" PAGE 'OURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 44 r t University Women aa* * F . _. .__. t _.. - - Freshman Women Will Present Pageant At pageant proper begins on the bi [hday of the princess. iplaying with three of her compalnions and becomes w Annual Lantern Night Ceremonies ITheslay suapste . Ilan N ight uesda~ ,,dease her Ithe companionsb the mirror which one of th By MarIon Kubik from the juniors. The aides who have strict the cast to freshmen so that mothers gave her, and for a ti Brilliantly colored Japanese Ian- been chosen to march at the head and there might be more class spirit and Is satisfied to play with it. terns, gay blossomed colored hoops, rear of the respective calsses are: friendship. The idea of a d(ancing ilm, however, she becomes Vlcnic suppers, Michigan songs and iseniors, 'erena Moran, Olive McKay, geant p was intioduced by Miss Ilfz One more. and the companio the awarding of athletic honors, all Elsa Ol-nacher, Elizabeth Ranckabheth Sehon then of the physical !in her golden ball. For a ti combine to make Lantern Night oil1pjthel Sc-roeder, Adelaide Sherer, cation departmenty. play happily until the prince of the most interesting of traditions Eveln Smith, Mary Se- wbreaislaneginra mpa'clos, that Michigan holds in store r its nnaili n tewart; junior The pageant will begin at iolock last effort, bring in the magic C, ;Atrtepe n<..i. fh..tir into whih tle p rinc(es gazesa women students. And it has bee a lizabeth I lackwood, Arline Ewing, and will embody the old tory' of the w tpo ;it c ofhe erof logzs tradition for years. As soon as there Margaret Ellinger, Dorothy Ogborn, Sleeping Princess. The storey of thi siomleait the power of lb wer tengh somen tudent atte EuiRe Rose, Kathryn Wilson; sopho- "Once Upon a Time" deals with t heigodmict her tIakes hold on the1 ing the University to warrant the mores, Irene Field, Myra Finsterwald, princess to whose christenin,,-, thrt Eai i n (cidoaince with the l effort, one May afternoon and evening ;I)orotlea (ia rlly, Ellen Johnson, Jean godmothers were invited. Each of she drh olf into this tldee was devoted to a kind of feminine yer,. largaret McNally, Minna Mil-the three brought a gilt. The first a :. she sleep she dreams of Cap Night. The -develoment r-of thiser, Louise Rittenhouse; freshmen, mirror, which would reflect the prin- fomrns and gay colors and oft tume honored tadition has been grad- i\thilii Ferguson, Esther Merrick,Icess' mood, the second a bold ball, io s nursery rhiynes of her y ual and the event was not termed Elsie Murray, Elizabeth Nutt, Bertha and the third a crystal in which the Peter Pan and the dryas Las ight by unil 1919 he J itd ankim, 1lIarian Van Tuyl, and Mary princess could discern the future, into her dreams comes the was revived by Dean Myra B. .iorden hite. However, there happened to be a( wih a groun ol at endants. T snce it 'thi.; will b,.r the third year that a fourth godmother who was offended at cess sees them dance and sin d 1913, sna pageant has been presented on Lan- !ot being invited to the christ ordi the-m with interest until they Field Day, as it had been called, tern Night. In 1923 the cast was se- and vented her anger by prophesying Soon, however, the prince it is known tsofay Even yt as leced 'omi the whole enrollment of i that the princess should, on her alone and awakens her from h itisnon today.aEven yet the, womiten on campus and so it was not !'twelfth birthday fall into a deep sleep, sound sleep by means of the afternoons are reserved for sports,;exclusively a freshman pageant until not to be awakened until someone that only he owns. Stes hocey, arche an aenlast year when it was decided to re- with sufficient power found her. The 'T"he part of the princess is ball matches are played 'off. Later inJ a, twelfth by Dorothy Hurd, that of the prince wear. In case the style notes do not She is by Marian Van Tuyl. Aurel Fowler, !!furnish an adequate supply of unusual dearest Vera Johnston and Mary Van Dursen Gpsuggestions she can create her own eary of take the parts of the companions of 1A NU iOw Tie 1at 1 fashions. A gorgeous blonde (wit hout effort to the princess,, while the parts of the ;bobbed hair) was seen at a recent ball bring in four godmothers are taken by Alice ______________________ with a large clus.ter of white waixed le god--K gardenias low down over one ear, in ime she Garland Kellogg, Katherine Kyer, Striking individuality always char- fact so low dan were they that i dieseEsther Merrick, and Mary Quarton. I