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May 19, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-19

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ThIrteen Recital, Three Symphonies
And Two C onert os Inl uted
In Six lPerformnnces
A limited number of tickets on all
floors are still available for the
thirty-second annual May Festival
which has its opening concert at 8
o'clock tomorrow night in Hill audi-1
torium, under the auspices of the
University Choral Union, according to
information given out yesterday at
the University School of Music. 6
The May Festival, which has been
termed one of the most valuable ei-
cainlopportunities in college life,,1
will includle this year more than a
dozen of the world's foremost mu-
sical artists, both vocal and instru-
mental, besides having the services
of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
uander the directiou of Frederick1
Stock, the University Choral Union,
under Earl V. Moore, and the Chl-
drens' chorus, under Joseph E.
Noted Soloists on Progran
The series of six concerts will con-}
,4ist of recitals by two distinguished
instrumentalists, Ossip Gabri lowitsc,1
pianist, and Misha Elman, violinist;
and bly eleven distinguished soloists-'
:hmily Stokes Hagar, soprano; Rthys1
Morgan, tenor; Charles Titiman
bass; Loretta Dognan, contralto; .I
Lawrence Tbett, baritone; Frances ]
Peralta, soprano; Augusta Len ska,j
soprano; Kathryn Meiisle, contralto:
Mario Chiamlee, tenor; Vincente Ba-
Test er, ba ritone ; and Henri Scott
In contrast to the music of the lastj
Festival, which was largely con em-
porary, the music for tis years pro-j
gran will draw heavily upon011the
more romantic and "semi-modern"
composers. 'hree symphoni-S andt
two concertos by Schumann, B3rahmns,
Tchiaikovsky, and Saint-Sas cm -1
prise the major orchestral offerings.;1
Deems Taylor's suite, "Through the
Looking Glass," which was performed
in Ann Arbor several years ago, has
been recently scoredI for a large or-;
chestra and will reresent American1
Stage Erected
The Choral Union has been relicar-
Ing for the past few days in hill audi-
torium, utilizing tie new supplle-
mentary stage wfih has just been!
completed. This stage, which wills
seat 300 chorus members and alsoj1
provide room for the orchestra con-
sists of two (diagonal ban~s of seats
for the chorus and a large V-shaped
space in the center for tie orchestra.
It is thought that this arrangement
will not onl permit the soloist to ap-'
pear to better advantage, but will also

Geneva, May 1.-France lost
at bitter fight tonight to keep
armaments of warships within
tile scope of the proposed con- '
vent ion whichl will control by
C publicity international trade inC
1 After a heated discussion the
military comnmissi:on of He arms
conference by a vote of 16 to 8
decided to accept tile British
Iamendmnt whereby guns, am-
munition and all other equip-
mlent of warships are droppled 1
from the dra ft convention and
henffce nlot subjected to sulervis-
J ion.rpThe United Sates voted
I with the majority.
Pa c;tult y Body Holds Furi .Ii. egulr
N1ect ing o Year; Bradshiaw
Elected Secretary
The University Senate held' itsw
fourth regular meeting of the year
last night. Two reports were re-
ceived and accepted, and the election
of a secretary was held. Prof. John
W. Bradshaw of the nmathematics de-
partment was reelected secretary.
Prof. Fred N. Scott of the rhetoric
(1epartment presented the annual re-
port of the Board in' Control of
Student Publications, which was ac-
, epted without discussion.
Acting-President Alfred 11. Lloyd
announced the a ppointmnet o1 a on-
mittee to study athletic problems, ap-
pointed at tihe request of the Senate
Council. The committee is ientical
with that announced last week, con-
sis( Ing of Dean Fsdnund . lDay of
the business school, chairman, Pro-
fessor Ralph W. Aiger of the law
school, Dean Joseph A. Bursiey, Prof.
Alfred Ix. Lovell of the engineeringj
college, and P rof. Arthur Ri. U..foakV
of the history (depart ment, whio is ex-
pected~ to return'I from 1Ii s leave of ab-
sencee Shortly.
It is not thloiughtt 1hat thils commit-
tee will be able to report before next
fall, according to Professor Brad-
s law.
Tickets to the Senior Banquet to
morrow night at the Union will e on
-,ale today at the Woman's League
booth in University hall and t the
nmain desk (of the Union. The tickets
wilch were being sold by severalj
members of the senior class on the
campus were withdrawn last night.
Seniors who intend to attendl the
banquet are urged to buy their tick-
ets as s00on as posible in order that

