TTTSrAY, MAY 19, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY non i" I _________________________________ - -- i z VALVAM M EffAvARUM D I ANNOUNCE EVENTS FOR GLAss SWIMMINS MEET Professional students of physical education will hold an interclass swimming meet at 6:45 o'clock, Thursday at the Y. M. C. A. No ad- miskion will be charged spectators. The early hour was set so that the match will be completed in time for the participants to attend the May festival. The students of each class have been divided into intermediate and adlvanced groups. The events will consist of the standard intermediate test, the standard advanced test, a competition for form and one for speed, a relay race, fancy (iving, 'and a circus which will include novelty races and swimming to music. A short life-saving demonstration will be given. To distinguish the classes the freshmen will wear green caps, sthe sophomores red caps, the juniors yyellow, and the seniors blue. t The committe in, charge of the event is as follows: Alice Felske, '27, chairman, Gretta Mae Adams, '25, sGladys Eastcott, '26, Gladys Appelt, '24, and Irene Field, '27. Modern Wardrobe Favors Variety Ofa Ensemble Suits Everything from georgette to flan- 'neliN being used for the ensemble "suit which is constantly gaining pop- ularity in the modern wardrobe. No xlonger need we doubt as to what we jshould wear; we are always safe in choosing the ensemble. All of the changing styles are fastI bieing translated into the ensembles- the one innovation on which the de- signers and their audience are y agreed. The compelling idea of the en- semble has been attributed to the in- S troduction of light-weight, soft ma- terials in a season that' is largely partial to silk. There is the ensemble11 for the street, for afternoon and for daytime dress for every occasion. Perhaps the most popular ensemble has proved to be one using printed crepe, for the frock together with a S three quarter length coat of plainI goods lined with the figured crepe to match the dress. For strictly practical wear the plain straight E lined, often double breasted suit of flannel, kasha, poret twill or broad- cloth is favored. While less strictly tailored models almost always have coats of satin, silk poplin, or of ben- galine shown in unusually delight- Jai color-combinations. Modern taste would seem to demon- strate that there is nothing too sheer or fragle with which to build an en- 'emble. Chiffon ensembles have been introduced for evening wear. A par- " ticularly attractive evening ensemble has for its gown rose colored chiffon A with garnitures of silk rose petals, and for its wrap chiffon in two shades of rose. Gaily colored voiles and rain- bow tinted georgettes are included in some of the latest patterns. Paris ~'suggests: lace as charmingly artistic for the ensemble. The idea of the Sensemble has taken so well in Amer- ica that every dressmaker is doing " ensemble of any and every sort of goods. Because of its unlimited adaptability to all forms of dress the continued vogue of the ensemble is 7 assured. May Day Similar To Lantern Night Somnewhrat similar to the lantern Night ceremonies at the University of Michigan is the May Day ceremony ait Northwestern University, accord- ing to their nwspaer. "The Daily monlies which will be held at Evan- LINE OF MAJWII FOl LANTrERN Nl(IlH Senior Xwomen are81 to form thieir 1l1n2 of lmarch on top of the hill behind Ithe nfew verses' home.. J uniiors will formi along tle. sidlcwalh: in front of the fieldl house. Sophnonores wili form on the sidewvalk besidle the nurses' home and freshmeon will form across the street from the juniors. The seniors will march four ab~reast to the middl(le of the large hockey field and turn (own it, marching (down the center. The juniors will follow the seniors to the center where they divide and two juniors wil march down on either side of the quadlruple line of seniors. After the juniors come the sophomores also fonur abreast, w ho m arch s(:rai lht a.ciwos thle lack of the field anid Iturning at the fairtlir corner of the field foi-in a line on the ext reme right. After come the freshmen who turn at. the first corner andl march four al1 rea st do wn the left side of the field. At three w\histles th seniors will turn, divide inlto twos andl go under the arches formed by the hoops of the juniors coining down the center line. in fours. At three whistles the sophomores will march (down and cross in front of the seniors to stand between the two lines of freshmen. At the same time the freshmen will march straight across the rear of the field adI come down on the ouitside of the dolel line. of sophomores. At two whistles the juniors will march to the front, turn, andl pass between the center line of sophomores. They