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February 17, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-17

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VOL. XXXV. No. 100





..............._. .

SCORE 32 TO 13
Defeat Puts Varsity Out of Conference
Title Race and Places Ohio
Among Leaders
Columbus, O., Feb. 16, (By A. P.)-
Ohio State in a Big Ten basketball
game here tonight obtained ample re-
venge for its earlier defeat by Michi-
gan, holding the Wolverines to three
baskets and the short end of a 32 to
13 score. Miner and Cunningham
starred for the Ohioans and the of-
fence with seven and five baskets re-
spectively. The Ohio guarding wasi
the best of the season, Michigan get-4
ting only two baskets in the first half'
and but one in the second. Michigan
never gave up trying but its efforts
were futile, Ohio taking the lead at
the start and never being seriously
threatened. Haggerty, Michigan cap-
tain, was held to one lone basket. The-
victory kept Ohio State in the running1
for the Big Ten title with a confer-,
ence record of seven victories and one

Cooley Calls I
'Greatest Need
In a communication to James Hart-
ness, newly elected president of the
American Engineering Council, Dean
Mortimer E. Cooley of the Colleges of
Engineering and Architecture and past
president of the American Engineer-
ing Council expressed his opinion
with regard to the reforestation
Portions of the letter which appear-
ed in the February issue of the Ameri-
can Forest and Forest Life magazine
"It has been one of my ambitions to
do something worth while in refores-
tation. I consider it the most vital
factor in the future welfare of the
country. Looking into the future no
further than 75 to 100 years, I can
see conditions arising, if our cut-over
lands remain barren, which will makeM
it very difficult, if not impossible, to
live in this north temperate zone of
ours-certainly not in the way we are
now living.
"We are rushing at breakneck speed
into a cul-de-sac, which considering
our supposed superior intelligence, is1
the greatest of all human tragedies.
I am conscious this sounds dramatic.
But I say to you that we of our day
are living examples of the five foolish
virgins. What shall we answer when
called to account for our stewardship
-not at the judgment day, but no
further than the day of our children's



Addresses by Rogers, Earle, )onaghey,
Betts and Riggs Feature


Says Primary Force of League
Been in Organization of In-
ternational Pubile Opinion


"Diplomatic technique in the future
will consist of bringing nations to-
gether in conference around a table,"
declared Raymond Blaine' Fosdick,
eminent authority on international re-
lations, in a speech delivered in Na-
tural Science auditorium last night.
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, head of the po-
litical science department, introduced
the speaker.
In tracing the advances of society
during the past 100 years, Mr. Fos-
dick asserted that these developments
are directly responsible for the status
of present international relations. The
affairs of the world are linked to-
gether, stated the speaker, and this
interdependence warrants a medium
such as a council of nations where ex-
pression may be given, by way of con-
ference, to problems affecting the en-
tire universe. As a specific illustration
* 1,;.is nerjiuelcu vI1 Vncri