Michigamna On
Warpath, Seeks
VNew Pale facesl

UNIERSTI o M[NIndependence For Philippines;
PlAN U[I rDATIDN R decognition, Of Russia--Borah


____I LI II LLLUIO Ilull I " am heartily in favor of imnmed- which he ha
or l~tIE II l l iate independencefo the Phlp i which he pe
SWhen from out the paleface wig- ELuuH ;fo hlpieHill auditoria
wa f I N I II 1 IIH Islands," declared Sen. William E. Bor-
'UI flIILI IIIU lii ared that h
From behind the staring moonface all, of Idaho, after his address at Hill not recognize
Come th~e slow and solemn fv auditorium yesterday afternoon. "Yougoen nt
booms EXPECT )" E'II~l~t IL can't train a people for self-govern- I pudiation of
Telling that the Evening spirit IV11414 ENTER ANNUAL EVENT meat under a foreign rule. They have !~lo
Wanders over woods and meadows, I AT PALNER FIELD) topuchae i Wtlosel-scriice"r
topucastitel-acif_." merntsaga inst
Lights the campfires of the heavens, ,1eao1oa ot~ nfvro tee,"u el
Then the Michigamua warriors GAMES BEGIN AT 4Splao graigvideednceofthe eor teoe
In their feathers and their war- !lno rnigidpnec oteo h rpr
paint 1 ( "ilipprines whlen te matter was be- j nizing them.
Soon will gather 'round tile oak T aditional Ceremony to Begin at J fore the Senate eight years ago and not settle the
tree S O'clock Following Pageant has consistently supportedl the project When aske
Round the oak tree called the Tap- 1By Freshmni since thlat time. He believes that the United States
pan _chlange would result in temporary dis-t nine the pres
T here to greet the trembling pale- More thlan 1500 University wVomenlodr btta uha eidi ees ral.
face.( are expected to take part in the tra- ! ary before self-government can be "We will recc
Many ill number wait:tile bidding ditional c:elebrationl of field (lay andI establishled.( know when.
Of tile loud-rejoicing redskins, Lantern Night which will take place, In elaborating on his arguments for I said, 'The mo
For before they take the long trail beginning at 4 o'clock today at Pal- tihe immediate recognition of Russia, is patience'."
To the home of Michigamua inmer field. According to the Woman's
Many trials and many tortures ( Athletic association conmmittees ill
First must prove their strengthi and charge of the evenit anl invitationl 1s
courage also extended to the townspenople to
'Eretheredmai bid thm wl-'attend(Ias spectators.
come, ! The field ca evenlts scheduled for. 1111
Ere 11e calls each paleface "In-j this afternoon include tennis miatchl-!
(han," ;ebaealgames, adaceycmi F R E S 0 9 O
'Vre the p~eace-p~ipe snmoke goes 4 Ipetition. The opening game of the;_-
skyward. interclass t ourniament will b~e played 1ttex,:ecete41Il)elivery of 3,000 Books high School
at 4 o'clock bletween the senior and ArieFom(amdaidniton1
Ij elua team. F irly This H~orniing Fo
.La e T c e i 1A second round game of the ill-!____
Pla e T cke s 1ranural baseball tournanment will bei
For Freshman j played at the same time between the NOTIFY STrAFF BY WIRE UNIVERS
!'Delta D~elta Delta team and thlat of!
I arTV O Sale Martha Cook buildIing. j Under thea
Hlave Picic BpprU11TLETIN High school
I At 5:.f30 o'(clock tihe women will --I which Gail E.
Remaining tickets for the freshman g ather Tw n thehlleliIside for a picnic I Totuk l,. 'ofLn ,spakn
inoralsJrig latyto1) hldFr-supper, duringwhc a number of, signsM eontaining approximlate- li
lay, May 22, at the new Masonic stunlts will be pultOan. Women are l,00bok, lftGad exit state ma
Temple are now on sale at the maiin exilce (1 to bring lulncites amnd cu:,jI IRapids last night, and will ar- representinlg
(desk of the Union. Thley are priced ; titf~to will ie furnished by the ny ilAnAro eaythsdYpiat
at $2 aril 110 sae is PC~lto te ge- \\rtnens Legue.morning, according to a, tele- intefal
oral studlenltbody. Time freshman so- 'The pagealnt, "Once Uo~a' ! aiineeve tth 'nia hia 'l
cial commllittee ill charge of arran<:;e- willI le presont ed by the freshlman shilateaas8 This i
wornn J7 o'loc. night.a dncegylmnasium.
me~ts ~asannuned hatimlittoms Wiflilat 0'lo(k.Tb s i n ane one da~y ahead of the original
have been 1issued(Ito 1110 followin~g to 1(1mna based upon the Ilegendl of the' solved that tl
act as chaperones: s leeping beauity. Elsie Muriray, '28, shedule.jgrne im
Acting- 1'resilent Al fred IT. Lloydl is the genera].I chairiman for the pro- - dpndne
anmd Mr s. L loyd, D)ean John It. 1Ellimmrger1 (hit(tioil. l istribution (If the 19325 'Ensian dpnec
nlIVms lige','~ai.~e11 "' lhe traditionlal I antirNighltcore- iwi tr t9 oocoltlsmr-affirmative Il
Burrsley amnd M rs. Bursicy. I)ean JIean! molly will begin at 8 o'clock. The wilsatt9:0'lokhsmrn lanti high sell
Hlamilton, Professor Thomas 11. Reed Varsity banld will 1)lay for the pro-' lng, in the basemnent of the Library il dba
andMrs 110(1 PIo~sso \Vllimn . ce'ssion. .h'or'tils the S0ienir Vomtfliand itihe work will be continued egt nu
FI+ayer amd 11r11. TEra yer, P'rofessor A. in caps Bind gowns will gatller on the thogottecaicuin hIegt rsdda
Franklin 8Shull11and Mr,. :Tu 0lhroughoutf the daybeincludingieltheushe preie
Slmil, tol iith bllbewen hefildhosenoon hlourl. The distribution will Effinger., D(
fessor P rest on Wt. Sl017:on,~i UlI' and r-am he new Nuirses home; the j mtniors
fessor HI tet :-1.\l1:t lior; n> d albms. ! will Let Iii in Ii . tQnt tl he;sidewl in I last 1unt1il all the bookshiave been de reys, Shirley
Mallry.liveedwhic shuld e wthintwothe University
_walor .front. of the bo~ld I lse; he siphio- ive, hih hold1) Wthlltw

