PAGE r~o tr THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 17, 192-5 i qq yl, b, . , a himself to be swayed y the over- ~P' ~ zealousness of any group. He might have taken this oppor- S ED R LLM USIC during the University year by the Board intut to Ug th nay pe out U AND PontbliofShed eery m ogexepAMndyDl ConrolofStuentPulictiossmuggling on our coasts, i 'possibe, and might thereby have listed his! HW'S YOUR D R A M A Members of Western Conference Editorial tAiUNTgMArRYe c Association. name among those of the great_con-_ querers of the world. Mr. Coolidge haven't much to say today, asM The Asisocuae Press is exclusvely nen- is to be commended for his sane . tUinA MAINE titled to the use for republication of all news most of the work has been done by dispatches credited to it or not otherwise handling of a situation whose fm-rknA review, by Robert Henderson. credited in this paper and the local news pub- portance has been. over-estimated. iour assistants. We should like, how- There are crows breeding in the fished therein. p ever, to tell a good one on the Ath- rafters, scared sick, baby, by the Ent~'e flthepostoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate "ST'EVE" DEFEATS ILLINOIS letic Association. racket of the crowd, flapping in and of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- Ys Yy out among the bleachers, their bills master General. Yesterday Michigan won her first You remember, (10 you not, the let- Subscription by carrier, $3.0; by mail, dual track meet from Illinois in ter from Professor Bob Angell (in re fallen open with terror. Offices: Ana Arbor Press. Building, May- twenty years, ad the University was And there is a band, half of it ab- nard Street. ty the new stadium) that was published sent, playing "Kaherina," "What the partially avenged for her defeat on in Thursday's Daily? Professor Van -Hell Do We Care" terribly, something EDITORIAL STAFF the grisiron last fall. That victory over an old rival ye;- 'Tyne thinks it ought to be awarded fierce, sour, sour Telephone 4925 And there are the adolescent boys _______ terday was one of the crownitng a prize as the best letter sent to The An aresthes entA oys MANAGING EDITOR events in the thirteen year period Daily this year. selling popfrostbitespeanutsANDci- rHILIP M. WAGNER that Coach "Steve" Farrell has served Well, an official of the Athletic as- garettes, yelling at the top of their Editor............John G. Garlnghouse Michigan. The University owes a sociation has bought up all the extra lungs, dirty, sweaty, their raucous, News Editor..........Robert G. Ramsay bekn ocssi nto City Editor..........Manning ouseworth great deal to Mr. Farrell, and the nic- copies of Thursday's paper. The rca- breaking voices slit in two. Night Editors tory yesterday seems to have brought son they wanted them, they said, was There is the crowd, a mass of five or George W. Davis Harold A. Moore six thousand, a French instructor Thomas P. Henry Fedk. K. Sparrow, Jr. that debt to a head. e has believe because of the appointments story onwhose passion is Huysmans and base- Kenneth .. Keller Norman R. Thal in Michigan through victory and de- the front page. Anyway, they effec- Edwin C. Mack ball, students, the professor of Dra- oWiliamH. Stoneman feat, and his belief was justified yes- tually quashed a movement that was Sunday Editcr..... Robert S. Mansfield terday. getting under way to send a copy to matic Literature, hs wife and four' Women's Editor.........Verena Moran year old child, two ribbon-counter Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour each of the Regents. Assistants A GOAL-ACHIEVED Another aspect of the stadium clerks from Woolworth's, the gasmen, Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer . the Rotarians and Kiwanians and Louise Barley Helen Morrow question is presented by the Music, Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher Detroit set a five million dollar ,Zontas. .. a Freshmn and a Junior Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian goal for its Y. M. C. A. building and )raa, and Sports column that liest Frs a Smith If. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson drigjut next us. Read it. e game. Stanley. C. rigton - MargaretParker expansion Itpassed that There are the two mascots: two Wiard Is. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps quota by a half million dollars. The .Cowles. boys to chase the stray balls and WioysrtoCrosby StanfordyNballe psdby Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay ** Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed people of the City of Detroit recog- bats, bursting with pride at their Margueritel Iutto L. mNoble Robinsbn nize the value of proper recreational honor. Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum Now that the annual campaign sea- Theo einteumor. ii~l-ael Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal facilities, and are to be congratulat- Na There is the umpire, middle-aged, ames W. Fernamber tederick H. Shillito u t I son has'elsed and all the machines atherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson ed upon their splendid support of co ' . . huge as an ox, trained hard as nails, Joseph O. Gartner anet Sinclair this project. have been put in dead storage, it with his padded breast-plate and Leonard Hall ),avid C. Vokessem.saetgieapnr icvw Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lili s K. Wagner Seven Y. M. C. A. branches will be seems safe to give a panoramic view wire-masks: "Play ball, baby!" Taroas Koykka and erWaplke built with this money, and it is hoped I of the various methods employed by Up in their box the pressmen are Elizabeth Liebermn that these branches will ad u the various candidates seeking one ta. ijes 1)rnchs ~vll aequaelyarianging their scores, getting ready provide recreational centers for De office or another. A special reporter teir paper, "A superb pitching _USINESS STAFF troit's thousands of young men, the for this department has been sent to performance, one lit, a hot single by Telephoie 21214 greater part of whom are probably the scene of combat and his detailed George, an elusive hop and his un- BUSINESS MANAGER employed in factories throughout the report follows: canny ability to find the, corners. .. WM. D' ROESSER day. Candidate Lawrence carried on a And finally, the players, from Advertising................E L. Dunne The City of Detroit is a great center strictly front porch campaign. All Michigan, from Minnesota: tough, Advertising......H. A. Marks ofhis speeches were ma indsrtheygraceful and confident, with brains Advertising................ B. W. Parker out as a leader in any of the "finer sanctity of his own house. His audi- Accounts ............ M. Rockwell Ictswr ee ag by instinct, two Poles, five enornous Circulation.....................John Conlin things," yet in the spirit of com- ences were never large, but were very Swedes-cocky. Publication................R. D. Martin munity helpfulness and sacrifice that appreciative. His platform contained Somewhere, in his close study, a P. W. Arnold K.tF. Mast was evidenced in this caipaign, De- many popular planks. Among them gaunt aesthete is writing a comlmuni- W.M. Aviung . . . Neann troit has set an example tatmay were: Serve beer and pretzels at the cation: "For twenty-two years I have W. C. Bauer T. D. Olmstead well be followed throughout the Union. A string quartet at every watched the increasing absorption of Irving Bermnan R. M. Prentiss ma ntemi lnn om Rudolph Bostelmean W. C. Pusch country. meal in the main dining room. student mind and energy into sport, B. Play_. Bugbee F J. RatnerCandidate Adams made a complete until now it has become so great a H. F. Clark M. E. Sandber speaking tour. . Ie spoke at such nienace to all that is serious and ,. C. Consroe F. K. Schoenfeld CAMPUS OPINION places as the Union, U hall, Barbour R.'Dent R. A. Sorge worthy . ..'here are all too many George C. Johnson A. S. Simons Aionymous communications wil be gym, tie Medical School, Nickeles ar- 0. A. Jose, Jr. M. M. Smith disregarded. The names of comiuni-.Students now attacted to the Wah- K. K. lein I J. Wineman cants will, however, be -rewarded as cade, and Calkins'. The subject of all tenaw Athens that they may spend W. L. Mullins his speeches was his outstanding teir time gesticulating rrombleach- service to the Union in the past. Is ers . . . What we need is to turn THE YEAR'S BEST platform was rather vague, and Dear Mr. Editor: chneaway from stadiums and frenzied de- SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925D.g ms . votion to a few dozen athletes . . If I were to give a prize for the gist of it was that there was goingOt b Of course, lie cannot understand this Night Editor- EONARD C. HALL best letter contributed to 'le Daily to be a little shake-up in the Union, greasy, glorious, glorified pageant. during the last year, I would award in generalw s r general.with its dirt drama, its vital, throb- CULTUE-IGNORED it to Robert Angell for his splendid The S. C. A. 