defeat. Michigan in an earlier gamen of this interdependence, Mr. Fosdick
was victor, 39 to 29 at Ann Arbor. .cited the depreciation in the value of
The official attendance was 10,106. CHOLDS VID the German mark with its effect not
This was the largest crowd that has only upon Germany and England but
ever witnessed an Ohio State basket- the whole economic order of the world.
ball game with the exception of last Regarding the popular misconcep- !
year when 10,641 saw the Purdue-Ohio I UMN 1tion that the League of Nations is or-
game. ganizad primarily for the prevention
Lineup Week-end Gatherings Held In Other of war, Mr. Fosdick enumerated the
Michigan Ohio Towns In State By Extension various humanitarian fields in which I
Haggerty LF Miner - Depa'rtment the League has been an active par-
Chambers Ri Shaw ticipant. Special branches of thr
Doyle C CunninghamL eague have been organized to elimi~
STUDENTS GIVE TALKS hate oruntafcadtafci o
Line LG Cameron topium trafli and traffi i win-
Cherry RG Ziffer en an( girls; -likewise cooperation has
Summary: Field goals, Haggerty 1, In the first Michigan week-end ever been extended in checking the distri-
Doyle 1, Line 1, Miner 7, Shaw 2, Cun- ! attempted by a group of University bution of obscene literature, asserted
ningham 5, Cameron 1, Fouls, Hagger- students, more than 900 people met Mr. Fosdick.
ty 1 out of 2, Chambers 1 out of 1, Sunday night at Tecumseh under the "The primary force of ti0 League
Doyle 1 out of 2, Reason, substitute for auspices of the Student Christian as- has been in the organization of inter-
Doyle, 1 out of 1, Line 1 out of 3, Cher- sociation, in cooperation with various national public opinion. There has
ry 1 out of 3, Lander, sub for Cham- Ann Arbor churches. Mr. Lester been no machinery by which it couldj
hers, 1 out of X. Referee, Schommer, Rogers, president of the Tecumseh1 be focused upon a particular situa-
Chicago. Ichamber of commerce termed the tion, no method by which it could be'
week-end the most successful under- brought into play to effect the settle-
taking ever staged by a group of stu- men of an outstanding difficulty. In
STS IUIA[. dents in Tecumseh. I this new instrument of public opinion{
NEWI IS TUDELBesides the men on the Tecumseh the League has a weapon of infinite
trip, the extension department of the usefulness."
303FOR SECND TED Student Christian association had Mr. Fosdick pointed to the manner
representatives speaking at banquets in which Italy became amenable to
j in other towns in the state. Hal Coff- reason in the Corfu dispute as definite
With the close of the regular regis- I man, general secretary of the Student proof of the pressure that could be
tration period for the second semester, Christian association, Harold Steele, exerted through an aroused interna-
303 new students had entered the Uni- '25, and John Elliott, '26, were at a tional public opinion focused through
versity, which is three short of the county Hi-Y meeting in St. Clair. Tod the machinery of the League of Na-
total number of entering students last Rockwell, '25Ed, addressed a meeting tions. This situation, invoked by,
February. Registration for late stu- of services held for the high school Mussolini's ultmatum with its "seven;
dents will continue, however, these football team in Big Rapids. James bristling points" was the most serious
entrants being required to pay a $5 Miller, '25, last week addressed a to be brought under the jurisdiciton
fee for the privilege. gathering at Jackson. It was the of the League, and according to Mr.
The late registration is limited to most active week, from the viewpoint Fosdick settled the question as to the
former students in the University, and of student speaking, that the extension power of the League face to face with
others who have not studied here be- sdepartment has had since its begin- a first class power.
fore are not admitted. jning. In concluding, the speaker assertedj
Changes in classes for students who The thirty men whom the extension that "the moral responsibility is onj
failed in courses for the first semester department of the Student Christian you to give us something better." And
may be made tomorrow, the Regist- association sent to Tecumseh arrived with reference to the opponents of the
rar's office announces. Others may Priday afternoon. Herbert Steger, league Mr. Fosdick asked, "What is
change by the payment of a special '25, Perry Hayden, '25, Everett Saw- a more feasible scheme for bringing
fee of $1 or by special permission. yer, '26, and Rensis Likert, '26E, )spok nations together in conference?"
Blanks to secure changes in classifica- at the high school Friday afternoon
tion may be secured at the Registrar's before a group of 350 students. A ban-
office, to be filled out later and signed quet and discussion among 200 boys n
by the instructors involved. featured the program Friday night.d LELII UdPII FUNDv9T
C_____________byth H Three groups of bo ys fo rm n o y
The ruso os omn oyOfficers elected by the Hlindustani of more than 60, were led in hikes JONSHOK NS 0 0 1
Club at the regular hi-monthly meet- j Saturday morning by the students. At 11 ~ IVM J 1IL
ing Sunday afternoon in Lane Hall the same time other students address- I
are: B. S. Sindhu, '26E, President; ed factory groups of workmen. Sched- Dr. Frank J. Goodnow, president of
L. C. Verman, '27E, Secretary. Retir- ( uled for one hour, the Tecumseh club i Johns Hopkins university announced}
ing officers included A. K. Sukumaran, luncheon Saturday noon lasted foy
'26E and N. M. Malik, '27M. Favorable three hours. Students managed, the tetbiofmen $f,
action was taken by the club to ex- programs and speeches and discus- 000,000 fund for the stab-shmnent ot
change sneakers with the Chinese, sions extended the original time limit a teaching hos)ital and research in-
Japanese and Philippine organizations. of the meeting. soitute for eye diseases. Dr. William
The most important meetings of the ,lHolland Wiliner of Washington willj
week-end were held on Sunday. All direct the institute which will bear
church services on Sunday morning his naine. It will he the first of its
! were conducteod by the church deputa- kind ever to appear in America.
_ tion teams, composed only of students, j The clinical institute will be in it-
who were furnished by the churches self a complete center of research for
of Ann Arbor through the various stu- eye diseases, although it is to be a
dent groups. part of the Johns Hopkins Hospetal
- and Medinal school. It is expected
Faculty M embers t"'a" Dr. Wiler will bein his work
A I -Mm esnext September.