as long advocated and
esented to his audience in
[um, Senator Borah de-
ie could see no reasons fo'r
Ing the present Soviet
"They speak of the re-
debts and the conflsca-
drty by the Soviet as argu-
t recognition," he declar-
Ilnever get the debts paid
rty restored by not recog-
Our present attitude will
ed when hie thought the
,s would officially recog-
!sent regime, he smiled
'll, I don't know," he said.
ognize them, hut I don't
You know what Lincoln
,st sublime of all virtues
1Students to Argue To-
'r State Title
auspices of the Michigan
1debating league, of
E. Densmore of the pub-
dlepartmnent is the pres-
nager, debating teams
Detroit Northwestern
,high schools will meet
for the state champion-
lck tonight in Waterman
Thie question-R-
h-Ce Philippine Islands beI
iediate and complete in-
will be defended in the
by the Detroiters, Ypsi-
1ool taking the negative.'
e, which will be the
1l affair of its kind, will
over b~y Dean John Rl.
can Wilber R. Humph-
W. Smith, secretary ofl
ty, Prof. Thomas C. True-

Likens Principles to Those of Holy
Alliance in Resisting Any
Outside Aggressions
Denouncing the League of Nations
as an organization incompetent to se-
cure and maintain world peace, Sen-
ator William E. Borah, of' Idaho, in
his address in Hill auditorium yester-
day afternoon made an appeal for a
peace founded upon tolerance, law,
and justice. Acting President Alfred
H. Lloyd introduced the speaker:
Admitting that every sane man and
wholesome woman is heartily in
favor of peace, Senator Borah stated
that the conflict in attaining the
much sought after peace is in the dif-
ferent methods of procedure toward
peace. The methods devolved into
two general classes, in, the opinion of
the Senator.
1. Those who believe that war can
only be controlled by the reign of
tolerance, law, and justice.
2. Those who cling to the age old
theory that war is controlled or its
probabilities limited through a policy
of force based on imperialism and in-
Aids Imp~erilism
Senator Borah placed the League
of Nations under the second. classifi-
cation when he said- emphatically,
"The League of Nations is based on
the old principle of imperialism and.
territorial protection agreements
'which must ultimately rest in force.
Its fundamiental' principlles are lik-
ened to th'ose of the Holy Alliance
formed after the Napoleonic war. The
principle on which the Holy Alliance
was based was that the empires of
the members of the organization
should be held intact and all would
join in resisting any aggression."
Article ten, especially, in the opin-


