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May 20, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-20

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VOIlA XXXV. No. 171 r




More Than1 404) hear Affirmative
Teant Win Issue on ihilippine
Islands Question

Friday evening in the V amon H
1 allronm, "will be distributed to j
all those holding tickets today 1
from until 5 o'clock in the i PA MER F
Union lobby. Practically all of _
Oe remaining tickets for the i l(F)U I CLASSES OF UN
Pall were dispesed of by the WOMEN FORM BLOC
flcommittee yesterday afternoon, rER A'RU
although there are still a few
k left which will be sold, to soph-
omores and upperclassmen this(I ANNOUNCE AW
a fternoon at the time the tiro-
girams are given out. The few re- Senior Women Lead Othe
maining tickets may also be ap- Across Palmer Field; F
plied for by calling J. 1. Pren- Palmer Field;
tiss '25, at 1550 Washtenaw ave-
nue, or telephoning 6117.I
By the traditional Lant

1"5OO iBe Captives Agg YPNA
1,5 By Mighty Oak
listn to this tale of romanceSL T ON IGH
TaIe of IndIian wrarrior s bold-
In ecarly 1110011of tGre m Leaves

K "63V"
er Classes}
ern cere-

Came they forth. the stoics valiant;
Forth they romped to paleface wig-
Wigwam once of friendly Great
p~aleface mighty 'aong his kind;
Came he forth to take their token
Of the war path they wouild tread.
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming, yelling red
ro the tree of Indian legend

Mortarboard, honorary senior
society, has elected the follow-
ing 13 Junior women: Margaret
Effinger, Norma Bicknell, Helen
Ramsey, Louise Roberts, Doro-
thy Cline, Constance Clark,
Kathryn Willson, Lillian Wet-
zel, Vera Wallington, Eunice
R se, Elizabeth Parrott, Anne
Seeley, Elizabeth Blackwood.
Senior Society, honorary for
Independent women, has taken
the following into membership:
Norma Bicknell, Geraldine
Knight, Helen Roszel, Charlotte
Harrison, Ingrid Alving, Maria
Van Osenbruggen, Genevieve
Goodman, Dori Glines.