Every state of the middle west was
represented at the opening registration
of the eleventh annual conference onI
highway engineering, here yesterday._
Between 200 and 300 highway engin-
eers and road commissioners attendedj
the opening sessions of the assembly,
sponsored by the engineering college
in co-operation with the Michigan
State Highway department and the1
Michigan Association of Highway Coin-
niissioners and Engineers. Those in I
charge expect that at least 200 more'
highway men will arrive before the
conference adjourns Thursday morn-
Mortimer E. Cooley, dean of the en-
gineering college, welcomed the vis-
itors to the University in an addressE
given at a smoker last night in the'
Union. He spoke for President Marion
L. Burton, 'who due to illness, could
not as in past conferences, greet the
visiting engineers at the opening ses-
sion. Dean Cooley stressed the mutue-
al benefits arising from association
with the University of the professional'
groups in the state. Referring to one
of the questions facing the adminis-
trators of state highways, he indicated
the importance of immediate consider-
eration of the problem of financing,
brought about by the immense in-
crease in the scale of construction dur-i
ing recent years.
lion. Frank F. Rogers, State High-
way Commissioner of Michigan, speak-
ing immediately after Dean Cooley,
indicated that the' question of highway
financing would be umet by the new gasr
and weight- taxes. Ile revealed that
the situation is rapidly approaching
the point where the user of the high-
ways .must cointribute to the, cost of
construction and ,nmaintenance of statef
highuways. He continued with a sum-
marized report of the work of the
highway department during the past
three years. The commissioner said
that since the floating of the largef
bond issue in 1921, the state has. con-
structed a total of 3398 miles of im-
proved roads of all types, as well as
244 bridge structures over 30 feet
in length. During the 1924 season, he!
pointed out, more concrete pavements
were laid than in any previous year,
and that at present there is a paved
thoroughfare from Detroit to Clii-
cago without a significant break.
Hailed as "The Father of Good
Roads in Michigan" by his colleagues,
Horation S. Earle of Detroit, former
State Highway Commissioner of Mich-I
igan, outlined convincingly the value
of good roads to the citizens of the
During the afternoon session, J. T.
Donoghey, State Highway Engineer,
Wisconsin Highway department, spoke
on "Wisconsin Methods of Mainten-
ance of Gravel Roads." F. IA. Betts,
Superintendent, Board of County Road I
Commissioners, Menominee County,
discussed "Bituminous Surface Treat-'
ments of Gravel Roads in Menominee
County, Michigan."

Ziet Retires
After Serving
Four Decades
{ Thirty-seven years of uninterrupted
service is the record of Professor
Alexander Ziwet, of the mathematics
department, whose resignation was
accepted at the last meeting of the
Board of Regents. Professor Ziwet
plans to retire at the end of the cur-
rent school year, and at that time he
will write finis to his activities which
started in 1888, when he first took
up his duties as an instructor here.
Born in 1853 at Breslau, Germany,
he received his degree in civil en-
gineering at the Karlsruhe Polytech-
nikum in 1880, after which he was on
the United States Lake Survey for
two years. In 1882 he served with the
United States Coast and Geodetic Sur-
vey until 1887, then taking his posi-
tion here. Professor Ziwet has been
head of the mathematics department
since 1904.
He is well known throughout the
country as the most versatile and gen-
erally scholarly of American mathe-
maticians. He is well versed in-more
than eight modern languages and is
well read in most fields of classical
language and literature. Professor
Ziwet is the writer of a book on
"Theoretical Mechanics." He colla-
borated with Peter Field to write an
"Introduction to Analytical Mechan-
ics" and with L. A. Hopkins he is the
author on "Analytic Geometry and
Principles of Algebra." Besides he
has written several papers on me
Dean A. H. Lloyd, of the graduate
school, characterized Professor Ziwet
yesterday as one of the "most helpful
men that the university has had."
Hlours Credit Will Be Deducted For
Atsence; Dean Will Interview,
With the completion of the task of
grade card distribution, the Registrar's
office annouices that the warning,
probation, and home list shows an in-
crease over that of last semester, al-
though the gain has not been definite-
ly determined. In addition to this de-
linquent list, 189 students have been
sent attendance admonishments, 40 of
this number receiving a deduction of
one hour of credit for excessive ab-
sence. Approximately 35 students on
the delinquent scholarship list have
also received a one hour reduction in
credit for the same cause.
The basis for reducing credit on the
number of unexcused absences is as
follows: from 20 to 29, one hour re-
duction; from 30 to 104, one hour de-
duction and verbal warning; from 13