music wvill be' furn ished 1 from 9 to mnores omi thle same walk near tile
1 o'clock b y T1ed Rhodes and iis I Nur.>ssbore; 11h0 freshmnen on thme
seven piece oi'che ;tita. Feat nre num- iwalk noracrOos tetfo h
ber1s will 1)0 given bet weemn the regularjulr. Aides have r1)01t from te
prog ralil danmc('5 from. (-ach class to conduct the line
(The new ballroom o(f thIe Temple (,'f march and pr'evenlt conifusiomn.
will lie transformed into a.stmm meo n 0iors5PaIsoLamnternis
ga denfo I ~ retn . (onler wll )( 1LfamianllaSmalley, '25, and Mar-

or three dlays, according. to Charles
T. Lee, '27, who is in charge.
As all the books will arrive by
truck this nmorning, all useless wait-
img ill line will be eliminmated. "-
which never has been (lone" has

j flowers, wvhile theonrchestra platform
wii be surroumnded by Boston fernls
and fresh ly-trinmedplns From


theImleiiy a c'oloredi lanltern1 will
pllay on thle(lancers.
U nique programls in the shape of
a block ''F"' wil1)0 givenl out the
night of tile party. During tile course
of the ev'ening blalloonls and other
novelties will lhe distributed. Punch
andt wafers are to be served to the
damncers at 11 o'clock.
Twenty Tryouts
Chosen Members


Igaret lDixon, '25, will lead tile pr~oses- Uand an eff.Ort, wi 1ll e made this yeOarL
lionl whichl will mlarchi dowvn the ada fotwl ewd hsya
hockey foeld and finishl in a bl1ack to get tile books in the hands of their
"M" fornmatiom.l'EThe seniors will pass I owners ini record time.
Ito tiejnostIrlgtdlnen Only fully paid 'Enislan subscrip-
to fht juniwilltheihonoredktoday;aothers
as a symbloil of the advance of the tn ilb ooe oa;ohr
1 will have to wvait until the regular
vonien f romn the junior to sen~iorir
anti ile rom I distribution is completed. Two tables
('as crepodn will Le placed outside the Library,
tiI f sophomores anld freshmn.
Atilhe concdlusionl of the ceremonly' one of which will handle stubs num-
I Dr. Margaret Bell, of tile physical bored under 1300 and the other those
educationl departm-ent, will award the of more thlan 1300. Orderly lines will,
swceaters and other insigniaW lf iby; be mlaintaimned in order to facilitate
Ithme women~ in athletic activities tieWlk



provide a more comlfortable and ef- 4 the necessary arrangeenits may b~e
fective poimnt of viewv for the audi - madle withl the Union by the commit-
ence. PogaIPite tee ill chargeofteaai.N ck
Progam Pinte I es wil 1) s tefter moon tomorrow,
Tile program~ book foxr this year's accol-dilig to Edward H artwick, '25,
Festival has just come from tile press,'I the chairman.
andl contains, in additioni to an an- I The baniquet will begin at 6:15
alysis prepared by Earl V. Moore, tile! o'clock and the seniors will go to the
complete programus, pictures of all'. Libramry steps for their second Sing,
the artists, and scenes from La Gio- at its conclusion.
conda as stagedl by the Clhcago Opera
association. These books will be omi{
sale at the xnusic stores amnd at Hill' T PC1 01OW L
auioi m p e ei g e c o c r.uThe imnauguration of the May Pesti-O AT B CA B AR IL
xal, thirty-two years ago, untier the s I tflT 1
direction of Dr. Albert A. Stanmley, AL FIER DAI p
came after a decade and a half of ;
mniscellaneous offerings bly tile Choral New officers for the Oratorical
Union, and has since been11thle major boamrd, ciiosenl at thle receint campus
activity on the part of this body, elections, will lie installed into their
whlich is one of tile oldest plermanent respective offices at an Oratorical
choral organizations in tile counitry. Board luncheonl to be held at noon
Reservation have been made to ac-; todlay in tile Unlioni.
commuodate all tile mlemberOs of tilej Those assumnmg active duties at
state legislature and thmeimr wives, a:; this tilmle aie, William C. Dixon, '26,
well as reprnesentatives of dieamrly a president ; Framnk1P. Weaver~, '2G,
hundrd n(lmewspaperis and manl~y (H s- v ice-presidet: Marguerite V. Dut tonr
t inguishied proessional mlusicianls. '26, secmret any, amid Tlleodilme Illornber-
-' ger, '27, treasurm'er.