Game Will be Second of Season
Played With Michigan
State College

Orchestra Plays For Twenty-First
Time in Connection With
Music Fete


Detroit Northwestern high school mony which is to the women what
debating team, defending the affirm- Cap Night is to the men the unoffi-
ative side of the question-"Resolved: T
That the United States should grant mn o ors to seor
the Philippine Islands an immediate phomores to juniors and freshmen
and complete independence," was rnto sophomores took place last nightj
awarded the judges decision by the Palmer field. More than 1,500
score of three to two in the eigthi University women formed the pro-
annual state championship debate -cession which marched across the
anuljtt caponhp eae'-~hockey field and formed a huge
held at 8 o'clock last night in Water- Leh 11and Fink edal For Work Done hocky"m"
man gymnasium. The negative was II Ilesearch Given oi 11. 1. block sMy r
supported by Ypsilanti Central high Bowers, '251 1 The Varsity band played for the
school. --procession which was led by the sen-
' i EW L W DICUSSD I iors in caps and gowns and carrying
The winners were awarded a silver NEW LW DISCUSSED their lighted lanterns The women o
loving cup, a smaller one going to the ___
gsthe other classes flowed, the jun-
runners up~, the awards to remain in I Addresses by Prof. E. C. Case of the ( iors carrying bright colored arches
permanent possession of the winners. geology department and Dean .Kraus which formed a pergola for the un-
Each team was composed of three of the College of Pharmacy comprised derclassmen to pass through. While
members, each of whom were permit- the chief feature of the eighth annual in formation the seniors passed the
ted ten minutes for constructive ar- pharmic banquet held last night at the lanterns to the juniors while singing
gument and five for rebuttal. The Chamber of Commerce Inn. Professor tha
personnel of the team representing Case brought ought the element of their arches to the sophomores, who
the Detroiters was Earl Gremel, service and nobility which character-
Harold Olsen, and James Buckley, izo the pharmacist's calling, gave them in turn to the freshmen.
Lorinda McAndrew, Charles Hill, and Tracing the development of the pro-I Te ceremony closed with the
Ruth Latham represented the Ypsi- fession from the days of alchemistry awing of athletic honors and the
singing of "The Y4ellow and the
anti school. The former maintained and the alembic to its present status, gn by
lie stressed the need of a broad and Blue." The awards ,were given by
their position principally on three humanistic education as well as the Women's Athletic association on
points: first, that the Philippines are mtechnical skill. 'Ihe sbjin ect of Deas the basis of participation in such ac-
ready politically to govern them-' Kraus' talk. was the recent law Ipassedn tivities as hiking, riding, baseball,
selves, second, that they are sound fi- by the Michigan legislature requiring basketball, hockey andother sports.
nancially, and third, that they are that all registered pharmacists shall The sweaters given for earning 1,0001
free from foreign aggression. The have completed two years of college points were awarded to Mary Ails-t
negative mainly contested that, be- work and two years of actual ex- house, '27, Lucille Bellamy, '25, Al-E
cause the move would be politically perience. phra Ladd, '25, Frances Murray, 25,1
unwise, and morally wrong, that the "It is my belief," stated Dean Olive McKay, '25 Adelaide Sherer, '25,
because Philippines are not prepared Kraus, "that this raising of the stand- Evey Smith '25 eRert
for self government, and finally that ard is a step in the right direction, '2,A Weeler 2,iseROhl
because their present economic sit- from the viewpoint of the professioni'acher, '25, and Frances uff, '26.
'uation is not of the right sort, their i of Michigan, and of the conservation machery '25, dr, Iluff, '.
of public health." Djorothy Ogborn, '26, will receive a
independence should not now be Otheals rsweater in June.
granted.-Other talks were given by ropre-
Dean John I. Effinger presided at sentatives of thoe four classes. H. C. w The silver pins for 00 pa tms we re
Brgn'21,ad )..Saheo, awarded to Olive Fast, '25, Mary
the affair which was attended by a ;'27', traced the activities of therun- Stewart, '25, Norma Clarke, '26,
:rowd estimated at 1500 persons from , derclassmen, while C. Waggoner, n Gladys Eastcott, '26, Frances Muff,
rDetroit and Ypsilanti. The delega- s'26s, and F. A.llMaurina, '25Pan- '26, Sue Haskins, '26, Irene Field. '27,
tion from both the contending schools swered for the juniors and seniors. Lucille Walsh, '27, Fredericka Mars-
weas headed by a band, while the; Grace Collins, '2511, 5spoke in behalf ; ton. '27.;
Dundee high school orchestra enter- of the women taking pharmacy. The insignia for earning 300 points
tained the audience before activities The Lehn and Fink medal, annually were awarded to Eunice Child, '28.
Other debate officials were Anne offered to stimulate research in phar- Gretta Adams, '25, Dora Dodge, '25,
Mc Gurk of Ann Arbor high school macutical science, was awarded to } Olive Fast, '25, Marion Dutton, '25,
and Olive Lockwood of Mt. Clemens Harold R. Bowers, '25P, who is also L en, 5,rma Barlow,
high school timekeepers; Ruth ins- an honor student in the University. , AlbeaOe, 2, or a arow,
ton of Detroit Northwestern and Car- iThe yearly Rho Chi prize, a ten dollar I 2, lra
lisle G. Bigger of Ypsilanti high gold piece, was presented to Oliver J. fr, Finsterwald, 27, Helen
school, team directors. The judges Weinkauff, '281'. Searight, '27 and Stella Sturos, '27.
were: Dean Wilber R. Humphreys; More than 50 members of the , The dance drama, "Once Upon aj
Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the pharmacy school attended the ban- Tlime," was presented by the fresh-I
University; Prof. Thomas C. True-;quet. man class previous to the Lantern
blood of the public speaking depart- ceremony. Leading parts in the
ment; Prof. Thomas E. Rankin of pageant were taken by Dorothy Hurd,
the rhetoric department; and Prof.TICKETS AIAII.flI OR Marian Van Tuyl, Aurel Fowler, Vera
George L. Jackson of the education UJohnston, Mary Van Dewsen, Alice
department. Prof. William D. Hen- SPRING Kellogg, Katherine Kyer, Esther Mer-
derson ,director of the University Ex- il II IJ PA I" rick, andl Mary Quarton.
tension division, introduced Dean . (Continued on Page Five)
~Effinger as the presiding officer.


