PAONV SIXSUDYMA17125TEMC GNDIL THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 _ _ _ _. Mai , ..n-..... .,:.......i.. .,.. .,,,, r ...r .. , m... ... , ! . -- - waympm% __ . . . .. WOLERIE NNE UFFRSFURTH (Continued from Page One) Ij] T]( Michigan's nine played fast ball in I EiG the: field, Coleman's slip in the eighth being the only error. However, In the first inning, Cherry made'a Guzy 's remarkable( pitching was too vain attempt to get a foul off much for the losers, who had men on sle's bat, crashing into the grand bases in only two innings, the first Istandi~ as the ball grazed his "glove. : anti seventh, ,when they threatened to 1 The crowd gave him a good hand. score. Haggerty contributed two of ____ the: fielding -features of the tilt, oner Afte~r a. hard run to deep right field, beigthilaytheonther m in thef in thie fourth Ryrholm robbed Black"1 eigthwhie te ohercam intheRacey of a sure double by his catch sixth when lie made another difficult lalo1w bard hit fly. stop and throw to retire Emerson. Ryrholm, back at his usual position In the Michigan half of the fourth, j in Tight field, spoiled a double for Ra~ey n te ourh fam whn h IRyrholm connected solidly with one illof Guzy's pitchestandrstartednihe ; pulled in his drive after a hard run.Ithe general irectiond ofargteldI Racey, catching for the Gophers, lmthe eneamiectiof rizytsfrelu db made several great catches of highbuSmtcaeo zys'suey fouls, two of which lhe took off thre making a leaping catch of the ball fence behind the plate. Jablonowski for the third out. and Giles suffered from the two plays. In the "lucky" seventh Jabby Yesterday~s defeat reduces Michi- pitched seven consecutive strikes. gan's chances 'for 'a Conference IThe eighth pitched ball, which was championship to almost nothing. also good was turned into a hit 'by With an even break in the six gaines, Emerson, who was put out the next played to ola,{e anol five more contests minute when he tried to steal secon'd sclieohied; it is "almost beyond hope jlbase. that tl,6 Wolveries will win the flag. 1NXF,$TA Hlaggerty got the first and only hitj AB R I-I 0 A E~ of the game off Guzy in th'e seventh Foote, of... ...... 1 2 1 0 1 frame. It was a single through Guzy, p.......4 0 1 0) 1 0 third base. Ascher, ss.........4 0 0 2 2 0 Christgau,' rf....... 4 0 1 3 0 0 George Hjaggerty executed the Racey, c .......... 4 0 0 10 0 0 fielding feature of the game in the Smnith, 1lb.......4 0 0 5 0 0 eighth, when lie picked up Christ- Mason, 2b ......... 3 0 1 1 3 0 ganu's grounder on a dead run toward Hall,; 3b ............2 0 1 3 0 1 pitcher's box, and made a perfect Emerson, If..........0 0 2 0 0 throw to first without straightening1 --------------up, getting his man by inches. C GereSisier Stages I Comeback. Great With HeavyHitnVBI' 0f8 eUlllI flE[EATMfl Chicago, Mbay 1U.- George Sisler, Louis Fonseca, former Cincinnati staging the 'most remarkable come-1 Red. is hitting well since, Joining the backof he 12~ ennnt rce,~asPhillies and is sticking close to the chalengd te tn liersforbatingleaders, batting fifth with .389.. Ban- chalengd te tp lner fo bati c('oft of iBostoni is fourth with .391. honors of the American league. ! Cabby Hlartnett of Chicago added an- -The famous pilot of the St. Tymois other hiome run to his string and is Brows, he verges elese~ toleIading witht nine, Will Hornsby next reaveal, is batting fi fthi with an aver-wnit h six and Fou rnier third with five. age of .413 and is determined to seta IOneo of the outstanding feats in new major league record held by him i itting dring' the week was ccom- self for safe hitting in c(on1secuitive Plis~hIU by George Burns 'of the Phil-, games. Sinc~e tae start of the race, I ies=. The fornmer 'Ied -andl Giant bag-i Sisler has collected 50 hits, an aver- ed ia dozen doubles. age of almiost - two for each game._________ Thiese figures are based on game:; j. ol ilerinetabsh fedesda..LAhltis)1 l ildngestaboshfedne ecda for 1 " consecutive hitting in 1922 wheoa - ~ ~ ~ ,c smshdthrough 41 games 1,r'ore American L a u failing to connect safely. I ~p to to-1 day Sisler has hit safely in 30 con.