Unsold Tickets

Of Debate Class; For Senior Bala
I Available Today~

- ; i

Twenlty meln wxere selected from a j___
field of 65 tryouts fomr the Varsity de- icesfrteSnoFalwhhr
bate class, from which the actual (- C w ick eFridhayeveliornal, will b
blate teams will be plicked next fall, available for tile last tille today at
CGndidates for the class wecre chosen the dlesk in thme lobby of tihe Uionl.!
by the faculty of the pumblic speaking '0111e 3 tickets will be offered to tile
dlepartmlent, whlo based their decis- cmu ngnrlf-l ni
ionls on tile five inmute speeches giv-; o'clock, due to tile fact tha~t somle1
en iby these canidllates last Saturday. have niot been1 called for by those'I
Tentative selectionls were ready by whose applications were accepted.
Saturday evening, but the finial list Programs for tile danlce., whlichl are;
I was nlot released un~til the schob~astic b eimng finished todlay bly the printers,,
stand~inlg of each man h1 Iad blen inl- I and favor,; will be0 distiibilted at the
vestigatedh. A few c'hanges were , iUnion tomiomow afternoon. Mernbers
mlade b)ecause of scholarship ; the re- of time comliliittee will 1)0 in. the lobby
viseol list of Caiss mlemlbers is as fz 01113 iuntil 5 o'clock anld all per~msonls
follows: holdimg tic-kets are urnge(! to call' for
Riehard Woellbaff, '27. Ausxtin; their pm )granis anmd favors at tiis 1

Edmunds Will Go
To League Meet
Prof. C. W. Edmunds (If the medical
school hlas been invited by the health
committee of the League of Nations
to attend a conferenlce to be held tn
(eneva beginninlg August 31. The
general subject which wil be up for
consideration is tile international
standards which are to be adopted
for a niumlber of implortant drugs and
medi cines.
SProfessor Edmnunds has bleemn chair-
; nian of thle collmmittee which has hlad
chmarge of !his nmatter in thlis country
for tl,,e past fifteen years.
I-he expects to leave for Geneva the
latter' pant (of July.
Elect Officers

iouuo Uthe p juwIic peaiu Llpart- 6- -
lent, Prof. Thomas E. Rankin of the 'ion of Senator Borah, is despotic and
rhetoric department and Prof. George' is no~t based upon justice and toler-
jJackson of the education depart- ante. He inmplied that it was intro-
len ar te jdge. he lac o duced into the League covenant of
Wending the debaewscheanef I necessity due to secret treaties which
;he auditorium in University hall to had been made between certain Eu-
the gym because the latter accomo- ropean countries before the entrance
dates fewver people than are expected.' of the United States into the world
Mr. Densmore, who is in charge of war. The speaker declared that the
the arrangements for taking care of trouble in Europe at present is due
l~elare nmbe ofvistor tht ae Ito the problem of territorial adjust-.
the arg nuberof isiorstha ar ;aent, caused in a large degree by
oxpected, has received wor'd that I teesce rais esi h
more than 1500 persons from out of;
down will atten4 the debate. Of this . people in Europe have not been con-
lumer ,00 ar exectd fom psi Isidered, and they are therefore dis-
ntierthe0Rotaryanecd friwanis lbssatisfied. Mr. Borah made it plain
lif th Rthyavndearange-lub that there is no method by which the
met ocity n toettn ig;ciains of the people can be' heard,
nent toaccopan thse ateningand that,-imperialism is held sacred
from the high school. The party will inE
be headed by the school band of 45 Europe. isCie
pieces. Detroit will be represented I Th pWer iofGdelrn"a
iy 00 ersns nd 40piece band. ; should be taken away from a certain
T'he 1audience at the debate is to be ; e n u nte ad ftetx
entertained by a 35-piece orchestra fe nIu nte ad fteL
from Dundee high school. 9 payer, the one who sheds his blood
The ward goig tothewinning' upon the battle field, by a system of
te awrendsplgoin othe wnow fvoting," declared Senator Borah. He
Wah'r's book store, continued, "There again the League
_________________ is deficient for the power of declaring
1war rests in the Council of the
rianIY MPOI ES eague a body composed of ten men.
I~iVRSIT LIVFLUI ~ Tegemencom etoanrendarunilthe
t wescmntcanmeloa e wrnd tilhe
fl HOLDPICICtUlE G tn men agree that it should."
T B LU PCNICUUII ~ISenator Borah maintained that the-
- true spirit of lasting peace is f'ound-
All University employes, their fain-1 ed upon the doctrine of the first
ilies and friends will gather at Island i-group mentioned by him. "Perma-
lake, Juxne 6, for the annual field day nent peace" said the Senator "can-
and picnic.1 not be secure unless it is founded
A program of athletic events is ; upon the broad principle of tolerance
planned for the day., Lunch will. be , and friendship betwveen the nations of
served late in the afternoon. Trucks the earth, upon a codification of in-
bearing the picnickers to the outingI ternational law based .upon the
will leave the buildings and grounds principle that war is a crime, and
department storehouse at' 9:30 upon a world court comupletely indc-
o'clock. It was previously announcedk pendent of international politics.
through error that students also Opose World Court
would be present. The present Cou~rt of International
______________Justice should be opposed because it
Base all isnothing short of a legal branch of
Baseoauthe League of Nations and as such is
influenced by international politics;
Scores in the opinion of Senator Borah. He
advocated an amendment which
would make the court independent of
131E11C:1 LEA17Epolitics. Senator Borah believes that
New York 9, Detroit 7. if the Court of International Justice
Cleveland 9, Washington 6. can be taken out of politics and or-
Chicago 6, Philadelphia 5 (14 inn-k ganized arid operated on the same
ings). principles as the United States Su-
Boston 12, St. Loulis 7. preme Court that it then will be an
ideal court for tile naintenance of
NATIONAL LEAGUE; world peace.
jNew York 5, Chicago 2.- The Senator pointed out that when
jBrooklyn 12, Pittsburgh 7. the Supreme Court was organized in