Where the white men pale and The Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
trembling . under the direction of Frederick E__
Stood around the mighty oak; Stock, with Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the fa
Warriors choice of paleface nation, idistinguished piano virtuoso, as so-fa
Choice of Tribe to run the gauntlet. loist, will present the opening con- S.
cett of the thirty-second annual MayS
Down the warriors, painted demons, Festival at 8 o'clock tonight in Hil tni
Swooped and caught their prey like auditorium under the auspices of theS
eagles, University School of Music. A limit- th
ILoud the war cry stirred the still- ed number of tickets for this per- bt
ness formance were still available last sath
As they seized their hapless cap-~;night, a co di gfeth snin ch re. ctues fo A tsocual ans e t
acrigto those in charge. Asscitin'
tives, Following the return to the more ShdldfrAscainsC
Forth they bore them to their wig- classical composers which character- 1926 Program n
There to torture at their pleasure. ized this year's program, tonight'sjpi
There they ate round lowing camp- major offerings will include the EXPLORER IN FIRST TALK
fires Schumann B flat symphony and w
Ireard the words of mighty wisdom Strauss' symphonic poem Don Juan." Ten speakers of national note have3 Fi
Smoked the pipe of peace and The first of these works, composed been secured for the Oratorical Asso- so
friendship, at a time when its form and mood been eregrfo te Orar s sof
Thus there came to Micligamua were considerably influenced by t.oC.proram ne tyrsa kngfa
Ceorge W. Koss Jr., Alhin B. Crouch, Schumann's own feelings and expel- Coeti
Frederick M. Phelps, George W. iences, reflects the artists varying department, who has made the ar- t
Davis, Byron W. Parker, Joseph Finn, emotional struggles. Its first per- rangements for these lectures. th
Kenneth Kellar, Frederick Sturmer. formance, which was completely suc- The progran will be opened on Oct.
Harry Hawkins, Robert Brown. cessful, occurred at Leipzig in the 13 when Capt. Roald Amundsen, An- (a
George Babcock, Richard Doyle, Gewandhaus, 1841, under Mendel- 1d
Steven F. Wilson, Peter W. Jablon- tsshn's direction. tarctic explorer, who plans to make a
owkski, Roy Callahan, Richard Frey- Of the second composition rnetflight to the north pole this summer
berg, Glen Donaldson.ss will give an illustrated talk concern- A
Newman, the English musical critic g his trips. Col. Lawrence Driggshe
says, "The music unfolds itself, bar '86L, will speak Oct. 27 concerning the ab
OTO HOLD by bar, with perfect continuity and Air:Mail service in this country. Col-!Ja
consistency as if it had nothing but onel Driggs is at present the director i tin
itself to consider.... No other com- of this branch of our postal service.
poser equals Strauss in the power of !The English poet, Alfred Noyes, will ga
BAN El TO N I VT writing long stretches of music that ; appear Nov. 5, while Col. William N.-ca
interests us in and for itself, at the Haskell, who was in charge of the to
same time that every line and color in American commissary in Russia dur- A
Progratn Includes Lawrence, Roesser, it seems to express some new trait in ing the f mine period, will lecture on So
And Ohinacher in Year's the character that is being sketched." th oe. h r -hNov.r24.
Last Meeting Other numbers on tonight's pro- On Dec. 8 the grand-daughter - ofn, s
grain are Beot hovent's overture General Grant Princess Cantacutene, 5
r who was bo n in the White House,
EFFINGER WILL SPEAK "Leonori" and Tschaikovsky's B iatwhoand who has spent years in Russia S.
concerto for the pianoforte and orch- as the wife of a Russian nobleman, w
Msestra. The latter composition, which will appear in Hill auditorium. Thish
More than 150 seniors of the i has proved by far the most popular concludes the list of speakers who b
class of '25 are expected to attend of Tschaikovsky's three concertos, have been secured for definite dates,. te
the annual Senior Banquet at 6 will be played by Mr. Gabrilowitsch, The New York dramtic critic and h
o'clock tonight at the Union. Dean and demonstrates the composer's author, Alexander Woolcott, will
John R. Effinger of the literary col- higher piano technique when treating speak either just before or just after g
lege will lie the main speaker. , this instrument in combination with the holidays; S. Parks Cadman, the o
Tickets to the banquet will be on other instruments. (Brooklyn minister who was chosen as h
sale at the main desk of the Union The appearance tonight of the Chi- the second greatest preacher in the al
