PAMlC IMIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDTAY, MAY 19, 1925 DAILY OFFICIAL DUILETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received 1by the Assit~tiunt to the Proalent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdavk _+ t , Volume 6 SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1925 Auniher 1681 -l Acti(;n of Admilnistraive Board, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Mr. Benjamin Juliar has been suspendedl for the rest of the present semester, because of dishonesty in the theme work of Rhetoric 2. Miss Julia Brown has been suspended for the rest of the- present se- mester, because of dishonesty in the thesis work of Sociology 51. Mr. Samuel Leibov'itz has been suspendled until February 1 926, be- cause of dishonesty in the thesis work of Psychology 31. W.1R. lHumphreys. Freslimait Pageant: There will be a complete rehearsal of the Freshman Pageant, Monday, May 18, at 5:00, at Palmer Field. Jeani Hamilton, Dean of Women. F'aculty of the School of Education: 'There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the School of Education at the office of the School, Tappan Hall, Monday, May 18, 4:15 P. M. A full attendance is desired. A. S. Whitney. New Independent Reading Course in Economies (Economics 200): Applications are now being received from juniors for admission to the new course of Independent Reading in E~conomics which is to be inaug- urated next fall. This course, somewhat like the Honors Course now given in the English Department, is designed to develop more initiative and self direction in the students enrolled, as well as better coordination of all their indlividlaul interests. The ten or twelve members of the group will be re- leased from regular class attendance to the, extent of the credit hours they are seeking in the Independent Reading Course (normally six hours each semester), so that they may visit classes of their own choosing and may read more largely according to their own judgment. The individual work of the students in the course will be supplemented by conferences with economics instructors and by group discussions among members of the c(Irse. Occasionally papers will be required. Juniors who are interested may secure further information by inquir- ing at the office of the Secretary of the Economics Department, or by con- sulting with members of the committee in charge: Professors Day, Sharf- man, Dickinson, and, Goodrich. This committee will interview all appli- cants individually before the personnel of the course is decided. High scholarshiip and previous work in the Social sciences will be important considerations, but all available evidence as to the candidates' interest and capacity will be revieNwed. Edmund F. Day. StudenEts for Sumnier York: For special sales work. No experience necessary. See F. G. Graham, Michi1gan Union, Monday, May 18. J. A. Bursley. Toj fembers of the Universly of Mi3cigan Band: 'The unit will assemble at band headquarters at 1 :45 uniformed to in- clude, capes. Robert V. Halsey, D. M. Classical Journal Club: P, The Classical Journal Club will hold its final meeting of the year on :jM6~day, flvay 18, at 3:00 o'clock, in Room 2014 Angell 'Hall. t ' James E. D~unlap, Secretairy. MRen's Education Club: The last meeting of the Men's Education Club will be held Monday, -1May 18, in Room 306, Union, at 7:30 P. M. Professor P. B. Samson of EMichigan State Normal College will 'speak. His topic will be: "Boy Scout jWork as an Educational Activity." All members of the club are urged to be present. Herman F. Beck. M ichigan Dames: ' There will he an installation of officers, followed by a banquet on May 19, at the Church of Christ at 6 P. M. All p~resent andl former Dames wish- ing to attendl call Dial 5028 for reservations before May 18. Mrs. Joseph Sweeney, t Vice-President of Michigan Dames. M )embers of Delta Sigma, hoe: There will be a meeting of Delta Sigma. Rho in 302 Mason Hall Tues- dlay, May 11th, at 4 P. M. At that time there will be a proposal of several constitutional changes submitted by the Constitutional-revisionl Commit- tee; and the annual election of officers will take place. Every member of the Alpha Chapter of Michigan is urged to present at this meeting. 