SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1.925WEMCIA DIL PA" ELEVEN SOME O F THE ENTRIES IN YESTERDAY 'S R AC E Why Not Now? ,E ffuture Is Is gi]$e< get feit (OldtAeiul f (S Bl Y i Fps,, r . k'S s . , 7 iyi ,1 3 / n ' p Q 6 qy faA yy bK h S t ' r. "'"'", ==suw"u j77 Brin- *, Your Fa 4ther Here for SiwdayNight Supper. T1endterloin Steak Fresh (k-etoble and Cafetri 506 LEast William vWhc-e the bcsl of food is .4cved. Reviewing America's Greatest Turf Classic Through 50 Years' hal mfinile cou rse. IllI1816, 1tle distance first lOer by over t he shorter distance Black (,old won $52, £';Sfor o;,, ,;. I ar,,lie1. ,c, ~ was shortened to one anda one-tlcarlter (Ie(,loll owl og yea,.,l, in 2:07 3-4. George ers 'lie j)04)1lt~ i2t, ~1of( 11.Ca Ia 021. V- i ,,I{ a311ai.itra $,;2 miles. In 1889, Sp)okane set the rec- ;aliiiI set tI lie record for the later por-tlie im~portIance ( 0 ti Vineo1 ii !,c( lol hl u Iint-i(,il* ord over Ithe old (list ance, doing lion o1 the D erby list ory when lie ran s l}+wl SWVIId aiisJo .'A i 10),h -. 2 2c i /shv nra 2:104 1-2. ilalma was the last horse tho r~iee in 2 :04 in 1916. In 2921, of smli a h< ri.'m A ni w ; 1ia1_1l forune,'';. 10 captnre Ithe event iindei- the 0on--Behave \ outrk:Eif came noperilously (lose 2'C1'iO 1 i'_' (U (0 - I21tit Ifil ~- - u- :oxa~, hhte inas Irules, w inn jug inl'18s95. fl is tit 1e to1,11l0e iirk when lie slid 2:04 1-5. the vr<;c xt. z 1, fliiiinI 2V 2 . (N ....,., 1,.{il wa was 2:37 1-2. 'len Bru sh won the I tm wt ear, in Awinnn h eb, h; iae- aoI 0 .. -- lH2* ,K si1 i DERBY WINNERS Year 1875... 157... 15'77.,. Winner Time .Aristides......2:37 3-4 .Vagrant....... 2:35 1-4I *Baden Baden . . 2 :,38 a r: .. .i..Dy Star......... 18 79. .. . Lord Mlurphy .2 :37 1-8.. +oiso.........2:37 41881... . lindoo........2:40 1582. . . Apollo. . ......2:11) 1883. .. . 1(. L S.........2 :43 1884. .... .lluc h-anan . .2:40 1885. .Joe Cotton .... 2:27 1S ...Ben Ali........ .86 1887... MontIrose.......2:;;< 188.... .Mcbethi It . ..2: ' :1589.... f. Spokanie ..,....2 : 3 4 1i>90J.. . . Iley .........2:15 1891. . ingmlan. .. . ....:" 1892... .Azu-a..........2:1 I S93)... ookout. ...... 2 :39 1894... .Chant. ........2:41 1895. . .. 1alma .... .3.7 1896.. . . Ben Bruish .2 .. : 07 1897. . .. Typhoon 1. . ..2: 12 1898..Plaudit........2:09 1899... .Manuel........2:12 1900... Lieut. Gibson .2:0 1901.....lHs Eminence 2:07 1902.... .Alan-a--Dale . .2:08 190.3..Judge Dimes . .2:09 1904 ... .Elwood. ....... 2:08 1905... .Agile........2:10 1906.. .Sir- huron . . . .2:08 1907... .Pink Star . 2:12 1908.. .Stone Street .2:15 1909.. ,. Wintergreen . .2 :08 1910... Donau........2:06 1911... .Mevidian ......2:05 1912... .Worth........ 2:09 1913 .. .. Donerai l...... 2:04 1914... .Rosebud.......2:03 1915... .Regret........2:05 1916. . .. George Smith .2: 04 1917. . .. Omar Khayyam 2:04 1918.. . .Exterminator . .2:10 1919. . Sir Barton .. ..2:09 1920. ..-. Paul Jones . ..2: 09 1921... .l3ehave Y'rself.2:04 1922. .. .'Morvich........:04 1923... .Zev. ..........2:05 1924.....lack Gold .