until 1 o'clock this afternoon, and at cago Symphony orchestra under the United States by 20,000 of his col- h
the Woman's League booth in Uni- direction of Frederick Stock marks leagues, will appear soon after Wool-
versity hall until noon. The banquet the twenty-first year of this o'ganiza- cett. Cadman is at present the head d
will start promptly at t o'clock, in tion's connection with the Festival. of te National Church Federation.b
order for the seniors to participate in It is the third oldest orchestra in tlk on astronomy to be given by Dr. a
the second Sing, on the steps of the America and has developed both am- h ytaalo astronomy o v i
immeiatey te I istiall I '~l d ts Harow e ilusta r.e iaveris ofn
Library, immediately after the close tistically and materially during itsb
of the dinner. thirty four seasons of concerts. Due slides of the heavens a
Caps and gowns will not be worn . to the manly concerts in its home city, Phidelah Rice, who appeared in Ann
during the banquet, but it will be often more than a hundred in a single Arbor two years ago, will give an- g
necessary for the seniors to wear season, it is but infrequently heard other of his dramatic recitals after', r
them to the Union, in order to have elsewhere. the spring holidays. t
them for the Sing. Michigan songs I Mr. Stock, who was born in Ger- J Prof. Trueblood has also made a t
will be sung between courses and an many in 1872, first graduated from tentative date with Charles Evans h
orchestra has been engaged to play. the Cologne Conservatory as a vio- Hughes, ex-secretary of State to a- p
In addition to the address by Dean { linist, and came to America in 1895, pear sometime next spring. The dates g
Effinger, Lyman Savage, '25, will when he became a member of the for these later lectures have not yet p
speak on reminiscences of the four Chicago Symphony orchestra. Four been fixed. d
years the class has spent at the Uni- years later he was made assistant
versity, William Roesser, '25, will conductor, and upon the death of Ancient Bicyclei
talk on the benefit of college activi- Theodore Thomas in 1905, succeeded , s
ties, Elsa Ohlmacher, '25, vice-pres- to the conductorship. Mr. Stock i Suddenly Appears F
ident of the class, will represent the also a composer of note, several of Can City Streets 1
women and a talk by Richard Law- I his works, both choral and orches-,
rence, '25, the president, will con- tral, having been heard in formerc
elude the program. Festival concerts. Students passing the Law club
The banquet will be the last gath- The course of six concerts in four shortly after dinner last night were
ering of the senior literary class dur- days include in addition to the ar- surprised to see a mnan, vague in theI
ing its undergraduate career. tists already mentioned, thirteen of dusk, pedaling along the pavement on
the world's forenmost musical stars, an ancient bicycle, a relic of older
ethe University Choral Union, and the days, with its one great wheel turn-
Chidrens' chorus. ing slowly, and its little wheel trail-
Anoth r Da Foring behind It might have been an
The Choral Union in its practices ing ig hae bee an
Day old grad returning in time for anoth-c
durintg the past few days has beemin
Payment Of Dues ng use of the new supplemen- I em commencement, or a ghost of the
Eayitg wlich was recently com- Ann Arbor of an older days. But no!
othe shape dwindled into a lawyer,c
Scm1ors of the literary college will pleted in Hill auditorium. This stage striving nervously to keep in an up- 1
be given their last opportunity to pay is designed to seat the 300 hundred Iright position.
their class dues tomorrow. The booth' members of the chorus and orchestra IA long as he rode, all was well;
in the corridor of University hall will more effectively than in the past, as but he tried to dismount. It was like
be open from 9 to 12 o'clock and from well as providing three additional i
2 to 5 o'clock, according to Frank rows of seats for the audience. a from back
Roberts. '25, class treasurer. The libretto for the Festival ly high horse; the weel came over
Only 50 pei cent of the class have taing the full programs pictures of with him. But another lawyer
paid their dues up to the present ithe artists, scenes from the Chicago claimed his place, and after a tedious
time, which means that approximate- e asscais rodtn a mount, reeled out into the traffic of I
y 500 seniors have not yet paid. his association production of La South University avenue.
iGioconda, and an analysis prepared;