After a EtrMrrknd ayQurn. acterizes the costuming of the fashion- was hard to tell whether they wae fbored After the pageant the Michigan "M" ably fastidious. This is as peculiarly meant to be hair ornaments or a boa- ns bring will be formed in the following man- r quet pinned to her shoulder. olh( r me they ner. The seniors in caps and gowns true of styles of head dresses as 0inotable occasions remarkable beautm.i ess' ball will march four abreast to the middle other features of attractive dressing have been known to feature orchid ia.r as their of the large hockey field and turn IHow many women give undivided at-ishaded to match daring gowns. crystal down it, still marching four abreast tention to the dashing cut of their But to get down to a less dizzying an I s until they face the hill. After them evening gown and totally disregard-world we find that the styles for us eep. At come the jmuiors in sprt clothes g . nmere mortals are decidedly more de- e fourth carrying hoops. They march down the importance of their hair orna-inure. Flowers in pastel shades out- princess the hockey field dividing behind the ments. The tiny demure 'baby-girl';stripe the metal cloth ones in popular- rophecy seniors and marching down on each with a huge Spanish comb planted mnity as ornaments The wide band is p slep. side of them so that there is a line bobbed hair and the tall distinguished slightly passe in more ultra circles graceful of juniors two abreast on either side looking brunette with the slender cord but has ever some degree of poplular- the var-of the seniors. The juniors are fol- of pink ribbon binding sleek black hair ity. Rhinestone and pearl diadems outh, vfr lowed in the line of march by the furnish the ijost strikingly bizarre ex- will always enjoy a degree of favor a sophomores also four abreast who ampiles of careless stumbling into the march straight ahead and form a line blind alleys of style, and of utter dis- on the extreme right of the hockey regard of the fitness of things. field. Then the freshmen come in also I A very striking type of individual four abreast and form a line on the will find that she has a wide field fora extreme left of the hockey field. At choice in hair ornaments for formal. this point when everybody is as- sembled they will sing "I'll Ne'er For- 1their caps and gowns will have be- get My College Days." At one whistle come alumnae.I the evering when the traditional "M"l '' is formed on the hockey fiel d th e athletic awards are given 'out by Dr.I Margaret Hell. to the memb'ers of class teams, winners of tournaments, and to those earning sweaters or ; 'armbands. The Lantern Night program this year is similar in its essentials to those that have gone before. Athletic events will occupy the greater share of the afternoon and anyone interest- ed is invited to look on. Men are especially invited to attend Lantern Night as there is no wish to exclude them, contrary to the popular impres- 1 siOn current on campus. The pienie supper will be held at 5:34 o'clock on the hillside. The Woman's League will serve hot coffee as usual. All league houses, sororities and clubs are urged to cone 'as groups to enjoy the enter- tafnment and to participate in the march. During the supper hour, and' most probably after it, there will be music a'nd stunts. The three enter- t nments which are being planned will Ie put on by ,Ruth Kahn, '27,1 Elizabeth 'Campibell, '27, and the Freshnman class. The senior women are to gather and form their line of march on top of the hill behind the Nurses home, the juniors are to form along the side- walk in front of the field house, the sophomores on the sidewalk across from the Nurses' home, and the fresh- men on the same side of the street as the sophomores but across the street, HOLD RESPONSIBLE POSITIONS IN FRESHMAN PAGEANT 1 First Year Women To Present Spectacle At Annual Lantern Night the sophomores will turn, divide into twos, and go under the arches form- ed by the hoops of the juniors comingi down the center line in fours. Here cheering songs will be sung and ait three whistles the sophomores will march 'down and cross in front of the seniors to standl between the two lines of Freshmen. At the same tine the freshmen will march straight across the' rear of the field and come down on the outside of the double line of sophomores. Then at two whistles the juniors will march to the front, turn, and pass between the center line 'of sophomores. They will leave their hoops as they go along, turning at the corner and coning