i t.
1, j

owners of shoes, simoumld
have good soles. Read
thle Classified columns11,
anld you will finmd where

Ch('iica go, Maly l8.---Athgeile V. Decbs, '
Ire eoran hicieftainl of thle'Socialist
{ plarty, will edit a new Weekly imuli-
{cation t)olie kiiow as Tiie Ant'l'icam
t If~I

Flelmmimng, '27, W. L. H ellerman, 27, i tne. I For C Davisa
H1. L . tienva is, '27, 1,'. h1. GComuhierg, I Thecommni t teehas comlpleted evey(1V i Cam
'27, i. N.Km'snome '27, J. 11. Elliott, I LIrraigenmemlts for the Ball, omni front i
'26, J. O. YeastIimig. '27. Iloward ^Niet-' presemnt indicationis the affair will be Iii UhenCts planninmg to go to Camp
zent '27, C. A. D~ouglais, '26,_ I. W. I one 01 the most pretemmtiou~s tihat has - Davk; this summer elected two officers
Johnlsomn, '27, T. V. lKoykka, '27, Rob- been given bmy thte graduamtiug class illn at. a mleetinig held yesterday afternoon
eri M~iller, '27. Ellis Merry, '288, .. mamny years. Tedl Weems' Oriole T1er-- in the West Physics laboratory. Wil-
J1. Fm iedmtlaml, 27. Stammley Dimtonld, 27, j Ec orchestr a 1f1Detrot and CharlieHam 11. IHeathi, '26E, was elected
George 1Huter, '2s, 1. \W. (Cmawfordl. ; Woalcott's Wolvernmes' of thin, city !'tranlsportation mlanager, and( Knox B.
'27, C. ..1Harris, '27, .1. V. Brmady, '2t>. r ill furnish conit inuoulsmici from ? :Iloxwe, '16E, ediitor of time Black Fly,
j --10 to 2 :20l o'cloc'k. The ballroom of t he camp m uagazinle. Other officers wviii ;
mir i thle Uniionm xxill be tr'ansformled into a be elected later.
A ~ FELD AY ILLO lover land with palmls, fermns, potted Camp Davis, which is run by time Un-
ki N NR FIR 091 RO h1lamt., and cut flower:; arranlged in iv'ersit3' at Cheboygan, Mich., is under!
BY FORESTRYshion about5tihe walls hedirctionl of Po.Caec
( [1(01)1 UU, epion roomi, por'chlamnd 1151 XV 5' . ;neuit.
t Ht-4(i&,ofi t : 1w forestry (depart- IHiollywvood, (Californiia, AMay 1.- ,, 7j -

.r/TZ.T VYt :l .LiL :l l ical.iL


ileilnt held their annual15 field day 'Sat-
.4-rc > 41...... ~trx xtic ~rxt~x

! I

3latty Wilson Tabourne, Negro lair- L&I'CLe I o) LeCL


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