mtoney must be paid to the class be- b alVMorwlbenslet
fore the invitations and announce- by Earl V. Moore, wil be on sale at Holland, May 19.-Dr. Frank N. Pat-
m-ente winvitatiom ad, whc awniunce the music stores and at the auditor- terson, head of the biology depart-
ments will lie delivered, which will h b i pocoin tngh'scncrt
soine timie next week. ng.ent at Hope college for 16 1-2 years,
Those seniors who (1o not pay at the i Reservations have been made for has resigned, to take effect at the
ibooth tomorrow will be forced to mail -members of the state legislature and close of this term. Dr. Patterson gave
their money to the treasurer, as no their wives, visiting musicians, and Ias the reason for his resignation in-
I nmore dues days will be scheduled. I representatives of more than a huni adequacy of salary.

Starting with the same lineup that
ced Minnesota last week end, the
arsity baseball team will meet M.
C. in a return game at 4:10 o'clock
is afternoon at East Lansing.
The Michigan squad will leave for
e game at 12:30 o'clock today by
s, which will carry them direct to
oir destination. Practically the en-
re squad will make the trip, as
each Ray Fisher plans to make
unierous substitutions if his team
les up a substantial lead.
Thme Wolverines held only a light
orkout yesterday afternoon, as
isher is anxious that his men regain
me of the pep that has been lacking
late. Monday's practice was also
r from strenuous. Yesterday bat-
ng practice occupied the full time
the session, which wound up more
an a half hour earlier than usual.
Two pitchers are sure to work to-
ay, with the possibility of a third
ing sent in for an inning or two.
ovey will probably start against the
ggies and will work four innings if
goes well. Walter will also pitch
out the same length of time, and
blonowski may be sent in for a
Hovey has not worked in any of the
mnes on the schedule to date, but is
apable of hurling good ball. Walter
iled three innings against the
ggies in the first game of the sea-
n April 29 at Ferry field. The
ichigan team won the game 10-4 in
x innings, the game being called on
count of rain. Wakefield, the M.
C. star, pitched for the l1 ers, and
as taken for 10 hits, including a
ome run by Coleman and a three
agger by Ryrholm. Fisher and Wal-
r did the flinging for Michigan, and
eld the opposition to four hits.
With Captain Dillman back in the
ame and Pucklewartz added to the
utfield, the Varsity will face the
ome team in full strength. Dillman
howed the effects of his layoff when
e got back into harness against
innesota Saturday, but he will un-
oubtedly have his eye back on the
all today. Pucklewartz stands out
s the find of the season by his work
n the Gopher series; in wvbich he
howed great strength both at bat;
nd afield.
Red Cherry will probably start the
ame behind the bat, with Red Davis
eplacing him during the progress of
he game. Davis caught an inning in
he first M. S. C. tilt, while Cherry
as held down the regular catching
ost since his start in the Illinois
ame. Baker's bad finge is still in
oor shape, and he will be unable to
o any work for some time yet.
If the game goes well for Mich-
gan, Fisher will make several sub-
titutions. Froemke, Bachman, and
Friedman are especially likely to
break into the lineup in the outfield.
Student coupon books will be ac-
cepted at the gate for admission to
the game.
Last Of 'Ensians
Given Out Today
More than 1800 'Ensians were given
out at the Library yesterday, accord-
ing to William Phelps, Jr., '26, who is
in general charge of the work. The
distribution will be continued today,
beginning at 9:30 o'clock.
Those who have not yet completed
their payments on the 'Ensian or who
have lost their receipts will be able
to obtain their books Friday after-
noon at the 'Ensian office in the Press
building. Due to the rush at the Li-
brary, no irregularities can be taken
care of before that time.
It is estimated by the staff that
practically all the books will be in
the hands of their purchasers by to-
night, and all of the work, excepting
Irregularities, will be completed by