1R. L. Alexander,' President. Gun and Blade Club: The Gun andI Blade banquet for Veteran Bureau Trainees is scheduled for six o'clock Saturday evening, May 16th, Room 323 U~nion. All those whlo have purchased tickets for this banquet please be there at 5:45 P. M. HI. E. McArthiur. ITo Play Second1 Alpha Omicron Pi defeated the IWestminster team by a score of 14 Baseball Seriesjto 3. Second round' games in the inter- I London, May 15.--Viscount Jellicoe house baseball series will be playedI who commanded the British Grand at 4 o'clock, Monday in Palmer field. fleet during the World war, has ac- U mpires for the games have been se- cepted the chairmanship' of the coun- lected by Miss Elsie Erley as follows: cil of overseas settlement. IMary Allshouse, '27, for the game of Kappa Alpha Theta vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Frances Kennedy '27, for Tangier, May 155.-Confirmation has Alpha Xi Delta vs. Delta Gamma; been received here of reports that Leona Weniger, '25, for Alpha Phi vs. Germans are actively engaged in d.- Delta Zeta, Margaret Purdy, '27, for recting the Ruffians in their warfare Alpha Epsilon .Iota vs.. Helen New- i against the French and Spanish. berry; and Adelai'de Sherer for Alpha Reore students with Dr. Nettin Congregational church: "Wonder, f1 AT~i lN Reome ia1 . i of the Sea." Clara L ail, '25, is, the HATS1. GO .7A ING N 1 tI-- 0Congre"cgationlal canoe coner-.1speaker. Notices to appear in this column must once: "Memories of a Year of Fel-!-___ _______ b~e left in the box at the Dally office provided for '1at purpose before4 lowship." Meet at the church andnr n i 11rw nin o'clock precesdinp, toe day of issue. Ibring own supper. ! ri ni IVIRIU T.IHD LE t 4:0 E icplsu et)iea dsp 11 11 UU !SATU'yeF R G N U C N I I UIhaq at rs)A per. Meet at Harris hall. 1:45a-Varsity band meets at band i 4:00-Lthieranm Student club meets at Ilh ais all39EslWsi 9:00-M1en try out~ for intercollegiate 'tnsretln deingcasi om 0,MsnWsin-'tetn will go over the river ' Enro~llmnt in the Lake Geneva ebatng cass n rom 32. Mson for- lunch, and an outdoor meeting. (' feceor1~is tedy 9 :30-Interfraternily ouitdoor' track i :3(-I'nitarii students imeets at the' creasing, leaders report. It is be-, meet at Ferry field. church for p~icnic meeting up the riv- lieved that the quotas of 50 for the 112:04-New and old directors of the!o-;Uiest n 0 o h tt i Compltncueolrnoml :5I: .P pci. Me t lh one illead20frteSaewl 1:30-5:30 - International exhibition church. Rlepresentatives of the tulen t of modern paintings from the Car-15 :30-Sociail hour at the Presbyterian Christian association expect to en-' negie institute of Pittsburgh, in Al-! church, roll1 two or three Michigan faculty umni Memorial hall. 4 5:30-ll4ptjst guild studlent friendlshtip men in a short time. There will be dinner at the Union. hour at the Guild house. miore thant 50 college professors, S :30-B1aptist guild hike; meet at the 6 :30--Discussion onl "What Qualities de us and presidents at the camp wvho Guild house. Should a Christian Expect of a Pro-; will lparticipadte in the general sass-' 4:30-Baniquet for fathers at the Un-! spective Lifemate," led by Il. V.' ion and the discussion groups. ion.j McClusky at the Presbyterian church.1 6:00-Gun and Blade banquet for Vet- I 0:30-Baptist guild devoionials led by Tokio, May 15.-The emperor has. eran Bureau Trainees,.,in room 323,1 Nils Tavares. ratified the Japan-Mexico treaty of, Union. b :t0-Mlotion picture service at the commerce and aviation. 