will leave their hoops as they go along, turning at the corner andl coming down to a diagonal line to the center of the field. At one whistle the seniors will come to the front, turn, dividle in twvos, andl go lown the outside of the fresh- man andl sophomore lines on the. left and right sidles of the field. They will turn at the farther end of these. lines aid come. down on each side of the diag- VW.WE CO E S 1,Wo enCh os T5!:30 o'clock today at the Palmer field O PEN S[COND SOUND IN Y(W o en C o s ohouse. Participants in the pageant are TA VELLERS ON Discontinue Idle j N TC Sfreueste to dress immeditely after HASEALLTOURAMET IEASTERN TOUIR Summer Vacations; N TCS~lesut -r-_____; Portia Literary society will not meet Opning heo scondroun of the' The international world-wile reo- A barometer that seems to indicates- tonight but will meet promptly at 7 tat ion and sig;nificance 01 the initials jthrat vacations of the summer verandla EetooffierfrthWmna'cckTusyngtto olte infra-mural baseball tournamentt, \V. WCA." are not aways fully7 rec-;type are rapidly becoming extinct, is Pyia Education club will be held; Physicalweeplye ffystr election of oficers for next year. A thre gine we'e ~laed ff estr-ognized in this country, according to:the national Y. W. C. A. summer con-} at 5 o'clock tomorrow in the nparlor of. rga n"oenWmn ilb day in 1Palmer field. D~elta Zeta won _Miss Kthei in: Gerw ick and other;frnenx pnn hi 95sa1hrorgmaim ~eet~ tti ie Ia narrow victory of 21 to 20 from the. members of' the International Friend- son. Alpha Phi team. The teams were Strprywohv utrtre During the hot months of the so-call- Coffee will be furnished by the Wo-j Announcement has been made of evenly matched and the game wasa from the Mediterranean cruise. ed vacation period, June, July, and lI men's League for the picnic supper the marriage of Eleanor Miller, '23, to "The initial --1". W. C. A.-arQ, a jAugust the "Y" summer conferences, which will be held at 5:30 o'clock at George Miller, '23. Miss Miller is a close one all the way through. maic door to the homes of the worn- annually attract 10,000 girls and yong; Palmer field. Everyone should bring member of Kappa Delta sorority ani Alpha Epsilon Iota showed somn(i of the Last ," said MUiss Gerwick women,I her own cup. All women who ordered!Miller is a member of Gamma Eta excellent work and (deeated the irecently. These conferences are ten dlay per- lunches from the W. A. A. may call for;Ganmia fraternity. Hlenz Newlberry team by a score. of "Nothing in the world is as broaden-i iod s given over to the study of world, them at 5 o'clock in Barbour ________ ing to one's pinjt of view as meeting religious, and personal problems f-.ium. 25 to 10. Delta Gamma took an easy Announcement was maec at the Al- victor fromAlpha I Dela. Th women of different nationalities." I .ecting present lay life. International h h mg os ftemrig victry romAlph XIDela. Te 1'The woman movement in some of; issues, religious educations, self-pond- There will be no meeting of Athena' of N aomha Titius of the maniveo final score was 2G to ;. teMdtraea onre isitedNaongoverthe fturewhat arees toiverslittyight jThe intramural game scheduled for th eieraencutre iied:rn ve h uurwa arest;tis wekdue to Lanen llh(owa, to Cleveland Moody. Moody is field d(ay today is Delta Delta Delta' by the. p,;r. lissCerwick said, was? choose, and a general broadening ofl a member of the lDelta TanlDelta fra- vs. Martha Cook. This game should found to lie tiedl up witih political as-bonet's horizon are features of the ds-! All freshman women are to meet at ernity. he of special interest because it is ir~ations. Icssion groups. t he former team who defected Betsy f lTme nex-t prty sailing under the an- In between there are outdoor events, Barbour this year and thus cut offj spices of the international Friendshipl hikes, picnic and frolics. The predom the chance of the drmitory team to tor, hchi oin to the public, mnating note for the entire ten days, h old for another' year the cup which 1leaves July 27, spending July and Aug- however, is a serious outlook n life Ithey won last year. The cup will bll "St in I';it-la niland( on the Continent. iand the indiviual's responsibility in tawarded permanently to the team! - - --- ;helping to make the world a betterr which wins it for three successive ATTE ND 'IlE EN IOR BA NQU'ET place. The schedule for tomorox's games~ will be annotinced tomorrow. Ij Plans for Home Trips and i a i i i { ,i i C . i Coach Announces Teams For Archery1 Mis-s Ruth Price of the phy sical ed- ucation (delpartmnt has pickedl the. fol- lowing teamis for archery; Senior and junior team-Evelyn Smith, '25. Leona Weniger, '25, Norma Clark, '26, Flor- eance Pollock, '26; sophomore-Ella \Vebb, Margaret (Clark, Elizabeth Campbell, Mary Allshouse; fr'eshman-- 'Mildm'ed H-uebner, Sadie Spicier, Mary Thomipson, and Ithmei' Coffman. IThe archery tournament will be held1 at 4 o'clock today in Palmer field. Onej member from each team will shoot at ithe samne. time. Each contestant will shoot 24 arrows and the decision will le given to the team whose inemblers to tal the highest score. Tihe( distance is' 35 'yards. Pleasure Jaunts Are in the Air! Records 49c, A number of new hits have arrived - "Titina," "Who Takes Care of the Caretaker's Daughter," "Joanna" and oth-z ers. Your phonograph will play them. IIA S EMENT A Sturdy Trunk Makes Traveling a Real Joyr! An excellenit wardrobe. trunk, sturdily built-equipped with teni dress hanigers, a shoe troy, laundry bag, htat boy; ind three dirawers for Hlat c'lothiing--top thlat opens and corneris Iztat ithstaind hard usage, is a real valiue t $40 i Peking, Majx? 14-Thie famine relief f onal lines of juniors. At t his commission here received an esti-v f ploint the senioir song will be mate F'riday that 6,500 persons were; Isuing. Then while in "M"' for- I killed in the carthquake at Talifu in Imation the seniors will hand Yunnan pirovince on .March 16. Iover their lanterns to the ju n- iors. TIhe seniors and juniors 1 '"'NI i ~SE 01INIEI Ilead off the field keeping the -_________ ______ " 'V" formation, sophomories and 1111iil131I1~llillblll 11IlI~i lll, freshmen will f(ol1ow in their Iturn. a=A vW omensflair wI_____ ston this year, according to tihe ens- J NI.E w ~ 4 torn of the. past few years will he ond r. M .E ed r May 21. Imartculy hir $5.50 Beginning at 41 o'clock in the a fter'- E Up. noon with the T~ay pageant atnd fol- HarG o - lowed by the W. S.' G. A. program Swtces Sid Pices and the lantern ceremony the event = wths d icl closes with a supper on the lake ; Curls. shore for all the university women. J= Made Oof r own hair,° After the picnic supper theoy gather your . for' the inter-sor'ority singing contest "3'00' to be held at 8 o'clock in time evening. Switches made over. 50(1Phone 4368 _=It, .Co:N ' IJ 8EIT Candy an(d frost bites will he sl 610 East Lihltf ' "a 1(0 e) by the Women's L~eague tonight at ; = ~CLJ - Not sit.ti(:eh(ays of Lillian Palmer' field. '*iiIlll~ iiII1l iimIIiI I Nom'd h a h a a American heard l~llllll~lliltllli113111iiliiilllSltt I i li iidc i~s of applause be- stowed b1y a M~et ropolitan audi. e (Hie as fedll) timte lot of Law- _ I ma end e Tihbett in the part o1 MI d'L a tl V ond in Boito's 'Falstaff,' " re. i orts the Literary Digest undor H~eres aNvanitie Iif d Pe cof February 7, 1925. for Loose Powder 1Hs w GMha Cannot Spill I1 The Vanitie You've Al-. ways Longed For---goes Away With Cake Powder ':.VA 1LD T'' IIAlI'IJEST (! mALrIahie-ter was born ih Spain. lie sang frequently it . Elnd long, -andlItter went tc A"M X o rid u larm ,,wlimrte he made his (debit is 1oI)'ii. Since t hen lie ha, w nmi ithgreat success in Italy a Souihi Ae.ice_, ramid wtt hotl 5the (1 w;) lid iMetmropol)iI~ for LOOSE POWDJEER. opemaComupamie For the powder you prefer. the same soft, Acl,.n lose Powder you use at iome. Marion Nixon, Fox film star, in j ~~~The Purp I Sage~ always uses a$s ' Nori a antie. THE MOST W ONDERFULII VANITIE!T j ! ~Thousands of women have bought Norida Vanities. raffs Now they wonder how they ever got along w'ithout it. IYou, too, can now use your favorite And it's so easy to refill! Takes but f powder all the time. Think of the a few seconds to fill with several convenience -- the comfort -- and days' supply. ! what2 real eauty id Norida is. MNori-b Vanti~.e isa ainy.thin # l e . k-, 'A4 I iA 124 SOUTHI MAIN 1 rl^,/'J"//"./."'J'.a4 .d".r".~+.t'"./",i..i «f"l~+'"w/.I'.I.r ./rI".I."..":0././:/:I". ."YJ .0".r .d+'"''.~'~'ri'".+.I'","."d~.rm""',s'd.. °.VI. '..,rt'"..I^.I Six of the Artists who are to appear on programs of the a n 'd a_ MAY FEST"IVAL Hill Auditorium Ann Arbor PlA14Y 20a, 21., 2 2, 23 (Contralto) Miss Meisle is the possessor of one of the most beautiful and opulent voices to be heard to- (lay.. She has been with the Chicago Civic Opera Compsany since 192"), making her dlebut in the important role of Erda in "Siegfried." HERES5 A KITCHEN HOLI DAY FOR YOU ., r In in 0 at is Lil RIM 'SMOIWAN: (tenor) Mr. Morgan, time young Welshb tenor, has been dc5(ribed I~s "Evan Williams of this genera- ti." Since corning to America lie has, a:ppeared in practically all of the miusic centers of the East and Middle West in ora- tori o anti rec.ital. His engage- ments have been veritable tri- umphs. Ii r ' Six Concerts -Four Days f .-,1.-~ - F4 Ili IRE mtitAirs, iousewife, talie oft Syour apron. We'll take care f your baking burden. You'll find we make our cakes ;ust as you did-with thme same. care I !i , -- -- itI I ;I It, U i