- tests. I(:milslMack's Athletics have upset Sammy Hale of the leading Atiblot - the baseball standling by winning ics is setting the pace for thle batters eight, games in a row, thus taking and{ with an average of .437. Severhd, vet-1 eccurelY holding first place in they eran catcher with the Browns, is sec- ond with .423, with Tv Cobb third with! American Leagule. Last year at! .420. this~ time the Athletics were in the Sinimons of the Athletics and Ken ;colr and stayed there until .July. Williams of St. Louis a v t ied in IThe 'other three first division clubs,1 honie runs with six apiece. Cobb has last ear at this point of the race, not been able to add~ to his five whichj were in the secoind(livision. lihe collected in two dlays of toil. Elffective pitching, rather than hit- Johnny Mostil of the White Soxt ins or fielding ability, has carried failed to add to his string of stolen~ the Athletics to the top of the league bases, but his 13 is far in excess of. standing. Rommel, Gray and Harris, his rivals, have been consistenly good since the Other leading batters: Combs. Nw I start of the season, and if they can York, .414; Boone, Boston, .400; Bar-'i hold up the Athletics will be in the rett. Chicago, 400; Hleilmann. Detroit1 thick of the race right down to the .383; Paschal, New York, .380; M(,., final day of the season. Niulty, Cleveland. .380. Although Detroit has improvedl There is a familiar rn to the greatly since. the start of the season names of the tr'io hitig aov I.0 her pitching staff has not been able in the National league-Fournier ofJtso oldoRtmeliGht-handerrhom Brooklyn and H-Iornsby and flott onley i JseDye h ih-adrwo of St. Louis. Fournier is leading with Detroit secured from Trfon~to, pitched, :43. ornby fllig ffslihtygoodl ball against Rommel last .43. Hrnsy, falingoffslihtl. Thursday, but not quite good enough is batting .411, three points above his to combat the kind of pitching Rom- teammate, Jimmy Bottom by. 211dlvrd _______________________________ Doyle received splendid fielding suIport, anid had the Tigers sup- MEDAL WINNEIIS I (ported other pitchiers as well as they Ij suppiortedl Doyle last Thursday they I I ilK of .4' hn1..- V.-... o-... i-- .- . JIILLUIL L I }II Wol6verines Kneoniitr 'Little Triouible~ 3 Ivith 1Ifliols anal Purdue °IEAD'CONFERNCE RACE Mich igan's. Varsity golf team comi- X CINDERS i ]BY Wv. if. S. ALL CAM1PUS HORSESHOUES The following must be played off In the Illinois-Michigan track thyf Monday, MI~ay 18,' and have their meet at Urbana yesterday, Northrup, 4 scores in by 5:3 o'lock of the same star sophomore of Coach Farrell's jday: Pekkala 6471, vs. Goldberg 3936; squad, replaced Brooker, formier cap- L. Eisenberg 4752 vs. Norton 21237. taro of this year's team, in the pole Winners' in the all-campus swim- vault and won the event with a vault ming meet should call at the Intra- of 12 feet 6 inichmes.- Michigan has posedl of Hloldsworth, F'eeley, Lehniaan I mural office for their awards immed- Dcbei well represented inthis event enetad' Glover, returns today from their iately. The winners are: Aldrich, in the past years and it looks as long trip. As 'predicted the Wolver- N Patterson. 