SA'T'URDAY, MAY 16, 1925 SATUDAYMAY16, 925THE MICHIGAN DAILY -1 )TH C8 U'MN CLAS S I-F I I0 COLUMN CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. Dutch Air 'Flivver' Uses Little Gasoline , . , - S rt .Footwear to allI studenits on all Michigani Jewelry fromi today until commenlcelC- mnent! Come in and we will be pleased to show you our large stock.E A R{N , A) 302 S. State FOR SALE FOR SALE--Old Town Canoe, 17 ft. $15. Call 5017. FOR SALE-Canoe, Al condition, 2' new paddles and backrest. Price $30. Call C. K. Stoob, 110 South In- galls. Phone 3256. rt N Ii-i F,,,,u; .7 J, Footwear for sports or -hik- ing, in tans and combina- tions, with crepe or leather soles. Very suitable for golf. .Compacts, watches andl pictures frames of the most exquisite jewvelry selections. These are especially priced for the spring season. A RN 0OLD1 State Street Jeweler "FORL SALE or exchange, a good law library, all in good order. Michigan J Daily Box 110.I SUITS $25-$30-$35 BERMAN THE TAILOR 2012 Souith St~fatSret ' 1._ 4 r' a I i $5.0(0 to $6.50 Ormoderate prices make it possible i YEVUTN A- :: "{..:'3,: :{: ,. :{, . for all to have FRESH 110ME I GROWN FLOWERS. SrlJDENTS-Have your notes and(I ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. thesis neat by typewriting them for Dutch aero manufacturers are ready to flood markets of the world with 122 . Lbert. .Phoe 1~30 nlyl~c er age 637Oakand a half gallIons of gas an hour. rrhey are eqluipped with a 25 h~p. Auzani engine, MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDY Phone 21453. 1 building roof. The British vice air marshal, Sir Sefton Blrancker (left), is Fresh every Friday. Tice's, 119 E. ' j known as Pander' monoplanles, at Croydon, Enigland. Liberty. WANTED { ________________I RhedsHouehldPacking Co. I WANTED-Foar next year, single S ccess Of IN utrition JExhi bit Moving-Packing-Storage l room for law student, cheap. Call us for long distance moving.! STIJI)EN'TS FOR SUMMER WORKM a.el Loads insured. I ship to all points. For special sales work. $24.00 ll" e d T th r-D . B l L a To th r -D 526 Detroit St., Phone 3515. weekly salary anda bonius. Noex CO" LG tdn; ayfrsme perience necessary. See Mr. J. G. Wheni interviewed regarding the! At present no plans are being made months; splendid e x p e r i e 11 c e; Graham, Michigan Union, Monday, success of the nutrition exhibit held! for an exhibit next year, though an pleasant work; $273. for 78 days. May_____18, _ ___all_____day._____in BTarbour gym~nasiumr this week, Dr. ; attemupt will 1)0 madle to make Nuttri- Write Suite 309 General Necessities WANTED-Good five-piece dance! Margaret Bell, general chairman oftinWeannulorbnila- Bldg., Detroit. orchestra for May 23. Call Graves; the commirittee, statedl thait the ex- fi nAnAbr - 3818. ~~~~~~~~hibit was unquestionably successful,"ti rvlg oha uhci SHE EARDWlI O __________________and that a great deal of interest intDr WAIT- TAILORS nutrition had been1 stimulated in thle nent authorities as Dr. Newburgh,Dr 22 0. G. ANDRES A!I0~AE~Stud)ents and townispeople. Lerwis and Dr. Marsh each of whom SOUTH STATE STREET ~ Tihl satisfy your .taste, and fit This was the first time such an gv h ulec nomto hc -- LOST yuoes. elaborate program has been prepared wl eo lsi~ au ote, WILD THlE TAILOR for such an exhibit, and the gratify- most.sBellfiant " think onewicheas LOST-Small pocket book contain- 113 South Main St. luig attendance andl interest shown at ms infcn hns~hc a ingĀ° bills in or between Treacher's _____________________ the lectures has asstured us that the brought to the attention of the visi- andt Engineering Bldg. Reward. TYPEWRITERS{ trial has been worth while," -Dr. Bell; tors was Di. Mashs statement Call 21132. , aid.I Thursday night that the 'energy