down to a diagonal line to center of the front line. At one whistle the seniors will come to the front, turn and divide in 1 twos, then go down the outside of the freshman and sophomore lines on the left and right of the field. They will; turn at the farther line of these lines and come down on each side of the diagonal lines of juniors. At this point the senior song will be sung by everyone on the field. Then, while they arerstill inthe "M" formation the seniors will hand over their lan- terns to the juniors. Dr. Bell will give out the athletic awards after which the "Yellow and J3lue" will be sung. The seniors and juniors leadl off the field keeping the V formation.1 'they will go back to the hill where! they formed and the sophomores and freshmen will follow in their turn.l Thus unofficially each class will have moved up a step and the seniors in? The senior song, as it has been re- written to the music of "Marcheta", is as follows: Soft shades 'round us falling, Night's voices are calling, A light breeze the lantern line sways;{ Their centers are glowing, 4 Gold beams 'round them showing Our love for the blue and the maize. Now we are leaving To you, without grieving, This torch, that you may guard its light And cherish its fire That it may inspire Your love for the true and the right.1 with the society matron although the younger girl rarely finds this style adaptable to her youth. On the whole for the debutante or the college w ,- man simplicity in coiffure tends to be most popular and hair ornaments vary in kind and style always however ad- hering in good taste to the strictly rig- Id dictates of simplicity. The Speeches on Industry, which Stanley Baldwin, Premier of Great Britain, recently delivered anmd which created a sensation abroad, are to be Spulhished in America at once by I in- coln MacVeagh, The lDial Press, under the title of "Peace and Goodwill in Industry." It is a long time since Parliamentary speech-making has so nearly approached great oratory and at the same time been so tactically successful. They repay study from all angles, not the least from that of our own perplexed attitude toward Labor and Capital. . .r 1' ./' .r "./ . 'J /"ie".E'."".r+'.I .iP ".%".I"., r I" '1.r+" .r"./' . i" I'.r/ Yj n! service .ad Skill- That combination in this shop cai't be beat The, Arcade Barber Shop 6 Nickel's Arcade Photo by Rentschler D)orothby Hurd, '2S Photo by Dey Elsie Murray, '28 3hi ~ ;i~a i'ai 1ai .0 'spedd jog I. ____________________________ . ,! -- P Y' IP PPPPYPYi r ____ _ it -.. - 7 "''7 6~ Tra i li li illiltl ll ll ll t ltltli illll Illtltli lllll l l ll Il 11 l 1!!!11i In a formal gown that indefinite thing we call "style" is most iimportant. You may have rich materials, fine tailoring and all that, but after all these do not male a presentable formal gown. Added to these must be the artist designer's touch, a something that transforms the gar- ment and makes people say: "'iid you notice that beautiful gown?" Such gowns are not made in every shop. such gowns are not for sale in every store. We are showing, just now, a large number of exquisite formal gowns, styled by artists and yet sold at very reasonable prices. Our sales- people are all trained experts in guiding you in your selection. They will not sell you a gown that is not becoming-they take pride in seeing you properlp gowned. Hundreds of i 4 ' . . , I Wit e W~t f/ ยข 1L , a 1777 -- z = '- _ _ - r - . i" , \\ 11 In A Charming Setting of Reed Furniture You Enjoy Leisure T ERE is nothing more pieasant in the warm months tham a sun parlor or screeen enclosed porch bprightly ' unished 1ith reed pieces. After classes-d'aring eisulre hours-when sthidying for exams, it Is indeed 're tful to itd a place amid suechi 'refreshing surroundings. Furnish your out-of-door living room now, and enjoy It l urfni the coming weeks. The Best When Milady prepares herself for a formal, there is great assurance ii knowing that her gown is right- that it represents the latest in style and attractiveness in design. Here we aim to make these attainments easy for Milady to secure. young service women find our garments and our more satisfactory than they find else- Exquisite formals at where, and so will you. Davenport .................:........$40 Settee..........:.................$30 Desk...........................$22 Rocker ......................... .$24 C'hair .......................... .$20 Table . .........................5 I 11 $29.50, $39.50, $49.50, $65 4 fl uI I, If ii 11 P 11 III 11 11 ' .1 1 I