According to a bulletin issued
last night by attendant physi-
cians, the condition of President
Marion L. Burton was reported
as favorable, though no change
for the better had taken place.
Up to a late hour no further
change was reported.
President's Condition Considered
Worse Than at Any Other
Time During Ulness
Little indication of improvement has
been shown in President Marion L..
Burton's condition since his relapse
last Thursday, it was reported late
yesterday. After spending an easier
day on Sunday, the President passed;
a restless night, and yesterday morn-
ing found him. still in serious condi-
tion. A bulletin issued yesterday by
Dr. Burton's physicians stated:
"As a result of the infarct, either
in the right lung; which cannot be de-
termined for some hours.
"The present complication will
bring an added strain on an already
much-overworked heart. However,
with characteristic reaction, Presi-
dent Butron seems to meet the situa-
tion in a remarkable manner, and
continues to hold his own."
Officials in' close touch with the
'President's home consider his condi-
tion 'mre grave now than at any other
time during his illness. The strain
of recent complications is rapidly re-
ducing his vitality despite his splen-
did fight to overcome the disease.
Dr. James C. Baker, pastor of the
Trinity Methodist church in Urbana,
Ili i-n ankP S idn niht u n

Badly Needed Museum and Architec-
ture Building Will Be Con-
structed With Fund
Requests for an appropriation of
more than three million dollars, to be
used for new buildings and land, and
for an increase in the annual main-
tenance fund by the removal of the
limit in the present mill-tax law will
be laid shortly before the State legis-
lature, it was learned yesterday. Al-
though not official, it was understood
that the bills authorizing these meas-
ures are already prepared and in the
hands of legislators.
The appropriation of $3,192,700, if
granted, would be used for the con-
struction and equipment of a new
Administration building, a new Mu-
seum, a new Observatory building,
and an Architecture building. The
lifting of the mill-tax law would mean
a substantial improvement ini the per-
sonnel of the faculty, increased fa-
cilities for maintaining the present
mechanical equipment, and substan-
tial increases in the salaries of the
teaching staff, many of whom have
been on the waiting list for salary
raises for years.
It is believed the University. will
base its request for a lifting of the
mill-tax law-the law through which
the University has received the major
portion of its operating income for 50
years-on the fact that increased ex-
penses now make the present mill-tax
income woefully inadequate. The
enormous expansion in the number of
students instructed has placed a
strain on the present faculty which
cannot longer be borne; University
officials have long seen that there
I must either be a substantial curtail-
ment of enrollment, or else that there
must be a drastic reduction in operat-
ing expenses. It is pointed out that,
were the latter measure necessary,
educational standards would suffer
A detailed description of the Uni-
versity's requests has not ypt been
made known, but it is believed that
they will be placed before the. legisla-
ture in the near future.

j lioisspoe e unuay piu 4
"The Building of Student Morale" at
the University service held under the ,
auspices of the Student Christian as- -
sociation. Dr. Baker emphasized ap-
preciation of human life, a study and
analysis of the value of life, and the HIVIEII H
I 1UflneUI.a of jJrI nu litinq nnjnu nr, ,


iI f




Washington, Feb. 16.--(By A.P.)-
Both the House and Senate drove for.
ward today in an effort to clear their
calendars and each held a night ses- i
The Senate passed and sent to con-
ference the postal pay and rate increase
measure and disposed of 16 other bills
jlbefore constituting itself into a board
of alderman to consider laws for the
city of Washington.
The House cleaned up 30 measures
during its day session and leaders had
as the objective before adjournment
the passage of approximately 100 bills
on its unanimous consent calendar.
While both of the measures givenf
House approval were of interest only
to certain localities ,several were of
wide importance. These included aI
Senate resolution extending for twoJ
years from next June 30 the arrange-
ment wherey press dispatches are
transmitted to Hawaii, Alaska and the
Orient by navy radio, and House bills
providing for restoration of the his-
toric Fnrt MeHenrv Maryland. and