tomorrow night.
Paris, May 19.-The proposed flight
from Paris to New York. If it is

The pairing of these schools in the
finals came as a conclusion to debatesI
held during the winter and spring
throughout the state, at which occa-
sions the same question was the issue.
,were begun.
New York, May 19.-Trapped in a
smoke-filled, unlighted tube 30 feet
underground, about 100 persons, men,
women and children, were injured in
a panic which followed an electrical
short circuit which set fire to an east'
side subway train a block from the
Grand Central terminal station to-
Eighty six of the victims received
treatment at first aid stations hastily
improvised in nearby hotels and hos-
pitals. The remainder made their
way to their homes. One woman suf-
fered fractures of both legs when
trampled in a terror stricken rush for
wonme'n and emergency exits. The
ethers suffered from partial suffica-
Sca ra cuts and bruises, or from
chvck and hysteria.
.. e*1er~

Remaining tickets for the freshman
informal spring party to be ield,, Fri-
day. May 22, at the new Masonic Tem-'
ple have been distributed among men-
bers of the social committee to be

Poetry Features
Inlander Issue

sold; a few are still available at the Inlander, campus literary maga-
main desk of the Union. Commnittee- zinc, will offer its May poetry num-
men include George H. Annable, Jr., her to the campus this morning. The
28, Ralph M. Cole, '28, Thomas G.; issue is devoted entirely to poetry,
Conlon, '28, Addison D. Connor, '28, and concludes the work of the Ii-
and Thomas C. Winter, '28. lamnder this year.
Ted Rhodes' seven piece orchestra Marie T. Van Osenbruggen, '26,
will furnish music from 9 to 1 o'clock. Mary E. Cooley, '26, and Angus hab-
IDecorations are in charge of a local
florist who is to be aided by members cock, '26, have bien appointed to the
of time class. Iupper staff for next year, together
Present indications point to a maxi- with Dorothy Tyler, '26, and Mort-
mum attendance of 200 couple accord- gomery Butchart, '26, present upper
ing to the committee in charge who staff members, who will return next
mmadle final arrangements at a meet- year.
ing yestedlay gm t Fourteen poems, selected from
jthose submitted at the Inlander of-
of-lfie, are contained in the M ay issue.
1-n TO THOU ,FO which is dedicated to the memory of
Amy Lowell, who died on May 1, 1925.
On her the Inlander declares,"She
DE04ING EN T 09Ywas an innovator and artist in the
-1 Ifield of free verse and a competent
More than thirty women will try- i
out for the Michigan-Ohio debating
class at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in Baseball
room 302 Mason hall. Each candi- 1
date will speak for five minutes on ISCores
the question, "Resolved that the pro-
posed Child Labor amendment to the
national constitution be adopted by A'ION A L 1I; A GI
the United States." 'hicago 8, New York 2.
The faculty of the public speaking Pittsburgh 5, Brookly 9.
department, acting as judges, will se- Plhiiladdelphia 8, St. Louis 4.
lect a number of women from this Cincinnati 7, Boston 3.

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