9 :00-Lutheran Student club dance at Harris hall. 2:00-ILWomn..trut for Intercollegi. ate dlebating class in room 302, Ma- Three E ducational Tours in Europe son hall. via the St. Lawrence River Route SUNDAY t These inexpensive Third Cabin Tours afford an exceptional 8 :00--Holy Conminnion at St. A ndreii' s. opportunity to visit Episcopal church. ! BRITAIN -- HOLLAND -- BELGIUM -- FRANCE 9:00-Student Volunteers meet at Ar- and to see some of the most beautiful and romantic places in Canada, boret um.l including historic Montreal and Quebec. 9:30--Church school at St. Andrxew's; The river trip accustoms one to the ship long before the Ocean is reached Episcopal church. j and the scenery on almost one-thousand miles of river from Montreal 10:130-D~r. :Nettinga of Hope Semin- to the sea will live long in the memory. ary sp~eaks to Reformed and Christ- ! JUNE 19-- Leaving Montreal on the JUNE 27 - Leaving Montreal on the ianl Reformed studients at Lane hail. Athenia for Glasgow, returning from Ausonia for Plymouth. returning from Cherbourg July 17 on the Ausonia. Liverpool July 24 on the Alaunia. !~ 1:00-M 3orning prayer and sermion by Under auspie. Guy Tombs Limited. Under auspices W. H-. Henry Limited, Ithe Rev. Hlenry Lewis at St.And~- Montreal. Montreal, JULY 3-Leaving Montreal on the Letitia for Glasgow. rewv's Episcopal church. returning frorn Cherbourg July 31 on the Ascanla. Under 12:00-Howard Y. Ae'lusky's class for auspices of Guy 'tombs Limited, Montreal students meets at the Presbyter-ian f4~ Inclusive cost of Tour $330 chuch.Consult the following for more details and for 12:60-Professor Watermian and Mfr. particulars of itinerary Chapman lead student classes at the Guy Tombs Ltd. W. H. Henry Ltd. Batit ii285 Beaver Hail Hill 86 St. James Street, Bap Montreal :i:00-Paul 11assernian sp~eaks to Ilin. 'i The Robert Reford Co. Ltd., 20 Hospital St., Montreal dustan club on the "Hebrew Uni- versity of Jerusalem," at Lane hall. C N R Election of officers will follow t~he CU A D-N H R- DONALDSON lecture. 1243 Thpshinmgton Blvd., Detroit, 31ichi. I 3 :00-Informal discussion group for " EngI~lih32: Mt-y sections in English 31. will please have Swift, and come on Monday prepared to consider Book. One in Hanford, Selections from Milton. carefully read through Milton, Paradise Lost W. H. Mack. Reports on Field Trips In Glacial Geology ({ Geol. 128) : As I shall be absent from the city after 'May 23 it is important that re- ports on field trips be in my hands by May' 20. They may be left in Room 130 G, Natural Science Building, or at my residence at 1724 S. University Avenue. Frank Leverett. Advertise in "The Daily" Chi Omega vs. Apha Eipslon Pi. Betsy Barbour was defeated by the Delta Delta Delta= team in the first round. games played Wednesday, thus losing for Betsy Barbour the chance, to hold for another year the silver trophy which was won by their team last year. The dormitory wvomen held their own after the first inumn but the game ended with the close score of 10 to 9. SENIORS I Attention is called to the members of the senior classes of all colleges that their sub- scriptions to the Michigan Alumnus have to be paid by May 21. The. class 'treasurers of the engineering and arch'i- tectural classes will receive the ! payments from the members of their classes; all other classes are to pay directly to the Uni- versity treasurer.1 Tokio, May 15. -- Negotiations are proceeding between the United States and Japan for a liquor treaty, similar to that between the United States and Great Britain. The treaty would not apply to the Philippine Islands. WANTED! Girls' Discarded Dresses r Coats and Shoes 1-fighestj Cash Prices Paid - i' TRINITY ENGLISH BETHLEHEM FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST ZION LUTHERAN LUTHERAN CHURCH EVANGELICAL CHURCH SCIENTIST CHURCH Wllam~(Evangelical Synod of N. A.) 409 South 1)liilon t ahn-o St.,adFthAe Fifh ve ad Iilia S. WshngonFourth Ave. between WilliamWahntnS. and FrhAe Packard 10:30 A. M.-Sunday morning ser Rev. L. F. CNIMN Pso vice; subject, "Mortals and E. C. STEL 1,11010, Pastor GLEM~ Pso . A. NEUMANN, Pastor Imnmortals." 