WVEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1925 PG1 ~~E THE MICHIGANDAL DAILY PA619 sE THISSIFIE COLUMN LACOLUMN CLOSES CLOS@S AT 3 P.Mi. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M, 19 Um TYPE WRIT ERtS_ TYPEWRITERS Splendid machines. Best makes for rent or for sale. HAMILTON BUSINE~SS COLLEGE Phone 781;~. WiANTJ'D-- TIliesii to typo. Mlyma V. 1 or'J'ypatvrter Repainng ! I~eatP~r Ise . o(Itcack -ypewies,+ Stand;Arv Ad 3 ort,)lA&-adding wia' (Adnes. NOTICE O I T Our moderate prices ria Re it l)ISil)1C for all to have 1Fit11S II 11 ()?1. GR1OWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORIAL CO. ! .22 .21Liberty. PIi-ore 1630, Fresh every Friday. 'Rpj(.e' 5 1.19 E, bb rty. UIthe~stld Ilow~am hIA Pd ,lnehiny Co FOi~RPENT 5-RtOOM apt. with baath and heat, va- c-,in(. i UIe 1. (',a be had at very iW50]inale rentaIl for Summ11rne : (°1i01 if (lsirell. Prefer tenanit FOR SALE St.con(l semle.ter freshim whose marks for the fir seniester wereof o"C'' grade jlbett(ei' arme celigibmle to try out 1( p~,.oiin oil the lower Busine Staff of the 1926 Michigane jsiait., Applications should be fmay in person at t he Press buildt any afternoon this week betwe (2 ando 3 o'c'lock. F.' M. PTIELPS, Jr. E Business M~anage IChosen President en 01, for !EAT { The " lue Lantern" 2 3e tfISLAND LAKE V 1. Saturday, May 23, 1925 Jean Goldkette's1 er. f "Breeze Blowers's Dancing 8:30 n11 _ ____ ____ I Besy Rss"on yur bx o 'ILI ti i li 14 t I? *~ I'.' I L i(l 1-1,k E Inl s- i ili toritg- f all ing-l~r c king--St,,z ra ge 1 1 1 t, rlmzt ig order, -i goodl Cal usforbug(1 ~t fle 1I~ll~i. 1~ I wbattery, $40.001. Bu ist go, Loads inured. I ship to all point=,. ca,(11Wlh 6.26 'Detroit fSt., toca'lp Ned as, (1111Wlc WVA IT 14'G)iv' SAL141i'i liixie banjio with case 0. G'. A N )ItES aiI jolin NWith1 case. Purdy 2035 222 SOUTIHlISTATE 5Th F E'I' A11. 1114)11.M~t1Eli, . K LOS'r---Cold signet ring with n Will stsyYuour tlst. grain A. Al. If. Left, on piar you bst Barbours Gymnasium. Ann M. 9 Si~t1i, {) .',ST-B~rown fur with scarr, 1M XVAV H ~~j(tR. heater. Saturday night. F girs oi St~ a~l + qute'EL 96-5). Reward. double rf>z, istt . t( X 496:3 aftell b a . tLOT--Back leather note-book, (lay A. M., mroom 30031 A. II, WtiTE) w': r~~i4d o1c r~e U. 11. Return to 'Ensian Bus }position in fr terniN i li .21.-u2ht2 orrice. tween 2 ando'. loU6i. IA BR=ETrPO, S for I Ibe N1, 1 t val,..af, e nlow on sale at helolowing places, IUiiVersitIy iMu sic IMluse, A .1e n i r f t i l o r ? S u -It Phono. Shop, \ValIi 's, ( h fi iii li Mlater's, Studlents rrply rrStore, Schaeherle k& Sons 'l usic lILouse, andl Grinnell IpI otlhrs., FOR)itSA l AK T.-wo May Festival, :,Ealtt(Call 9626. patrois liciets' for main floor. Good 1' I t i'U- andE. miess Glern Frank (above), editor of thelI dentin y Magazine, is expjet'ted to ac- (~ept tlhe, presidency of VUiversity of: X Wiscoulsiil, offered hirei by tile board of regents. Rosece Poumnd, (lean of Har~ivarid law school, first. chosen for! th lepositilon. 'P'clined. F( v vs r r s J r~6 u is ir9 1 i+ V (,O S - V .E.-ti\asl enaw District,; ;wg 100111 ii otir,,ha rd wood floors, i t c nlatce, good eloset 5, good heat-j ing sx<< t ei,, w ly pa intedIand dec- o ma ted, giva ge, localtiou 52:11Linden 4., ii s vAn.(,I] SchmoolI and(1colveni- iinto10 1'Iii -'sil v. Termis. lDial ownler.3291. (, i i j COLLE~GE Student* tt'avd i or tsumr-' aver; healthful work, salary $360 for 90 days. Railvay fare paid.,. Write D~ept. "B" Park Avenue Bldg., D~etro it. L.S---(oldi Waltham watchl, largeI freward.. clay Knickerbocker,I phlonle'4746. -A pair of black and grey '1 1 _r Try Our Chees Chicken .FOR ItSA L' -T'w\o ha10 tic'ke'tsfor /tile A i4a es..t iva I, on the ?cmainI '~ I floor. Phone 21211. r W~~le deliver - -1 ..l.