"TL'ISDAY , MAY 19, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ____ A bd-E-Krirn Leads Riffians In I 'War BORAH CAL I D EBrTSETTLET I ILi NI1 1_____(C ntin e d F or i-oral 1 leUNe-got ialions declredtih' Sh a he.e lti lacored in th nne.t m rai('; EU O]Q~iideto ntios o hene1 l vr inejfu dela. Manwhlether isspecla-Another tion s to hich f thenineoiller ,: t aft isthnlarestome loisrde- $ gaierledcapthenhubcordd nthe ione andot it tisknownthadeirst ofcas rwoul uarert ecet auhoriatinabytheCl frnchin abettl ofets financetmnis- ~l't;eutlI teay eit aehiupther(ebtssl .°oblem 1 z: strengthens the belie'frhere that con- tinac to wil b e made -wilhithy:e wcI Stalysisecond largesto (ltr, iwr-oulr orl gardickas tfollow f theion f Fance ailutis nowhertdet ofiaglarwpay- br : i_ elcot ebais, opeiia l blive, fwimth te:::::..:::,..........,............. . . . ' Frmknchaiefnd innc inipoas-a b-lKilae fteRfintroswihaebtln ih h ~ s togts thebe exateeas ythitcohn outy 1.-cittlladr aleuh gets 'brara' enrlo nactison wreldviemde f tis en modern. tiei(e:ta o eatmtn oiae Hl a' fO u(etoD, wh iltheisnformtio Ial yande unod fil a le s i e tor, fo m I: :::::::::f::. ..:.::::-.:.-.. Amica.y Manyocongresionofanled 2 # j <: 's5: in sttn ter ebt oi knoin tata the< c1'pitas fhave l been vaiede, ihweve -i,>:;":,':;':;:. l)pwrs i eavenlake LnohigIn fr an (lemanitlCzechInlveryia, eathia dierstand inia ndisJugolavwiy, nthatnWashigtondbeieegfudin a soo ranseosssholde otbefuthr 'I-reiadSais ocEna anir ot fica3ssen(hreR A itI& O layed.TInsview of thatefact, thelstate- 200-204tE.bLrBaRTanST. is ast oftheFrt en freigw ficteco (nrlf bnatosrevvlefrom fWahisGovnr- moderntinier,_isreportedtobeattempingto_______a_"Holywor"_of__he_______ i 'e'irdedhesre lfor conasrthegstock racoRif ar -l i Mroco ad s umo iAlhaii1III!IItoI1!I l ,IIIII1IIILiI3II n~ositiholde ntbsdonsa tiecni- i bndr underto, wieCh Lfrmto Tkio, ~taMay co-an'ssinlareads-ll mainh iletey led(linf'lo ffcally with_________________________ [IS LAU IENT FOR PEACE (t from Page 0ne.) , or the force of public rcc them. "'This is an !sb ow that force is Oy of( a government,' elnator, "public opinlionl i lleil'e of the p~eop~le , forice." i pet12 iace program rah wiol be to bring of the worild into one of the various forms t. FIor instance he ire will be no peace in :'utssia has been recog- (ecognize Russia.", (e- arli, ''We d1o not neces- f:,el iln sYmpa~ithy with of goverinment. No? When we recognize Russia, we recog- nize 149,000,000 p~eople people who must be made to look with good will upon tihe rest of the world. We recognize Turkey and other countires not b;ecause of their forms of govern- mnent-in the most cases we are not' in sympathy with them-buAt because of tihe people in the countries." SENIOR BANQUET WEI)NESDAY *For Your Vacation Trip Study and Educ'ational ENGLAND, BELGIUM, HOLLAND, FRANCE, ITALY, GERMANY, SWITZ- ERLAND, SCOTLAND (E i S A 1 i SLEEP ANY WHERE BUT, }EAT AT REX'S ITH E CLUB LUNCH *7 2 Arbor Stroot Near state Sand Packard Sts. AGAIN IN THE111 Mherever it is warm- and whereverI one goes at Palm Beach or Miami and other resorts, whether at the beaches or' the races, or the otheir amusement ('enters, the (lance p~avilions or the hotels. he finds tihe Panama hat a! conspicuous feature amnong the wvell dlressedI of the moving crowds. Get' out your o01( discarded Panama or~ send ,for it and we will clean, bleach ,ad reblock it with all new trimmingsI !;o it will be just like new. We doI regular factory w'ork and use no acidsl j o injure the hat. FAICT4)Ry HAT S'TORK.E 617 PalckairdlSt. (Where 1), U. R. Stops at State) --Adv. Last minute bookings now arranged for the "~SECOND ANNUAL COLLEGE TOUR" to above countries in Tourist Third Cabin. Leave about anytime-return about anytime. 36 DAYS--$330.00 Plat, nions little additional. Under auspices of Dr. E. B. Hubbell and teaching staff on those large, steady steamers of the White Star linc. RECOMMENDATIONS: DETROIT-Mr. Frank Cody, P resident Michigan State Board cf Education and Supt. Detroit Schools. ANN ARB0P-Dr. W. B. 1-insdlale. TICKETS AND INFORMATION. II FTS ® ! KUELER Only lcen:aed cC bcnucd St eamship Agent in Anun Arbor. 601i l. Hron St. lDirl 641!. P1.S._.-Tb only College Tlour in its second year. Good boat;,,go touri'Condluctors, all college girls and boys, plus a few teaches,(o 0 tors andI other strictly high (class tourists. iOT A oo00.t)0'rTOUR! JUST ALL THE ESSE~NTIALS without frills: w us help you that gift for showerT, the f riend . plied Art (kChlS Arcade Read The Daily "Classified" Column 11s rn w w - - Isl( Pos toff c i1ts ist right to carry We supply larger I K I Co. 9 tiiititttittttlttt I f 7. 1 ; ,, l /, i ERl A l9LRTATlOU.. i 1 fha~ GLANCE I NTER- rCEPTED--AND1~ THE THROAT OF THE STRANGER MACKSENNET T IPre".eiits "THE LION AND THE SOUSE" -ON THE STAGE- LNOW Another ENT" t, That Soars And only C could play th4' And only t could play TI And only ,I r' could play TI y; IT "S FLORE and the Scree ~I"Sally con ' 4back into oitr alley!" A Silly'~ heard ironi-and bac-to muake you glad- apper- to thrill yon- till your heart with a anud wo11(Irtul joy. A nd (Cdl XIAdded Pr, HI. t W itwe'\ ikiockoi" * "lilt PrAEMAKiEJ *"THE FAST M. r ooei alkethes . 3y7 ovelty Orhestr 9N~ews (on cert 0 NSUPREM.OACY SlGNIl"I('ANTIN ITS MEANING Ii1111111i11111111111111111111111 111 11111111llillllllll~l~lI~llll1111 Ii11 i 11111 it; To The Skies With High Birow Comedy 2OLLEEN MOORE'S Genius Abiliy' e role of SALLY. [EON ERROL Ziegleld's Comedian; he Duke of Checkergovinia. .OYD HUGHES ie Natural He-Man ]Laver. NZ ZIEGFELD'S GR~EATEST :n Version is GREATER fu2 tC -1111(. g tt Series ALE" -' , r y~ I 1