11:45 A. M-Sunday school follow- 9:00 A. M.-Bible tutdy. 9:30 A. M.-Bible School. 9:00 A. M.-Adult Bible classes. ing the morning service. 10:0 A.M.-onfrmaton nd om-10:30 A. M.-Service with sermon. 10:30 A. M.-Worship. Sermon: 1000A. .onfirmP.M.ReutiondesayThandmn com- bse o "A auhtr' Fitfunes. sevie.Pato'stoic "evening testimony meeting. Exoduts 20-16. Subject: "The "Prayer in Christ's .Name." LiaranHisCorades. 4:00 P. M.-l4utheran Student Club 11:30 A. M.-Thme usual German The Reading Room, 608 First Na- willleae te Paishhal forsericewillbe mited.tional Bank building, is open 5:30 P. M.-Outdoor meeting of wilaveuthePrshhloor sevieeiltbiite. daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except tesuetgop anou~oo eeig.- 6:30 P. M.-Young People's H-our. Sudyan legal holidays,.h tdetgop 1 I I--- z. I It A New Sport Oxford For real solid comfort, this sport Oxford can not be beaten. Tan and wvhite uppers itih crepe soles combines dressiness with wuearing qualitt). $9.Wr STATE STREET DISCIPLES CHURCH OF CHRIST Cor. Hill & Tappan KENNETH B. BOWEN., M1nister 9 :30-Bible school. 40:30-Morning worship. Topic by the pastor: "A Lawyer's Question." 3 :00-Young People will leave the church for an outing. Chris- tian Endeavor in the open at 6:30. Open to all students. 7:30-Great musical program. "The Conversion of Saul" will Je rendlered in music. The pastor will speak briefly on: "What Happenedi to Saul ?" The public is invited to both services. UNITARIAN CHURCH State and huron Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, 1Inis-ter. Plilllp E. LaRowe, Musical Director 10:45 PROF. A. EUSTACE HAYDON of the University of Chicago ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHIURCH (Missouri Synod) Third atud West Huron Streets CART, A. BRAUER, Pastier 1:30 A. M.-Worship in German. 10:30 A. M.-Bible Class. 1'1 :30 A. M.-Worship in E~nglish, Sermon subject: "Our Pray- ers." 2:30 P. M.-Students and Young People's outing by auto to Miller's farm beyond Dexter. Leave from parsonage. Thursday, May 21st, 7:30-Ascen- sion Day services in the Eng- lish language. "YOUTH AND THE WORLD TODAY" 4:30 Student's Union will meet at church for outdoor meeting I --A i I Telephone 6616 CORNER CATHERINE and DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, Rector. H. L. LONSDALE, Assistant. RACHEL HIAVILAND, Secretary for Student Work,. 8 :00 A. AL--1oly Communion. 9:30 A. M.-Church school. 11:00 A. M.--Aorning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Mr. Lonsdale. 4:00 P. M. Students' Hike and Supper. Mfeet at Harris Hall. 4:45 P. M.-E. Y. P. A. picnic. Meet at the church. I CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. HERBERT A. J1UMP, lAliirlser. E. KNOX MITCHBELL, I'n~versif y Pastor. 9:30-Sunday school . Picture- -Address on "A Church of Twenty-one Races." 9:45-Boys Sunday M\'orning Guild mneets with Mr. Junip. 10 :45-Service of worsxhip. Father's Day sermon: "Reliian and tile Busine'ss Sense." Last appearance of tihe Chorus Choir this sprning. 4 :00-H~igh School Federation. Father's Day program. Prof. T. L. Purdom will speak on "Boys and Men." 4:00-Canoe Conference for University Students: "Memories of a Year of Fellowship." Meet at the church and bring own supper'. 8: 00-Motion picture service. "Wonders of the Sea." Clara B. Laui, '25., will be the speaker. C .BROWN 120 Fourth Ave. I L 21 J Fw ..... ImfI A ..rr r. .rrrrr. rrs. .rsrr~e, .rrrirrrs.rrorcrrroc rrrr wrrs ., I.I For 10 Days- *1 R. EDWARD SAYLES, MINISTER HOWARD R. CHAPMIAN M1INISTER TO STKUDENTS 10 : 0-Worship and sermon. Mr. Sayles speaks on "FLOWERINGI RELIION. i x FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner South State and East Washington Streets REV. AR{THUR'IV. STALKER, I). D., Minister R1EV. WV. SCOTT WESTE:RMAN, Associate Minister R1ev. lDonaud Timnermtan Ellen W. Moore Directors of Student Activities 2501o OFF BLANKETS, BANNERS AND PENNANTS " ' YN i i 0 !1I ~'r'~'