(P)OIt SAXLTI+ -it arley-DVa vidson motor- Pho. 9636 cycle an side car', good condition. l~ewl ee P'rice .$5.00, 1125 Michigan Ave., -~ ~~~~~~~~~ - ____________________Iphonle 22165. FOR RENT . 114'081 SALE--- louse suitable for fra- FOR RE NT-First. floo r, two pleasant j eri iy or sor orit y. Southeast see- furnished light Iousexeeling rooms15 t ion $ 1500 d1own. Reasonable and kiteheutet te. Two) blocks tromut cimoilllly piaymlents. See hloffmnan,1 campus, comnveienice to hospitals,, 1799 East Uniiversit y. Phone 7078. I also doule or single room aecond _________ floor. Dial 8794. . )NR S A LE--Tllree May Festival' FOR ENT-Sep. 1 swcnic flor icekets 1st balcony, best seats, for ap~artment,,four rooms1l, kitchenmette, 11Xa(yUfl('('l't. P hone 4372. bath-room, sleeping p)orch, 9015 f'l i(lT orm'i'n adjacent seats for Forest ave., Dial 6187. (lGabrilowilseb (Concert, Wednles'day, ____________________________________o____________Phone____351. "Lf') DG '__ -? nn .- - .c n n. At ay cstial. i'h ne 8351 WAN'1EL)'- Dishmwsher, Kappa. Al- pha Theta hlouse. 11,' PERlI ENCED cook dlesires l)05i- tion in fraternity. Call 21542 be- t-weenu 2 and 4 o'clock. WANTEIFD-Student b~arber for sum- mer. Apply at Shurch street.lBar- her shop. Call at 607 Church St. WANTFED---College woman for sum- mer' work; valuable businesex- Box 115. FOR SALE --Ford in Al condition, goodI tires. Will sell at a sacrifice. Call (hun, lDial 4418. LOST . s Shell rmmnned glasses. Probably slost. in or near Law school. Phoue !.J. M.Aikerell 4147. BEAUTY SIIOPIES Permanent Waving and Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP' 5NICKELS AM"AI)E-9619I i .r E I 'r ii I- SENIORS Attention is called to the members of the senior classes of all colleges that their sub- scriptions to the Michigan Alumnus have to be paidl by tomior'row. The class treasurers of the engineering and archi- tectural classes will receive thle payments from the members of thleir classes; all other classes amre to pay directly to the Uni- versity treasurer. ( a , 1' li Ric-ler, tastier, more luscious sweets. Tlw tou('h of collegiate atmosphere. 1 Nt fity of ,i'odli t mid perfection of maifact'ure. SThe Best Alrays Pleases y Betsy os Sho .. In the ArL," DIIMATTIA BEAUTY S1HOP offers soft water shampoos, espeCcial at- tention for curly iair. hlair cut- ting and wavinfg by expert opera- tors. Phone 8875. _ __.____._ 1 Watch'for the Summer Michigan Daily i RE WA RD $5,00.00 BEWAil)! $500.00 can be earnedl by college men selling Fuller Brushes this summer. B~egin collecting at once by getting p a r t i c u l a r s fronm M. V. Heaphy, 917 Mary St. Phone 3521. SEN IOR IT Q1'Y /( 7(( Il I h 2 LOST--Key holder with several one marked 810542. Please Political Sciegce office. keys, call! FOR l~RENT a fon~ls and gaza~U4.1 r[or; Sinmer schoo0l at "527 1 'ackard,5 neat '.Thompsom. TOl.f)994.. ATTNI , ' 1Tit:S'N IOft BANQUET As far- back as 1890, COCNN Saxaphones were, known all over the world as thec sul-rcmr'e development of Antoine Sax's famous invention. In the inany years orhich hNave p~assed since then, COCNN saxaphones have riot wiy kept in tihe lead, b~ut have forged steadily a headl. SHEET MUSIC AND ACCESSORIES Conn 1nstru'nt Company 1.1 N1('hILS ARtCADE and all othe rs l i i 3 i I i I i f i f i I i Students ead {a *iAdvertisements? a(A If you ado, surely you ewill read this one1 d a n fn ay aS ph m r f o l ai g U1 sity came to see us, suggesting that we advertise in {fL iA their undergraduate paper, and best of all convinced 41 a us, and this is how he did it: First-He