011, Maveety, Power, Ant- though Coach Farrell will be little Ines 'will arrive with two more vie- zak,. and Louber.wriedaotheplvutfrte next few years. tories added "to their already formid- able string. CLASS BASEB$ALL Notrpthe h javelin the (fin'T~ursay amath ws plyed Folowng i th lit oftheremin-record distance of 200 feet 5 inches,. OnTusa. athwshlydI FollowingkissthealstsofhtheCrnnerin-e against the - llini at Urbana which ing class baseball games: Monday, Ti aksrassteCneec gave the Michigan liftksmen their "lay 18, 4:30 o'clock-Medi'cs vs. Dents; eodo 9 et1 - nhsmd (third by Angler of Illiniois in 1923. The hrdvictory in as many starts. Fri- ,Tuesday, 4 o'clock- Sophomore eng-,1j Wolverine star has been increasing day the feat was duplicated when ineers vs. Soplioniore lits;. Wednesday, hsdsac l pigadmymk Professor -Truebloodl's men lhandlily Junior engineers play the Dents if thejahsneitamweolsroinandeaCyomae defeated the ' Purdue team at Lafay-! Dents win their game Monday. The 'fence meet in June. ette. The Illini were defeated 15-9 f winner of Tuesday's game and 'the Awing to the slow track Reinke, I and the IBoilermiakers suffered a 14-10 Iwinner of Wednesday's will meet in time star half miler covered the distance setback. 1 final Thursday. Because of the short- I nes o noexcses illbe c-}n the slow time of 2:09. In the Ohio These victories put Michigan un-F eso time, n xue wl ea-nimeet the Michigan star made the fast { nestioniably at the top of- the stand- cpefoatamntperigwnr in.1lni1a eue opsescet~ o emntapaigwe time of 1:5 4 4-5. in. llnoswa rpuedt pssssithey have a game scheduled. Dehiart Hubbard came a little a strong aggregation and their loss --- closer to the world's record in his proves the excellence of the fplay offI FRATERNITY BASEBALL favorite event whew. lie made a leap H-oldsworth and his cohorts. * Purdue l The following teams have won their 'of 25 feet 1 1-4 inches in the broad thanecedthe u uIllinoisfghtI greusensbaenalnPhiChi Alphaump Mu, eeDeltae hiUpsilhe11InanSigmalioiPhins madelph au leap pslof S25a feetad a1-2 of2inches.2inceTheh {There will be a miatch with thei Phi Sigma Kappa, Delta Sigma Phi, Wolverine flash has seriously threat- team representing Detroit College on' PiK h abaKp n obektewrdsmr o *May 23, but no Conference match willPh Kappa Sigma,PhlLmd a-edtobakhewr's akfr pa, Delta Sigma Delta, Tan Delta Phi,, the last two years and is due to sur- be participated in by the Ann Arbor Beta Theta Pi.I pass the present niark this year. team until June 12 on which late the The following games in the eimina- Hubbard is the only man in the team journeys to thme Windy City for tion series are scheduled for Monday,, country who has consistently jumped. a match with the Maroon squad. Mar8 :5oclc-imn , vr2 et Th o f r n e c a p o s i s wl a .: 4 1 'l c - i m n ,o e 4 f e.also be held in Chicago starting on Sigm a, Alpha M u vs. Delta Upsilon; June 16. At the present rate. Michigan 5 15 o clock-diaimond 1, Beta Theta enO T LL shoud coe thoughwithboththePi vs. Phi Chi; diamond 2, Delta Kay-Ir rnn indvual andeteamughtites.aHhdt pa Epsilonvs Phi Beta Delta; dia-' T IIS E woteetindividua ea -iles ol m aond 3, Phivs Lambda Kappa, vs. P hi ra~niTffl urr KapparSigmapdiamond 4nTanvidualIchampionH or the Western Conference, should!KpiavSiDela;SigmaoPidi aulamn5, T1 IIEN*IfTH I El have little trouble in gaining the hon-I ig Phi vs. Delta Sigma Delt da.od5 ors for a second time. The teanm wiligm h v.Dlt imaDla Philadelphia, May 16.-More than not encounter much difficulty in cap-I 800 athletes, nearly twice as many as turing the team honors which Chicago ID EN NTBS AL Ian y preceding year, are entered for now possesses. SceuefrMnay a 8 :scompetition in the Middle Atlantic Michigan now leads the Conference.o'lc-imn 1, ofs's Wr states track ai-d field meet to be held Chicago has not been defeated as yet, riors vs. Nighthawks; diamond 2,, at\. Haverford college, May 23. The but has only participated in two Yankees vs. Newark Stars. [ entry list has just been colsed. Imatches. Both Illinois andl Purdue Union college, with a squad of 50, have