in- _________________________Phone 3912' 1________________________ take mnust not exceedl the energy out- LOST-Gold fountain pen, name A. R.i For Typewriter Repairing *-puit.' That cannot be* brought home Arnold on cap. Call 21647. hall makes) MVusic And Drama ; too strongly to the general public," Dealer in Woodstock typewriters,____ continued Dir. 1Bell. LOST-Will finder of small brown Standard and Portable adding ma- (Cninefo ,Pg Five) ____________________ pigskin purse in Library building chines. (otinued97 fragiebokd ;o kindly mail it to Daily, Box 111, Ann Arbor 'Typwriter Exchange y; he.92 let eail1boe fr'ENS~IAN PAYMIENT'S1 containing checks and keys intact, svn BkBidig'the lMtetro___ retaining change and bills as re- Acadlemfy of Music, and the Chicago Stdnswo aels e ward if (esired.BAT SOPSAucltoriun--it simply imutst 1)e the I p ,t r iw 12- Enia .o air flivvers that use only one and and can land in a city street or on a seen insp~ecting one of the craft, New York, Mlay 15.-MAayor Hylan, acceding to the request of Health Commissioner Monaghan, was va cei- nated against smallpox yesterday as an example to the public. Walir'7s Shoe Store (downtoowni) 0 FI Read, The Daily "Classified" Columns L Engineering and alt others FOR RENT FOR RENT-Physician's offices with dentist in Detiroit. Busy corner, practice established, rent reason- able. Apply in person. Dr. Snyder, Mack Field, Detroit. FOR RENT-Completely furnished 8-room home and garage for sumn-I mcir session or-ent ire summer, one bllock from camnpus. For further in- formftation phone 21928, 518 Monroe. FOR RENT-Lower furnished ap~art- ment fromn June 15 to September 15. Inquire 720 Haven, phone 7252. FOR RENT-Lower furnished apart- maent, from June 6 until September 15. 720 Haven, phone 7252. FORL RENT--Large desirable rooms for summer students, shower baths, rent reasonable and located be- tween Ferry Field, and, campus. Phone dial 21677 or call at 523 Packard. Mrs. E. B. McKigger. Permanent Waving and Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St.j BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP a5NICKELIS ARC'AI)E-1)616 DIMATTIA BEAUTY SHOP offers soft water shampoos, especial at-! best musical comedyy Miclhigan ever p~roduced. TH'IE I)A.N('E EXTRlAVAGANZA lsillian Adela Franzow, a pupil of Ruth St. D~enis and Ted Shawn, and her company of sixty-five dlancers will r I I c ten tion for cu rly h air. H air cu t- p riese nmt th e 1925 edlition of T he lan ce lt n n a i g b x e t o e a x r v g i a at r h s r a l, D - tors. Phone 8878. -__1_- troit ,on the ev ening of Siaturday, a M Aay 2,3. The- progra1m- will include ]V1'?/1ffJIAL L. "The Story o1 the Tango,..""Th'le Hymn ITEMS of Joy," "A B3abylonian S_ pectacle," andl other numbers patt ernedl after the IDenishawn technique. Tfhe set-, (Continued froni Page Six) tings have been designed by St ephen pa E4psilon vs. Phi Beta Delta; dia- Nastfogle of the Bonstelle Company, mond 3, Phi Lambda Kappa vs. Phi and seats for the performance have Kappa Sigma; diamond 4, Tau Delta b~een placed1 on sale at Grinnell's Mu- Phi vs. Delta Signma Phi; diamond 5, sic Store.; Sigma Phi vs. Delta Sigma Delta. _ r-- E~ iDEPENDE rF,1BASEBILL Gradingr Startjed, who have not yet paidl in full for thmeir books, may obtain2 newv receip~ts 01'conclude their p~aynments by calling at the 'En- Sian office at the Press build- ing b)etween 2 and 4 o'clock any afternoon this week, it was an- niouncedl yesterdlay by Frederick ATI Phelps, Jr., '2(i, who will be in charge of (distrib~utioni. New receipts will be issued to those who have lost the originals. Those who fail to .lhay in full for their 'Ensians will be forced to wait until af- ter the regular distribution has been comp~letedl to obtain books,f as there wvii le no time in