}. linfluence of personaiies upon a per-
to 19, admonishing letters. This op son, as the fundamental influences
plies, however, only to names not on upon the building of the Christian One of the first successful attempts
ihe scholarship delinquent list, the lat- morale of a student. at forming an inter-college union of
ter having already been provided for. j "I am filled with the greatset hope students in America was made at Cali-
W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean by the signs which I see appearing fornia university recently when stu-
of the Literary college, is at present upon campuses of colleges all over dent representatives of seven leading
interviewing students on the delin- the country of an indication in stu- western universities formed the Na-
quent list. The complete results of dents to apply the principles of Christ tional Student Federation of America.
the semester's effect upon the list can- to the activities of the campus, poli- The charter members of the new
not be determined as yet, however. tics, athletics, fraternities, and all Union are the two California univer-
others. Editorials in dailies published sities, Leland Stanford, the University
A TIIIf by students are asking for Christia. .of Washington, the University of Utah,
POUTR GBILL GOES INTO methods to be applied. This element Mills college, Oakland college and Po-
is growing." Thus did Dr. Baker sum mona college. An immediate expan-
CTE iup his conclusions drawn from 181 sion eastward iscontemplated by the
W HOM [ years experience with university stu-I organization.
Dr. Baker spoke at some length students under the name of the Euro-
Washington, Feb. 16, (By A. dtptal upon the subject of the influence of pean Students Union was the model
Tae Senate today sustituted its postal other personalties upin our lives, for the American society and an affili-
pay and rate increase bill for that I quoting numerous examples of men aion with the European group is be-
passed by the House. This action like Roosevelt, who were greatly in- ing considered. If this affiliation is
was taken without a record vote, and fluenced by other men. Teachers are' effected it will do much to improve
placed the two measures, varying particularily molding in their influ- traveling conditions for-the American
widely on the proposed rate increases, -nce upon other persons through their student traveler abroad, and will help
into conference between teSnt
no co ferc djusten the ofdiffere meeting so many young people in the the American student in the foreign
and ouse or ad men - classroom. schools to make acquaintances more
ences. y Jane Gibson, '25, president of the easily.
The Senate bill already hadbeen ap- Y. W. C A., introduced the speaker.
proved once by the chamber but the She announced the next service to be Crane Engaged In
House refused to consider it on the held on March 15. Dr. Lloyd C. Doug-E
grounds that it was revenue -raisinglas of Akron, Ohio, will be the speak- W ritin New Book
legislation, and as such, could origi- er. The double quartet of the Meth-
nate only in the House. Its rate sec- odist church lead the service in sing-
tions it is estimated will produce little ing. Prof. R. T. Clane of the political
more than $30,000,000 additional reve- science department, who at present is.
nue while that of the House billhis , at Stanford university, being on leave
said to carry about twice the amount High School Will from his duties here, is now engaged
to meet salary increases -aggregating I1in writing a book on "Political
more than $60,000,00.0 a year. P blish W e y Theory." He hopes to complete this
Before readopting its bill as a sub- - work before joining the faculty of the
stitute for the House measure, the I University high school students will Stanford summer quarter in June.
Senate today struck out, on motion of publish "The Broadpa-ster, Station U. Professor Crane was a member of
Senator Harrison, Democrat, Missis- H. S.," beginning on Wednesday. The the Stanford summer faculty last year
sippi, a provision calling for a one I paper, which is to be bi-wekly, will and because'of the success of his
cent service charge on parcel post contain literary, editorial, and general courses, was invited to return in the
packages. news. coming summer to give courses in
The Senate bill also would make i Lately the hi;h scehnol has had as- "American Political Theory" for

it mill be colder with probable
Did you ever want to get rid
of something and didn't know
how? If so, did you turn to
page seven of the Daily and
look over the Classified Col-

Ad dress No eity tuhe CGeneral Lmucauon board of me
_ Rockefeller foundation pledged $1,-
Several members of the medical fac- '00,000 of the $3,000,000 required on
ult the condition that the other half be
uly addressed assenmblies at the sixth rasdThre in-su wsob
annual meeting of the middle section raised. The remaining sum was oh-
of the American Roentgen Ray soci-'twned through the contribution of 350
ety held in Detroit last week. Prof. persons.
A. S. Warthin of the pathological de-
partment and Prof. Preston M. Hick- Church W ill Have I
ey of the roentgenological department "S
spoke Thursday afternoon.ational Service
P May Mf~-~ PPP~ o f fhnraie.. l mt


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