believed in Life Insurance because his uncle (a good business man) had advised him to UG buy some. f~~i 1 Second-His Father died in the prime of life and f I, tlgood health and left almost no insurance, when I~ihe could have carried $50,000. I Third-He also knew that he could buy Insurance NOW at half the annual cost his uncle and; Father had paid for theirs. f All this convinced him that even though a student, he should take out as much Life Insurance as his V ff I allowance would permit. I , ~~What About You?9't !x,41I Every college student looks forward to a career, which will make possible the fulfillment of the most S cherished desires -- surely Insurance is a necessary , part of this program. E1Insure, in part at least the value of your educated) ? self, NOW, making up your mind to increase it as I ~i business or pofssoalsoinsfolos.' pany issues all forms of Life Insurance, endowments for home and estate protection, mortgage replace- t. ment, education of children, bequest or income for + I old age; also annuities and permanent disability. The John Hancock is particularly interested in insuring r- '" college men and women aind obtaining college grad. I , uates for the personnel of the field staff. if you have read this, advertisement, f{ ~you mwill aid your undergraduate Y paper by communicating 'with the : Ovr LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY Dolla1s OR BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS 197 Clarendon Street, Boston, Massachusetts OvrSxyYearn in Business. Now Insuring Lives ZoBlio olr !t~y -inPliie o_350,00Lie A FEW OF THE ESSENTIAL ITEMS ARE: Wool Camp and Army Blankets Light Double Cotton Blankets Barracks Bags, Navy Sea Bags Haversacks and Knapsacks SHOOTING Extra le avy Double Sole Army and Hiking Shoes M~occasin Pack Shoes ini High-Top, Regular or Oxfoid Tennis, Officers and Lighi Munson Army Shoes Field andI Mosquito Tents--must be seen..to be appreciated Steel Mirrors with Caro; .- Cant~cens with Cab, anid Belt Regulation Khaki Army and Whipcord Breeches C"amp Clothing Khaki :Coats and Regulation White Navy pants and Hlats Leather and Wrap Puttees Canvas ,Lengglug Rain Coats, Ponchos, Slickers and Hats '1Trousers SHIRTS of rTowering.'TMass es"' *The Garment Center Buidings New York City WALTfER M. MASON. At-chicet Drawn by Hugh F'erris Khaki, Poplin and Pongee Shirts, $1 .00 and Up Also. Light Flannels, Broadcloth, 0. D. Wool Army Shirts Corduroy, Suede and Plaid Blanket Shirts, Blouses and Bl~azer,% Ladies Flannel Shirts, Heavy and Light Wool Socks Golf Hose Cotton, Lisle and Silk H--ose Underwear, all Styles SUEDE LEATHIER JACKETS ini brownm, tan or grey for ladies and men %nit Coats and S eaters, .9 and 'up T E T m AlI k in d sCamp equipment, Gold Medal, Furniture, Folding ________________________________Cots, Stools, Buckets, Stoves, Air Mattresses, Sleep- ing Bags, Canvas Auto Covers, Navy Hammocks, H{ERE the new architecture ex'presses itself in great vig- orous masses which climb upward into the sky wihma pyramidal profile --gigantic, irregular, arresting. An earlier, conventional building on the near corner is overshadowed, engulfed in towecring masses of the newer buildng which are prophetic of an architecture of the future which is vividly stimulating to the imagination. Certainly modern invention-modern engineering skill and organization, will prov more than equal to the de- mands of the architecture of dhe fuxture. 0OTIS EL EVA TOR C OM PA Office s in all Principal Cities of the World N Y Downtown in Rear of Post Office 213 North Fourth Ave. F, -"-. II>,, z'AlITIDPQ I 619 East - -. , -. ' rya 7 / ! "l _ - _ - - _ _ -"- L _ ._ _ _ .....