'candidates spent most bing heart interest. "Hot pickles! communication (lirected against the of thleir tbiie in prayer. The student Ann Arb or stands out among the( p Play ball, baby!", campaign now going on for agrander council applicants feigned indiff'ek- mid-western towns of its size, not be- stadium. Every alumnus, every re- ence Some of them were said to . Here she goes; one, two, four, five cause of the fact that it is the seat gent, Everya inittive r-e (Semw iosix innings with no score; Jablon- caue o th fct hat itisthesea 1gent, every administrative officer, and have been seen wearing wing collars. ( of a great University, but because it bclywearingecollars.howsky pitching for Michigan ("pretty I aculty member should read his let- Others wore inOne at all. Tile oratori- offers its residents an unusual ter. He goes to the veiy heart of the cal candidates maintained the strict- good!"), Guzy pitching for Minnesota, amount of so-called culture. Yearly whole matter, strips away all the est silence. It is believed that they (pretty damn good! ) Back and its population is augmented by people specious arguments, and sopmnorc will not do so in the future. The forth, two teams evely matched, a with logic of the advocates, and shows all other candidates spent their time the University, but merely appreciate wh h Comes the old story of Casey at jwo have kept their sanity in the° making up reasons for their defeat. what the town has to offer. ..the bat. Suddenly in this sixth in- midst of all this athletic madness Several of them found it necessary Perhaps the outstanding event of whither we are drifting. to revert to these. The more fortu- ing a man makes a run -a point for this kind each year is the May Fest- It is a clarion call to the people of Minnesota-and then Michigan isacaro al oIh epl fn,(0, ones spent the following. days ival Such programs as are given the State of Michigan to awake to a congratulating one another. Why, each year cannot be heard anywhere realization of the growing misuse of we were unable to find out. first base -- the crowd wakes up - outside of New York. And it is the the great institution which they have -VALENTINE then e slides to second, to tird. townspeople who support this almost founded and developed to te endl that * * -TAnother player gets to first, then sec- entirely. Were it not for them, the their children might enjoy the bless- SEE OUR BIG FREE OFFER nd. The band begins the Victors, annual Festivals would be an .impos- ings of a serious education, and not Ithere is yelling, howling. Still an- ingsof aserius eucaton, nd n ti- enior students are all agog over sibility. It may be the Universityt th other man reaches first, the crowd tote end that a great Romian hip- a rumor that Prestermuck's Famous whc rnsmany of the supporters'0armr htPesemc'sFmu goes crazy. which brings podrome might monopolize their time Mustache Wax will be distributed free Next, the man on econd is put out, to Ann Arbor, but it is not theUni- and thoughts to the exclusion of all at the State Street entrance of Nick- versity which supports the May Festi- the truly serious matters of life. Itel Arcade in time for graduationer O fist and third. versity r maters f -e. It.'s Arcade in mGnIt is very difficult to put on paper all v~i~l" was not fo glorify a great athlete norI Day exercises Every Senior who This is, perhaps, a sad reflection these details; perhaps they are to set thousands of students clatter- °resens himself comlete with 1Presnt hms ffomlee Ith~t ~f n~ avmt tnn" _ ' wrong. But ere is your picture -- a Oin a group of nearly ten thousand ing their academic feet on the floor moustache will be entitled to receive Miiganumancon is e, aoth r studntswho re uppoedl attnd-f bMichigan man on first base, another students who are supposedly attend- o bleachersthat the University was Ione sample box free of charge. Pref- on third and the possibility of tieing g ounled. Instead1 of trusting it to erence will be given to graduating the score. crease their mental development. President Tappan or President An- students of the University, although e Csey sp po th Many are wont to condemn the stu- Then Casey steps up to bat; they gell, the founders would have select- Juniors with the complete set (in- call him Dillman, lie is the captain, dents as mentally inert and irrespon- ed a Tex Rickard to guide 'its ti-Iha S h, s ble because of this. The fault, how- nies had they wished to exalt the will also receive conplimentary pack- has hurt is rist, so thatelas prowess of beef and brawn