which to straighten irregular- ities when the distribution at the Library is in progress. Terrace Garden Dancing Studio Open lDaily, 10 a. il to_ 10 i We teach all mnoderui, fancy, ballot, stage, tango and folk dances for children and adults. Class every Monday and Frid ay. Pifteen one-hour lessons, $5.00. No. 22 WtTEIITH ARVCA1)E Phone 8328 Wool Camp and Army Blankets Light Double Cotton Blankets Barracks Bags, Navy Sea Fags Haversacks and Knapsacks A FEW OF THE E SSEN' TIAL ITEMS ARE: SHOES AND CLOTHING Extra Heavy Double Sole Army and Hiking Shoes Moccasin Pack Shoes in High-Top, Regular or Oxford Tennis, Officers ah.d Light Munson Army, Shoes Mosquito TVents--must be seen. to be appreciated Steed Mirrors with Case Cante ens with Cast and Belt Field and Regulation Khaki Army and Whipcord Breeches Camp Clothing Khaki Coats and Trousers Regulation White Navy Pants and Hats Leather and Wrap Puttees Canvas Leggings, Rain Coats, Ponchos, Slickers and Hats Schledule for Mvondlay, May 18 : 4:1 o'clock-Diamnond 1, Wolfson's . War- ifors vs. Nighthawks; diamond 2,I At Nurses Home FOQR RENT-Furnished house suit- I - iomgangas)entredn ab~le for club of 14. Ample kitchenI Yankees vs. Newark Stars. oiigrdnhabensrtdn and~ dining room. Box 112. the ground~s of the new Nurses' _____ ______________ FRATEINITY HORSESHOES home. In places as much as three FOR RENT-$60 monthly. Furnished, The league winners in Fraternity! feet is being cut away by steam -~heated self-contained apartment. horseshoes as as follows: Phi Gain- shovels. lust right for two adults. Dial 7013.I ma Delta, Sigma Chi, Alpha Kappa Next week laying of walks will be Ralph T. Swezy. Lambda, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Kappa Nu, started. "Alpha Rho Chi; Theta Kappa Psi, Phi FOR1t RENT- Furnished apartments Lambda Kappa, Sigma Alpha Mu. ____________ ~and light-housekeeping rooms. Will i'en unurnihedif esird. ial The following games in the elimina- - ren ufurisedif esred Daltion series must be reported to this i - " 71013. Ralph T. Swezey. office by 5:30' o'clock Monday, May 18:- FRRN-LredsrberosKappa Nu vs. Phi Gamma Delta; Sig- ,k k for summer. students, shower baths, mna Chi vs. Alpha Rho Chi; TeaKp rent reasonable and locadted be- pa Psi vs. Sigma Alpha Mu.I- Phone dial 21677 or call at 533j Sweater awards for Sophomore lies Packard. bowling and relay teamscabehd ____________________________by calling at the Intramural office. FOR RENTr-Professor's honme, for I unieseso oretrsume. Fort William, Ont, May 15.-Forest;t Completely furnished, 7 rooms,! fires are ragingf near here. From bath and large sleeping porch, {Hiirkett to Nipigon, fires have been electrical appliances, gardlen, gar-, sweep~ing through the country, the- age. On bus line near Burns Park. latter town being threatened with ;- -_ -a P'hone 21655.- destruction. FOR RENT-Sept 1, second floor I Dial 6282- apartment. Four rooms, kitchen-1 Read the W ant Adz 905 Forest Ave. Dial 6137."' a a fi t' e your reservations NOW May Festival week Khaki, Poplin and Pongee Shirts, $1 .00 and Up Also Light Flannels, Broadcloth, 0. D. Wool Armay Shirts Corduroy, Suede and Plaid Blankrpt Shirts, Blouses ano Blazers Ladies Flannel Shirts, Heavy and Light Wool Socks Golf Hose Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hose Underwear, all Styles SUEDE LEATHER JACKETS in brown, tan or grey for ladies and men~f Knit Coats and Soweaters, $2.98 and up TENTS:w All kinds. Camp equipment, Gold Medal Furniture, Folding ____________________________Cons, Stools, Buckets, Stoves, Air Mattresses, Sleep- ing Bags, Canvas Auto Covers, Navy Hammocks, the drern Shop 703 East University Downtown in Rear of Post {Office 213 North Fourth -i OWN" . . . ..... .. ..a.. ... , 0OA . ASSOCIATION PROGRAM 4 11 Ul a 1111