW
1'o; 1)iyt on alld Columibus , 0., ech
8 '~t. 209 milesa away, iina a inavalk
(illonst i ien of the fact that Port
I~rrr is ai' )1 suminci' rresort city, but
di ;dive fr'om Central Ohio.



While the Irish Free State continues its efforts to bring ulster into its fold, the Northern Ireland state
glorying in the monarchial pomp 0.:01ld. All the military display andl color accompanying the state opening
the mother p~arliamenlt In Londoa attended the recent opening of the Orange parliament. The Duke of

Ablcrcorn, governor-general, is seen i specting the guard of honor previou
1will give the final lecture in the series on' different phases of telephone
engineering today, May 20, at eleven o'clock in Doom 248 V. Efigineering
Building. His topic will be "Engineering and Plant Operations," All inter-
ested are invited to attend. W . 1,; Ev*ritl.
l oral Uion Usheris :
1All uishers having gr'een coardls will leaCse report at Hill Auditorium
WedInesday, May 20th, at 7:00 P. 1W. to receive assignn~ ents for M~ay Festival.
Tuxedo's or (lark suits are to he worn.
( WV. A. D~a eniport.
Ofciuu ers of1 the 1-iest of Michigan iBand:
I The 1Band xwillI a seliibl e atBand h ca (1(1181.1era tonight at.(6:45 uni-
r ormed to include capes)C for the weelly concert amdt partictil81ion ini the last
SeirSing. Robert 1'. Halsey, 11. It.
G The last club lunchpeon is to be lield Satuorday. May 2"rd, at 12:15 att the
}I Church of Christ. As *t le Sen iotra are to be eecialIly honored at thiis time,
let everyy member o3 the ,clul)bo ly res~1fl . lr you desire a pilace r('aerivCd,
p~hone 7364 before Thursday7 night. J. J. Sclm-artz.
IA. 1. 1', F. Meniers :
T here will lbe va- niting ofall A. 1. IK. I3. j111(lllin'la R ~oomI24g Isi-
tilicering Id at 4:15 P. .N. coi'I'ittrsuiav .\ay 21, for thie elcetion of offi-
c~ i for ncxl year.

Dean Cabot will preside. J~s udal

Jelin Sundwall.

Ann Arbot Associations:
International Exhibition of modern paintings, from the C'arnegie In-
stitute of Pittsburgh. Alumni Memorial Mall, afternoons 1 :30-5:00, except
Sunday 2:00-5:00; Thursday evenings 7:30-9:30: May 5th to May 24th.
Free to members, students of University, pupils of Schools.
I arreit P Lombhard, 'residuln.
Vithemau tics College of Lieratuure Sclecie, andiitihe Arts:
There will "be aeeting of the mat ii cnat ics staft on Wedlne 'day, May
20, in Rloonm 3201 Angell Hall at 4 P. ?M.
Psychology 31:
.All theses in Psychology 31 mzust be hlandled in not later' than May 20.
No theses on the topics p~osted1 at present will be accepted after that (late.
F. L. D)inrnlck.
Zoology 1:
My quiz section meeting Friday at 11:00 will recite at that time u pont
pages 291. to 323 in textbook. A. Fraunklinu Shull.
Political Science 10'?:
Professor Ilayden will meet the class this morning May 20.
J. T.118,Y den.
Observations in the' Ann Arbor Hilgh School:
Observations in the Ann Arbor High School were concludled Friday.
May 15. Students who found it impossible to coimplefe their schedules
should see Mr. Whitehouse as soon as p)ossible.
Office hours this week No. 10 Tappan Hall:
Wednesday, 3:30 to 4:00, Thursday, 3:45 to 4:15.
All completed schedules should be takeun to Miss Schieferstein in Roomi
106, Tappan Ilall, at. your convenience, this week or next.
C. O. lDavis.

s to the parliamentary ceremonies.
Notices to appear in this column must
be left in the box at the Da=1y office
provided for 'iat purpose before 4
o'clock preceeding the day of issue.
10 :00---Conference of the deanis is h~eld
in the President's of~ce.
10 :00413 :Ot-Seusioi engineer asfinouince-
mients and invitations given out at,
table on the second floor of the En-
gineering building, over the arch.
11 :00-C. A. 31orford, general plant
sup~erintendent of the lieihigan B3eli
r1.'eleplho1e company lectures on
"Enginering and Plant Operations,"
iu rom 44, estEngineering
1 :301:30) -- I iternational extilbltioii
of nlo(Ierii psaintings from the Car-
negie institut e of Pittsburgh, in Al"
ununi Memorial hall.
t :O0----Open house fors' ludesil s at:
H-arrnis hail.
1I:001) -Mmleiatics staff of the liter-,
a i-y (:ollege meets in room 3201, An-
gell hall.
1 :00-W~omen's lt'yout s for'the, Nich.
igan-Ohio debate team are held in
r~oom ~302, Mason hall.
l:15)-Sternis berg .Medal. presentamtionl ex.
excises are held in the wvest amphi-
theater of the Medical building.
.):00--Settiors of fte School of Educa-
tion meet in room 20)3, Tappan hall.
':1:0- --lection of officers for thle lWom.u
en's Physical Education club is held


tI'The rilyla .Jrwo'hly ow't iis2.of, (IlllUniversityv Unitwill b.he ldL~ Wrine.-
(lay, Maiy 20t.,at 7:,,0 P. Al. inthe I' C)0. T.(C Drill Hll.
There vvill be thle 1usual cla:i) at 1.00 Utodia y. It is; Very Tngee""as'y thiat
all membiers he Ipresenlt, Ross 1j. Taylor.

'~For 10 Days
25% ~OFF
__________ _________BOOKSTORE a

Telephone Lectures:
Mr'. C. A. Morford, Gecneral Plant Supt.
Detroit, May 19.--The speed boat
baby Cain IV and the Baby Gar V,
will arrive in Albany, N. Y., within
the next few days to be provisioned
for the race down the HIudIson river
which Gain Wood, the world's motor
boat champion, will make May 28
against the new York Central's 20th
Century limited.r

Of the Michigan Bell 'telephone,

The Summner Michigan Daily
offers students who expect to
attend Summer School all of the
advantages and experience I
which are 'found in The Mich-
igan Daily, and also the oppor- I
tunity for faster advancement.
Both the editorial and businessj
staffs will add a few men and
women during the next fewn
weeks. Persons interested are
urged to see ThaI or Mansfield, I
jon the editorial side, any after-
noon from 2 to 5T o'clock, or
Conlin, on the business side, E
any afternoon from 4 to 5:30
o'clock. These men may be I
found at The Daily offices in
the Press building on Maynard

Special Sal
One-half Off-Shirts, rTies, Socks
Golf Hose, Knickers
Special Golf Set
Five Clubs and Bag
Tennis Racquets Restrung
Expert Service


is the
time to
have a picture
taken of the gang
in the house. Get
the bunch together
and call Lyndon & Co.
at 4514.

I al lioll."I= o




Foar Sale by

332 Sough State St.

Dial 4484

714 N.

University Avye.

Film Developing

Phone 4514




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