one set back against them. FRATERNITY 1104RSIMUES leads in the number of entries. A INorthwestern has lost three, Ohio The following games in the elimina- Union athlete, Nadeau, also has the ttvo, and Indiana has been twice de- tionm series must be reported to this distinction of being entered in the ffeated. office by 5:30 o'clock Monday, May 18: greatest nuilmber of events. He will ____________________i Kappa Nu vs. Phi Gamma Delta; Sig- comipete in eleven of the fourteen Patronize Dally Advertisers - iti ma Clii vs. Alpha Rho Chi; Theta Kap- events, leaving out only the high pays.-Adv. pa Psi vs. Sigma Alpha Mu. jump, broad jump and po01e vault. Totals ..........32 1 ICIIIGxAN AB -R Giles, 2b ........4 0 Pucklewartz, of .. ..4 0 H-aggerty, 3b.......4 0 Ryrhmolm, rf...... .3 0 Coleman, If ........3 0 Dilman, ss .........3 0 Wilson, 1b1)........ 3 0 Cherry, c.........3 0 Jablonowski, p .. ..3 0 6 27 6 2 I 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0. 12 9 0 A 0 4 0 0 2 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 Racey snuffed an attempted Wol- verine rally in the ninth, when he caught Giles foul fly as he hit the grand stand. Presentation of a medal and $1,000 cash prize to Dazzy Vance, Brooklyn[ pitcher, votedth ie league's most val- uable player last year, will feature Brooklyn's gold:;n jubilee celebration May 19. Young Jim Rice, son of the former coach of Columbia crews, who is now assistant to Joe Wright at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, is to enter Columbia this fall. Totals........... Score by innings: J0 0 1 27 14 1 I I 1 I I teaum that took p~art in the box- ing show can get their medals by calling for them at the In- tramural office. Freshman groumpI basketball chianmpionis can also get thmeir medals at the same office. would tie munch higher in time race. Wisconsin wvil sendh two crews into the intercollegiate regatta at Pough- keoj~ie, N. Y., this year for the first time. They will appear in the varsity ay trd fi'eshnmenmra ces. READ THlE CLASSIFIED ADS, 123 456; 739-T' Minnesota............ 000 001 000-1 Micbigan .........000 000 000-0 Summary : Two base hit: Foote. Stoleni base: Foote. Struck out: by Gruzy 5; Jablonowski S. Base on b~ails: off Jablonowski 1. Wild pitch: Jablonowski. Left on bases: Minnm- esota 5; Michigan 3. READ) IlE CLASSIFIED ADS, lbi ..I, ,.. .. .. "[ ii 1" - 1 I illI If you are thinking soon of building, You should heed this little ad. And let George do your plumbing, If you don't you'll had. wish you TENNIS REQUIRES SKILL A FAULTY racket will spoil even a champion's game. RESTRINGING done in our shop is dependable. Strings in Orange, Purple, White, and the famous Davis Cup Spiral. Prices $a. 5o-$8. oo ,i _. II I He does all kinds of heating, Hot water, gas and steam, And the Kohler fixtures Are--the finest ever seen, Let me give you an esti- ma te. George S. Wood ard Dial 21401 1212 South University Ave. REPEAT SALES INDICATE SATISFACTION It is noteworthy that buyers of RUBY Shoes return for more footwear-. This spring they are asking; for the Lombard ~A~fid' tRU BY Ic 12 Nickels Arcade I I I f II .. ....,,:, - w _.,;J , ;, -T "'}. (' I i 't .c / f c: a , ' , ,X , , i . j J ° 9 ! . ; r } . i E : ', , i { 11 .! ; 1 ? __ .:.' '"f __ = - _ / , "D - .1 - --- . i> I - i i i :j - is Chicago Detroit -. -~~~~~~ tie ait o etriht Wheter t'sfenes r frniureor ny the inoororlugtheorpingtnserie and thme pto ertatdobef- orthod wathr sts theprigethaearamte betroigou imthe inbt et ihthig. ej(u~sd uss PW AvNER'uSThtwhaty eyouer crefemfuinindwhatPinesw Brnhesthe - loogest sice an preerinInKooivein - Putty Knives Varnishies 9lAdvance Reductions in our clothing department. Headed by a special lot of HICKE Y- FR E EllA N suits a!ft $29 S we are shawing groups at 4 $32 $36 $40 1Ya~fND,*(C AN I