-2:0 1--4 1- 4 1-4 1-4 2 -24 -~ I By C sri E. Olicci'e ! meiat of horse-racing in America, thej i,,nt icky Derby, the world's greatest' Wl~ssic of the; turf, celebrated its fifty-2 first aniiv, -,rsiy yesterdlay at Louis- vinle, 1'Kent uctiy on the Churchill D)owns c-oil re. ESt ari u in 187 5, when Aristides won H[li .1k,, in 2:37 8-=1, Ithe famous ev .1t' ra; cm down to 1925 wit hout a break -in it-, history, not being interrupted biy the *\Var which broke in upon al- most. every other branch of sport in' lthe country. The one race which has attracted the owners of all the greater horses in the (In it ed 1 at es, the D erby's history fis reodp-,,v it It the inamuies of past and 13r ; ,t iia:of uiho tiurf. Ikaden Bai-,u er a -apS:i,1eA -li, Lookout, Alan - a ~ ~ ~ ~ Oa ll, oebd nayKhayyam, :vo eSiith, and other famous steeds brought the list ot equine imumortals tip to the presenCft era', wlhen 1xtermin- a.t or, SirxIBart-ion. Belm 'ie Yourself, lorvvich, and '/c dashed acros;s '11 Inn.eLast }ei Black tColdo won the race after on~e of the most spectacular driv es on reco.m( j Aristides' time of 2:37 3-4 is not a I (orresJponling mark to that of Black (.old, who won in 2:045 1-5 last year. . ror the first 20 year.of its history, the D erby was rrn overa one and one- a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..aaaosn -,~.,.,.b&eoe..,..6d.- 4&04M FistImpression- ld r1 hut i uii&ttory . 7 >11~ri - ma1n1 to :strive bfo c wssand La;te ih the choice of his clothes. After tiilteres noiing quite life a salt Tailor 6 ! J fit I. LIAM tST. t ," i 3' j o . s,..._ ,. , .. ,¢ .. '< z . :kj 3+,. i'_ N M TU~ 3---,~k:_ . . >' 1 ;an rj-p L~i1 .JM ;..L~f . +Y L - " S.I(. 45 < vY 1 . '.'i~ . . ,.., .:_'."._.'.._ t:. ,sOt. :: ,.. . .. ..,.,.: , , ,su; .t .. a. ;.- ,a. :. ._4,.0O4L,.. ,. t,. . : . $. u ,_- .._ .. . }p e.K - ' !1 y READ TIlE MIUTYITIiATLN DAILY i 1 _:. " "cln W~'lek~ 1. 11. 1-. *1 _C) .~YMUo-. '+.n AGM!_CI: ~ t ,, - - ~.'., Yn.c< at-.. .M:..A0MXC e,---, .,, s^.J ro- - v9 N:. -a ..l vr. .. d A sYd .l ~faa. A.'.tv o.k.t:}WWS .-aaao t{S6t4- ....'0 e o~0 Jr r .s.. 6 404 VAC SCSW'Sts 1-2 1-1 a1 3-4 d '' f es of Ca~ \H K Y Xd r .LNo fi 6 ' t i' Ir E_ -2 -41 5) ill. IJ i I_ E. E, E . 6-8l 121 6 ,- i ~ 13~ ~It ~ . ~044 000*000 0000000004 13.9 . 4. t .- z 3 a n a 5 tp m. , ,. ..r-) .- - -.2 o u4 a0 c o r a 6l " " " 0 "* "", " "* f *7" 15 .)5R. F kN AY W14ERE BUT EAT AT REX',-,S THE CLUB LUNCH 7 12 Arbor Stroot Near State and Packard Sms. 2-5S 4-5 2-5 2-5 :3-5 4-5 4-5 1-5 2- 5 1-5 h r r.r. w IHVIN8 WAR MOLTS, 0. S C. Cirogist Orhpdis 7017 N. University Av e Plione 221 21 I' l4 r -- .Read the Want Adt P1roper Ce Iug 1w1 d~ouble the life of any garment WE USE BEZL Contains no grehase Leave~s no odor Ii EI: 30x3 Ii f. Tulle o Y~f}}?,,.g re - - . 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 4 j a " o0 c o a c s o 6 s0s0"0"0 0 " e 0 "0"0a0 0 " a " 0 s0..0"0 "0 0 s0 0 o a s 0 " 0 a " " o e " " s 0 e " " " f " o " c " e f s " " Fords, o11 ". AT-n 7 YO I 5.95 1.29 ~ k. A . . . . .0 .0 0 0 0. 0 0.0 4.0 0. 6 0 .9 . Ca,-r Ja cks 'k ld $1.25 Tire Pt -yp's S9 c MAGAZINES ! - I Grips $1 1 WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF f I- ouA, Qt 11 11 11 I ! -I