instead ages. Sophomores under 15 years of f p t k mentality, as withathestudent of the attainients of the mind. For R age and all Freshmen who show ayingushowsi bt eais sti Casey atttud toardmusc, nd he rtstwenty-two yea rs I hlave watched the ability along tis line will be given he must come through. , in general. The average student ap- increasing absorption of studentfree-manus page booklet entitled: And he doesn't. It is all very sim- parently feels that music ad drama mind and energy into sport and so- "Brak Into Manhbood:or, 1ntwto And;somethin'tsnaps, ande fan have1no cultural value, that thley cial dissipation until now it has be- Raise a Mustache in the Home." out The man of destiny somehow serve ierely as a pastime for smo come so great a menace to all that is Pertinax. lacked the final power of wishing and of the more effeminate among them, serious and wortily iin the University's *** willing. Bab~y, baby, the team hlas! This attitude obviously bars any ' civte that every sober and earnest A VISIT T'O THlE LIBRARY. I lost; Casey- has failed to comle pleasure wiich they mightbotherwise man must cy out ag aist it. t'ee. The other day one of my class- through. and the game is ovei! derive from them, are all too many students now at- mates invited me to accompany him to Finally, the stage-hands haul away fThe etire isothn t cand dou e.a tracted to the Washtenaw Athens who I see the new Library in the Union. the bats and balls and wire masks, the I merely endure the tedium of the (lass After reaching the second floor we crowd leaves, and the crows can re- tend classora o egie ti tend every -program to be given this room in order that they may spend I soon found the big room where the turn to their natural work. . . . Like spring, they would get little or noth- tie rest of their time, like Kipling's Library was. First we had to return R penny scavengers, two little colored ing out of it. They must acquire ( Banderlog, gesticulating from bleach- to the checking room where we check- boys and a dirty-faced girl with a themre, not have it thrust upon ers or arguing around the firesides in ed our overcoats. Then we returned doll rummage among the scattered their clubhouses the merits of f,- to the Library and after glancing husks, hunting for stray peanuts. vorite athletes. around and admiring its beauty, with SANITY IN PROHIBITION Any move that increases that ten- its startling array of colours, John CORRECTION President Coolidge, despite the con- dency starts us down the steep id('s (my class mate) suggested that we Due to an error the explanatory stant urging from militant prohibi- of Avernus. What we need is to turn I each write a short note to our parents sentence beneath the scenes for "La tionists, made known his attitude to- away from stadiums and frenzied de- as a souvenir of our visit. We then Gioconda" published in connection ward the war on the rum fleet yes- votion to a few dozen athletes and to obtained a sheet of notepaper from with the article on the May Festival terday whlenl he gave out the state- seek some honest plan to get active tie attendant with University of in the feature section of this issue, nent that the ships of the United I participation in sports for all th Michigan Union printed on it in big states that these settings "will he States navy are for purposes of na- student body. For twenty years now blue letters. Seating oureslves at the used in the presentation of 'La Gio- tional defense, and not for police I have heard every plea for expansion little desks, we soon were busily at conda' on the closing night of the duty. of the facilities for the athletes bol- work. !Festival." Naturally this would be The President also declared that! stered by eager promises of what Soon the letters were finished, and ilmpossible on the Hill auditoriumj i It I A _ -- Seniors! Order your Personal Cards Now 1 } [ . >; 4 r f 7 i i GRAHAM'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK ....... ..,.... MAKE. SELLDo You Want to Be Ao Satisfied? then eat at We Also do High Class Work in CLEANING AND REBLOCKING HATS of all KindsL FACTORY HAT STORE 338 Maynard 617 Packard St. Phone 7415 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) l{- I, 1 ii -.y I , .i i i i i i I I i i i I )T 414N ~ -O -Tg -EREp RT;T Warner Brothers present- RENCS T LUITE AmAN Production MAY McAVOY, LAIE PREVOST, 'PAULINE FREDERICI&, with LEW CODY W14LARD LOUIS, MLARY CARR, PIERRE GENDROV I ini I'll Directed by EIZNKST LUBITSCH WAIER BRO Classics of the Screen".< f A it fill I